Her Half-Brother


Kings Landing

"How long are you going to keep avoiding him?" Arianne asked.

"Avoid who?" she replied, narrowing her eyes.

Arianne did not respond but simply took a grape from the bowl next to them and ate it with a smile.

Rhaenys sighed. "I am not avoiding him," she replied, turning to look at the view from the balcony of her chambers again.

She used to spend a lot of time here when she was a child, as the chamber used to belong to her mother. It was also one of the few places in the holdfast that had a view of the godswood. The ancient trees stood tall, their branches swaying gently in the breeze, while the soft murmur of a nearby brook added a soothing melody to her troubled soul. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground below. It was a haven of calm amid the chaos of court life.

"He's been here for two weeks, and both you and Aegon have avoided him like he's some leper," Arianne said with a smirk.

Her half-brother had finally returned from the North, where he had been for the last ten years. Like her, he too was sent to his mother's lands. That was the only thing they had in common, that and they shared a father.

The court was still buzzing from his arrival, with several rumors and speculations circulating. Plots had to be changed for many, and new plots were being schemed. The court had not been this exciting since the Greyjoy Rebellion and her own return from Dorne.

"I told you, I haven't had time..." she began, but Arianne interrupted her.

"Oh, I'm sure you're so busy with your duties," Arianne teased, her smirk widening. She had always been like this, even when they were younger.

"Why are you so interested in him?" she asked, exasperated.

"You've seen him: tall, dark, muscular," Arianne said with an almost dreamy look on her face. "Everything I want in a man."

"Of course, I should have known," she deadpanned.

"Why, Rhae, don't tell me you aren't interested either? A man like that..." Arianne trailed off with a suggestive smile.

"He is my brother," she said firmly.

"And so you are a Targaryen. He could be very useful in your plans," Arianne said with a knowing smirk.

"There is no plan," she said, getting up.

"Come now, Rhae. Did you forget… What was it you said? 'Aegon cannot be king,'" Arianne reminded her.

"That was a mistake," she said, her voice tinged with regret. "I was angry..." she trailed off.

Her relationship with Aegon… well, there was no relationship with Aegon. She had tried to build one with him. It would be what her mother wanted, and she also knew something others did not: her father wished for her to marry Aegon, so she tried and she failed.

Aegon remained supportive of his vile friend. Not only that, since the incident with Joffrey, several rumors about her began circulating in court—vile, disgusting rumors. They were not all about her, but her dear cousins as well. She knew who started them and confronted Aegon to have his friend put an end to it, but Aegon rebuffed her and was adamant Joffrey had nothing to do with it.

This caused her uncle and cousins to distance themselves from Aegon more. Oberyn's and Aegon's relationship soured to a point where her uncle subtly threatened Aegon to have him replaced with her.

It was becoming all too much for her. She wished to return to Dorne where she was happy. There was only sorrow and misery in this city for her.

She stood up and walked into her chambers.

"Where are you going?" Arianne asked.

"Out," she replied.

"I was just teasing," she could hear Arianne say.

She walked out of her chambers. At the door, Ser Jaime was waiting, and he followed as she walked past.

"Rhae, wait!" she heard Arianne call out.

But she didn't stop. She kept walking, needing to clear her head. Her thoughts were racing, and her chest felt heavy. She hated this feeling, this idea of plotting against her brother. Her mother would be ashamed of her…

'You are backed into a corner,' a small voice whispered in her head. She knew why her father had not married her off; he planned to marry her to Aegon, and if Aegon became king, if something were to befall her father, then Aegon would marry her to his vile friend in a heartbeat.

And Maekar… she did not know what sort of man he was. She was avoiding him for this reason. She did not wish to be disappointed by another family member again.

Arianne finally caught up with her.

"Where are you going?" Arianne asked.

"To the godswood," she replied. "I wish to be alone, Ari."

Arianne did not reply but chose to follow her anyway.

She did not argue with Arianne, knowing it was futile. As long as Arianne remained silent, it was fine. They walked in silence through the corridors, passing servants and guards who bowed to them. They arrived at the godswood, and she began walking aimlessly towards the large trees, her mind still in turmoil.

As they walked around in silence, Arianne suddenly placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Look," Arianne said, her voice soft but insistent.

She was annoyed but followed the direction her cousin was pointing to and, to her surprise, saw Maekar sitting under one of the largest trees in the godswood. His large frame and handsome face stood out immediately. He was sitting on a chair with a table in front of him, intently writing. He wore a loose white shirt that revealed glimpses of his bare chest. His long hair, with curls cascading down his shoulders, framed his face as he concentrated on his writing.

Rhaenys turned to Arianne, who was shamelessly staring at him.

"Ari," she said warningly, knowing all too well her cousin's behavior.

Without saying a word, Arianne walked towards Maekar.

"Arianne," Rhaenys called out in a low, fierce voice, trying to stop her.

But Arianne was already ahead, and seeing that she had no choice, she reluctantly followed her cousin.

Arianne walked briskly ahead, but then she stopped suddenly. Rhaenys was surprised by her action. She caught up with her, and before she could ask what was wrong, she saw the reason Arianne had stopped midway.

In front of them was a large dog—no, not a dog, but a wolf. Its size was that of a large dog, with fur as white as snow and blood-red eyes that gleamed in the dappled light of the godswood.

Ser Jaime quickly stepped in front of them, his sword drawn. "Stay back, princess," he said, shocked by the appearance of the wolf.

"Sheath your sword, Ser. He won't hurt you," they heard a voice with a northern accent say. Rhaenys looked behind the wolf to see Maekar approaching with a smile. His loose white shirt billowed in the wind, revealing glimpses of his well-defined chest, and his hair, dark and wavy, flowed freely around his shoulders.

No wonder Arianne was so enamored with him.

"What is that?" Jaime asked, still eyeing the wolf warily.

"It's a direwolf, Ser. Trust me, it won't hurt you. Sheath your sword," Maekar repeated more firmly, his gray eyes piercing into Jaime.

Jaime nodded and slowly sheathed his sword. "A direwolf? South of the Wall?" he asked incredulously.

Maekar smiled and nodded. "Indeed. This is Ghost." He approached the wolf and patted its head affectionately. Ghost sat obediently by his side, its eyes never leaving Jaime and them.

"Where was it? It was not with you when you arrived, my prince," Jaime asked.

"Yesterday. Ghost was the smallest of the litter when I found him. I thought it too dangerous for him to travel when I left Winterfell," Maekar answered.

He then turned to Arianne and greeted her. "Princess Arianne," he said with a small bow and a smile. Then he turned to her with the same smile. "Sister," he greeted.

"Brother," she greeted back.

Arianne couldn't help but be fascinated by Ghost. "A direwolf in the south… I thought they were just legends," she said, stepping closer.

Maekar looked at her, his smile widening. "Legends have a way of coming to life," he said, "especially in these times," he added in a low voice.

"He's beautiful," Arianne said, her voice filled with awe.

"You can pet him. He won't hurt you. Ghost here is a softie, aren't you, Ghost?" Maekar said, petting the direwolf on its head.

Arianne looked unsure, but Maekar walked forward. "May I?" he asked, extending his hand, asking for permission to hold hers.

Arianne held out her hand, and Maekar guided her to Ghost. The direwolf sniffed her and then bowed his head. Arianne, now more confident, began petting the direwolf.

"Oh, he is precious," Arianne said, laughing.

"Like I said, a big softie," Maekar replied.

He then turned his gaze toward her. "Would you like to join me?" he said, motioning towards where he had been sitting. "I believe this is the first time we have spoken since you greeted me when I returned," he added.

"Yes, I shall join you," she said, following Maekar to where he was sitting. There were four chairs and a table; on the table was a book, quill, and ink.

She noticed what was on the pages of the book: it was a hand-drawn map of King's Landing. Certain sections were highlighted, and there was writing, but she could not make it out. It was in a language she had never seen before.

She sat opposite him, her eyes still on the book, but she was quickly shaken from her thoughts when he closed it suddenly. 

'Did he notice her staring,' she wondered.

"It's a hot day, isn't it?" he asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, yes it is. The hottest it's been since I came here," she replied, trying to focus.

"Yes, it's taking me some time to adjust to the heat. I'm not used to it," he said with a smirk, and as you can see," he pointed to the ground where white furs could be seen, "Ghost is adjusting as well."

"He is of the North; they do poorly in the South," she said. 

'That was worded poorly,' she thought as quickly as she said it.

"Oh, I am sure he will adjust to it. Direwolves are tough," he said with a reassuring smile.

Arianne then returned as the white direwolf ran further into the godswood. Her cousin's eyes roamed Maekar's body.

'Why are you this shameless, Arianne?' she thought with an internal groan.

"It's good to finally meet in person, Prince Maekar," Arianne said, her voice dripping with charm.

"It's good to meet you as well, Princess," Maekar replied, his gaze lingering on her longer than necessary. Maekar seemed to be undressing her cousin with his eyes.

'He is as bad as Arianne,' she thought.

Arianne smiled, her eyes twinkling. "You must find King's Landing quite different after being in the North for so many years."

Maekar shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes. "Different, yes, but I'm managing. Good company usually makes this easier," he said, his gaze flicking to her for a moment before returning to Arianne.

Arianne laughed lightly. "You're quite the charmer, Prince Maekar. Have you had a chance to explore the city much?"

"Not as much as I'd like," Maekar admitted.

"Though something I could not predict was how hot the city could become," she said, "and I am from Dorne," she added with genuine surprise, "and the nights are sometimes colder too."

"Yes, the heat is bad, but thankfully it's easy to cool down. Like I said before, you just need good company," Maekar replied, his eyes locking with Arianne's.

"Yes, I agree too. We only need some good company…," Arianne said, laughing softly.

'This has to stop,' she thought, exasperated at how her cousin and brother were acting.

"Maekar," Rhaenys called, causing both Arianne and her brother to look at her.

"Yes, sister?" he asked.

"I heard you were working for the master of laws now," she said. Last week, word spread among the court of how her brother had asked their father to have him work under Jon Arryn, the master of laws.

Many rumors claimed the king was planning for him to take the position when Jon Arryn resigned. There were other, more ridiculous rumors as well.

"Yes, I am working with Jon Arryn," he said, emphasizing the word "with."

"How do you find it?" she asked, probing for more answers.

"Fulfilling," he answered with a smile.

She asked more about the new position, but she only got vague answers. The more she spoke with him, the more frustrated she became. He was more interested in talking with Arianne. It seemed her brother was as shameless as her cousin.

'You are as bad as her' she thought she quickly suppressed those thoughts.

"We should talk more, sister," Maekar said suddenly. "Just us.I would like to get to know you more," he added.

This surprised her. What she wanted from Aegon, now she was being offered by Maekar.

"I would like that, brother," she replied.

"Good," he said. Then he saw someone coming and called out to them, "Aha, perfect timing."

She and Ariannne turned to see two servants approaching, both carrying a large chest together

"What is this, Maekar?" Arianne asked, intrigued.

"You are going to love this," he said.

"Was this made like I showed you?" he asked one of the servants.

"Yes, my prince, we did as you taught us," one of the servants replied.

"Serve us three," Maekar instructed.

She watched as the servants opened the chest and was surprised to see ice inside.

"Ice?" Arianne asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

"Yes, I believe it has gotten quite famous in Dorne," Maekar replied with a grin.

"Yes, yes it has," Arianne admitted, her interest piqued.

There was a metal bowl nestled in the ice. The servants then put three goblets and three spoons on the table. One servant opened the metal bowl to reveal a white paste, then scooped it into the goblets using a large spoon. The goblets went cold as soon as the paste was placed inside. They set the goblets in front of them and stepped away.

"What is it?" Arianne asked, eyeing the creamy substance in the goblet.

"Taste it; you won't regret it," Maekar said, his smile widening.

Arianne was the first to try it. She took a spoonful and brought it to her mouth. As soon as she tasted it, she moaned and covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my gods, this is…wow," she said, looking at Maekar with wide eyes.

"I told you it was good," he said, clearly pleased with her reaction.

"So cold, so refreshing. What is this?" Arianne asked, her eyes still wide with amazement.

"I call it ice cream," Maekar replied.

Seeing her cousin's reaction, Rhaenys took a spoonful as well. The moment the creamy, cold substance touched her tongue, she felt a burst of sweetness and chill that was both surprising and delightful. She closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh of pleasure.

"This is incredible," she said, opening her eyes to look at Maekar.

"I'm glad you like it," Maekar said, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Are there any more delightful surprises you planned for us, my prince?" Arianne asked.

"Wait and see, princess, wait and see," he said with a smirk.

'You have my attention, brother, my full attention,' she thought.