Chapter 009 Surrounded by Beauties

"Boss, so you're the new student, haha, what a coincidence! Isn't this what they call 'life is full of unexpected meetings'!?"

Upon hearing the voice, all eyes in the Computer Science Class 2 turned towards the classroom door. They saw a girl, her face lit up with joy, standing at the entrance, her eyes brimming with excitement and thrill.

The girl was very pretty, with a light touch of makeup, and her smooth, long hair cascading down to her hips. Her slender figure and long, straight legs were fatally attractive to men.

Seeing another stunning beauty appear, all the brutes in the class got worked up, but they were also puzzled. Who could this long-haired beauty be?

Under everyone's gaze, the long-haired beauty walked straight up to Chen Yang, smiling. "Boss, don't tell me you don't recognize me?"

"Who are you?"

Chen Yang frowned slightly, truly unable to recognize who this long-haired beauty was before him. However, regardless of her identity, he was very pleased to know such a beauty.

"It's me, Nie Yichen."

Nie Yichen sat down on the desk in front of Chen Yang, ignoring the trembling, furious homeroom teacher, Yang Xuewei.

At the mention of "Nie Yichen," all the greedy looks from the brutes in Computer Science Class 2 turned to horror. They all stared at the long-haired beauty, bewildered, unable to match the girl before them with the non-mainstream little dominator they knew.

"Ah, so you're the little sidekick, transformed into a great beauty. I really didn't recognize you."

Chen Yang exclaimed in astonishment, sizing up Nie Yichen from head to toe, discovering that she was even more beautiful than he had imagined after the makeover.

Nie Yichen scratched her head, feeling a bit embarrassed, and giggled, "Boss, you told me not to go for the non-mainstream look, so of course I listened to you. I looked for a stylist overnight to get a makeover."

The people in the class examined Nie Yichen, finally reconciling her current appearance with that of the old Nie Yichen, hardly believing their own eyes.

At the same time, the classmates were all very surprised. Looking from Nie Yichen to Chen Yang, they actually saw admiration in her eyes. This wealthy, arrogant, and proud little dominator was actually admiring a kid who rode a clunky old bike?

And she addressed Chen Yang as "boss," and changed her look overnight on his word. What on earth was going on?

Could this be the so-called 'every Jack has his Jill'?

Yang Xuewei originally was very angry to see the long-haired beauty disregard classroom discipline. But realizing that the girl was Nie Yichen, her anger subsided by more than half. Others might not know Nie Yichen's background, but she did. This girl was not someone ordinary people could afford to provoke, and even the principal of Dong'an University of Technology probably had to consider her feelings.

"She calls Chen Yang 'boss,' what's going on here?" Yang Xuewei wondered, glancing at the calm-faced Chen Yang.

While everyone was confused, Nie Yichen turned to look at the girl sitting beside Lin Rou, smiled, and said, "Classmate, could you please move over a bit? Thank you."

The person did not dare to provoke Nie Yichen, nodded, and hastily moved to a seat in the back row.

"Class rep, boss, please scoot over," Nie Yichen said with a smile to Chen Yang and Lin Rou.

Lin Rou frowned slightly, moved to the right, and took another seat. Chen Yang took Lin Rou's place, and then Nie Yichen sat down to his left.

Nie Yichen, seeing Lin Rou intentionally keep her distance from Chen Yang, whispered to him, "Boss, why does it seem like the class rep is scared of you?"

Chen Yang turned to glance at Lin Rou, pursed his lips, and replied to Nie Yichen, "She's not scared of me; she's scared of you."

Nie Yichen looked thoughtful and said earnestly, "Impossible, I'm very supportive of the class rep's work."

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I guess you hardly ever come to class, is this your way of supporting the class representative?"

"As long as I don't give her any trouble, that counts as support," Nie Yichen replied with an embarrassed smile.

Seeing Chen Yang and Nie Yichen chatting quietly, the other male students were filled with envy, regretting why they hadn't noticed how pretty Nie Yichen was before. Had they known, they would have made a move earlier.

But now, she seemed to have become the lackey of the new student, following his every command. Chen Yang was just too lucky, riding on his 28-inch Phoenix bike.

Moreover, Chen Yang had the innocent beauty Lin Rou sitting beside him, and the sexy teacher Yang Xuewei at the lectern in front of him. Surrounded by beauties, he was indeed very fortunate.

When the morning's classes ended, Lin Rou stood up and said to Chen Yang, "Classmate Chen Yang, I can get the textbook for you. Just wait here for me."

Without waiting for Chen Yang's response, Lin Rou left the classroom.

She definitely didn't want to go get the textbook with Chen Yang, lest he sweet-talk her again.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

After telling Nie Yichen, Chen Yang left the classroom, went downstairs, mounted his Phoenix bike, and followed Lin Rou at a distance.

Since school had been in session for over three months, everyone had already received their textbooks. The textbook department was more like a warehouse, tucked away in a corner of the school, so there was hardly anyone on the path to the textbook department.

Up ahead was a long alley, and to avoid being spotted by Lin Rou, Chen Yang hid at the corner, poking his head out to look down the alley.

To his surprise, a few guys with dyed yellow hair had stopped Lin Rou. He wasn't sure what they were up to, but the two parties were in the middle of an argument.

Chen Yang frowned and grabbed a passing chubby student, pointing at the yellow-haired guys and asking, "Classmate, what are they doing?"

The chubby student looked toward the yellow-haired group with a look of terror on his face and whispered, "They're thugs from the Black Wolf Gang. The one leading them is a small-time boss of the gang in this area, called Gou Wei, nicknamed 'Mad Dog'. He has dozens of people under him, and they specialize in collecting protection money from our school and nearby shops."

"The Black Wolf Gang? Does such a gang exist in Huaxia?"

Chen Yang was puzzled in his heart. He was familiar with the major factions in Huaxia but had never heard of the Black Wolf Gang.

He asked the chubby student again, "These thugs are extorting protection money all the way to the school, and nobody does anything about it?"

The chubby student gave Chen Yang a look as if he were staring at an idiot and said, "The Black Wolf Gang has a huge influence in Dong'an City. It's not just the school—that even the police don't dare to mess with them easily. The school used to protect the students, but after having several security guards injured, they stopped intervening."

"So they're that brazen, seems like nobody's dealing with them."

Chen Yang muttered to himself, not believing the Black Wolf Gang was all that formidable, it was just that nobody had taken action against them.

"Handsome guy, enjoy the show. I'm leaving first."

The chubby student ran off quickly, afraid of being spotted by Mad Dog and his crew.

Although Chen Yang could easily handle a few small-time gangsters, he didn't show himself because if he was going to protect Lin Rou, he wanted to keep her life as normal as possible. He wouldn't step in unless absolutely necessary. His master instructed him to protect Lin Rou, but it wasn't to guard against some petty thugs.

Just when Chen Yang thought Lin Rou would pay the protection money and leave, a defiant voice came from up ahead, "Protection money? This is our school's road, why should I pay you protection money? Besides, two hundred yuan is half a month's living expenses for me. I will definitely not give it to you."