Unexpected Approach

''Your highness, I think it's time for us to leave.''

''Conrad... wait.''

''It's Prince Conrad to you.''

''What are you talking about Conrad? It's me.''

''Is this how you treat your prince?''


Chloe forces Apollo to drop on his knees while she does the same.

''We apologize your highness; my brother seems to have misread the situation. It won't happen again.'' 

''I'll forgive you this once, the next time this happens there will be punishment.''


Before Apollo starts speaking, Chloe grabs his neck and pushes his head on the ground to stop him. Conrad and Godfrey leave them while they are still on their knees. 


''Sorry bro. I didn't even know he was going to be here.''

''It's okay. What's up with him? It hasn't even been that long, and he already forgot me? Do I look different?'' 

''Not that I can tell.''

''I see how it is. You want to go home.''


As they fly above the city, Chloe keeps looking at Apollo with concern.



''You've been looking at me like that since we left the forest.''

''I'm worried about you, but you seem the calm after what just happened.''

''There's no point at being sad if he isn't right? that means he's doing okay.''


They finally reach Apollo's room, and Chloe goes back to her room. Apollo throws himself with his jacket and shoes on the bed and immediately falls asleep.

(Later that night)

The acid coming from the man's body leaves a trail of footprints on the grass, and the flowers he touches rot instantly. 

''Today, marks the beginning of my vengeance.''

He walks towards the city.


The following morning Apollo heads to school in a better mood than yesterday. His classmate joins him on his walk, they fist pump and walk on.

''What happened to you? you seem to be in a better than ever.''

''You think so?''

''Yeah, you're not slouching, and you don't look gloomy.'' 

''I don't know, I just feel better.''

''Oh, I know what it is.''

''You do?''

''Yeah. You got yourself a girlfriend.''

''What? no, I didn't''

''You're lying... look, you're even smiling.''

''Why would I allow a girl to make me happy.''

''Okay then tell me what's changed?''

''Don't worry about.''

The finally arrive at school. After changing to their sportwear the whole class meets their classroom teacher out at the field.

''Okay class as you all may know in a few months the Kraft Tournament and only a handful of you can be selected to represent our school. So please do your best.'' The classroom teacher states.

''I think you're totally going to be selected.'' 

''You think so?''

''Yeah, you're one of the highest scholars in your class.''

''I wouldn't mind, if I'm being honest.''

 ''You know what that means right? You might awaken your uncos soon. What do you think yours will be.''

''I don't know, I just hope it's something cool.''

''I know right, I hope mine is something that can make me fly.''

''Yeah... that would be cool.''

''Ok class, stop your chit chatting and get working! start stretching!''

After they finish stretching, the class train the whole day doing push, running and other muscle exercises. After they are done, they stretch some more and are finally dismissed.

Apollo walks alone home as he was one of the early kids that left school. When he gets back home, he hears noise coming from the living room and goes to see what it is, his sister is watching the new build furniture artifact, a television.

''Since when could we afford this?!'' 

He gets close to it to see if it's the real.

''Since never, we just got lucky this time. Dad won it as a prize at his work.''

''That's actually cool!''

''Move! I'm trying to watch!''

''It isn't yours, so I can watch too.''

''You're such a fuckin pest, move!!''

Apollo moves and blocks he view completely.

''Don't call me a pest!''

''Then move! you fuckin retard!''

''Fuck you, Chloe!'' He flicks his middle finger at her then leaves.

He heads to his room, and immediately goes to study for his upcoming tests. Later that afternoon Chloe walks in.

''Could you knock?''


They look at each other in silence.

''Did you just barge in to look at me?''


''Then speak woman!''

''First of all, fuck you too. And secondly, I got us two tickets to a touring music band tonight, and you're coming with me. And finally, who in their right mind studies on the last day of a school week?''

''Which music group is this?''

''I don't know.''

''You got tickets of a group you don't know?''

''That's not the point. By dawn be ready to go.''

Chloe shuts the door.

''Why the fuck did you bang my door!!''

''You better not be cussing in my house!'' Sophia shouts from downstairs.

''Sorry mom!''

It's finally dawn, and Apollo is all dressed up ready to go, he goes downstairs to see if Chloe is ready. She is nowhere to be seen in the kitchen or the dining area. Instead, he finds his parents hugging and slow dancing to some music.

''What is this? Where's Chloe?''

''Oh, hey son, where are you going?''

''Didn't Chloe tell you?... we're going to the concert.''

''Yes, she did mention.''

Chloe finally comes down dresses in nice and neat fashion. She's wearing a beautiful white and yellow dress, with a small white hat complimenting he blonde hair that is also neatly done.

''You look... extra! Who are you trying to impress? Dad?'' Apollo looks at his dad for support.

''Allow her Apollo, your sister is now old enough to be wooed by other men.''

''Hate all you want little brother, but you won't be able to stop this beauty from excelling.''

''Oh my gosh is that a mole growing on your face.''

''Where?!'' She touches her face attempting feel where it is.

''All over here.'' Apollo exaggerates by pointing his whole face.

''Haha funny, ginger monkey.''

Apollo hides his hand from his parents while flicking his middle.

''Can we go now?'' 

''Idiot, I've been for you this whole time.''

They leave and before Chloe closes the door, she comes back to tell her parents who are still dancing, goodbye.

''Wait before you guys leave, we have something to tell you, where's Apollo?''

''Seriously mom?! you want to tell us now?!''

''Just go call your brother!''

Chloe goes to call him from outside and he gets irritated, and the parents make them take a seat on the couch, they both seem excited and can't stop smiling.

''I don't know guys, if you were trying to show us your white teeth, they look beautiful, can we go now?'' Apollo attempts to stop but his mom stops him.

''No no no wait... your dad and I have some big news to tell you.''

''Mom, if it's the Television, we've seen it and used it.''

''It's not that and allow us to talk.'' Their dad commands.

''Okay so guys, the television your father brought, he didn't win but he bought it with his own gold.''

''Where did he get that type of money?''

''Dad please don't tell me you're doing something illegal.''

''Listen, listen... You remember your father's uncle... he decided to retire from his clothing business and gave your father it to father!!'' Sophia claps her hand in excitement.

''WE'RE RICH!!'' Apollo jumps in excitement with his hands open in the sky.

''No, we're not rich... we're just have the money to make our lives better now that's all.''

''Mom, that's what it's like to be rich people.''

''I have to agree with him on that honey.''

''Okay... those aren't the best new yet.''

''There's better news than that?'' Chloe asks.

''Yes... sweetie, you tell them about this one.''

''Okay, children... your mother is pregnant.''

''Really?'' Chloe excitedly jumps to go touch her mother's tummy.

''How is that better news?'' Apollo throws his arms in the air