Chapter 76 Choices of Two

"Ye Fei, why do you always think about that?"

Zhang Shufen sighed softly, succumbing to Ye Fei's advances as her body turned to jelly.

Ye Fei's hand, never behaving itself, slid into Zhang Shufen's short sleeve, grabbing and kneading with abandon.

"Who can blame me when my sister-in-law is so alluring?"

Zhang Shufen felt Ye Fei's tongue gently licking her earlobe, leaving her completely limp in his embrace.

She too was instantly aroused by Ye Fei's tease, but her natural reservation made her plead with him in a hushed voice.

"Ye Fei, don't do this in broad daylight. What if someone sees us? Let go of your sister-in-law, and I'll come to your room tonight, where you can do whatever you want with me."

Already yearning to possess Zhang Shufen completely, Ye Fei chuckled mischievously and whispered in her ear, "So, is it okay if I run a red light too?"

Zhang Shufen swallowed hard, gasping with rapid breaths, puzzled, "Run a red light?"