The guest

Lizzy kneeled down in front of Annie. She knew she wasn't the one in wrong. But she felt guilty thinking about what her mother did.

-Why are you kneeling?

-I don't know what to made of it. Please forgive my mother for what she did.

-Elizabeth what your mother did can't be forgiven. Because of her,my mother died. My father is also to be blamed. But if only your mother didn't accept his love,maybe...mayhe he wouldn't have changed. I don't know whom to blame anymore. Don't worry i will forget about it as if nothing happened. No one will know about it.

Elizabeth looked at Annie with teary eyes. Just like how her mother destroyed a family Annie's father also destroyed her family. A forbidden love destroyed everything. There was nothing that could heal the wounds. After some days,the atmosphere around the mansion become more stable. People stopped gossiping but didn't stop avoiding Annie.

-And then he grabbed my arm....


-What are all doing circling around like that?

-Lilian was telling us about her romantic story.

-Oh? You are going out with that knight?

-Yeah. He proposed to me.

Seeing Lilian's happy and blushing face,Lizzy thought of a story she could write.

-When will the count leave anyway?

-How can he leave when his wife is here.

-She doesn't love him anyway.

-Apparently i heard,she wanted to divorce him but he is not agreeing to it.

-I am not surprised. Who would like a cheater.

Hearing the maids conversation,Lizzy remembered her conversation with the marquis few days ago.

-You don't have to keep an eye on Annie anymore. As for your writing,i will try my best to help you.

-(I didn't even do anything. Why is he helping me that much. Forget about it. As long as i can fulfill my dream,nothing matters.)

-Also don't tell anyone about the affair between the late marquis and the late baroness.

-(Mary knows about it. She won't tell anyone right?) Yes,i understand.

After that day,Lizzy didn't talk with the marquis again or rather she didn't need to.

-Hey glasses!

-This stupid....

-Do you know where the countess is?

-My name is not glasses you kid.

-I am not kid you glasses. I am 20 years old.

-Huh....your height doesn't say so. dare you!

-Whatever i don't know where she is.

-Because of that lady my master is suffering.

-What! It's your master who made the lady suffer. He cheated on her.

-He didn't you moron.

-Ha...who are you calling moron.

The fight between Elizabeth and leo become more ferocious.

-Leo! What are you doing?

-Master master look this girl is annoying me.

-(Calm down Lizzy. You can't hit someone.) You were the one disturbing me. What did you want me to do. Just listen to your mockery?

-You are one ferocious maid lady. You are not even afraid that i am here.

-Ah forgive me my lord. I got angry because he called me glasses girl.

-Leo come now apologise to her.

-Huh....why would..i...


Looking at count's smiling face,Leo understood it's better to do what he told him to do.

-I...i am sorry. What was your name again?

-Elizabeth. You can call me Lizzy.




-Sigh.....i am leaving. I can't argue with you anymore.

-Say Leo that lady definitely can help us.

-What do you mean my lord?

-From the maids,i heard Elizabeth is a personal servant of the young lady. She is Annie's personal maid. She can help us to get Annie right?

-I am not so sure. She is really aggressive. I am getting chill all over my body just thinking about her.

-You are so stupid.

-Ugh....stop teasing me.

-Haahahaha....let's go.

-Where are we going anyway?


-Lizzy did you finish the story you were writing?

-Yeah. I did. What about it?

-Nothing. It's just that you didn't tell me anything about it.

-Hahaha...i was going to tell you when it gets published.

-Hm...what! You already sent it to a publishing house?

-I didn't. The lord said,he would do it after reading it.

-Oh. You got me there for a second. I was worried you wouldn't try to become a writer. But i am surprised the lord is helping you.

-hahaha...(she shouldn't know about the deal.) But why did you thought i won't try to become a writer?

-We are poor people. We can't fulfill our dream even if we want to.


-I am sorry. I keep making you sad.

-It's alright. You were the one who gave me the courage to write.

-That's not true. You had that enthusiasm in you.

The night become more and more darker. Though the sound of those two girls talking didn't get any quiter.

-Everyone assemble here.

-What is happening? Why did the head maid call for everyone.

-Stop talking. Listen today the marquis's aunt viscountess Rosalyn is coming. She is a very respected guest. So,i don't want to hear any complain from her regarding the hospitality.

-Sigh.....we have to work hard again.

-Don't be discouraged Mildred. are so kind. Now i am going to work like a horse.

-(She is so cute.)

-Here also there. Look there is also dust in here.

-Huff...huff....Mary stop it. I can't clean it anymore.

-Come on Lizzy. We don't have time to laze around. Let's get to work.

-Lizzy....didn't you say Mary is one of the kindest soul....why is she scary now?

-Even i don't know Mildred.....