Chapter 130: The Fake Car God

Seeing Chen Yang get into the car, the corner of Yao Dong's mouth twitched, and his first reaction was to kick Chen Yang out. Dude, I'm trying to pick up a girl, what the hell are you doing here?

But he quickly changed his mind. If Chen Yang went, then Liu Zhiling would be more likely to follow, especially since the two of them were currently hitting it off.

"Let them go together. I'll find a way to get rid of Chen Yang, and then slowly play with Liu Zhiling."

Yao Dong made up his mind. Even though Chen Yang had thrown away his business card last time and left him feeling resentful, he still smiled at Chen Yang for the sake of getting Liu Zhiling, "Chen Yang, taking you along to see the sights is no problem at all."

"Thank you, Teacher Yao," Chen Yang said excitedly, though thinking to himself that he might as well treat it as a free taxi ride to the racing spot to find Nie Yichen and see how the little follower's driving skills were coming along.