Chapter 012 My Knight?

Chen Yang let go of Lin Rou's hand, turned around, and with an icy stare fixed on Li Hengjiang, he said in a deep voice, "Li Hengjiang, you apologize to Rou Rou right now, or you'll regret it."

"Regret? Hah, one moment you want me to apologize to you, the next to Lin Rou. Who do you two think you are? A poor schmuck riding a broken bicycle, a cheap girl pretending to be pure—you both just wait, I'll deal with you harshly and show you what happens when you cross me, Li Hengjiang."

Li Hengjiang roared, utterly disregarding the image of a student council vice-chairman and openly menacing Chen Yang and Lin Rou.

"You will regret saying these things."

Chen Yang said coldly, stepping toward Li Hengjiang.

But Lin Rou hastily grabbed him after he took just one step, shaking her head, "Let's just go."

Chen Yang's heart softened at the pleading look in Lin Rou's eyes, and he glared at Li Hengjiang, "You're lucky, I'm letting you off today."

Having said that, Chen Yang and Lin Rou turned to leave.

Just then, Li Hengjiang took a few swift steps forward, blocking their way, and looking at Lin Rou said, "You know I'm a judo expert; you're afraid to let your little pretty boy take action, are you scared?"

Lin Rou's cheeks flushed with anger, and the more she looked at Li Hengjiang, the more repulsive he became to her. She had asked Chen Yang to leave not because she was afraid of Li Hengjiang, but because she feared an angry Chen Yang would cripple him.

After all, Chen Yang was the expert who, from atop his bicycle, could deal with knife-wielding thugs.

Chen Yang obviously understood Lin Rou's thinking, turned to look at her, and said softly, "Rou Rou, I'll just kick him once, and then we'll leave, okay?"

Lin Rou, face filled with tenderness from Chen Yang, felt her heart flutter wildly and stammered, "Do whatever you want to do, why ask for my opinion? I'm not your girlfriend anyway."

"Fuck, you two dare ignore me!"

Li Hengjiang let out a furious roar and swung his fist toward Chen Yang. The punch seemed powerful, as if he had some real training behind him.

Regrettably, standing before him was the strongest man of the Huaxia special forces organization.

Li Hengjiang's fist was fast, about to smash Chen Yang's face when the corner of his mouth twisted into a vicious smile, as though he could already see Chen Yang spitting blood.

But in a flash, Chen Yang's foot shot from beneath him, landing solidly on Li Hengjiang's jaw—the crack of a fracture echoed instantly.

The next moment, Li Hengjiang's body flew over two meters high, crashing down onto a long dining table, the tableware and food scattering all over, creating a mess.

His jaw shattered, blood gushing, several teeth broken, his head reeling in dizziness.

Lin Rou had not expected the single kick Chen Yang spoke of to be so horrific; she quickly pulled Chen Yang and ran out of the cafeteria.

After they had left, Li Hengjiang painfully climbed up from the table, scanned the crowd of onlookers, pushed through the crowd while holding his jaw, and muttered, "Chen Yang, you're dead meat; I'll make you pay a heavy price."

Sitting on the back of the 28-bar bicycle, Lin Rou couldn't help feeling restless. She looked at Chen Yang riding the bike and said with a heavy expression, "Chen Yang, after what you did to Li Hengjiang, he definitely won't let it slide. I've heard others say his family has a deep background. You need to be careful."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of him; he was the first to strike. I believe this world has justice and law. Moreover, to protect you, I am willing to take risks, willing to be your knight."

"My knight!"

Lin Rou murmured to herself, her cheeks burning red; she quickly looked away from Chen Yang's serious gaze, and blamed herself, "It's all my fault, otherwise Li Hengjiang wouldn't have targeted you."

"You can't put it that way. I feel that there is a kind of fate between us. From meeting you this morning, to encountering you again in the classroom, and then rescuing you from the thugs. Do you really think all this is just a simple coincidence?"

Chen Yang pedaled his bike, looking straight ahead, speaking seriously.

Hearing this, Lin Rou's heart fluttered, "Could he really be the knight destined for me? Though he dresses plainly and rides a worn-out bike, he is brave, upright, kind-hearted, and his fighting skills are not bad... Ah, what am I thinking?"

She scolded herself mentally and, not daring to speak further with Chen Yang, she just quietly looked ahead, even though she couldn't dispel the strange thoughts swirling in her mind.

"Chen Yang, I'll go up first."

At the bottom of the Computer Science building, Lin Rou got off the bike, fearing that her classmates would see her getting too cozy with Chen Yang. She hurriedly ran upstairs.

In the classroom, upon seeing Nie Yichen, Lin Rou had an idea, "Chen Yang has offended Li Hengjiang. What if he gets retaliated against? Since Nie Yichen is so powerful, if I ask her for help, maybe she can settle Li Hengjiang for Chen Yang?"

With that thought, Lin Rou sat next to Nie Yichen and hesitantly said, "Nie Yichen, could you please do me a favor?"

Nie Yichen was surprised that the girl from the study committee took the initiative to speak to her. She was taken aback at first, then smiled and said, "Lin Rou, whatever you need help with, just say it. I'll definitely help you."

"It's not about me, it's about Chen Yang."

"What, about the boss!"

Nie Yichen's interest was piqued as soon as she heard it concerned Chen Yang. After Lin Rou finished explaining the situation, Nie Yichen furrowed her brows, realizing it was a tricky issue.

Although the Nies were wealthy and influential, the Li family was in no way inferior to them. Moreover, in the areas away from the public eye, the Li family was even stronger than the Nies, to the extent that the Nies were wary of them.

Both being grand houses of Dong'an City, the Li family certainly would not dare to do anything to Nie Yichen, but Chen Yang, no matter how well he drove, had no background. Li Hengjiang definitely wouldn't take him seriously, and even if Nie Yichen spoke up, it might not be effective.

"Nie Yichen, is this matter troublesome?" Seeing the troubled look in Nie Yichen's eyes, Lin Rou became even more worried. If Nie Yichen showed such an expression, it meant Chen Yang was definitely in a bad situation.

"Let me make a phone call and try. I must help with the boss's matters."

Nie Yichen's expression turned solemn as she took out her phone and called Li Hengjiang.

Once the call connected, she spoke into the handset, "Hey, Li Hengjiang, I want to discuss something with you."

"I'll transfer the million I lost to you in last night's race immediately, it's just one million. Miss Nie personally calling to chase the debt, you're not afraid I can't pay it?"

"It's not about that. I want to talk about your issue with Chen Yang. Can you let it go?"

"Let it go? Hah, he shattered my jawbone, smashed three of my teeth, and made me lose face in front of everyone in the cafeteria. You think I can swallow this humiliation?"

"He's my boss. Could you give me this face? I don't want that one million."

"Don't talk about one million, not even ten million would make me let him go. And let me tell you, I've already informed my dad about this. He's very angry that I got injured and told me to mobilize people to deal with Chen Yang as I please. Goodbye!"

After saying that, Li Hengjiang hung up the phone, leaving a dial tone to echo in the receiver.

Hearing Li Hengjiang's last words, Nie Yichen turned pale. Li Hengjiang's father giving him free rein to mobilize people was practically sentencing Chen Yang to death.

"Where's the boss? He needs to run away immediately."