Chapter 113 Killing Intent

Herbert slammed hard into the cargo truck, eliciting a loud clang as he hit the van. He clutched at his chest where he'd been kicked, certain a rib was broken, the pain causing him to grimace terribly.

He had never anticipated his target to be so troublesome. The man had managed to dodge a vehicle by hiding under it, and afterwards, even shoot his truck's tire from a distance.

In his opinion, both feats seemed nearly impossible—at least, they were beyond his own capabilities.

And now, this man had seen through his ploy and sent him flying with a kick. It was simply inconceivable.

At that moment, Herbert knew he had encountered the most formidable opponent of his life.

Guided by an assassin's instinct, he even felt that he might meet his end here, concluding his career as a killer.

Without hesitation, Herbert fiercely scrambled up from the ground, with only one thought in his mind.

Run, abandon the mission, leave Huaxia.