chapter 7

The doctor walked into the ward, he read the test results to Elizabeth's parents the doctor asked that her mother stayed back for more test, Julie has fallen at sleep so her parents left with her, Elizabeth and her parents had to spend the night in the hospital. After they had eaten Elizabeth father put her to sleep in her dream she could see a man arguing with another man, the man with the hat said to the other with a lab coat, science and mystictism shouldn't be used together, those are ancient relics not science object do not experiment on them, the other man laughed and responded am sorry Mr mayor but if you want to your city to continue on the path of development you must venture into the unknown, Elizabeth turned to the left where she could hear children laughing and she spotted two girls as both girls lifted their faces, it was Milly and Jane they looked four years of age, she became confused was this the past, somehow she had traveled back in time.

Elizabeth found herself in a lab she could see scientist running around the lab and a some strange people in dark cloaks Elizabeth looked around the lab when a lanky man in glasses ran in with a panicked expression he ran to the exact man who she had seen talking to the man with the hat Mr William we have a problem said the man with glasses, so that was his name Elizabeth thought, what is it Brian Mr William asked, sir we've noticed an anomaly in the experiment the atoms, everything they all unstable if this device blows everyone at this city seize to exist. Elizabeth woke up with gasp how could it be possible she needed to visit the city's library to get more information.