Chapter 008 Where in Life Do We Not Meet Again

Chen Yang parked his bicycle at the bottom of the Computer Science building and went up to the third floor, knocking on the door of office 319. According to the information provided, the first step after enrollment was to meet with the homeroom teacher, Yang Xuewei.

"Come in."

A female voice came from the office, efficient yet with a hint of seductiveness.

Chen Yang pushed the door open and saw a woman sitting behind the desk, quickly putting away the documents in her hands before standing up to look at Chen Yang.

The homeroom teacher, Yang Xuewei, was unexpectedly beautiful, with a very pretty face. The small mole on the corner of her mouth added to her charm. She tried to look stern, but she couldn't hide the flirtatious look in her eyes. The ever-changing light in her eyes was intoxicating.

She also had an amazing figure, standing in a pair of red high heels, dressed in a professional suit, very alluring.

"Wow, she actually has a 'fox's charm' constitution!"

Chen Yang was quite surprised as he looked at the homeroom teacher before him.

The 'fox's charm' constitution was extremely rare, and women born with it had a fatal attraction to men. They could not only bring immense pleasure to a man but could even hook a man's soul, making him involuntarily obey her commands.

Chen Yang had never expected to encounter a teacher with such a constitution at school. After all, even he had nearly fallen victim to a woman with a 'fox's charm' constitution in the past.

Although this homeroom teacher, Yang Xuewei, hadn't cultivated her constitution, it wasn't something ordinary people could resist. Chen Yang couldn't imagine how obedient the male students in her class must be.

"Hello, Teacher Yang. I am a new transfer student to your class; my name is Chen Yang."

Snapping out of it, Chen Yang greeted Yang Xuewei coolly—not because he didn't like beautiful women, but because his past experiences had made him cautious around women with the 'fox's charm' constitution.

Yang Xuewei, who was as surprised in her heart as Chen Yang when he discovered her constitution, had never seen a man remain so calm upon meeting her for the first time since she was six years old.

She immediately felt a certain fondness for Chen Yang.

"Follow me, I'm teaching the next class."

Yang Xuewei led the way, with Chen Yang in tow, heading towards the classroom for the upcoming lesson. As they walked, she said, "I've looked at your files; I see you're already twenty and just starting your freshman year, so your grades probably aren't very good. You must have pulled a lot of strings to transfer to Dong'an University of Technology. I hope you take this opportunity seriously and study hard."

Chen Yang chuckled inwardly, although the master's degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology that he had hacked and created was falsified, it was still real and verifiable. And to think that I, a globally renowned hacker, am being asked to seriously study a freshman's basic computer course, is this some kind of joke?

Despite his internal criticism, Chen Yang outwardly agreed, "Alright, Teacher Yang, I'll do my best."

"It's good that you have the right attitude. I will take care of you in the future." Yang Xuewei turned her head to glance at Chen Yang, giving a slight smile that was seductive as spring, nearly bewitching Chen Yang.

Fortunately, Chen Yang was no ordinary person, and he managed to hold his ground.

If others knew that Yang Xuewei had shown a smile, the entire school would probably be astounded, and they would all envy Chen Yang.

Yang Xuewei's fame at Dong'an University of Technology was quite significant, she was the goddess of countless male teachers and students, and even the subject of some people's late-night lurid thoughts.

However, no matter whom she faced, Yang Xuewei always wore a poker face, never showing any man a smile, leaving many of her pursuers disheartened.


Even rumored that a mayor's son pursued her relentlessly, yet she didn't deign to give him a glance.

And the second computer science and technology class she headed as the homeroom teacher was also a legend at Dong'an University of Technology. Although it was a freshman class, it had a huge reputation throughout the whole university. This was not only because of the teacher, who was sexy to the bone, but also because the class boasted a school beauty who was pure to the extreme, and a big sister figure who was extremely brazen.

On the way to the classroom, Yang Xuewei gave Chen Yang an introduction to some of the basic information about the school, and before they knew it, they had arrived at the classroom and entered together.

As soon as Yang Xuewei appeared, the rowdy classroom immediately quieted down, and the boys' gazes all focused on her, as if they wished they could glue their eyes to her body.

Yang Xuewei seemed accustomed to other people's gazes and introduced Lu Fan calmly, saying, "This is classmate Chen Yang, he's a new transfer student in our class. I hope everyone will get along with him well and progress together."

All the students looked toward Chen Yang, and suddenly someone exclaimed, "Isn't this the guy who rides the rickety Phoenix bicycle? He's actually in our class?"

Phoenix bicycle?

A hint of confusion flickered in Yang Xuewei's eyes, but she didn't ask what was going on and said to Chen Yang, "Find a seat and sit down for now. As for your textbooks, the study committee member will take you to the teaching materials office to get them at noon."

"Thank you, Teacher Yang."

Chen Yang thanked her and started walking towards the front of the classroom, but as soon as he reached the first row, he stopped.

In front of him was the pure girl in the white dress he had encountered before.

"Fairy, it's such a coincidence that we're in the same class."

Chen Yang smiled, pulled over a chair from the back, and without caring whether it would fit by the desk or not, he directly sat next to the pure girl.

Seeing this, all the male students shot murderous looks at Chen Yang. You, a new student, actually get to sit next to the school beauty, a privilege none of the other male students had enjoyed.

The pure girl furrowed her delicate brows, bit her lip, shuffling to the side, and cast a pleading look at the homeroom teacher, Yang Xuewei.

Yang Xuewei frowned, looked at Chen Yang with his "innocent" face, and after thinking about his composed demeanor when they first met, she said to the pure girl, "Lin Rou, Chen Yang doesn't have a textbook yet. As the study committee member, share your materials with him for this lesson."

"What, Lin Rou!"

Hearing the name of the pure school beauty, Chen Yang's eyes lit up, and he chuckled to himself, "Hahaha, what a small world, it's such a coincidence that this girl turns out to be Lin Rou, the one I'm supposed to protect. Master wasn't lying after all, she really is a pure and beautiful college student!"

At this moment, while Chen Yang was overjoyed, Lin Rou felt extremely aggrieved. But since the teacher had spoken, could she, as the study committee member, refuse to help her classmate and move to another seat?

"Okay, Teacher Yang."

Lin Rou nodded to Yang Xuewei, but she pursed her lips high, dreading that she had to take Chen Yang to collect his textbooks at noon, afraid that he might again speak to her with a slick tongue.

Right then, the other male students were extremely envious of Chen Yang. The homeroom teacher had personally appointed him to sit by the pure school beauty, just the thought of it was thrilling—this guy's luck was too good.

Just at that moment, an excited voice suddenly rang out at the classroom door: "Boss, so you're the new student, hahaha, what a coincidence, isn't this what they call 'what a small world'!?"
