Chapter 16 What are you going to do?

Liu Zheng leaned his head between the other's legs, and Liu Sumei, who had been in terrible pain, now raised her head.

Her breathing was rapid, her eyebrows relaxed, and her face was a bit flushed.

She even let out a soft moan, enough to stir one's primal instincts…

Liu Zheng, being a young man full of vigor, had inhaled some toxic blood and could hardly contain himself.

He tried his best not to overthink, but the scene before him, along with the soft touch and the unintentional moans, was almost irresistible.

He swallowed his saliva frantically.

But in the next instant.

He suddenly felt a hand placed on his head.

It was Liu Sumei's hand.

Her hand pressed on Liu Zheng's head, firmly pushing down, causing his head to sink further.

Feeling the pressure on his head, Liu Zheng twisted his neck and his emotions intensified.

He felt he couldn't go on like this anymore; otherwise, he would completely lose his self-control. He quickly spat the fresh blood out onto the ground.