Chapter 223: Invading the Chens

Seeing Su Zining about to commit suicide by crashing into a wall, the younger members of the Chens all showed looks of surprise, not expecting her to resort to such a desperate measure.

Chen Zheng might not have been a master, but he had training. In a quick stride, he caught up with Su Zining and grabbed her by the arm, preventing her suicide attempt.

It wasn't that Chen Zheng wanted to save Su Zining; he just wouldn't allow a woman to die before he had his way with her.

Su Zining could die, but it had to be after he had his fun with her.

"You stupid woman, how dare you seek death."

Staring at Su Zining, Chen Zheng gripped her arm tightly and dragged her towards the bed.

"Chen Zheng, you bastard."

Su Zining, however, was defiant and unfazed, and with a backhand blow, she aimed a slap at Chen Zheng's face.

But she was no match for Chen Zheng, who caught her wrist in one move, leaving her unable to move.

"A mere servant, you dare to strike me!"