The Heat of Kings Landing

Arianne was troubled; for the last two months, her thoughts were consumed by one person: Prince Maekar Targaryen.

She couldn't shake the images of Maekar and Gerold's fight from her mind. The way Maekar's muscles rippled under his skin as he moved with such confidence and strength, his dark hair falling over his face as he fought with unmatched skill. His presence was commanding, his body powerful and agile. He was unlike any man she had ever known.

She had been with three men in her life, unfortunately, one of them being Gerold Dayne, the man Maekar had so effortlessly bested. No one had made her feel this way, not even Daemon, her first.

Maekar and she had spent some time together in the past two months. Many in the court claimed he was a brute like his family in the north, but she knew it was quite the opposite. Maekar was the most dangerous player in the game at the castle, and the poor courtiers stood no chance. She was attracted to him in every way, something she had not felt for anyone in her life.

She had always been in control in her relationships, always dictating the terms. It was how she liked it, how she felt safe and empowered. But Maekar was different. The mere thought of him made her yearn for something she had never wanted before: to be dominated, to be taken. She wanted him to ravage her, to take complete control. She imagined his strong hands gripping her, his weight pressing her down, the raw power of his body against hers. The thought sent a shiver of excitement through her, making her skin tingle and her heart race.

Her body responded to these thoughts, a warmth spreading through her, a deep ache that only he could satisfy. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her racing thoughts, but it was impossible. The northern prince was in her head, in her heart, and in every fiber of her being. She needed him, craved him in a way that scared and thrilled her all at once.

She moved towards her bed and let loose the ties on her dress allowing the silk to slide down her curves. Her breath caught in her throat as she imagined Maekar's muscular arms reaching out to pull her close, his rough hands skimming up her thighs. She imagined his hungry gaze fixed on her, evidence of his desire making her heart beat wildly in her chest.

She sank down onto the bed, relishing the softness beneath her. With shaking fingers, Arianne reached between her legs, already wet with need. She buried them deep inside herself, mimicking the feeling of Maekar's warmth filling her up. She moaned his name as she began to rub her swollen clit, the pleasure intensifying with every stroke.

Her mind's eye painted vivid images of him, his body towering above her, his eyes dark with desire, and his lips pulling her towards him for a kiss She could hear the sound of his voice, a low growl that stirred something deep within her, and the heat of his breath cascading over her as he claimed her mouth. She imagined him pushing her onto her back, her legs spread wide. She arched her back, offering herself up to him as she traced her fingers over her swollen folds. She bit her lip, trying to stifle her moans as she flicked her clit, mimicking the feeling of his tongue lapping at her opening.

A part of her was terrified by this newfound urge, yet a greater part reveled in the pure, raw desire that now defined her. With each passing moment, she could feel her inhibitions slowly being stripped away, and she gave herself over to the allure of Maekar's dominance, her body trembling with need as she surrendered to her desire.

As her skillful fingers dug deeper into her soaked folds the image of Maekar's cock pushing into her became more vivid. She imagined him forcing her legs apart, his rough hands gripping her hips as he thrust into her. She began to lose herself in the fantasy as she felt the familiar tingle of impending climax building deep within her.

As the walls around her cunt began to tremble, Arianne knew she couldn't hold out much longer. She gasped for air, her muscles tensing, and with one last shuddering moan she came hard, her body shuddering in the throes of ecstasy. Her heart hammered in her chest and her whole body trembled As the waves of pleasure subsided, she felt spent but ultimately unsatisfied.

The fantasy was not enough; she wanted Maekar, the real Maekar.

"You could marry him," a small voice suggested in her mind.

She was still unmarried due to her father's stubbornness. After the rebellion, her father was set on securing another royal marriage for their family. He wanted her to be married to Prince Viserys. After years of pressuring the king, he relented and sent Viserys to Dorne to court her.

Prince Viserys, while a charming and good man, was not what she wanted. Thankfully, she was not what he wanted either. They became good friends during his short stay there, and when Viserys fell in love with Allyria Dayne, she even helped them get married in secret. Viserys and Allyria soon left for Essos. This scandal and her involvement in it almost caused her father to remove her from being his heir. Even now, he focused on Quentyn, her brother, as he failed to find what he considered a proper match for her.

'She could marry Maekar,' a thought came to her.

He was a Targaryen, the man of her dreams. It all came together.

'But what of Rhaenys?' a voice asked in her head.

"What of Rhaenys?" she asked herself.

Then she remembered she had been filling her little cousin's head with ideas of her marrying Maekar so she could secure her position to begin plans to oust Aegon.

The thought sent waves of anger through her.

'Maekar was hers, not Rhaenys,' she thought, sitting up in her bed.

She got up, still naked, and walked to the large window. The wind felt cool on her naked skin.

She always got what she wanted. Rhaenys just needed to find another way. Maekar was hers.




Aegon took another sip of wine as he sat in the gardens of Maegor's Holdfast. He watched as Joffrey laughed and pulled one of the servants to him. She tried to resist but gave in, knowing she had no choice but to acquiesce. The other servants laid out more wine on the table.

He laughed as Joffrey smacked another servant on her ass, eliciting a yelp from her.

"Aegon, have you spoken to your father yet?" Joffrey asked.

"If this is about my sister, then no," he answered, annoyed that his friend was bringing the matter up again.

"My grandfather is insistent upon this, Aegon," Joffrey answered. "He even threatened to cut my monthly stipend," he added angrily.

"Joffrey, my father has not even looked for a match for me, and I should be married by now," he said.

"So should your sister, and most importantly, to me," Joffrey said.

Why his father was not marrying him and his sister off, he did not understand. Even his bastard brother was not married, nor was his aunt. Only Uncle Viserys was married, and that was because he did it in secret and without his father's permission.

"What are you planning, Father?" he thought.

"You know, Aegon, sometimes I wonder if your father wishes for you to marry your sister," Joffrey speculated.

Was that it? Was that his father's intention?

"Or to your aunt. She must be quite beautiful now," Joffrey said.

Yes, that must be it. He plans to marry him to Rhaenys. Was his father mad to marry him to his sister when their hold on the realm was this weak?

"No," he said, getting up with great effort, leaning heavily on his cane.

"Look, if you end up marrying your sister, at least give me your aunt. If she is as beautiful as they say, I will be satisfied," Joffrey added nonchalantly.

"Will you shut up about my sister and aunt?" he said angrily to Joffrey. "I cannot marry my sister or my aunt. I need to strengthen my rule by marrying someone from a great house."

"Well, there is always my sister."

"She is too young," he said, dismissing Joffrey.

"The Tyrells. They have a daughter. My mother talked about her being a good match for me," he said.

"Hey, my sister is not that young," Joffrey said.

Aegon ignored him as plans began forming in his mind. He needed to get in contact with the Tyrells. If his father does plan to marry him to his sister or aunt, he needs to find a way to avoid it. He would marry the Tyrell girl in secret if he must, like his uncle did with that Dayne girl.

"Ah, look," Aegon heard Joffrey say. "It's the greatest warrior to ever exist, the great and powerful Darkstar," Joffrey shouted mockingly.

"Shut your mouth, Lannister," Gerold said, entering the small clearing in the garden where they were sitting.

"Gerold," Aegon greeted him.

"Prince Aegon," Gerold said, bowing.

"Oh, no greeting for me? Poor old Joffrey," Joffrey said.

Gerold glared at the blond.

"Joffrey, stop," Aegon said, looking at his friend.

"I did not lose to your bastard brother, Aegon. The so-called greatest warrior did, and quite badly too, from what I heard," Joffrey added.

Gerold had challenged Maekar to a duel and had lost, lost it quite badly. The so-called Darkstar was not able to get a hit.

"It has been months, Gerold. You disappeared since that encounter with Maekar," Aegon asked.

"I needed some time to myself," Gerold said.

"You are my friend, Gerold, and the court knows that as well. I want to ask you one thing: what was going through your head when you decided to pick a fight with my brother?" Aegon asked, his voice growing more dangerous.

"I was not—" Gerold began.

"Thinking," Aegon interrupted. "Remember, Gerold, your actions affect me as well."

"I will beat him next time," Gerold began to speak again.

"There is no next time," Aegon interrupted. "Leave Maekar alone. He is not as dangerous as I thought him to be."

"He works with Jon Arryn, the traitor," Gerold stated.

He was suspicious when Maekar began working under the master of laws, yet Maekar made no effort to make friends in court. He kept to himself, and now his father had made him leader of a new order called the Fire Watch. There was nothing to be gained from this for him, and courtiers now looked down on him for his new position.

"And he is now putting out fires in the city and looks content doing so," Aegon said. "I don't believe he is capable of any political maneuvering, even if he has ambitions to take my place."

"Still," Gerold said.

"If he becomes a threat, Gerold, you will be the first I turn to, to have him removed from the board," Aegon said with a smile.

"That is acceptable, my prince," Gerold said.

"Good. Now come have some wine," he said, sitting down. He watched Joffrey leave with the servant from before. He thought back to his plans about getting a match with House Tyrell.

'Wasn't Rhaenys looking for a new handmaiden?'

'Yes, yes she was, and it was the perfect opportunity to put his plans in motion,' he thought with glee.




A fire raged near the Mud Gate, consuming multiple buildings in its relentless fury. The blaze spread rapidly, leaping from one structure to the next, fueled by the wooden beams and thatched roofs of the tightly packed row houses. The flames painted the darkening sky with a hellish glow, and thick black smoke billowed upwards, choking the air.

People ran in panic, their cries for help mingling with the crackling roar of the inferno. Men and women screamed for their loved ones trapped inside, the desperation in their voices piercing through the chaos. These buildings were home to the smallfolk who lived near the harbor—fishermen, sailors, and their families.

Suddenly, a group of men arrived on the scene. They were lightly armored, their faces covered with cloth to protect against the smoke. They moved with purpose, carrying a device that they quickly assembled, connecting it to a large tank of water they had brought with them. The men began pumping water from the tank, directing powerful streams towards the heart of the fire.

To everyone's shock, some of these brave men ran into the burning buildings. Moments later, they emerged with survivors, carrying them to safety. The crowd watched in awe as more people were rescued, their loved ones saved from the clutches of the inferno.

Cheers erupted from the crowd as the fire was eventually brought under control and finally extinguished. The people celebrated the courage and skill of these mysterious saviors.

However, those who owned the buildings and those who lived and worked there were distraught, their homes and livelihoods reduced to smoldering ruins. As despair threatened to take hold, one of the men stepped forward. 

"My name is Rogar I lead this battalion of the fire watch assigned to this part of the city" he said.

"Fire watch?"

"What is a fire watch?"

"Thank you for saving my son"

The people gathered began to say.

"Do not lose hope," Rogar called out to the crowd. We serve Prince Maekar Targaryen. Your homes and shops will be rebuilt."

The crowd erupted into cheers again chanting Maekar's name and for the fire watch. 

"I need the men who owned the ruined buildings to come with me," Rogar said.

Four men stepped up, their faces etched with worry and hope.

"I am Eddard," said the first, a middle-aged man with a weathered face and calloused hands.

"Harwin," said the second, a younger man with short brown hair and a muscular build.

"Tomard," said the third, an older man with a gray beard and kind eyes.

"Willas, apprentice carpenter, my father died in the fire," said the fourth, a lanky young man with a determined expression.

Rogar nodded to each of them. "Come with us"

Rogar led Eddard, Harwin, Tomard, and Willas to the barracks of the Fire Watch. As they approached, the men were surprised to see the old Dragonpit being torn down, with new buildings being constructed in its place. The structures had an impressive and sturdy look, with strong columns and arches.

Inside, they were taken to a newly finished building, its interior new and clean. They were ushered into a room where a short man in gray robes awaited them.

"Scholar Basil, these are the men who owned the buildings in Sector 13," Rogar said.

"Ah, near the Mud Gate," Basil confirmed.

The four men nodded.

"Good," Basil said, leading them to a large table in the room. On the table was a parchment. "Your buildings have unfortunately burned down," Basil began, "and I suppose you have no means to rebuild them, correct?"

"No," Tomard said, the others shaking their heads sadly.

Rogar then informed Basil about their professions.

"Oh, a carpenter and a blacksmith, you could be useful," Basil said, jotting down notes on a small piece of paper.

"As the representative of Prince Maekar Targaryen, I offer you five gold dragons each for your buildings."

The four men were shocked.

"But you said you would help us rebuild," Eddard said.

"Yes, we will rebuild after we buy it from you," Basil explained. "Do not fret, you will be given preference if you wish to rent new rooms in the new buildings once they are completed."

"But... but..." Harwin stammered, while the others were too stunned to speak.

"It is not wise to make an enemy of a prince," Basil said, his words carrying a subtle threat.

They noticed Rogar moving his hand towards his axe, a clear sign of intimidation.

"The blacksmith and carpenter can come to work for the prince outside the city," Basil continued. "As for you two," he said, turning to Eddard and Harwin, "I suppose you will find something useful to do with the money you are about to receive."

"What is your decision?" Basil asked, looking at each of them.

Feeling cornered and realizing they had little choice, the men reluctantly agreed. They left the barracks five gold dragons richer, but with heavy hearts and uncertain futures.



The final pairing will be Maekar/Rhaenys/Dany

Read up to chapter 50 here : (check the chapter summary i have it there as well)

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