Chapter 115: A Man Should Marry When He Comes of Age

The Nokia handset buzzed with a long series of beeps before the call was finally answered. Without waiting for Chen Yang to speak, an icy laugh came through, "Hehehehe, Chen, what made you think to call me?"

"Bighead, I need to ask you something." Chen Yang's tone was very relaxed, as if he were chatting with a friend, and those nearby would never guess that the two had once fought each other to the death.

No sooner had he finished speaking than an irate voice came from the handset, "How many times have I told you, my name is William Luo, not Bighead."

The leader of the Shadow Fiend, surname Luo, given name William, was of Chinese descent, but he had not grown up in Huaxia. As for where he was born, no one knew.

Chen Yang laughed innocently, "But your head really is quite big."

"Enough, get to the point. If there's nothing else, I'm hanging up," William Luo said, frustrated, but he had no way to deal with Chen Yang.