Chapter 8.1 - The Gravity of the Situation

Ryan kept running. He didn't know where he was going and he didn't care. All his plans, all his effort. Tireless hours of working on himself, trying to find a way out, all gone down the drain, in a moment.

"Ryan! Stop! I can't! This dress is too heavy" Anna exclaimed in the background.

"Just go away I don't want to talk, I don't want to think!" Ryan exclaimed, rubbing his eyes, but the tears just wouldn't stop flowing.

Ryan suddenly felt his hand grabbed and he found himself yanked and spun around.

"An-" Ryan began but stopped as he was face to face with a flushed and panting Luna instead.

Ryan felt a shiver run up and down his spine. Luna has pulled him in sharply so he was suddenly pressed up close to Luna's body as Luna held him firmly around the waist with one hand, and grasped him by the wrist in the other hand.

"I. I think we need to talk" Luna said, breathlessly.

Ryan nodded meekly, " O.k…but umm, I don't think we can talk properly like this. Maybe let me go?"

"Oh err, yeah sorry" Luna said and released Ryan sheepishly.

Anna, panting like crazy, finally caught up. She doubled over in pain as she held her sides due to stitches.

"I-I wanted to tell you, Luna wants, to talk…" She said, exhausted from running after Ryan " You run fast girl! Do you need me to stay and chaperon?" Anna asked, looking back and forth between the two of them

Ryan shook his head " No I.. I don't think it'll be a problem, for us to be alone together"

Anna straightened up, but still held her side as it really hurt " You sure? You sure YOU will be alright Ryan, given who-"

"I'll be fine" Ryan said curtly, giving Anna the *look* of "Be quiet he doesn't know that I'm a boy and it's going to stay that way"

Anna looked Ryan up and down, giving him the look of "Well don't go ravishing him just cause you get to marry him, your parents are literally right over there in the main hall"

"Look umm, if it's really uncomfortable, Anna you can stay, it's not really something private I want to discuss" Luna cut in, really not understanding what all these looks meant that Anna and Ryan were giving each other.

"No no, Anna probably needs some water, and to sit down. I don't want to trouble her any further. Its ok, we'll be fine Anna" Ryan said, settling things for everyone.

"Ok yeah some water would be nice. I'll see you back inside the house later" Anna said and started to walk away.

Then she stopped and looked back pointedly at the dress Ryan was wearing "Oh and you totally owe me for ruining my dress, but I'll let it pass this time, cause you got, force engaged and all" Anna added, looking up and down at Ryan.

Ryan stepped back and looked at himself. It was true, the gown was completely in shreds. There must be bits of the gown handing off bushes and shrubs from the ballroom to wherever they were in the garden.

" Don't worry, I think this might just make the perfect wedding dress, the way it is" Ryan replied, looking up at Anna, feeling completely defeated.