Chapter 011: The School Beauty Is Too Innocent

The screech of brakes rang out, and amidst the envious and resentful stares of a herd of beasts, the bike with its classic twenty-eight-inch bars came to a stop at the entrance of Dong'an University of Technology's dining hall. Chen Yang dismounted and reached out to steady Lin Rou, "Rou Rou, please get down."

Lin Rou got off the bike, embarrassedly let go of Chen Yang's hand, and the two walked side by side toward the dining hall.

"Damn, what's so special about this guy that even the campus belle is riding his bike?"

"It'd be one thing if she just got on, but it's a bicycle."

"And not just any bike, but a broken-down one at that."

The herd of beasts looked on with frustration and sadness in their eyes, unable to fathom what they lacked compared to Chen Yang, and why they hadn't won the favor of the pure campus belle.

Chen Yang and Lin Rou arrived at the dining hall of Dong'an University of Technology, where Chen Yang was supposed to treat, but since he didn't have a meal card, it ended up being Lin Rou who treated him.

After finding a seat, Chen Yang said, "Rou Rou, you treated me today, so next time, I must repay you with a big meal."

"It's no big deal, just a few bucks."

Lin Rou flashed a slight smile, which instantly made the male students around her gaze intently, wishing they could be in Chen Yang's shoes, facing Lin Rou while dining.

Just then, Lin Rou's phone rang. It was a text message from her roommate, asking her to check out a post on the BBS of the university.

As she opened it on her phone, her cheeks turned instantly red with embarrassment. She stealthily glanced at Chen Yang, thinking that those who posted on the forum were really awful.

Chen Yang took a curious peep at Lin Rou's phone, and laughed, "What's this, let me take a look."

Lin Rou pouted angrily and handed over her phone, muttering, "These people just talk nonsense, they're real headline grabbers, it's so despicable."

Chen Yang read the content on the phone, and said solemnly, "They really are headline grabbers. Just an old driver driving a car, and they have to make a title like 'Pure campus belle rides on mysterious man's bike, moving up and down', blatantly deceiving a simple student like me."

Seeing Chen Yang's serious expression, Lin Rou was taken aback and thought to herself, "Does he really not understand the implication of that headline, thinking it's about riding a bike? But what does 'old driver driving' mean?"

Lin Rou fell silent for a moment and then looked at Chen Yang curiously, "What do you mean by 'old driver driving'?"

Lin Rou's question was so unbridled that everyone around heard it, and their eyes widened in shock, each expression more vivid than the last.

Is this really our pure campus belle? She's actually discussing 'old drivers driving' with someone?

Wouldn't that be filthy, filthy, filthy...

Lin Rou noticed the looks from others, frowned slightly, stuck out her tongue, and whispered, "Chen Yang, did I say something wrong? What exactly does 'old driver driving' mean?"

"Of course you didn't say anything wrong." Chen Yang chuckled and was about to explain when a voice interrupted from the side, "Lin Rou, what this guy means by 'old driver driving' is those dirty words. He's disrespecting you, and yet you're totally clueless."

Hearing this, Lin Rou's pretty face flushed with redness, and she looked at Chen Yang somewhat conflicted, "Is what he's saying true?"

In her heart, Lin Rou considered Chen Yang, the one who had saved her, to be a good person, and she did not want to believe that Chen Yang would say such sleazy things.

Chen Yang saw someone was making trouble, pursed his lips, turned his head to look, and to his surprise found that it was someone familiar, none other than Li Hengjiang, who had looked down on him during last night's race, and turned out to be a student of Dong'an University of Technology as well.

"Wow, it's the senior Li Hengjiang, so handsome!"

"So he is Li Hengjiang, our senior. Not only is he handsome, but his family is also very wealthy, and he's the vice president of the student council."

"If I could marry a man like that, I would have no regrets in life."

Li Hengjiang's arrival attracted the infatuated glances of the girls in the cafeteria. He casually ran his fingers through his hair, lifted his proud head, and looked down on Chen Yang with disdain, "Kid, you actually had the nerve to tease Lin Rou. Now you don't know how to explain yourself, do you?"

Chen Yang sneered inwardly but put on an angry face and pointed at Li Hengjiang, "Don't slander me. I meant that I ride a bicycle, but you twisted my words. Are you looking down on me because I'm poor, thinking I'm not worthy of the term 'driving'? I was just joking, and yet you accuse me of being lewd towards Rou Rou. It's an insult to her and unforgivable."

Seeing Chen Yang's agitated behavior, Lin Rou's eyes brightened, and a resolute look appeared on her face. She thought to herself, "Just as I thought, Chen Yang isn't a bad person."

Li Hengjiang, realizing that Lin Rou believed Chen Yang, became anxious and said, "Chen Yang, don't you dare distort the truth. Everyone here knows that when old drivers mention 'driving,' it's dirty."

"I don't know that," Lin Rou retorted with a huff, her face showing her annoyance. She stood up, looked at Li Hengjiang, and said, "Senior Li Hengjiang, I know you want to pursue me, but you can't discredit the people around me because of that. Chen Yang is a good person. I want you to apologize to him for your slander just now."

Seeing Lin Rou stand up to protect Chen Yang, the boys in the cafeteria were enviously thinking that the poor kid was too lucky.

Li Hengjiang frowned and explained, "Lin Rou, Chen Yang is not a good man. How can you believe his words?"

Chen Yang pursed his lips and said, "Rou Rou, on my first day of school, he already knew my name. I suspect he has been targeting me with a plan."

Chen Yang wasn't wrong; indeed, Li Hengjiang was targeting him.

After being taken to the police station last night, with his family's connections, Li Hengjiang was released on bail very easily. Then he started scheming to find Chen Yang and avenge the previous night's grudge.

Unexpectedly, when he checked the school's BBS today, he was shocked to see Chen Yang at the school, riding a classic bicycle and even carrying Lin Rou, the pure school beauty he'd been pursuing for over two months.

This made Li Hengjiang even less happy, so he immediately rushed to the cafeteria to seek trouble with Chen Yang.

He hadn't expected that Lin Rou, whom he had chased for so long, would defend Chen Yang to this extent, almost like a girlfriend.

Upon hearing Chen Yang's words, Lin Rou had an epiphany and looked at Li Hengjiang, "Senior Li Hengjiang, it seems that you are indeed targeting Chen Yang. Otherwise, how would you know his name? Hmph, I really misjudged you. So you're that kind of person."

After speaking, Lin Rou took Chen Yang's hand and walked towards the exit of the cafeteria, "Chen Yang, let's go. Don't bother with such a bad person."

Seeing Lin Rou about to leave, Li Hengjiang was furious.

He had always shown himself as kind, gentlemanly, and graceful in front of Lin Rou. He had repressed himself for so long, but now this was the outcome, which he found hard to accept.

He didn't genuinely like Lin Rou; she was just a pure girl he had never tried before, and so he wanted to take her to bed.

Yet he couldn't imagine that after two months of pursuit, he was less successful than Chen Yang, who had only been there a day.

At this moment, he could no longer hold back his rage. The anger surged, and he finally revealed his true colors, pointing at Lin Rou, "You're something, Lin Rou, always acting so pure in front of me but then playing dirty with this kid. You're really hypocritical, shameless, and cheap!"

Lin Rou had never been humiliated like this. Hearing these words, she stopped in her tracks, her delicate body trembling, and she was so angry tears were nearly streaming down her face.

Seeing Lin Rou with her lips bitten and brows furrowed, in that moment, Chen Yang became furious!

Such a pure girl should not be insulted by Li Hengjiang!