Chapter 75 Marry You

Li Jing looked at Ye Fei with self-satisfied pride.

Ye Fei scratched his head with a speechless expression.

"Someone has already contracted to buy all the medicinal herbs I grow, even if I end up growing dozens of acres of wild grass, I can still sell it."


Li Jing, with her face full of pride, suddenly stood with her mouth agape.

"Your medicinal herbs haven't even been planted, and someone has already agreed to purchase them in advance?"

Ye Fei shrugged his shoulders and said with a proud smile, "It's precisely because someone agreed to purchase them in advance that I contracted wasteland to grow medicinal herbs. Otherwise, why would I bother growing them for no reason?"

Now Li Jing was completely lost for words.

Here I was, confident and self-assured, coming over to convince him to join me in fish farming.

And now, I've become the joke instead.

Even Zhao Tingting, standing beside Li Jing, could feel her embarrassment.