Chapter 007: Miss, Are You a Fairy?


After Ye Yiqing discovered that it was Chen Yang driving the old Jetta, she did not participate in the subsequent arrest operation, but went straight back to the quadrangle and waited for Chen Yang to return at the entrance.

Why wait at the entrance? Because she did not want to disturb Su Zining.

Ye Yiqing hated Chen Yang, but what intrigued her more was the curiosity about him. A poor kid using an old Nokia phone, yet he possessed remarkable martial arts skills and astonishing driving abilities. This guy must be hiding some secrets.

When Chen Yang arrived at the entrance of the quadrangle, Ye Yiqing suddenly spoke up, "You're pretty good at driving, even pulling off stunts."

Chen Yang turned his head to look at Ye Yiqing. Under the dim yellow light of the night, the police officer's figure was tall and graceful, exuding a certain charm.

"If I didn't do stunts, would you prefer to arrest your own landlord personally? That would be quite awkward."

Chen Yang shrugged his shoulders and didn't try to hide anything. He had already noticed Ye Yiqing hiding behind the police car at the moment the old Jetta leaped over it.

Ye Yiqing huffed disdainfully, "I wouldn't mind arresting my landlord, especially a morally depraved, characterless, and socially harmful bad landlord like you."

Chen Yang leaned lazily against the door, smiling, "Officer Ye, you can't just say anything you like. Do you have evidence to arrest me?"

"I witnessed you racing, plus there was some non-mainstream girl with you. You really are disgusting," Ye Yiqing said, making a vomiting gesture.

Chen Yang remained unfazed, walking towards the interior of the quadrangle, "So only you saw it? Heh, which means you have no evidence, right? Trying to arrest someone without evidence, you're not acting like a police officer, you're just a female thug."

Ye Yiqing glared with her beautiful eyes but ultimately held back her anger. After Chen Yang entered his room, she took out a driver's license and smugly tapped it in her hand, "Hmph, I'll deduct all the points from your license and see if you dare to race again."

As soon as Chen Yang entered his room, he noticed signs that someone had been there. After checking, he realized only his driver's license was missing, and he immediately understood what had happened.

"This girl is too naive. Does she think that just by taking away my license, I won't be able to drive?"

Chen Yang burst into laughter, not the least bit concerned about the missing driver's license. Driver's license or even an ID card meant nothing to him—they were just something the people from his organization insisted on getting for him when they knew he was coming back to Dong'an City.

Early the next morning, Chen Yang got up early as usual. Nurse Guan Xiyue had a night shift and had not returned, and police officer Ye Yiqing was practicing her punches in the middle of the yard.

Ye Yiqing was wearing a tight-fitting white T-shirt and black sports pants, full of energy.

Chen Yang walked seriously to the front of Ye Yiqing and instructed, "Raise your hand higher, straighten your arm when you throw a straight punch, only then will the power be properly unleashed."

Ye Yiqing looked at Chen Yang, not wanting to listen to him, but still involuntarily followed his advice. She threw a punch that made a cracking sound as it broke the air.

She was instantly delighted, but when she looked up, she saw Chen Yang smiling and nodding with an expression that seemed to say 'a promising student,' which was really infuriating.

"You jerk, being so eager to help me, you must have an ulterior motive!"

Ye Yiqing felt displeased and threw a punch at Chen Yang.

Just then, Su Zining walked out of the kitchen, "Yi Qing, Chen Yang, breakfast is ready."


Ye Yiqing did not want to start a fight with Chen Yang in front of Su Zining, so she snorted coldly and went back to her room to wash up and change clothes.

Su Zining approached Chen Yang and asked, "What happened, you've made Yi Qing angry again?"


"Who knows, when I gave her some tips on boxing, she didn't seem too thrilled."

Chen Yang chuckled and turned his head to look at Su Zining, who was wearing another cheongsam with a different style and pattern from the day before. Although she was wrapped in an apron, it brought its own allure.

"She's a Tae Kwon Do black belt, does she need your pointers on boxing?" Su Zining smiled, pulling Chen Yang into the dining room.

After breakfast, Chen Yang rode out on a 1968 vintage Phoenix brand bicycle that his grandfather had left behind. The bike, though well-cleaned, was riddled with rust and creaked noisily with each pedal; indistinguishable from a piece of junk.

But he didn't care at all, because as a child, he used to sit on the bar while his grandfather cycled around, playing outside. That bicycle bore his childhood memories.

"You could ride a different bike even if you can't find your driver's license, rather than this old clunker."

Ye Yiqing watched Chen Yang riding the bicycle out of the courtyard while sipping her porridge and muttered to herself.

Su Zining gave a smile, her eyes glinting with nostalgia: "This was Old Chen's bike; Chen Yang always wanted to ride it but could never reach the pedals."

Ye Yiqing paused, mentally adding "sentimental" to her labels for Chen Yang, finding him even more puzzling.

Riding the bicycle onto the Dong'an University of Technology campus, Chen Yang looked at the students bustling around with their books, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. If kindergarten counted as school, then he had only spent three years at school.

In that moment, looking at those youthful girls, his vitality surged, and he pedaled faster.

The vintage bicycle, swift as lightning, immediately drew the gazes of the students.

Indeed, the bike was quite the spectacle, covered in rust, squeaking away, with wheels that were more oval than round. As it rolled along, Chen Yang bobbed up and down, impossible not to attract attention.

After circling the campus, Chen Yang realized he had no idea where the Computer Science Department was located.

He decided to ask someone for directions, scanning the crowd until his eyes lit up.

He saw a girl in a snow-white dress with a ponytail that seemed carved from jade, a blush in her fair cheeks making her look like a porcelain doll. She hugged her books to her chest with an innocence characteristic of students.

Her appearance, her figure, the whole vibe—unrivalled.

With a screech, the vintage bicycle came to a halt beside the pure-looking girl. Chen Yang, facing the girl who turned to look at him, asked earnestly, "Miss, are you a fairy?"

The girl took a startled step back, trembling, "I... I am not."

"Ah, how can that be? Your looks and aura are exactly like a fairy from a fairy tale," Chen Yang said with utmost seriousness.

Upon hearing this, the girl's face flushed with embarrassment, and she quickened her pace, thinking Chen Yang was a smooth-talking bad student.

"Fairy, wait up."

Chen Yang called out, but only to see a girl nearby, who was about two hundred pounds, turn her head and wave her fist at him, "You speak sweetly, but I can tell you're not a good guy. Better clear off."

"The school is really a great place, even if Lin Rou, whom I'm supposed to protect, is an ugly girl, I would still want to stay at school."

Chen Yang watched as the innocent-looking girl disappeared into the distance, a smile on his face as he rode the vintage bicycle to ask others for directions.