Chapter 15: Suck Out the Poison

Liu Zheng was startled and hurried over behind the large rock.

However, as he rounded the big rock, the sight that met his eyes left him completely dumbfounded.

The problem was with Liu Sumei. Her legs were spread out, and a snake was slithering forward right between them.

Honestly, the snake looked as if it had mistaken her for home.

But that wasn't the most critical issue.

The most critical issue was that Liu Sumei's body was barely covered, with just a short-sleeved shirt remaining to cover her upper body.

Even this shirt was tattered, and large areas of smooth, white skin were exposed to the air.

Her upper body was somewhat covered, but Liu Sumei's lower body was almost completely bare.

Her smooth and delicate, incomparably pale thighs had Liu Zheng struggling to control the throbbing in his heart.

It was no joke, men say that a woman's thigh is the rail track of crime.

The enticing scene in front of him was nearly making Liu Zheng's blood boil.

"Save me, Sister-in-law, Little Zheng, hurry up!"

At that moment, Liu Sumei shouted anxiously, her voice laden with urgency.

Fortunately, her gaze was fixed on the venomous snake in front of her, and she hadn't paid too much attention to the greed in Liu Zheng's eyes.

Suddenly hearing Liu Sumei's cry, Liu Zheng snapped out of it.

After waking from his daze, Liu Zheng almost wanted to slap himself.

"Damn it! What am I thinking? What time is it now, a critical moment for saving a life, and these filthy thoughts are running through my mind?"

After severely despising himself for a moment, Liu Zheng felt deeply ashamed of his behavior just now.

As a medical student, to have such vile thoughts in a moment of rescue, he felt utterly ashamed.

Completely awakened, Liu Zheng's gaze focused intently between Liu Sumei's legs.

There was a small green snake there, its head scanning around, hesitatingly swimming towards Liu Sumei's body.

By the looks of it, the snake was still uncertain whether this place was truly its home.

Although he only glanced briefly, Liu Zheng recognized the snake clearly.

The small green snake was none other than a bamboo viper.

The venom of a bamboo viper isn't the most intense among poisonous snakes.

However, a bite would still be quite troublesome.

Now, with the snake so close to Liu Sumei, a bite could be really problematic.

Snakes enjoy cool places, usually found near rivers or in the shady parts of a forest.

Today, it seemed Liu Sumei had hit a streak of bad luck.

Hiding behind the big rock to adjust her clothing, she had attracted the little bamboo viper, which started crawling toward her.

The most fortunate thing now was that the snake wasn't moving too fast.

It moved slowly and hesitantly forward, seemingly uncertain whether this was the place it should be.

Given its hesitation, it was even more crucial not to startle it.

If startled, the snake might desperately sprint into the spot it suspected as home.

"Sister-in-law Su Mei, don't move a muscle," Liu Zheng whispered as he tiptoed over, standing beside Liu Sumei.

Liu Sumei's face was a sheet of pale.

Her expression was tense, and her lips were even trembling.

Seeing her nod at him, Liu Zheng felt a bit relieved.

After calming her, Liu Zheng stared intensively at the bamboo viper in front. In the next instant, his hand swiftly extended, and his fingers snapped towards the snake's vital seven-inch section like lightning.

Animals are sensitive, and the bamboo viper sensed danger the very moment Liu Zheng made his move.

It bent its body like an arrow loosed from a bow, darting forward towards Liu Sumei.

Right at that critical moment, Liu Zheng's fingers, like a thunder strike, snatched at the seven-inch section of the bamboo viper.

The snake, gripped by the seven-inch section, felt a great threat and opened its mouth reflexively, its tongue flicking out right onto Liu Sumei's body.


Liu Sumei, leaning backward, cried out in alarm, her face turning even paler, as white as paper.

He drew his arm back, taking the green bamboo snake away from Liu Sumei's side.

"It's alright now, Sister Su Mei, you are no longer in danger."

As he spoke, Liu Zheng had already picked up a stone from the side and was smashing it down on the head of the green bamboo snake.

"Bang bang bang!"

After about a dozen vicious strikes, the green bamboo snake initially struggled violently, but gradually it stopped moving after being hit several times.

After the green bamboo snake was dead, Liu Zheng flung it aside.

Turning around, he saw Liu Sumei almost lying on the ground and hurriedly supported her.

"Sister Su Mei, where did the snake bite you?"

As he asked, his gaze swept over Liu Sumei's body and he immediately noticed a spot on the inner side of her thigh, which was now black and purple, swollen.

That was clearly the spot where the green bamboo snake had bitten her.

Seeing this, Liu Zheng's brows unconsciously furrowed.

Upon hearing there was no longer a threat, Liu Sumei felt her heart lighten; she patted her swollen chest and took a deep breath.

But then.

She promptly noticed Liu Zheng staring at her thigh, and her face instantly flushed with embarrassment.

She quickly reached out to cover the shameful spot, but as her eyes swept over the inside of her thigh, she noticed it was blackened.

At the same time, a heart-piercing pain swept through her entire body.

"Ah! It hurts, Xiao Zheng, hurry and take sister to the hospital for treatment!"

Her mouth spoke of pain, and the bone-deep anguish became increasingly intense.

She winced in agony, her whole body trembling.

Along with the pain spreading throughout her body, a fine sweat broke out on her forehead.

"It hurts, it really hurts so much! It didn't feel much at first, but why does it suddenly hurt so much now?"

Saying it hurt, Liu Sumei felt as though she could no longer bear the pain.

Seeing Liu Sumei, who was suddenly drenched in sweat, Liu Zheng frowned and said, "Sister Su Mei, it's probably too late to go to the hospital now. Given your current condition, if we try to go to the hospital, I'm afraid you'll not be able to make it down the mountain."

Liu Sumei, drenched in sweat from the pain, was in a state of panic at this moment, unsure of what to do.

With no idea what to do, she could only look at Liu Zheng and ask, "Then, what should we do, Xiao Zheng?"

Looking at Liu Sumei's wound, Liu Zheng sighed helplessly.

There really weren't many options left now.

"We have no choice, we can only try to suck out the venom."

Though Liu Zheng was a medical student, he had no medical equipment at hand to help Liu Sumei clean the venom.

So the only thing he could think of was to suck out the venom.

Looking at the purplish-black thigh, Liu Sumei was already terrified.

Filled with fear, she immediately agreed to the suggestion.

"Alright then! Xiao Zheng, hurry up and suck the venom out for me!"

When it came to the injury, things were about to get awkward.

If he was going to suck out the venom, he would need to…


The situation was indeed critical.

Despite the small bite, the venom of the green bamboo snake was neurotoxic.

If not cleared in time, Liu Sumei could very well lose her life.

Time was of the essence, and life was at stake; he looked at Liu Sumei's flushed face and hesitated for a moment.

Seeing Liu Sumei in so much pain that her chest heaved uncontrollably and her originally rosy lips gradually paled.

He gritted his teeth.

With a ripping sound, he stripped off Liu Sumei's already tattered pants!

Suddenly, her snow-white legs were exposed to the air!

Liu Zheng, with a strong hand, spread Liu Sumei's legs apart and, under her expectant gaze, bent down…