Chapter 112: Sharpshooter

Chen Yang and Ye Yiqing had never expected that in order to dodge the oncoming truck, the two of them would end up in such an awkward position.

Ye Yiqing struggled out of Chen Yang's arms, quickly stood up, and her face was somewhat flushed from the close contact just now. Embarrassment showed on her face, and she wanted to scold Chen Yang but felt too embarrassed to do so, especially since he had just saved her.

"Where's the truck?"

Chen Yang didn't dwell on it and turned to look, only to see that the truck hadn't hit them, but had crashed into a streetlight on the side of the road. The streetlight had collapsed, crushing down on the cab, while the light flickered on and off, emitting a sizzling electric sound. The front of the truck was emitting puffs of white smoke, looking severely damaged.

"Idiot, driving like that, it's simply manslaughter."