A secret

-Ah....i feel like all of my power has been drained.

-Ugh....not only you Mildred. I feel like it aches all over my body. Why did we even tried to help Mary in the first place.

-Oh my what is this. You two are lazing around again?

-Mary...i....i th-ink i can't clean anymore.

-It's ok. You two did a good job.

-Right? I have never worked that hard in my life.

-By the way,Since you have been working here when you were little,did you ever meet with the viscountess?

-I did. She is one of a aggressive soul. The maids were pretty afraid of her back then. I think lady Annie got her ferocity from her.

-Why is she coming here?

-Who knows. Maybe to see the young master.

-Only young master?

-Yeah because she never liked the young lady.


-Lizzy don't be so curious. As everyone said,curiosity killed the cat.

-Sigh.....i guess it can't be helped then.

-Oh my where are you two going? We still have some works to do.

-Say Mildred is it my imagination or does Mary look a little scary?

-Nope i think she is really scary.

-Let's go you two.

Like that two pitiful souls got dragged away by Mary.

-It's really noisy around the mansion,isn't it?

-Yeah,i heard from the servants that the viscountess is coming.

-Hm...isn't it suspicious Leo? Why would

the viscountess be coming here?

-From my perspective,you are the most suspicious one my lord.

-Did you say something?


-Hmm....really really suspicious.

-Oh Rarabeth!!!

-Huh....that moron....

-Ouch.....why did you hit me?

-Who are you calling Rarabeth you little brat.

-Hey i told you i am not a brat.

-Call me Rarabeth again and let's see how you can get away.

-You two please don't act like i am invisible.

-You were here my lord?

-Come on Elizabeth,not you too.

-I really didn't notice you.

-Sigh....by the way,do you know why the viscountess is coming suddenly?

-I don't know.

-Really. So strange.

-My lord come on we need to meet with lord James.

-Oh i totally forgot about him. See you later Elizabeth.

-(He is really difficult to read. I don't know what is he thinking at all. Well i don't care. I better go and help Mary.)

-My lady will you not greet the viscountess.

-Why should i. When is she coming?

-She will come tomorrow. Do you still hate her for what she did?

-I guess grudge can't be forgotten that easily. Remember i didn't forgive my brother.

-My lady.....

-Hey Flora why did you steal my bread? I was going to eat it.

-Ha....you are so childish. Here you can have it.


-Don't fight you two. There are plenty of breads.

-Are you not going to eat Lizzy?

-I will eat later Mary.


-Hey you two why are you eating like you have never had them.

-Come on Brenet just because you are making them doesn't mean you can judge us like that.

Being furious Brenet kicked out both Flora and Mildred from the kitchen.

-Sigh...i wanted to eat one more. Why did you have to provoke him?

-I just said the truth.

-Ugh...i am still hungry.

The next day.

-Greetings my lady.

-Mortan you really never disappoint with the hospitality.

-Thank you my lady.

-I hope you didn't work too hard. Let's go.

-I have prepared everything for you. Would you like to....

-Wait i don't see Aiden. Don't tell me he doesn't know that i am coming?

-I have informed him about it.



-Oh my Aiden. There you are. I was sad that you didn't come to greet me.

-I was busy with some affairs.

-Don't do that next time or else your parents would be very disappointed.

-Did you all see the way she talked?

-Yeah,she definitely is scary.

-Flora don't gossip about the viscountess in here.

-Huh.....Mary you have been acting like a head maid these days. You should stop before it anger me.

-We are maids. You could lose your job if anyone hears you.


-Mary.....are you ok?

-I am fine Lizzy.

-(Just what is Mary hiding about the viscountess.)


-Oh are you still awake?

-Yeah,i can't sleep. Lizzy if you hadn't worked as a maid,what work would you have chosen?

-Hm....let's see i would have tried to become a writer and if i couldn't then maybe works at some market place.

-I tried to hide it. But i think i should tell you this since you have shared your secret with me.

-A secret?

-Yeah,actually the viscountess used to teach lady Annie. Her way of teaching was very good. After the marquis's death,i started to work as a maid. Though i was very young,i was very capable untill one day the viscountess called me. She said to create a crack between the marquis and the lady's relationship. I was young and didn't think it would be so severe. The reason the lady hate her brother is because she thinks the one who tried to marry her off is her brother. But in fact it was the viscountess. She told me to spread rumours that the marquis decided the marriage of lady Annie.

-Then why didn't marquis try to clear up the misunderstanding?

-The lady never believed him again. The reason the lady hate her aunt is beacause the education that she gave to her was manipulation. She was the one made her think she should hit those who aren't in their line and her aggressive behaviour also arose from her aunt. I was stupid to work with her that time but.....i....

Mary couldn't finish her talk. She burst out crying. A secret that was supposed to be taken to grave is now revealed like that. Her crying didn't reach anyone but only made it heavier for Elizabeth to breath.