Chapter 006: Recruiting a Beautiful Female Assistant

The old Jetta and the Aventador lined up side by side on two lanes, and everyone else got into their cars, too. Though they weren't racing, they all wanted to join in on the fun.

The window of the Aventador lowered, and Sen Katsuyuki disdainfully glanced at Nie Yichen. Li Hengjiang even made a thumbs-down gesture, yelling at Nie Yichen, "Nie Yichen, let your Gaoliushan 'God of Cars' show off for you, take you flying, hahaha..."

Nie Yichen snorted coldly, closed her window, and ignored the provocations from Sen Katsuyuki and Li Hengjiang.

Chen Yang glanced at Li Hengjiang and sneered, "Relying on an RB person to race, this kind of guy would definitely have been a traitor during the war."

Just then, a model in a bikini, tall and sexy, strutted up with two small red flags and took her stand between the two cars, crossing and raising the flags high.

Three, two, one—the flags dropped, and the model's peaks trembled, immediately followed by the roar of exhaust pipes rising and falling throughout the street.

The Aventador, with its obviously superior performance, shot out first with a catapult start, closely followed by the old Jetta.

Behind them, other various vehicles followed, and although some were comparable to the Aventador, their driving skills were clearly inferior, leaving them behind.

Over fifty cars whizzed past, making a grand noise with their thunderous exhaust, capturing the attention of all onlookers.

Nie Yichen frowned as she watched the tail lights of the Aventador, focusing intently on driving her car. She tried hard to catch up but found that every time she got close, she was left behind again.

"This RB bastard, daring to toy with me."

Nie Yichen came back to her senses and realized that Sen Katsuyuki, that RB racer, was deliberately provoking her, angering her to the point of grinding her teeth.

As the race went on, Sen Katsuyuki and Nie Yichen gradually increased the distance from the other drivers. The two zigzagged through the streets, speeding up more and more, and after getting on the loop road, they reached speeds of 180.

"Haha, Nie Yichen, you're doomed to lose."

The Aventador in front had an amplifier fitted, from which Li Hengjiang's smug voice could be heard. Then, with a roar, the Aventador's speed increased noticeably, pulling away from the old Jetta.


Nie Yichen cursed under her breath, knowing that today, without any surprises, she was certain to lose.

After a sharp turn, a siren suddenly sounded ahead, and a row of police cars completely blocked the loop road, their red and blue lights flickering with blinding brightness.

"Vehicles ahead, pull over to the side for inspection."

A voice came from the police cars, and Nie Yichen furrowed her brow. The loop road was closed, and she couldn't even change lanes at this moment; her only option was to turn around and go against the traffic.

At the same time, the Aventador in front had the same idea. After decelerating, it performed a 180-degree drift, the tires friction creating a white, pungent smoke. In the next instant, it reversed directions and accelerated against the traffic.

Nie Yichen's right hand was on the handbrake, ready to perform a drifting U-turn.

But just at that moment, Chen Yang hoisted her up and, with a leap, slid underneath her into the driver's seat, taking control of the steering wheel, "Heh heh, you can't reach the finish line going the wrong way."

Nie Yichen startled, leaned against Chen Yang, and exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

"Helping you."

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, he floored the accelerator, and the old Jetta charged head-on towards the reversing Aventador. Nie Yichen was immediately petrified with fear, screaming, "Ah!"

It wasn't just Nie Yichen who was stunned; Li Hengjiang and Sen Katsuyuki, who were in the Aventador, were dumbfounded as well. Sen Katsuyuki quickly stomped on the brakes to slow down.

Both cars were speeding so fast that a collision seemed imminent; the surrounding police officers thought an explosion was about to happen and quickly took cover behind their patrol cars.

But then, a bizarre scene unfolded: the old Jetta's front end dipped slightly, slowing down noticeably. Suddenly, it reared up, its front end actually lifting off the ground. It rode upon the oncoming Aventador, crossing over it and taking flight, soaring over the police cars that were blocking the way.

Hiding behind a patrol car, Ye Yiqing stared at the old Jetta, utterly astounded. She had received orders that evening to intercept street racers, but she never expected to witness such car stunts.

What surprised her even more was the scene that followed. Her landlord, Chen Yang, was actually at the wheel of the old Jetta.

"How could it be him?" Ye Yiqing's expression shifted as she looked closer and realized there was even a woman sitting on Chen Yang's lap. She frowned immediately: "This guy really is bad news—with a girl on his lap during a car chase and not just any girl, but a non-mainstream one at that. What terrible taste."

With a clang, the old Jetta rolled over the Aventador, leapt over the police cars, and then sped away, leaving the dumbstruck officers behind.

The Aventador came to a halt. Sen Katsuyuki and Li Hengjiang sat there with a vacant look, dripping with sweat and pale as ghosts. At the moment the old Jetta rushed over, they thought their lives were about to end.

As police officers converged on them, Li Hengjiang came back to his senses, recalled Chen Yang sitting in the driver's seat, and punched the door panel furiously. He cursed maliciously, "Damn it, to be fooled by that kid—I won't let him get away with this."

That night, aside from the old Jetta, all the other vehicles were intercepted by the police, and all those involved in the race were detained.

As the drivers in the detention center heard the police describe the Jetta's aerial feat, they were all horrified and realized they had been played by that person. At the same time, the name "Car God of Gaoliu Mountain" resounded throughout Dong'an City's racing circles, becoming a legend.


The old Jetta drove into a dilapidated auto repair shop, and Nie Yichen was still in a state of shock and excitement. The moment of soaring over the police cars had completely blown her mind.

Chen Yang patted Nie Yichen, who was still sitting in his lap, "Hey, we're here; get off."

Nie Yichen snapped back to reality and suddenly remembered she was still on Chen Yang's lap. The car's cramped space meant they were pressed tightly together, almost squeezed, their body heat clearly palpable to each other.

She hurriedly lifted herself up, but her head hit the windshield, causing her to fall back into Chen Yang's arms.

Finally getting out of the car after some effort, Nie Yichen's face was a bit red. Yet, she wasn't bothered about feeling embarrassed at that moment and grabbed Chen Yang's hand, her face full of admiration as she earnestly said, "Master, take me as your apprentice."

"Sorry, I don't take apprentices," Chen Yang shook his head but seeing the disappointed look on Nie Yichen, he added with a smile, "However, you can be my assistant—you know, run errands, make tea, and give massages."


Nie Yichen cheered, thinking that as long as she could accompany Chen Yang, she would definitely learn how to drive.

Chen Yang eyed Nie Yichen, whose makeup was slightly smudged, and put on the airs of a boss: "Don't be too happy yet. From now on, avoid these non-mainstream looks that make you resemble a ghost."

"Yes, boss," Nie Yichen obediently nodded her head, her eyes filled with reverence as she submitted to Chen Yang's words.

The two exchanged phone numbers, and with Nie Yichen's reluctant gaze following him, Chen Yang left the run-down auto repair shop.

As he returned to the siheyuan, from a distance, he saw someone in a police uniform standing at the gate. Recognizing the towering figure, Chen Yang immediately knew it was Ye Yiqing.