"You can have your seat, it's a friendly dinner and I didn't call you here to threaten you, I promise you,"

I had to comfort them with my pledge because of the way Tessa's mother kept looking away from my face, I saw how she froze when she walked into the decorated dinner room.

"Thank you for having us, Trent cried himself to sleep, he wanted to join us," Cecilia of course is the chatty one and she seemed not to fear me.

It warned my heart a little to know that there's someone in Tessa's family shoes free and unapologetically honest with me.

"Ohooo, inwoo set up his own special party, tell him that for me please," I winked playfully at Cecilia before gesturing to the uniforms maid behind her to serve the appetizer.

It's very odd, the feeling of wanting to do anything to please Tessa and her family, like a son in law trying to look good to his wife family.

"I called you both here because of Tessa, she hates me for bringing you here and she's pained that I take her away from her pack, I don't know if she's contemplating on going back to her mate,"

SINCERLY the meeting was to gossip and get information about Trevour. I know he still has eyes on my woman and I wanted to find out if she still want him, before I plan my next move.

Cecilia was too busy tearing down a huge chicken and it was fun to watch but I wanted answers, my eyes met with Kimberly and she smiled shyly at me.

"You are all that my daughter says you are but I prefer her being with you than with Trevour, he didn't let me see her for a whole year, he tortured and kept her in a dark cellar," she broke down and choked on her voice.


Kimberly is a very emotional woman, I have watched her protect her three children from afar even when she was on her old pack.

I have seen her take beatings for them when Trevour visit with his tyrant guards, the main reason I took them away, she's very much aware that I took them to keep them save and I only lied to Tessa to scare her in staying with me.

"That bastard will suffer for it Kimberly, you are like my mother now, you should relax and eat, just like Cecilia is doing,"

The plan was to get information out of them but again I noticed how my heart soften up toward them all because they are related to Tessa.


"My sister is very stubborn but I must commend her as well, she's been through a lot, it's not possible to open up to a man who bought her," Cecilia spoke when I wasn't expecting.


My eyes was on Kimberly, she was taking a spoon of salad into her mouth and I was shaking my head in agreement, trying to encourage her like a mother urging her baby to eat. A huge smile on my lips.

It waned at once, my wolf didn't like what Cecilia said, we weren't angry but we just didn't like how it sounded.

"Your Alpha wanted to sell her off to an old Alpha as well, he wanted to make money off her, so why not help him. She caught my eye and I have never had to buy a slave, all my mistress are princesses and important people,"

The plan was to lash out at Cecilia but my mind wouldn't let me stay calm, part of the demon in me need to fight. Most times I just want people to understand me and see my own point of view and it get intense.

"She's sacred of you Alpha Shane and she doesn't trust you, I don't want to offend you but she's my sister and she tells me this things,"

"But like my mother said, I trust you and believe in you. I will pick you over her old mate if that's why you called us here," I caught the teasing wink she gave me making me blush like a little child, the fact that her family approves of me.

"You were both there when the priest announced the moon goddess acceptance, you weren't here to see how much I have had to endure my life,"

"Filled with anger and darkness, it's a curse and I have been living with it for years, the plan was to keep Tessa with me as a mistress, she's beautiful and very tempting but I fell harder for her in just few days,"

"It was glaring that she meant more and when I asked questions we found the answer, now how do you expect me to give her up?"

As much as I can do whatever I please, I wanted them to accept and agree with me. It would give me some sort of relieve. Kimberly kept munching on the variety of displayed food, forgetting her shyness.

She must think I'm too engrossed in my conversation with Cecilia to see her stay on a grilled fish, I smiled when she scoffed at the fish, having a great time with her food, just like I wanted.

"She is attracted to you, I know that Alpha Shane but I can't really say it she's still in love with her mate. It's a mate bond and it doesn't leave at once, I don't want to lie to you but she's looking forward to seeing Aloha Trevour 

"This isn't snitching on my sister or trying to put her in trouble but I trust that you will help her not to make the same mistake, keep her away from that demon," the anger reflecting on Cecilia face showed in her voice

"He's the real demon, that prick of a man! Why is he looking around for my daughter now, he rejected and punished her for no reason," Kimberly added to Cecilia outburst


I stayed there silent and quiet, making sure to take note of all the information, my wolf turning around in my mind, wanting to take charge of my consciousness.

But I know what will happen if I allowed that, Cecilia trusted me enough to tell me about Tessa hope and plan with Trevour, I shouldn't break that trust. Especially if I want to get more information from her easily.

"How are you enjoying your stay here Cecilia, I see you are happy and glowing, is my friend treating you right?"

The question was to ease her into relaxing, I wanted her to lower her guard down so I can get more information but it seems to scare her. She looked up from her fruit juice and smiled awkwardly at me.

"Omer is a good partner and he makes me feel good, aside from the blood bath and all, the punishment and everything here is too intense, it's scaring us"

"Tessa fainted on the first day of Doreen punishment and you saw it, it's unsettling and unbelievable," she stopped talking to breathe properly.

My brow lifted in feigned confusion, of course I have to pretend that I haven't heard the complain before, but if I told her she's just seeing the top of the ice berg she would properly want to escape from Omer as well.

Instead I made my response more softer and friendly, hoping she would get the main point.

"Cecilia, that's how we are here. I'm a Lycan king. I control other packs and territory, including Alphas and their people, I have enemies and friends who are also enemies, I must be strong and brutal,"

"You will find out more about me very soon, I just hope it doesn't destroy your relationship with Omer," she stopped munching on the chocolate cake in front of her and looked up to stare at me.

"Now you are scaring me Aloha Shane, are you a mafia or something like that? Why would my relationship suffer?," this time Cecilia didn't sound so chatty and playful, she look and sound scared, just like I wanted. She got the message.