The World.

(Five months ago) 

The Royal Family are dining together at the Royal Palace. 

''Is everything going good with your research son?''

''Yeah, the development of the project is growing by the day father.''

''Why are we discussing royal business at the dining table?'' Interrupts Hilda [The Queen]

''Apologies mother.'' 

The room is filled with silence. The butlers on stand-by for any command that is needed from the family.

''Now Gerta and Conrad, how was school? wasn't it fun being surrounded by other kids?'' 

''I loved it mother!! I got to make new friends that were fun!!'' Gerta responds with excitement. 

''Wow that's great!! What about you Conrad did you make friends?''

''I don't know if I did.'' Conrad seems more uninterested towards the topic than Gerta.

''What is that supposed to mean?'' Hilda asks with concern.

''Most of them are friends with me because I'm the prince, they befriend me because of what I have.''

''Thats interesting...have you tried to represent yourself a little different?''

''What do you mean?'' 

''You could change the way you carry yourself around these people, for example... why don't you wear the same clothes as them or something so that you could fit in.''

''So, you want him to him to change himself to be able please those commoners?'' interrupted Josef [The King].

'' Now Darling, that's not what I'm implying... listen Conrad maybe the reason they treat you the way they do is because you represent yourself as 'The Prince of Algoria'. Perhaps try a different approach where you represent yourself as one of them, be who they are and try relating to how they socialize... you know?''

''I don't think any of my children should lower themselves into commoners.''

''I agree with father, why would I want to belittle myself for people who are below me?'' adds Conrad.

''I have to agree with mother on this one, she makes a point. Besides it might help Conrad with his social skills and understand the different situations that happen outside the palace.'' Contests Hans.

"Exactly!! I mean look at your sister, she has made friends from it... she doesn't make the kids around her think about how she is of royalty, and she claims to already have friends.''

Josef and Conrad decide not to debate further on the matter.

After some time, Hans requests to be excused from the table and heads towards the study room. 

As Conrad walks towards his room, he walks past Gerta's room and hears chatter. He decides to barge in to see what the chatter was about.

''OH!! Big Brother!!'' screams Gerta as she was shocked by the sudden bang.

''Who are talking to?"

'' Mr. Cuddles... I'm having a tea party!'' Gerta replies.

Conrad doesn't respond and chooses to leave, before he could exit through the door "You could join me if you want?"

He turns around to reject the offer but ends up pausing... he scans through the tea table finally recognizing how its filled with stuffed dolls.

''It's okay if you don't want to.''

''No, I'll join you.''

''Really?!! Awesome!!'' Gerta jumps in excitement.

She runs to Conrad and hugs his arm to drag him towards the tea table.

'' Don't think I'll be doing this again!'' Conrad declares 

Gerta was so ecstatic she didn't even care. She went on to set the table nicely and moved the toys so that they could sit next to one another. She then commanded Conrad to take a seat and the party started.

Conrad realizes how this made his younger sister feel, she was so happy and that made him happy. It reminded him of when Hans used to play him a few years ago, and how much joy that used to bring towards him. The has stopped these past months due to Hans becoming the new king, this has caused the two of them to separate and their relationship to become dull. He wanted his sister to experience the relationship he's had with his brother. 

"Okay now it's time for you to go to bed.'' commanded Conrad.

''Awww it's too early.''

''No no no, it's time for you to go to bed.'' Conrad chuckles.

''Okay fine!! but you have to tell me a bedtime story.''

''Okay I'll tell you a story, but you have to go to sleep.''

He then picks her up and drops her on the bed, he than covers her with the blankets to keep her warm. He grabs one of the chairs from the tea table and prepares himself to tell her the story. He then tells her a story.

After Gerta has fallen asleep Conrad kissed her forehead and whispers goodnight to her then lives her room.

He decides to head to the study and see how his older brother has been doing.

He enters the study and Hans is focused on the information that's represented in the artifact.

'' Aren't you supposed to be asleep brother?''

Hans's senses always seemed to always shock Conrad because he never even announced nor made a sound when he entered the room

''I just finished telling Gerta a story and that made me feel nostalgic, so I came to check up on you.''

Hans chuckles and leaves what he was busy with to focus on Conrad.

'' I that so?''

'' Yeah, it's been a while since you and I talked.'' Conrad laughs awkwardly.

Conrad than walks around and exams the research that fill the study, some he picks up to look closely.

''Brother why are you so interested in the lives of commoners? to include the fact that you want us to be on same grounds as them. We are of royal blood we'll never be the same as them.''

''If you are so eager to know, the reason is because...''

''I want to change the world.''

Conrad didn't understand what these words meant at that moment but understood how powerful they were.

''Change...the world?''

Conrad got chills from the statement, not because of what was said but how it was said. Hans smiles at him.

''That still doesn't explain how we are equal with commoners.'' insinuated Conrad.

''Do remember the speech I delivered the day I became king?''

''Yeah, you said you were bringing the world to Algoria.''

''Exactly!! Not only that but I'm going to bring us and the world together and I'll start with the youth and grow it out to the world!!''

"Brother... In the future Algoria will be the world.''

''The World...''


Conrad is sleepless as he couldn't get the conversation, he had with his brother out of his head. After failing at different sleeping position, he decides to get out of bed as he is feeling restless.

(He wants the world huh?) Conrad thought

He observed the city from his window and could see the whole view... he didn't realize how unique it looked from the position he stood.

Curious of Hans's ambition he decides to wear a warm black coat and jumps out the window and bounces from surface to surface and lands roughly on the ground. Avoiding the guards at the main gate he takes the route to the backwoods. He glides through the surveillance of the guards that surround the castle by being as silent as possible.

(Thank you for the stealth lessons brother.)

As one of the guards was about to turn their attention at the area Conrad was, the guard misses him by his coat and mistook it for a forest animal. 

Conrad runs through the woods passing trees and jumping over big mangrove branches. He heads to the city.

 He gets sees the lights of the city getting brighter and hears the music get getting louder, which signals that he's close.

He wrestles in the bushes as if he is walking through a crowd of people while trying to protect his face from being hit by the branches.

He finally arrives at the city and the first place he sees is a bar with pink bright lights written [Baby Blues] above the door, it's also filled with different posters of music performances and promotions of entertainment, with one warning 'No form of abuse will be tolerated.' written in big red.

Conrad continues to walk through the city just observing the city through the streets. It was mostly filled with old women and men who were interacting in various different ways, in which some of them were a first to Conrad. Usually for him interaction was always formal with people outside his family, there was formality even in his family to some extent. But this was something new to him, it seemed too casual, to the fact he considered it disrespectful.

Even though those people weren't talking to him he grew up around the environment where conversations with acquaintances or even your friends were as formal as possible, unless you've known each other since they were very young or are siblings of close to your age.

Conrad knew that all these people couldn't be related and most of them seemed as young as his brother or even younger. But he realized one thing be these interactions and conversation, those people were having fun. And they were bonding in what seemed a healthier manner than what he is used to, even though he was in denial of it at first.

''Aren't you too young to be here."

Conrad was surprised, by a young man that was standing behind him.

"Mind your business peasant!'' 

Conrad regrets what he said instantly and was sure his identity would be exposed.

''Peasant?!! I- I assure you young prince I'm no peasant!!''

He led out a sigh of relief as he sees the young man drunk. And covers his nose from the young man's smelled of alcohol.

''M-My... okay...okay...'' The man closes his eyes at the attempt of him trying to stand still, after succeeding, he continues ''My names Ian by the way! wha- what's yours?''

The man looks as if he is fighting for his balance as he struggles to talk and stand. 

Conrad thinks of name he could tell him. 

'' Coman.''

''Li- Like the.... Like the warrior?'' Ian falls on his bum as he finishes his sentence, Conrad almost attempts to stop the fall but he's too late. He leaves the man sit on the road.

''You know Conan the warrior?''

''He's like...the only man to... beat a dragon with n- no unco, duhhh''

''Well... he was my cousin.''

''Wow!!! I got...'' Ian finally throws up

Conrad shocked he quickly tries to aid him.

''I'm...good, I'm good... H-hey I have an idea; you wait here I'll come back right.''

Conrad waits for Ian for some time and realizes that the streets were deserted than earlier. 

Ian finally returns carrying 6 pines of rums barely being able to hold them all.

''TA DAHHHHH!!!'' he then sits next to Conrad to packs the pines in a line and picks up one.

''Now you pick up one.''

''No thank you.''

''Come on warrior, do for me, your brother Ian!!''

Hesitantly Conrad picks up on. Ian raises his pine above and waits for Conrad to raise his. Their pines click and Ian sips his and looks at Conrad, he signals him to drink it. After hesitating for a few times, he takes a sip and surprisingly to him it tastes better than he expected. Ian gives him a thumbs up while he is drinking his.

''Wait... what are we celebrating?'' 

''What do you mean?''

''We clicked pines, and that's a sign of a celebration, right?''

''You right!!'' Ian pauses, then continues ''I got it!! how about we celebrate your cousin man!!

''My cousins?''

''Coman the warrior man!! he deserves celebration!!''

Both boys agree and drink for that purpose. Just over a drink the two of them had some sort of bond and a friendship even though they didn't know one another, for them it felt as if they were long lost friends that finally met. Conrad found himself discussing things he wouldn't even tell his brother with this stranger. He thought that he finally had the older brother he needed at that moment.

He also understood his brother's philosophy more, including the way his brother is. He thought that his brother had changed, but he has always been the same and the only thing that changed was his aim.

He now understood why his brother wanted the world.