Chapter 222: The Taboo within Taboos

Chen Yang didn't know what had happened to Su Zining, but he always had a bad feeling.

However, since Su Zining didn't want to talk about it, he didn't press her further.

In the evening, Ye Yiqing, Liu Zhiling, and Guan Xiyue came back and buzzed around Chen Yang nonstop, overflowing with curiosity about his fiancée, Qiao Daihan.

Of course, what they were actually more concerned about was Chen Yang's marriage. If Chen Yang really got married, it was inevitable that they would feel a sense of loss.

After Chen Yang indicated that he wouldn't get married for the time being, the women all secretly breathed a sigh of relief and returned to their rooms to rest with their own thoughts.

Chen Yang had been very busy for a while but finally had time to go to school for classes the next day.

Normally, seeing Lin Rou and Yang Xuewei should have been a pleasant experience, but Chen Yang was unsettled all day, feeling like something was going to happen.