Chapter 7: Let’s Talk Business

 = 5 hours before the ball =

Luna was pouring over his laptop. He had a vision. Somehow if he could secure the event space at Café Clement, not only would he be able to confirm a location for the exhibition, but he might even be able to create hype about the exhibition by holding workshops that can be used to fundraise the event. The café had information on the notice board about how to write in with a proposal and book dates and slots for private and public events, so it was the ideal spot to move forward with the art exhibition.

= 4 hours before the ballroom =

Luna talked to the Barista to ask for the correct details on how to sign up for an event space, and the Barista immediately dragged him to the office at the back see the owner!

Clement turns out to be a tall tanned handsome man with long white hair that he lets hang down past his shoulders. He was warm and friendly and after hearing about Luna's project, agreed to lend his space for the cause.

Clement passed Luna his business card and a list of prices for the rental of the space, and Luna passed him his business card as well and said that he would be in touch via email when he had consolidated all the dates and times for everything.

= 3 hours before the ballroom =

Luna left the café and after having such good luck, decided to give Rachel a call. Surely his project partner would be so excited to find out about how much progress he was making, right?

Luna excitedly gave Rachel a call, however, she seemed a little distracted, and anyway in mid-conversation Luka rang, so Luna ended things off quickly, deciding that maybe it would be more effective to explain things in person.

Luna returned Luka's call only to receive an earful of panic. Apparently, there was a huge ball happening that evening that Luka had forgot to tell Luna about, and his Aunt and Uncle insisted that Luna had to show up for it. Luka was driving panicky around town as he was looking for Luna so that they can suit up.

Luna dropped his GPS location to Luka in the chat and waited at the bus stop across the road from the café for Luka to come get him. He knew he should have been feeling awful about being dragged into yet another pompous event, however, he was so pleased with the progress he had made with his work, that he couldn't find it in himself to feel bad about being dragged off to one of these silly dinners. Anyway, it's not like they needed him for anything other than appearances. They'd sooner chuck him to the curb once the night was over and he could go back to work after that!

= 2 hours before the ballroom =

Luka dragged Luna into the men's Suit and Tie shop in Upper Street. They were running late as they had only 2 hours to find decent outfits that fit and turn up at the location of the ball at the same time as Luka's parents, and Luka's parents were always early, so even if they did have two hours, they technically only had one.

After a lot of chatter and clothes being thrown at Luna to try, Luka was dragging Luna out of the store again and into the back of his mercedes, and speeding down the road to the ball's location.

= 1 hours before the ballroom =

Luka and Luna finally arrived at the location. To Luka's relief, his parents hadn't arrived yet, so as Luka handed the keys to the valet, the two men were escorted to the parlour where other rich aristocrats were waiting for their partners or family members to arrive.

The parlour was huge and resembled a first-class aeroplane lounge, with tables and chairs set up in intimate rows and a buffet table with staff on duty that served up finger food and cocktails. There was more than enough space to keep distance between people.

Luka and Luna sunk into soft plush velvety seats in the far corner of the room, which had a good view of the driveway so that they could see once their parents arrived.

= 45 minutes before the ballroom =

Luka's parents showed up in their favourite white limousine and caused a bit of a fuss with the Valets and the welcome staff. This gave Luka and Luna enough time to straighten themselves out and meet up with the parents in the hall.

"Well, God really must be pleased with us today, look at you two, on time and dressed in proper attire for once" Mrs Lukhorn said condescendingly as she pulled off her silk gloves and handed them to an attendant who placed them on a silver tray with a name card on it. The attendant scurried off to a dark room in the back and Luna almost wished he could follow them as well.

 Another attendant helped with their coats and as Mr. Lukhorn adjusted his tie, Luna could feel a tightness in his chest. Something was telling him that there was a bad reason for wanting Luna to be there tonight, and as Mrs. Lukhorn's beady eyes stared him down, that feeling of foreboding grew.

"Esteemed guests, the Lovewins await you at the ballroom" An attendant's voice interrupted Luna's thoughts.

Luna started fiddling with his tie as the four adults trailed behind the attendant in silence. Luna hadn't spoken to his uncle and aunt for a few months now, he had tried his best to avoid family dinners and used a lot of excuses about having school work and exams, and so far it had worked, however with the panic in Luka's voice earlier, he felt like this time if he had turned down the invitation to the ball, something bad would have happened to Luka.

= 15 minutes before the ballroom =

As the Lukhorns made their way through the expansive space that was the Lovewin estate, Luna found his eyes drawn to the beautiful gardens that were weaving in and out of the home as if the house was built around such a beautiful garden, almost as if to keep the beauty of the garden hidden, trapped and out of sight from prying eyes.

There were two girls in some of the most elaborate gowns Luna had seen in such a long time. They seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves as they strolled through the rose bushes, and as the sun began to set, the girl in what looked to be a pale pink ball gown seemed to light up in an iridescent shimmer. It was magical, like witnessing a fairy in real life.

= The Ballroom =

As the Lukhorns approached the ballroom, two tall and well-dressed figures stood greeting guests and gesturing for them to carry on into the ballroom.

"Meredith! George! You made it!" A low tenor voice boomed from the gentleman in a crisp velvet black suit. His hair was slicked back his tailor-made suit sported a cream inner vest and matching pants. Luna couldn't help but admire how well-dressed he was and wondered if he was from a family that invested in the arts.

The woman next to him was equally well-dressed in her sage green gown and was sprinkled with diamonds, creating a look of delicate dew on a fern in spring. Her blond hair was tied up in a crown of curls and her make-up was immaculate.

"Julius and Ruth, it is always a pleasure to indulge in one of your functions. You really know how to throw a proper ball" Mrs Lukhorn said and laughed, causing the others around her to laugh in suite. Luna hated this sort of pandering chatter and wished that they could get ushered in already so that he could go and pick at the horderves table like he used to.

Just then the two ladies Luna had seen in the distance in the garden, came in through one of the sliding doors at the far end of the ballroom.

"Oh! Is that not your daughter? What great timing, shall we talk business Ruth" Ms Lukhorn smiled causing Ruth to turn around and spot the girls coming into the ballroom

"Oh Rachel! Good timing. Come, I would like to introduce you" Ruth exclaimed and waved her hand over to the girls who were trying to walk away quickly to the other side of the ballroom.


The girls stopped in their tracks. They didn't even try to hide their discomfort as Ruth continued to wave them over. However, as they approached, the short girl dressed in a midnight black gown with diamonds-like stars scattering all over the hemline and the bodice put on a big smile, as if she suddenly snapped into hospitality mode.

Luna was still lost in his thoughts this whole time, trying to make his tie feel less like it was choking him. He barely registered the conversation that was going on around him, so it was a real surprise to him when he heard his name called and found him being pushed forward towards the approaching girls. He looked up to see a familiar face from school staring down at him through blond curls.

"Rachel!" Luna said and smiled. Now Luna realised that it was her who was strolling through the garden in that ethereal gown.

Luna looked to the side and beamed even wider " And Anna, so nice to see you two" Luna grinned. For a few moments, that horrible suffocating feeling seemed to subside a little at the sight of familiar faces.

"Oh how delightful, you both have already met" said Ruth, clasping her hands together.

"Yes, Rachel and I are working on an interdisciplinary project together at the university. She has been such an asset to the project" Luna replied before giving a thought as to who he was talking to.

Then it suddenly dawned on Luna who he was talking to. The Lovewins! This entire time he had been so busy being uneasy he forgot where he was, and how bad these social visits always turned out for one reason or another.

Ruth, a.k.a. Mrs Lovewin, placed a hand on George, Mr. Lovewin, and nodded as if something had been hanging over the whole conversation which had been left unsaid. A decision seemed to have been reached, unspoken, and Luna suddenly felt that his neck, was somehow on the chopping board. 

Mr. Lovewin turned to Luna and reached out a hand to him. Luna accepted the handshake, really confused, however before he could utter a sound, Mr. Lovewin said in a loud jolly voice " Welcome to the family, I believe he have a deal, Mr. Lukhorn "

Luna's jaw dropped just as Mr. Lovewin released his firm grasp on Luna's hand and reached over to Mr Lukhorn Senior "Come! Let us celebrate, I am more than glad to do business with you and your family. We must toast this momentous occasion" he said and wrapped his arm around Mr Lovewin's shoulders, and the two of them strode off, deep in conversation as they entered the ballroom together.

Luna, looked back and forth, entirely confused as to what just happened.

Mrs Lukhorn sniffed and brushed a non-existent curl from out of her face.

"Well, don't say we never did anything for you, Lunaftha" she said stiffly and reached out for Mrs. Lovewin " He is a good boy, studious, and as you can see already has high regard for Rachel, did I not say this would make an exquisite match for your, peculiar child?"

Mrs Lovewin welcomed Mrs. Lukhorns hand and pulled her close " I am very pleased, Luna, there is so much that my husband will want to discuss with you, now is not the time for business talk. Please, continue to take care of my dear sweet Rachel. Perhaps you will be able to make an honest woman out of her" Mrs Lovewin said and winked at Luna, before she too walked into the ballroom after her husband.

Luna looked between a completely blank-expression Rachel, a slightly twitching Anna and an embarrassed-looking Luka.

"Can someone tell me what just happened?" Luna gasped as he grasped hold of his tie again, feeling like he was suffocating.

"I-I…. I think we just got engaged" Rachel said, cutting through the silence.

Luna stared at Rachel in horror.

Rachel's eyes suddenly started to well up in tears, and before Luna could correct himself or even digest what was going on, Rachel fled the hall, with Anna trailing after her asking her to stop.

Luna turned to find Luka trying to slink away.

"Did you know about this?" Luna snapped.

Luka looked back at Luna nervously as he reached for a door that led out to the gardens. It was dark that way as most of the lights had been switched on to illuminate the way for guests to make their way to the ballroom.

"Yes" Luka said as he pushed open the door and bolted, disappearing into the maze of hedges, leaving Luna alone in the corridor in shock.