Chapter 129: Joking

Liu Zhiling didn't ride Chen Yang's bike because she had her own car.

After the two said goodbye, Chen Yang rode his bike back to the courtyard with a mischievous smile on his face, whistling all the way, while Liu Zhiling drove to Yang Xuewei's place.

After living in the school's teacher's apartment for some time, Yang Xuewei had recently moved out and rented an apartment near the school.

"Zhiling, how did today's rehearsal go?"

As soon as Liu Zhiling returned, Yang Xuewei became concerned about the dance team.

After Liu Zhiling sat down and told Yang Xuewei about Chen Yang's dancing, Yang Xuewei was utterly astonished, "How is that possible, you're saying his dance skills are even better than yours?"

"I'm certain his dance skills are better than mine; if he chooses the path of dance, he will definitely become one of the world's top dance masters in the future."

Liu Zhiling nodded her head, her serious expression convincing Yang Xuewei to believe her words.