The Fresh Prince of King's Landing pt.2

"Tya, we ain't s'posed to be here,"Aly whispered urgently.

"Shush, Aly," Tya replied, peering through the small crack in the closed door. Sounds of sex—moans, and the rhythmic slapping of flesh—filled the air. "I din't believe it when Madam Ros said she knew a prince.."

Aly approached Tya, grabbing her hands and signaling for them to leave. "Let me watch," Tya insisted, her voice filled with envy. "Look at her," she said, pointing through the crack. "Why's the new girl gettin' the prince? Why can't it be me or you? We've been here longer."

"Cause Anne's a maiden, never been with a man before"Aly whispered.

More sounds of moans echoed through the hallway, heightening the tension between the two girls. Tya's eyes were fixed on the scene, her expression a mix of jealousy and longing.

"It ain't fair," Tya muttered.

"We should go before we get caught." Aly said, glancing nervously down the hall.

"I just wanna see," Tya said, her voice breaking slightly. "Maybe if we—"

"Stop it, Tya. Madam Ros told us not to come here. It's her chamber," Aly said more firmly, tugging at Tya's arm. Reluctantly, Tya let herself be pulled away, casting one last glance at the closed door.

"You saw him when he came in? So handsome, so big," Tya whispered. She then looked through the hole again. "Mmm, yes, big," she added with a sultry smile.

Inside the room, Anne straddled Maekar, her blonde hair tousled and sticking to her glistening forehead as her moans echoed through the chamber. Ros gripped Anne's hips, urging her to go faster. "Harder, you slut, harder," Ros hollered, her voice dripping with desire.

He reached out to grab one of the blonde's soft, plump breasts, pinching her nipple hard. She let out a gasp as pleasure shot through her, fueling her passion even more.

"She's good, isn't she?" Ros asked, planting kisses on his body.

"Mmmm..." he groaned, beginning to match the blonde's thrusts, which caused her moans to grow louder and more desperate.

Ros moved herself behind Anne again, her body glistening with sweat, which made the movements of her hips against him even more tantalizing to watch. "Harder, take that big cock all the way," she whispered into the busty blonde's ear, punctuating every word with a smack to her ass.

Anne's moans grew louder and more urgent, and his groans became more guttural. Ros felt Anne's body stiffen and she let out a long, drawn-out moan as she reached her peak. "Ohhh... oh gods... oh gods... yesss... ahhhhhh."

Ros held onto her, feeling the heat of her skin and the rhythm of her pounding heart beneath her hands.

Maekar, unable to hold back any longer, groaned deeply as he reached his own climax, thrusting his hips upwards as he felt his cock twitch inside her, filling the blonde with his hot seed.

Anne collapsed onto him, her body trembling as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight.

Ros leaned down to kiss Anne on the neck. "Good girl," she whispered, snuggling next to him with a satisfied smile on her face.

"That was great," he said, panting.

"Only the best for my prince," Ros said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

His hands reached up to stroke Ros's face, his fingers trailing across her cheek and down to her neck. They lay there for a moment, their bodies slick with sweat and spent, before Anne stirred and moved to his other side, leaving him room to breathe.

"How is business?" he asked.

"Great," Ros replied, her voice filled with pride. "We are becoming one of the most sought-after brothels in the city, especially by the nobles and wealthy."

"Good," he said, his hands fondling her breasts, causing her to moan softly.

"I have been here too long, and we have other things to discuss," he said, his voice serious.

"You say that like you've enjoyed your time here," she teased, a knowing smile on her lips.

"Oh, I have enjoyed it very much," he said, capturing her lips in another passionate kiss.

Breaking the kiss, Ros turned her attention to Anne, who was snuggled against him, still tired. "Anne, leave," she said, her voice gentle but firm.

"And also, tell the two outside to leave as well," she added, her voice louder this time.

Anne quickly got up, taking the clothes she had discarded hours ago. They also heard hurried footsteps from outside.

"We should have invited them in as well," he said.

"Perhaps next time. You are in a hurry after all," she said, winking at him and getting out of the bed.





Kings Landing

After cleaning themselves and resting for sometime, he and Ros moved to the small room adjacent to the chamber they had been in before. This room was hidden, serving as Ros's solar and the place where she kept important documents related to the true purpose of her establishment: spying. 

The room was furnished with a large desk cluttered with parchment and paper with coded messages. Shelves lined the walls, filled with books and scrolls. A small window provided just enough light to see, and a heavy curtain could be drawn to ensure complete privacy.

"So have you met your brother and sister yet?" Ros asked, opening a shelf and taking out a goblet.

"No, I think they are avoiding me," he said, taking a seat.

"Oh…. I wonder why" she said coyly.

"Ros Tell me all you can about Harrold Hayford," he said in a serious tone changing the subject.

"Ah, the most hated man in King's Landing," Ros replied with a smirk.

"Truly?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, among the merchants, tavern owners, and those in Flea Bottom, anyway," she said, sitting down opposite him and pouring wine into a goblet.

"Tell me all you know," he said.

"King's Landing has been experiencing a surge in crime for the last few years. stories of theft, assault, and murder are common."

"The commander of the city guard has established a network of bribery and extortion, enriching himself and his loyal officers," Ros explained, her tone serious.

"Tell me all you know of his operations," he asked.

"You are lucky some of his loyal officers visit here often," she said. "And they have very loose tongues," she added.

"Well, go ahead, my mistress of whispers, tell me all you have learned," he said with a smirk.

"Ser Harrold and his officers run an extensive bribery scheme," she began. "Businesses must pay for protection. If they fail to comply, they face harassment, false arrests, or worse."

"Some minor nobles and wealthy merchants are coerced into paying hefty sums to ensure the safety of their properties and ventures," she explained.

"So, Hayford has a steady flow of income. He must be the richest man in the city," he mused.

"He owns a large manse near the Old Gate, where the wealthiest of the city live," she stated.

"Ah so not afraid to show off his wealth then" he said.

"No he is not.Ser Harrold has allies within the court and among influential families who benefit from his schemes. These connections give him power far beyond his official capacity as the head of the City Watch."

"They scratch his back, and he scratches theirs," he remarked.

"Well put. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement that makes him very hard to touch," she added.

"How does he maintain a facade of legitimacy?" he inquired. "If all you say is true, the populace must have turned on him a long time ago, other officials at court should have caught on to him"

"He is very cunning," Ros said. "Ser Harrold occasionally orchestrates arrests of minor criminals or rivals. These public spectacles present him as a vigilant protector of the city. It bolsters his reputation among the less informed sections of the populace while allowing him to continue his corrupt practices behind the scenes. To many, he appears to be a hero, a protector, but it's all a show."

"A very cunning man indeed," he murmured, leaning back in the chair.

"But recently, he has gotten bolder. Small riots have started to break out in Flea Bottom," Ros continued. "The last time, according to some of my clientele, the master of laws publicly accused Ser Harrold of corruption and demanded an investigation."

"Yes I know Jon Arryn failed" he said, taking a sip of the wine.

"Yes, he did. How did you know?" she asked, surprised.

"I talked to him yesterday," he said.

"Well, supposedly Ser Harrold used his influence to launch a counter-accusation against the Master of Laws, claiming he was still a traitor at heart and was trying to undermine the realm from within," Ros added.

"Damn faction politics," he muttered. 'Rhaegar should have snuffed this out years ago,' he thought.

"Organized crime in King's Landing, who would have thought," he said, standing up from the chair.

"Mmm… organized crime… that is an apt way of describing what Hayford is doing," Ros mused aloud.

"If Harrold is in your sights then. Is it safe to assume he is not long for this world, my prince?" she asked.

"Yes, I will be working with Jon Arryn from now on," he said, turning back to face Ros again. "This is a chance for me to spread my influence in the city and in court."

He walked over to her. She stood, her eyes locking onto his.

"If everything goes well, I will end up as the most powerful man in the city barring the king, of course." 

Ros came closer, their faces inches apart. "Until you are king, that is."

"Yes, until I am king," he said, capturing her lips.

'Perhaps I should stay a while longer' he thought as he began undressing her again.

