- 281 AC -
- Harrenhal -
(Eddard POV)
"That's a lot of money. What are you going to do with it?" I ask Robert while we are walking through the grounds around Harrenhal.
"Spend it, what else? That's what gold is for, Ned. You should know that."
"Very funny. I mean, what are you going to spend it on? Whores, wine, or are you going to build another castle?"
"Another one? Seems redundant."
"Oh gods, the fact that you could say that without humour just speaks for the absurdity of what you turned Storm's End into."
I sigh, thinking about the ginormous city that Storm's End has turned into. When I left Winterfell to go to the Eyrie for fosterage and met Robert, I never would have thought that there would be another castle in Westeros as great as the one of my House. And from what Stannis told me, that might have been the case. After reaching ten and six name days, Robert was in a hurry to get back home and 'relieve' Stannis, as he claimed. He seldom returned to the Eyrie, but when he did, it was to do something big. Improve the sewage system, give food to the smallfolk, introduce new types of food or make friends with the Vale Mountain Clans.
And then, he finally invited me to Storm's End one day. And gods, what a sight it was. I could see that he used that pain he most likely had but tried to hide from me to create something wonderful. The streets were clean and well-built, and the houses were big and beautifully constructed. Everyone had enough food and access to health and security. Criminal activity was low, at least from what I could see, and the castle of House Baratheon has never looked more impressive and imposing than it does now. I was in utter awe.
When Robert first arrived in Winterfell, I was happy to see him interact with my siblings. He and Brandon instantly understood one another. They were similar in a way, I suppose. But there was a lot more mischief in Robert than there was in Brandon. Robert is also very well-liked by Benjen, who teaches some fighting techniques. There is no one better suited for that than Robert in Westeros. His martial prowess is unmatched, in my opinion, and no matter what I have learned from my father, whether we show it or not, I will never match him in battle.
Then there is Lyanna. If there is one person in the world I would accept as my brother-in-law, it would be Robert. He is honourable and utterly loyal. When he got close to Elia Martell, he only had eyes for her for as short as the 'relationship' lasted. He would have been the best husband available for her. He didn't care that she was a woman and started to teach her how to fight without a second thought. Father was furious. As angry as I had never seen him before. And when Robert dared to question his way of raising us children, he went as far as to ask him to leave. Lyanna was sad, as were Benjen and Brandon. I understood why Father did it. But I was sad either way.
Robert wasn't sad or angry or hurt by this. He just took it how it was and left for the Westerlands. Nothing could keep Robert down for long. It was as if he had something inside him that kept him going. Sometimes, he would look into the distance and ponder about something. He had a look that seemed to go beyond the physical realm as if he knew more than we mortals did. And that was the only thing that worried me about Robert.
He was incredibly secretive.
There was a darkness to him that no one could possibly see through. He had the potential to create something from nothing. To build massive castles and bring innovation and change. But he also had the potential for great destruction and death. And that power of his scares me at times. I imagine what Robert would do if he wasn't the happy, unbothered man he was. What if he also started to develop a taste for fire, like the king, or death? What if the melee the day before yesterday was just a demonstration of what was to come? What could stand in his way?
The answer to this is nothing.
That is the ugly and scary truth. Robert has a way with words that seems to go against the natural order. When you want to argue with him about a topic, he manages to not only make you change your mind and agree with him, but you actively want to follow him. He is like a beacon of charisma and light, which pulls in everyone when he wants to be. But since King Aerys stole Elia and gave her to Rhaegar, Robert has become a bit more silent, taciturn, and purposeful. He was planning something, of that I am certain. But I don't know what it is.
Today, the joust was beginning. Robert had made a name for himself, a bigger one than he already had. After the very bloody and messy melee, in which Robert killed two knights of House Connington and used Lord Connington as an object to throw him against Ser Gerold Hightower, he has been the talk of the tourney. Yesterday, Robert entered the archery contest and scored first place. And he did it with an ease that awed all those who had the pleasure of witnessing it. Stannis also entered but only managed to get third place. At this point, Robert had amassed a fortune of many thousands of gold dragons just by winning the melee and archery contest. But it wasn't over. Oh, no. He had big plans, and since today the joust started, he naturally attended that as well.
"Say, how good are you at jousting, Robert?"
"Hmm ... we'll see."
"Hah, you say that like you didn't try it out before," I say and look at Stannis, who shakes his head.
"... W-wait. You HAVE tried it before, right? Please tell me you are not going there without ever jousting before?"
"Alright, then, I won't tell you that."
"Oh, thank god. I was worried for a second."
"Say, Stannis, what were the rules again? I just have to hit them off their horses, right? Or is there more to it?" Robert asks.
"Y-you don't know the rules?"
"I thought you said you knew the rules, Robert," Stannis says.
"I wasn't aware that they changed the rules and made it easier for weak contestants. Why would you need more than one rule: push him off his horse? Seems simple enough to me."
"That's true enough, and while there is a way to score points, it won't matter for you. All you need to do is hit your opponent with the lance and, as you said, make them submit. That's all there is to it, in a general sense. Don't sweat the details and just unhorse anyone you come up against."
"That's a very basic description, Stannis," I say, but he just shrugs.
"It doesn't matter in Robert's case. As long as you remain on your stallion and hit the others off, you will eventually win, even if you should meet someone with much stamina."
"Do you truly think Robert will win that easily? Surely there are skilled opponents, like Rhaegar Targaryen."
"It won't matter who stands against Robert. In a one-on-one fight, Robert will always come out on top, no matter the format. There is nothing to convince me otherwise. If anything, I am worried about those foolish enough to challenge him."
"Surely there is no one who-"
"Robert Baratheon! I CHALLENGE YOU!"
"Huh, I didn't expect that," I say, surprised at the bold challenge of Walter Whent's eldest son.
"And Robert hasn't even reached the jousting field yet. That has to be some record."
Stannis has joined my and my sibling's lodge to spectate the jousting. He observes the field and the participants with his stony face. In a way, both Baratheon brothers are similar. You can't tell what they are thinking at any moment. Stannis appears as cold as a stone, with no expression on his face, unless he is alone with Robert. Robert, on the other hand, appears boastful and loud, laughing and happy most of the time. But neither show their true colours.
"How's your younger brother? Renly is his name, right?"
"Renly? Ah, he's alright."
"Alright? Didn't he want to see the tourney as well?"
"Renly celebrated his fourth name-day a while ago. I don't think he even knows what a tourney is yet. Mother and Father won't be coming, so neither will Renly."
Stannis didn't mention it. He never does, neither he nor Robert. But ever since the incident in King's Landing, neither the Lord nor the Lady of House Baratheon have appeared in public anymore. I understand they found company in each other's presence, at least, and took care of their youngest child. I don't know exactly what is happening since Robert never talks about it and changes the subject if someone mentions it.
"I accept your challenge Ser ... uhh ... who are you again?"
"I AM RONALD WHENT. Heir to Harrenhal. Walter Whent is my father!"
"Right! Of course, I knew that. Well met, Robin."
"My name's RONALD!"
"Bahahaha, but of course. Ronald White... Our joust will be legendary!"
"On the contrary, young Donald, I have all the respect a man of my stature could have for a man of your class and ... and ... hairline."
When Robert's words were heard, the people started laughing. They were disrespectful and not what Jon taught us, but they got those who heard them laughing since Ser Ronald Whent was beginning to bald at an early age. Robert had hit a nerve.
Ronald Whent urged his horse forward. He was angry beyond belief after Robert had provoked him. Although I'm not certain why he did that or if he truly wanted to provoke him. It did sound like he simply didn't care.
The two riders rode towards one another. Jousting was relatively simple. Combatants would begin riding on one another with the lance but might continue with shorter-range weapons after the distance was closed or after one or both parties had been unhorsed. Stannis believes that Robert won't be unhorsed and, therefore, doesn't carry another weapon.
Then, the two fighters meet. They push their lances forward, hoping to score a point or even push the other from his horse. A loud crash is heard as the wood meets the shield and armour and then breaks on impact. I hear a shout of pain and surprise that isn't clear to whom it belongs.
The crowd starts to yell. The body of Ser Ronald Whent flies through the air and hits the ground hard. Robert managed to hit the knight on his chest and did the impossible, or improbable, of getting the angle just right and pushing him off his horse.
"Impressive. I know that Robert is strong, but to get Ser Ronald off his horse in the first round ... that's impressive. I thought he didn't train jousting." I ask Stannis.
"He doesn't. But Robert is no fool. He knew he might have to do it one day and naturally practised it a while ago."
"And how long is 'a while ago'?"
"A few years. I don't remember when he did it the last time."
"That's unbelievable."
"Most things Robert does are hard to believe."
Robert turns around and stops when he reaches Ser Ronald's position.
"Well fought, Ser Ronald. I got lucky there; don't take it too hard."
"Ugh ... you will be rewarded for your actions during this tourney, believe me. No one is untouchable."
"Heh, you should not threaten others so openly. And if you do, choose your opponents wisely."