A monster's cry.

The girl's wakes up the next morning and sees that Amari isn't where he slept last night. He comes back with a dead squirrel. He slowly prepares and cooks it.

''My name is Safiya, by the way.'' The girl suddenly talks while blushing.

Amari remains quiet and they both look at each other.

''What's your name?''

The word 'name' starts repeating and echoes on Amari's head. He starts seeing vision of where two people are talking to one another and one of them is carrying him, one of them is carrying him around their arm. He can't make out their faces, but he hears their conversation.

''What should his name be?'' A deep voice of a man asks.

''Amari...his name is Amari'' a woman replies in pure voice.

The vision ends there, and Amari realizes that he is burning one side of the meat and removes it quickly. 

''Are you going to tell me?''

"My name is... my name is Amari.''

''Nice to you know you, Amari.''

''Nice to know you too.''

The two stare at each other for a moment and look into one another's eyes. Amari realizes that the meat is finished, and he divides it into portions for him and Safiya. The were impatiently biting big pieces of the meat and eating as quick as possible. They were starving, and it was their first time eating this much meat in weeks. As they finished their meals, Amari started preparing for them to leave.

"We should get moving.''


They both prepare to leave their checkpoint and head to their next destination.

''Where are you from?'' Amari asks.

''The Oruba clan.''

''That's far north from here.''

''Yeah, it is. When they took me, we travelled for over 7 days until we arrived at the base.''

''We'll make it there in 5 because I know a shortcut.''

''You're taking me home?!!"

''I wasn't planning on surviving with the likes of you.''

Safiya gets excited and attempts to hug Amari from behind, but he dodges her in blink of an eye causing her to fall face first on the dirty soil. She stands up and removes the dirt from herself in frustration. Amari signals that they should get moving.


Zeak is peacefully sleeping having one of the best dreams he has had in a while. Then he suddenly hears a very loud scream, not only does this disturb his dream but also wakes him up in bad way. And the screaming gets louder which sounds more agonizing, sounds like a grown man is crying. Zeak is forced to wake up and see what the commotion was about. 

He puts his slippers on and drags his feet across the room. His eyes are barely open as he sees an object lying in middle of the door, he can see what it is, but he thinks his eyes are still sleepy and aren't functioning properly. The closer he gets to the object he starts to see the object clearly. 

It's a hand, Zeak looks at the hand. He realizes it, the size and the complexion of the hand, he would never forget them. He leaves the room and follows the cries. They lead him towards Carlos's room, he sees Lewis standing by the door by the door in disbelief and speechless. Antony is on his knees crying over Carlos's body, Lewis looks at Zeak shakes his head.

''I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM!!!'' Antony cries ''I'll kill him with my own hands!!''

The two go over to him to try and calm him down. 

Afterwards the three held a memorial for Carlos at the close woods. 

''So, what's the plan?'' Antony asks while maintaining his composure.

''Carlos was like a brother to me, he was family... and I'll be damned if I don't kill the one who took his life.'' Answers Zeak.

They leave for the base and planning on what to do next.

'' Okay so Lewis, since that kid won't be alive when catch him, we need you to find another moor so we can replace him with, before the boss kills us... oh and find replacements for number 5 (Safiya) too, she might as well die with him. Understood?'' 

''Understood boss. Consider it done by the end of the day''

''Antony. you and I will be getting the ones to do the pleasure of killing that fucking monkey.''

''Couldn't have asked for anything else.''

''Alright boys...''

''Let's go hunting.''


Safiya is walking behind Amari observing everything he does. She starts to admire him a little, his ability to challenge and survive anything no matter how dangerous it is. He is opposite to what she is and is something that she wants to become.


''I didn't say anything.''

''But you're looking at me.''

''How did you- *sighs* never mind. Anyways how do you know the direction to home?''

''I just know.''

''Do you expect me to believe that?''

''Then don't ask questions to an answer you won't believe.''

''You know, you won't make friends if you keep on being rude to people.''


The continue walking until they reach a huge lake, one where one can't even see the other side of the lake. The water has a mixture of green and blue and this mixture looks beautiful to the eye, and Safiya can't take her gaze off it. She starts walking towards the lake, someone is calling out to her.


''Come my child, I'm glad we've finally found you.'' the man stands the with his arms out.

Suddenly Safiya gets punched in the face and falls over. 


''What's wrong with you? that's not your dad.''

Safiya holds he cheek while looking at Amari. She wants to thank him for saving her but doesn't, Amari walks on without offering her hand by helping her stand up. She finally stands up and follows after him.

''I've heard of this lake. It's Deadman's Lake, it looks exactly how it looks like how they told us in the stories.'' Safiya states as runs to catch up to where Amari is walking.

she continues to state. ''They say the demi-god Sylvia the Serpent lives underneath. Waiting to swallow any victim that sets their eyes on the lake with anything the desire.''

''You were almost a victim, if not for me.''

She is tempted to thank him but doesn't because she realizes that would make her look weaker than she already is and would feed to Amari's ego.

''The sun is going down; we'll have to cross with the raft.''

''WHAT?!! Didn't you hear me talk about the demi-god Serpent that lives beneath the water?" 

''It will take us longer if we go around the lake, and if we go through it, we'll be at the other side by morning.''

''What about dying?!!''

"We won't die.''

Amari goes on to break tree branches. He brings them all together and they start building a small raft. They take hours building the boat and using thin long branches that can bend as ropes to tie the bigger and thicker branches together.

They finally finished the raft.

''I still think this is a bad idea.'' Safiya protests.

''Then start walking then.'' 

''It's already too late for that!''

They start pushing the raft to the water and get on it. Safiya started thinking on how much trust she had on Amari and believed that they would overcome this big obstacle that's in front of them.

Amari starts rowing behind and Safiya does the same at the back. As they row deeper in the lake the shore starts disappearing behind Safiya and she starts getting nervous, realization of the fact they might die starts reappearing. 

The atmosphere changes and they start hearing screams of dead souls that are floating around the lake. The voices become louder as they go deeper and they start to hear them clearer, they seem to be asking for help.

A huge wave forms as a head of a being comes out of the water. The being is about 17 meters tall, looks like a female, has the eyes and movement of a serpent, along with its skin, and has the mermaids tail. Safiya can't seem to move and is in disbelief of who she is seeing.

It was Sylvia the Serpent.

''Who dare goes by my lake.''