Chapter 200: The Meeting Gift

"Mom, this is my boyfriend, Chen Yang," Liu Zhiling introduced to Mother Liu.

So this was Liu Zhiling's boyfriend!

Wang Hao couldn't help furrowing his brow, looking at Chen Yang with eyes filled with envy and jealousy, thinking to himself that this guy must be living it up with a girlfriend like Liu Zhiling.

In fact, Mother Liu had already revealed to Wang Hao that Liu Zhiling would be bringing over her boyfriend, so he was psychologically prepared. At this moment, he was plotting how to use Mother Liu's influence to eliminate Chen Yang, this rival, and win the beauty for himself.

After hearing her daughter's introduction, Mother Liu nodded slightly at Chen Yang, eyes scrutinizing him from head to toe.

Because Chen Yang had been hastily pulled over by Liu Zhiling, and he had rushed out, his attire was very casual—a white T-shirt and dark blue jeans, and they seemed to be cheap ones at that.

Seeing this, Mother Liu couldn't help furrowing her brow.