Chapter 201 Apache Helicopter

When Chen Yang mentioned his annual salary was ten million, Liu's father, who had just taken a sip of tea, spurted it out, coughing and looking at Chen Yang with a face full of surprise, "Cough cough… What did you say, just being a bodyguard, and your annual salary is ten million?!"

Wang Hao looked at Chen Yang with a sneer and taunted, "Chen Yang, that statement is too unreliable. A bodyguard with an annual salary of ten million, do you think you are Schwarzenegger?"

Liu's mother now looked at Chen Yang with increasing disfavor. It was okay that his circumstances were poor, but such flagrant fabrications were too much. And coming out with an annual salary of ten million just like that, did you think anyone would believe you?

This young man was just running his mouth off. It was just too unreliable.

Seeing the uncomfortable looks on her parents' faces, Liu Zhiling pinched Chen Yang's palm secretly and chuckled awkwardly, "Dad, Mum, Chen Yang likes to joke around, don't mind him."