Chapter 010 He's so handsome!

After hearing Lin Rou's words, Chen Yang realized that this class representative, who seemed somewhat fragile, was actually very strong and not afraid even when surrounded by hooligans.

He became somewhat interested and sat on his old bicycle, quietly observing how things would unfold.

"Yo, I didn't expect this chick to be so stubborn. Since that's the case, big brother here won't take your money. Let me give you a kiss, and I'll let you go," one of the hooligans, wearing a leather jacket with buck teeth, said.

"This chick is really damn beautiful. I just wonder if she's wild in bed. Dog Bro, why don't you take her back and make her a gang sister-in-law?" another one suggested.

"Gang sister-in-law sounds good, but it's a question of whether she's saucy enough," another chimed in.

The gang of small-time hoodlums kept spewing obscene language non-stop, their lewd gazes sweeping over Lin Rou.

Frightened, Lin Rou took a couple of steps back, her cheeks flushed with humiliation, yet she still mustered the courage to say, "Get away quickly, or I'll call the police."

The buck-toothed man sneered and reached out for Lin Rou, "Calling the police won't help you, girl. Just give in to your big brother here."

Seeing this, Chen Yang knew it was time for him to intervene.

Creak, creak, creak...

A strange friction noise came, and an old bicycle covered in rust rode into the alley. With its oval wheels turning, Chen Yang was moving up and down on the bike, creating a comical scene.

Under the gaze of the hooligans and Lin Rou, the old bike stopped beside them. Chen Yang sharply turned his head and pointed at the buck-toothed man, shouting, "Let go of that girl."

"Fuck, where did this idiot come from, wanting to play the hero and save the beauty? Take a look in the mirror; with that piece of junk bike, and you dare to hit on girls?" Buck-tooth mocked Chen Yang, his eyes brimming with a fierce look as he said coldly, "Know who I am? I'm Mad Dog from the Black Wolf Gang. Leave your money and get lost, or I'll make you drop out."

"What to do? What to do? Why did he come over? He should have gone to get help."

Seeing the ferocious look of Mad Dog, Lin Rou was extremely nervous. She turned to look at Chen Yang, who was thin and frail, obviously no match for the gang.

"The bike stays too. Beat it," Mad Dog commanded, and a blonde-haired guy from behind him stepped forward, reaching for the handlebar of Chen Yang's bike, greedily eyeing the old vehicle.

But before the blonde could touch the handle, Chen Yang's hand swung out in a backhand slap, smack, sending the blonde staggering back five or six steps with his cheek swollen like a pig's head, spitting out blood along with two teeth.

Chen Yang looked at the blond guy with a harmless smile, "Didn't your mom teach you that you can't touch someone else's stuff without permission?"

"Fuck your mother, you're dead!"

"How dare you hit my people, kill him."

Seeing a guy on a rundown bicycle being so arrogant, Mad Dog and his crew erupted with anger. They each pulled out their switchblades and advanced towards Chen Yang.

Lin Rou, frightened by the scene, trembled but summoned her courage, stepped forward, stretched out her arms in front of Chen Yang, and yelled, "Run, Chen Yang!"

After she said that, Lin Rou turned to Mad Dog and his people and shouted, "Come at me if you dare. He's just passing by."

Watching Lin Rou's slender back, a look of surprise and admiration crossed Chen Yang's eyes. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Lin Rou lost her balance and stumbled backwards.

Once she steadied herself, she saw Mad Dog's men showing fierce faces, their switchblades slashing towards Chen Yang.


Lin Rou screamed, covering her eyes with her hands, unable to bear the sight of the violent, bloody scene.

Bang, bang, bang...

The sounds of battle came through, and Lin Rou bit her lip as she thought to herself, "Chen Yang stood up to save me, how could I abandon him. No, I must help him."

Gathering her courage, Lin Rou closed her eyes and charged forward, swinging her arms wildly, but she didn't touch anything; it was as if there was no one around her.

Confused, she stopped flailing her fists and carefully opened her eyes.

When she saw what was in front of her, Lin Rou was utterly dumbfounded.

Mad Dog and his group were lying on the ground, moaning in pain and looking at Chen Yang with fear in their eyes; and Chen Yang was still seated atop his bicycle, not even having dismounted.

Looking at Chen Yang's tall silhouette, in that instant, Lin Rou thought he looked so handsome!

"Although he's a bit of a chatterbox, he's a good guy and his martial arts are so powerful."

Lin Rou felt her heart pounding wildly, and a blush spread over her fair cheeks. She scolded herself in her mind, shook her head, and stopped her wandering thoughts.

"Mad Dog, huh? Come on, let's see how crazy you are," Chen Yang called out to Mad Dog with a smile on his face.

Mad Dog and his companions retreated in terror. They had not expected that a kid riding a broken-down bicycle would be a master.

"Boy, you dare to hit members of the Black Wolf Gang, just you wait, the whole Dong'an University of Technology will pay the price," Mad Dog left behind a harsh threat and stumbled to his feet, running away with his subordinates as if they were flying.

Chen Yang stepped on the pedal, ready to chase after them, but Lin Rou grabbed him, "Don't chase them, be careful they might have backup."

"Alright, I'll listen to you, Fairy," Chen Yang turned around and looked at Lin Rou, making her feel quite ill at ease. She nodded slightly and said shyly, "Don't call me Fairy, just call me Lin Rou."

Chen Yang nodded seriously, "Okay, Rou Rou."

"Not Rou Rou, it's..." Lin Rou wanted to correct him, but then she thought better of it. She said to Chen Yang, "Let's go get the textbooks."

After they got the textbooks, Chen Yang put the books in the bike basket and gesturing towards the middle bar of the bike, he said to Lin Rou, "Rou Rou, you just got scared. I've decided to treat you to a meal, come on, get on the bike."

Lin Rou looked at the bar and wanted to refuse, but she couldn't overrule Chen Yang.

She thought about how Chen Yang had just saved her, and she felt obliged to give him some face, so she steeled herself and sat sideways on the bar.

"Let's go."

Chen Yang rode the bike with Lin Rou sitting close to him, and he could smell a delicate fragrance of a young girl, tranquil and elegant. He took a light sniff and looked down, catching a glimpse of snowy white in front of him.

Meanwhile, Lin Rou was looking ahead, completely unaware of Chen Yang's gaze.

The bicycle moved through campus, and the up-and-down movements of Chen Yang and Lin Rou on the bike became a unique spectacle, causing quite a stir among the students.

Seeing the pure and innocent school beauty sitting on an old, broken-down bicycle took everyone by surprise; it was simply unimaginable.

Soon, this news spread throughout the school and even made it onto the school's BBS, causing an enormous sensation.

Various titles appeared on the BBS, and the post with the highest click rate was undoubtedly titled "Pure School Beauty Rides on the Mysterious Guy's Bar, Up and Down."


PS: Follow the Yogurt WeChat public account "chaosuannai6" or search for "chaosuannai wechat" to follow the official, future spoilers, plot interaction, character side stories, and author updates for the book will all be released on the WeChat public account, hope everyone can follow, thank you!