The Duskendale Circle


Kings Landing

"Prince Maekar," Jon Arryn greeted as he entered the spacious room. 

He was in Jon Arryn's manse near the King's Gate, a luxurious part of the city where only nobles resided. 

The room was adorned in the colors and style of House Arryn and the Vale, with tapestries depicting mountains and falcons. Rich blue and white fabrics draped the walls, and the furniture was made of dark, polished wood. The sunlight streaming in through the tall windows gave the room an airy feel, accentuating its grandeur.

"Please, sit," Jon said, as the servants around them began laying out refreshments and drinks on a table set with two chairs.

"A good place for a manse," Maekar commented, admiring the decor as he took his seat.

"It's been in my family since the time of Jaehaerys the Wise," Jon replied with a hint of pride. "A good place to talk away from prying eyes."

They both sat down, and Jon took a sip of wine from his goblet. "The king has announced that you will be working with me in the small council. It is official now."

"How did they react?" he asked with a smirk.

"I think you already know, my prince."

"I would have liked to be there only to see how Connington reacted," Maekar said, amusement evident in his voice.

"Oh, has the Lord Hand already made such a bad impression?" Jon Arryn said with faux surprise.

"Lord Arryn, I think you already know how he would react."

Jon broke out in laughter. "Yes, yes, the man is strange. He has a peculiar obsession with your father and brother." Jon said. 

"Not a man fit to be the Hand, and the lord of the Stormlands too, I say, from what I'm hearing about." he asked.

"Yes, most of the storm lords still look to Stannis Baratheon..." Jon Arryn paused, as if remembering a fond memory.

"Well, enough about those matters. Let us get to what we are here for," Jon said, adopting a more serious manner.

"Yes, let's," he said, sitting up straighter.

"Hayford... when did he become the commander, and how did he get so powerful?" he asked.

"Hayford made his name during the rebellion, like many prominent nobles in the city," Jon Arryn began. "He supposedly stopped a northern force raiding lands near King's Landing."

"Supposedly?" Maekar questioned.

"Yes, Hayford claims he defeated the northern force. Sometimes you can hear him boast that he defeated your uncle Brandon in single combat," Jon explained.

"So, he is a liar," he concluded.

"Yes, and that has helped him very much," Jon said. "He was one of the officers under Manly Stokeworth, the previous commander of the Gold Cloaks. He was corrupt then as well—bribery, extortion. He also began working with criminal elements in the city."

"Then he became commander, and his grip on the city strengthened," he said.

"Yes," Jon affirmed. "To my shame, I did not notice any foul play from him at first. The city was as it always was, and I was managing the entire realm," Jon said, his frustration increasing.

"I understand, my lord. The commander should have been upholding the laws you looked after," he said, sympathizing with the Lord of the Vale.

"How does he operate? Should I assume all his officers are compromised?" Maekar asked.

"Yes, all his officers enjoy the benefits," Jon said, nodding. 

"Kings Landing is divided into four districts for administration" Jon began.

"Ser Elwood Hogg, is the officer of the City Watch who oversees the northern districts. He manages bribery operations and extortion from local businesses. His network ensures that those who can pay are protected, while those who can't are harassed or worse."

"Ser Lambert Harte," Jon continued, "manages the eastern districts. He coordinates with crime syndicates and ensures loyalty through fear and intimidation. His methods are ruthless, and he's known for making examples out of those who resist."

"Ser Cedric Rollingford controls the western districts," Jon went on. "He oversees protection rackets and collaborates with smugglers. His area is rife with illegal activities, all under his watchful eye."

"And finally, Ser Roland Bywater," Jon concluded, "oversees the southern districts. He manages the patrols and ensures the compliance of the lower-ranking enforcers. He keeps the foot soldiers in line, making sure they follow Hayford's orders without question."

"Each of these men is deeply entrenched in their respective areas, making it difficult to uproot the corruption without causing chaos," Jon explained. "They are loyal to Hayford because they benefit from his system. 

"You have investigated them thoroughly," he said, impressed.

"Yes," Jon replied, "but it was all for naught. Hayford has powerful friends in court."

"If only your father listened," Jon continued. "He claims he wished to heal the realm by appointing me and others to key positions.But over the years Connington and his faction have successfully removed many of them. The only reason I'm still here is because I am the Lord of the Vale and of a great house. Some of those schemers know their place."

Jon then focused his attention on him. "What did you notice about the names of the officers working for Hayford?"

He thought, remembering the names again—Hogg, Harte, Rollingford—and it came to him. "They are houses in the Crownlands, near the city as well."

"Yes, they are," Jon confirmed. "Therein lies another issue but also a way for us to find allies."

"What issue?" Maekar asked.

"The Crownlands, like all the kingdoms in Westeros, have their own political intricacies. Some are known only to those who rule over the lands or administer them. I'm sure you know of many in the North that we in the South do not."

He nodded, remembering the careful political moves his uncle made in the North to keep House Stark's power supreme. He even broke up the Ryswell-Dustin-Bolton power block. Many in the South believed his uncle to be a brute, but he knew how smart he was when it came to politicking.

Jon stood up and walked over to the window. "What do you know of House Darklyn?" Jon asked, turning to him.

"Darklyn," he repeated. "The lords of Duskendale. They were petty kings in the Age of Heroes, eventually conquered by the Storm Kings, then the River Kings, and finally my family."

"Yes, and then?" Jon pressed.

"The Defiance… they rebelled against my grandfather, who killed every Darklyn, thus making their line extinct."

"And there began the problems," Jon explained. "For centuries, the Darklyns, with their ancient lineage, had held the respect of many lords of these lands, especially the lands many call the Duskendale Circle."

"The Duskendale Circle?" he asked, confused. He had never heard that before.

"The Duskendale Circle is a group of houses that the lords of Duskendale had exerted power over," Jon clarified.

Jon held up his hands and started counting. "House Staunton, House Buckwell, House Harte, House Hollard, House Darke, House Hogg, House Stokeworth, and finally House Hayford."

Suddenly, it all made sense to him. "I think I understand, my lord."

"Oh?" Jon seemed surprised.

"Hayford's sudden rise has upset the balance of power in the circle, and I assume House Rykker's ascension to the lords of Duskendale has not helped either."

Jon had a wide smile on his face. "Yes, Prince Maekar, you are correct. It seems Ned was not wrong about you being in his words 'a bright lad'."

He smiled at the compliment, and Jon continued, "Hayford wishes for his family to become the leaders of the Circle."

"So, he wishes for it to become the Hayford Circle," he said, joking.

Jon laughed. "Yes, in a way, yes. That is what he wants."

"They all were loyal supporters of House Darklyn. That is to say, House Rykker has not tried to exert their influence. Houses Buckwell, Staunton, Buckwell, and Stokeworth have good relations with house Rykker."

"But?" he asked.

"As Hayford's power grew, they began influencing Houses Darke, Harte, and Hogg. They have also started intruding into House Rosby's affairs by supporting House Rollingford."

"Hayford is that confident?" Maekar asked, surprised.

Jon nodded. "Rykker's are right to worry. As you know, House Darke is descended from the Darklyns, and the Darkes have always claimed Duskendale. They even petitioned your father once."

"This is a dangerous game Hayford is playing," he said.

"Yes, yes it is, and we need to put a stop to it for the good of the city and the peace in the Crownlands," Jon said firmly.

They spent the rest of the day planning and plotting, thinking of ways to oust the leader of the Gold Cloaks. As the afternoon arrived, he decided to depart, planning to meet the next day.

As he was about to leave, a servant came in and informed Jon, "He is here, my lord."

"Oh good," Jon said happily.

A boy with dirty blonde hair, older than eight or nine, burst into the room, yelling "Father!" and hugged Jon.

"Robin, my boy, it's good to see you," Jon said, hugging the boy tightly.

"I missed you, Father," Robin said.

"I missed you too," Jon replied.

Jon then turned to Maekar and said, "Prince Maekar, this is my son, Robin."

He turned to look at the boy, surprised to see how healthy he looked. In the books, Robin Arryn was supposed to be sickly, but here he seemed strong and full of energy.

'A good change," he thought.

"Prince Maekar," Robin said, bowing.

"Lord Robin," he greeted, returning the bow with a smile.

Jon then turned to Robin. "How was your day? I hope the lessons with Hugh are going well."

"I don't like Hugh," Robin said with a pout.

"Yes, I know," Jon replied to Robin and turned to him again. "Prince Maekar, I have a request. I see that you have no squire or page."

"No, I don't. I'm not a knight, my lord," he replied.

"But you are a prince of the realm. I request you to take my son as your page," Jon said.

He looked at the boy, he couldn't believe it was an opportunity to influence the future lord of the vale.

"I would be honored, my lord." he said, quickly accepting.

"Excellent," Jon said, a broad smile on his face.

Robin's face lit up with a smile as well.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lord Robin," he said.

"Thank you, Prince Maekar," Robin said, stuttering slightly.

He left Jon Arryn's manse, a plan forming in his mind. The pieces were slowly coming together.




Before he left the North, even before the Ironborn's rebellion, he had been recruiting men in the North and training them to be a force loyal to him and him only. They were trained in arms and also given a good education.

 His own praetorian guard—perhaps the Varangian Guard would be more suitable. 

He had brought only two with him to King's Landing: Edrick and Jorven. The others were still in Maekarton. There were about two hundred of them now, their armors and weapons all bought and paid for by him from the large stipend his uncle gave him as their fortunes increased.

He walked through the streets of King's Landing near Flea Bottom towards the Red Keep with Edrick and Jorven close behind him. He could see shops closing and people hurrying to get to their homes as the sun set. He also saw them moving and cowering away as the Gold Cloaks passed by.

Then he saw people running away. 'Are the Gold Cloaks attacking?' he thought.

"Edrick, stop one of them," he ordered.

Edrick did as commanded, stopping a man in ragged clothes. "Why are you running?"

The man looked scared. "Fire! Fire in the baker's shop! It's spreading!"

Edrick let him go, and the man scampered away. He quickly walked in the direction of the fire and arrived at a gruesome scene.

The fire raged fiercely, its orange and red flames licking at the darkening sky. People dragged burned men and women away from the inferno, their faces twisted in agony and desperation. Some Gold Cloaks stood by, watching without helping, as the people desperately tried to put out the fire. The heat was intense, and the crackling of burning wood filled the air.

He joined in to help, ordering Edrick and Jorven to assist in putting out the fires. After what felt like hours of grueling work, they were successful. The only remnant of the baker's shop was now black ash, charred remains smoldering in the night.

As he left the street and headed back to the Red Keep, he had a large smile on his face. Because as he helped to put out the fire a plan formed in his head. He knew exactly how to oppose Hayford and also a way to become rich and grow his influence in King's Landing.




Read up to chapter 46 here : (check the chapter summary i have it there as well)

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