First Moves


Kings Landing

Maekar sat in his solar in the newly established headquarters of the Fire Watch. The room was repurposed from one of the only usable parts of the Dragonpit, and its ancient architecture was evident in the intricate Valyrian inscriptions and designs that adorned the walls. 

He believed the chamber had once belonged to a high-ranking dragonkeeper considering how large it was. The room had high ceilings and arched windows that allowed the afternoon sunlight to filter in. The carvings depicted scenes of dragons in flight, intertwined with Valyrian script that spoke of the old days when dragons ruled the skies. 

He looked at his desk which was piled high with parchment and paper.

Running the Fire Watch was no easy task. Beyond extinguishing fires, they were also responsible for enforcing the newly passed fire safety laws for buildings in the city. He had convinced his father to grant the Fire Watch authority over riot control as well, using the recent increase in riots as justification. This allowed the Fire Watch to be armed and ready for any disturbances, a crucial step in his plans.

So far, everything was progressing according to plan. The Fire Watch was growing steadily, with more loyal men arriving from the North, and new recruits from the city joining their ranks. His network of informants was expanding as well, giving him eyes and ears in every part of the city.

'Time to work' he thought, taking one of the reports from the table.

It was the report on the current profits from rent he was paid which he got due to some questionable acts on his part. To increase his influence in the city and generate additional revenue he devised a scheme that involved capitalizing on the aftermath of fires.

Whenever a building burned down, he would offer the owner or owners a generous sum to buy it. Most would take the offer, selling to him willingly, as they did not want to anger a prince. He then rebuilt these properties into Roman-style insulae, renting out the rooms as homes or shops. He also bought buildings that did not adhere to the new fire safety laws as they would be torn down anyway so they all sold to him.

To keep the former owners from complaining, he always offered them a small discount on the rent in the newly rebuilt properties if they wished to continue living there.

What were they going to do? Say no to a prince?

So far, ten such buildings have been constructed around the city.

He read through the report; they had made a substantial profit this month. The numbers were very promising.

He was also in the process of buying or seizing parts of Flea Bottom and initiating a comprehensive program of rebuilding and rehabilitation. Flea Bottom, known for its narrow, winding alleys and dilapidated buildings, was being slowly transformed under his vision. The grimy streets were being cleared, and new structures were rising in their place, designed with better sanitation and safety in mind. The people displaced by these changes were always sent outside the city into new villages being built by him, ensuring they had homes and livelihoods.

He had begun dealing with the criminal elements in Flea Bottom stealthily. Utilizing his network of informants and the growing influence of the fire watch, he systematically dismantled the various gangs and syndicates that preyed on the area's residents. This effort was conducted quietly, ensuring minimal disruption and maintaining the appearance of normalcy.

Additionally, he had asked his father for permission to manage certain parts of the Kingswood. His family directly controlled some land in the Crownlands, and he saw an opportunity to further his economic ambitions. With the king's approval, he began building infrastructure like roads and bridges. These were crucial for the transportation of goods and materials, facilitating trade and the movement of people.

In these newly cleared lands of the Kingswood, he started growing flax. The plan was to begin the production of linen and, later, cotton once he found a suitable place to import it from.. He envisioned a thriving textile business, one that would not only bring wealth but also provide employment and stability to the region.

He also met with all the guilds in King's Landing, especially the merchant guild. They were all too eager to have him involved. He planned to invest in several fleets to go to Essos and beyond, even to the far east. Getting the guilds on his side helped a lot in the city, especially with his new real estate businesses and investments outside the city which required merchants to succeed.

He took scrolls from ravens and began reading through them they were new missives from what he hoped were new allies for him in the crownlands.

He had begun moving against Harrold Hayford outside the city as well.He contacted houses Rosby, Rykker, Staunton, Buckwell, and broached the subject of Hayford and his recent gain in power which caused the instability in the duskendale circle.

So far, their responses had been positive, indicating potential support for his plans.

Understanding the need for allies within the court, he began forging friendships and alliances. The first significant ally he made was Monford Velaryon, whom he had met previously. He had saved Monford's life from Victarion Greyjoy during the Battle of Whispering Sound. Over the last five months, the young lord and he had become good friends.

Monford was well-respected among the lords of the Narrow Sea, though his family and other houses in the region had somewhat diminished after his father took power. Monford's father, Lucerys, had been one of many of his grandfather's sycophants, whom his father removed at the first chance he got.

Monford wished to restore his family's previous position and aspired to become the Master of Ships replacing Paxter Redwyne. This was a goal he could help him achieve, which cemented their alliance.

Another ally in court was Quenton Qoherys, recommended by Jon Arryn. Despite being from a minor house, Quenton was surprisingly powerful at court and very wealthy. Originally, the Qoherys were lords of Harrenhal during the time of Aegon the Conqueror. After the main line was wiped out during the rebellion of Harren the Red, a minor branch of the family became vassals to House Celtigar. 

Quenton is a tall, well-built man with dark hair and piercing green eyes. He had a charismatic presence and a confident demeanor that drew people to him. His attire as he noted was always immaculate, presenting himself as someone important.

Quenton was easy to befriend and was quite gifted with the gab, which explained his prominent position. His wealth came from various investments in Essos and Westeros. 

He had come to court after his wife, a member of a minor branch of house Velaryon caught the eye of Elia Martell, who saw promise in the young woman and took her as her handmaiden. This marriage significantly boosted Quenton's standing, giving him access to influential circles in King's Landing.

Quenton had helped him immensely, guiding him through the intricacies of court life. Though he did not trust him fully, Quenton was useful and hoped he would not oppose him as Quenton himself taught him the fickle nature of court alliances.

Putting the reports down he walked to the small window in the room. So far, everything was moving smoothly, but there were signs of conflict looming. Last week, there were reports of a battalion of the Fire Watch being pestered by the Gold Cloaks, and there was the occasional scuffle between the two orders in some parts of the city. So far, nothing serious had occurred, but the tension was palpable.

The Fire Watch needed his complete attention now, as he was going to move against Hayford soon. He had told no one but his trusted officers of his plans; even Jon Arryn and his new allies were in the dark.

It was for this reason he was also glad that Rhaenys had decided to leave the city, taking Arianne with her. 

Rhaenys had left a month ago, deciding to tour the Crownlands and the Riverlands. She had been spearheading the building of motherhouses and providing relief for the poor in the city, and she was extending that influence outside the capital. He had come to realize his sister had ambitions similar to his, something he was keeping an eye on.

The reason why he was glad was because she took Arianne with her. Arianne, in the four of the last five months, had been quite friendly with him. She had become a distraction. Every time they talked, she took great pleasure in teasing him.

Arianne was a masterful tease, always dressing in a way that accentuated her sensual curves and left little to the imagination.Her dresses were low-cut, revealing ample cleavage, and clung to her body in ways that highlighted her curves. Her large tits strained against the fabric of her dresses, tempting him to reach out and touch them. Full lips always seemed to be curved into a teasing smile or a sultry pout, leaving him aching for more.

She often wore gowns with high slits, showing off her long, toned legs and her large, round ass. She seemed to take great pleasure in showing off every inch of her body, always making sure he got an eyeful whenever they were together.

He resisted, not wanting to jeopardize anything by starting something with the unmarried princess of Dorne. He spent nights sleepless because of her teasing, and thankfully, Ros had provided him with a few Dornish whores over the past few months to help alleviate some of the pressure. If she were anyone else, he would have taken her in a heartbeat.

He was also suspicious of her, especially after realizing Rhaenys' ambitions.

Thoughts about siblings and ambitions led him to think of Aegon, who, surprisingly, had managed to avoid him completely during his eight months in the city. They had never interacted, with Aegon avoiding him like a leper.

He had the private dinner he requested with Rhaenys months ago, and they had polite conversations from time to time before she left for her tour. Aegon, on the other hand, acted as if he did not exist. 'Perhaps it was better this way,' he thought, considering what he wanted in the end.

He was broken out of his thoughts by a knock at the door. "My prince," he heard Basil say from the other side.

"Come in," he ordered.

Basil entered, holding a piece of paper in his hands. "My prince, we have found the hiding place of Mollander the Rat."

He looked at Basil with surprise. He had not expected to get this information for another month. Mollander the Rat, or as he liked to style himself, the King of Flea Bottom, was Hayford's chief informant and ran a large network of spies in the city. Taking him down could mean Hayford would go blind for at least a few months, and it would also give him a chance to take control of Mollander's network and gain significant power in Flea Bottom, as Mollander also controlled or knew of the criminal elements there.

"So quick," he commented, taking the piece of paper from Basil.

"We were able to get many defectors, my prince," Basil replied.

It looked like he would have to fast-track his plans against Hayford. "We strike in three days. Make the preparations. Only the best of the Varangians," he ordered.

"It shall be done, my prince," Basil said, bowing and leaving.

'Let the games begin,' he thought, a smile forming on his lips.