Chapter 114 Big Head

"Who told you, 'You're the ninth-ranked assassin in the world'?"

Faced with Chen Yang's question, Herbert was stunned for a moment, then blurted out, "My master told me."

The master!?

Finally getting a lead, Chen Yang's eyebrows twitched, "Your master, who, what's his name?"

"I don't know his name."

Herbert shook his head. Seeing Chen Yang frown slightly, he feared that Chen Yang would get angry and hurriedly spilled everything he knew, saying, "My master is a senior figure in Shadow Fiend. He always wears a black robe and a silver mask on his face. I don't know his name, nor do I know any information about him. He only meets with me once a month to teach me some skills."

After a pause, Herbert added, "Right, all of my assassination tasks were also assigned to me by my master."

Although still unaware of Herbert's master's identity, Chen Yang felt he was beginning to understand the situation and asked, "Then did your master say who issued the task to assassinate me?"