Volume 28, Chapter 9: Superimposition blocking

S131. Blocks superimposition. (Realm)

(460 rating)

Chris was just your average guy, with an average job, and an average life. But one thing that wasn't so average about Chris was his wife, Kyouko Kirigiri. She was a force to be reckoned with - intelligent, quick-witted, and always three steps ahead of everyone else. Chris knew he had hit the jackpot when he married her.

One day, as Chris was going about his usual routine, he sensed a disturbance in the force. Well, not exactly the force, but close enough. It was as if googleplexes of "Superimposers" were attempting to attack him. Chris knew he had to act fast. He grabbed his relic - a mysterious artifact he had inherited from his great-great-grandfather - and activated its power.

In an instant, Chris and Kyouko were transported to another realm. It was a strange and wondrous place, where the laws of physics were twisted and turned on their head. In this realm, it was forbidden to superimpose two points in space, hence blocking one kind of "teleportation."

As they looked around in awe at their new surroundings, Kyouko turned to Chris with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Looks like we've stumbled into quite the predicament, haven't we, darling?" she said with a smirk.

Chris chuckled nervously. "Yes, it would seem so. But I have a feeling we'll be just fine as long as we stick together."

And stick together they did, as they embarked on a series of hilarious misadventures in the bizarre realm. They encountered talking animals, shape-shifting creatures, and even a tribe of sentient plants. Through it all, Kyouko's sharp wit and quick thinking got them out of more than a few tight spots.

As they traveled deeper into the realm, they discovered the source of the disturbance that had brought them here in the first place - the dreaded "Superimposers." These mischievous beings had been causing chaos and confusion throughout the realm, and it was up to Chris and Kyouko to put a stop to it.

With Kyouko's brilliant deductions and Chris's unwavering bravery, they devised a plan to outsmart the Superimposers once and for all. Using the relic's power, they were able to neutralize the Superimposers' abilities and restore peace to the realm.

As they prepared to leave the realm and return home, Kyouko turned to Chris with a smile. "Well, that was certainly an adventure to remember, wasn't it?"

Chris grinned back at her. "Indeed it was. And I wouldn't have wanted to experience it with anyone else but you, my dear Kyouko."

And so, with their bond stronger than ever, Chris and Kyouko bid farewell to the strange realm and returned to their normal lives. But they knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would always face them together, with humor, creativity, and a whole lot of love.

Aw 58.


S132. Blocks superimposition by mere presence or ability.

(417 rating)


Chris wife is Kurenai YUHI. Chris allied with beings who prevent superimposition wherever they go. They can also block beings from using the skill. Oddly, married creatures of this type are always superimposed. They seemed inseperable.


Once upon a time in a mystical land, there lived a man named Chris who was married to a beautiful and enchanting woman named Kurenai Yuhi. Chris and Kurenai were not your average couple, they were allied with beings who had the special ability to prevent superimposition wherever they went.

Chris and Kurenai's beings were known for their mischievous and playful nature, always causing chaos and confusion wherever they went. Despite their antics, Chris and Kurenai's beings were inseparable and seemed to be made for each other. They were like two peas in a pod, always causing trouble together.

One day, Chris and Kurenai decided to take a trip to the nearby Undverse to visit some friends. As soon as they arrived, chaos ensued. Chris's being decided to play a prank on the Undversers by causing their clothes to disappear, much to the amusement of Kurenai's being. The Undversers were left scratching their heads, wondering what had happened to their clothes.

As Chris and Kurenai made their way through the Undverse, they couldn't help but laugh at the chaos they had caused. It was all in good fun, and the Undversers eventually saw the humor in the situation as well. They knew that whenever Chris and Kurenai's beings were around, there was bound to be some mischief.

Despite their playful nature, Chris and Kurenai's beings also had a more serious side. They were always there to protect Chris and Kurenai from any harm that may come their way. It was as if they were their guardian angels, watching over them at all times.

As the day turned to night, Chris and Kurenai made their way back home, their beings by their side. The moon shone brightly in the sky, casting a magical glow over the land. Chris and Kurenai looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they were meant to be together forever.

It was a love like no other, a bond that could not be broken. Chris and Kurenai's beings may have caused chaos wherever they went, but they also brought joy and laughter to those around them. They were a truly unique couple, destined to live a life of humor, mischief, and love.

And so, Chris and Kurenai's beings continued to watch over them, protecting them from any harm that may come their way. They were a force to be reckoned with, a duo that would always be remembered for their humor, creativity, and everlasting love.

Aw 59.


S133. Strength by superimposition.

(604 rating)

Chris sat on his couch, staring at his wife Saya Takagi, who was a member of a unique race of gelatinous beings that had recently surrendered to him. It was an odd situation, to say the least. But Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that these creatures respected him enough to give themselves up willingly.

The beings, who called themselves the Jellophians, were a peaceful and friendly race. They had the ability to superimpose with one another, becoming stronger as a collective unit. It was a fascinating sight to behold - watching them meld together into a giant, gelatinous mass of power and unity.

But things took a turn for the worse when a group of rogue wizards decided to try their hand at using superimposition. The wizards, known for their reckless and irresponsible behavior, attempted to unite the Jellophians in an attempt to harness their power for their own selfish gain.

However, the wizards made a critical mistake in their calculations, causing a catastrophic chain reaction that resulted in the Jellophians merging into a massive, uncontrollable blob. The sheer weight and size of the combined beings caused chaos and destruction wherever they went, leaving a trail of squishy goo in their wake.

Chris and Saya watched in horror as the gelatinous mass was engulfing anything in its path. It was a sight to behold - a giant blob of Jellophians wreaking havoc on the Undverse.

But despite the chaos and destruction, Chris couldn't help but find humor in the situation. He chuckled as he watched the blob stumble and trip over its own gooey mass, struggling to stay upright. It was like watching a giant, clumsy jelly monster trying to navigate through an Undverse.

As the blob continued its rampage, Chris knew that something had to be done to stop it before it caused any more damage. With a determined look in his eyes, he turned to Saya and said, "I have an idea. It's time to show these wizards that messing with the Jellophians was a big mistake."

Together, Chris and Saya concocted a plan to lure the blob into a trap using a trail of their favorite snacks - cherry Jello cups. As the blob eagerly followed the trail, unable to resist the temptation of the sweet treats, Chris and Saya sprang into action, using their knowledge of the Jellophians to weaken and disperse the massive creature.

With a final burst of energy, the Jellophians split apart, returning to their individual forms once more. The wizards, realizing their error in judgment, fled in fear of the repercussions of their actions.

As the dust settled and the Undverse began to clean up the mess left behind, Chris and Saya stood triumphantly, knowing that they had saved the day. The Jellophians, grateful for their help, bowed in respect to Chris and Saya, grateful for their quick thinking and ingenuity.

And as they walked hand in tentacle through the now peaceful streets, Chris couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Who would have thought that a race of gelatinous beings would become the saviors of the Undverse? But then again, with Saya by his side, anything was possible.

And so, the legend of Chris and Saya, the dynamic duo who saved the Undverse from a gelatinous catastrophe, lived on in the hearts and minds of all who witnessed their heroic deeds. And from that day on, whenever someone mentioned the Jellophians, they did so with a smile and a chuckle, knowing that they were a force to be reckoned with - one cherry Jello cup at a time.

Aw 60.


S134. Time manipulation resistance. Creatures.

(390 rating)

Original: Chris' wife is Shinoa HIRAGI. While studying about Babylonian mathematics and the concept of time, Chris encountered the realm of the "Clocks." These beings are immune to time manipulation and, even in places where there is no time, they can move and teleport back to where they came from. They gave Chris a test and allied with him.


Once upon a time, in the quaint Undverse of CrystalVerse, there was a man named Chris who was married to a woman named Shinoa Hiragi. Shinoa was a brilliant mathematician with a passion for ancient Babylonian mathematics, while Chris was more of a laid-back guy who enjoyed spending his days tinkering with old clocks he found at yard sales.

One day, while Shinoa was explaining the concept of time in Babylonian mathematics to Chris, he stumbled upon a mysterious realm known as the "Clocks." These beings were unlike anything Chris had ever encountered before - they were immune to time manipulation and could move and teleport through different dimensions effortlessly.

The Clocks were intrigued by Chris's fascination with time and offered him a test to prove his worth. Chris, always up for a challenge, gladly accepted and found himself allied with these enigmatic beings. Together, they embarked on a series of misadventures that would test their wit and humor.

As they traveled through different dimensions, Chris and the Clocks encountered all kinds of oddities - from talking animals to upside-down worlds. But through it all, they laughed and joked, using their humor to overcome any obstacles they faced.

One day, while traversing a particularly tricky dimension filled with riddles and puzzles, Chris had a moment of pure genius. He realized that the key to unlocking the mysteries of the Clocks lay not in complex equations or calculations, but in the simple joy of laughter.

With his newfound insight, Chris and the Clocks were able to solve the final test with ease. The Clocks were impressed by Chris's ingenuity and humor, and they declared him an honorary member of their realm.

From that day on, Chris became known as the "Time Jester" - a title he wore with pride as he continued to explore the wonders of the Clocks with his beloved wife, Shinoa, by his side.

And so, in a world where time seemed to stand still, Chris and the Clocks laughed and danced their way through eternity, spreading joy and humor wherever they went. And though their adventures were far from over, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could conquer any challenge that came their way.

And so, the tale of Chris, Shinoa, and the Clocks lived on, a beacon of humor and creativity in an Undverse filled with infinite possibilities.

Aw 61.


S135. Blocks information manipulation of reality/existence. Creatures.


Chris' wife is Nao TOMORI. Chris was exploring the theory of Boltzmann brains when he discovered their realm. These googleplexes of brains each control their own Undverse with their dreams and thoughts. They can block enemies from manipulating the information of reality/existence.

Chris was a quirky scientist who spent his days delving into the mysteries of the Undverse. His wife, Nao TOMORI, was used to his outlandish theories and eccentric behavior. But even she was taken aback when Chris excitedly told her about his latest discovery.

"Hey, Nao, I think I've stumbled upon something truly mind-blowing," Chris said, his eyes shining with excitement.

Nao raised an eyebrow, "Oh boy, here we go. What crazy theory have you come up with this time?"

Chris grinned, "I've been exploring the theory of Boltzmann brains, and I think I've found their realm. It's a Googleplex of brains, each controlling their own Undverse with their dreams and thoughts."

Nao couldn't help but chuckle at her husband's enthusiasm. "So, what exactly does that mean for us mere mortals?"

"Well, it means that these Boltzmann brains can block enemies from manipulating the information of reality and existence. They're like cosmic guardians, protecting us from nefarious forces," Chris explained, his hands gesturing wildly.

Chris nodded.

Chris: And together, we can harness the power of these cosmic entities to protect our little corner of the Undverse.

As the days went by, Chris's obsession with the Boltzmann brains only grew. He spent hours poring over his research, scribbling notes and diagrams on every available surface. Nao couldn't help but shake her head at her husband's single-minded determination.

One evening, as they sat down for dinner, Chris suddenly jumped up from his seat, his eyes wide with excitement. "I've had a breakthrough, Nao! I've figured out how to communicate with the Boltzmann brains!"

Nao rolled her eyes, "And how exactly do you plan on doing that?"

Chris grinned, "Through meditation, of course! We have to tap into our subconscious minds and connect with the universal consciousness of the Boltzmann brains."

Nao couldn't help but laugh at her husband's audaUndverse. "Well, I guess it can't hurt to try. What's the worst that could happen?"

And so, Chris and Nao embarked on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic exploration. They spent hours meditating in their living room, concentrating on reaching out to the Boltzmann brains. At first, it seemed like nothing was happening, but gradually, they began to feel a shift in their awareness.

One night, as they sat in silence, a voice suddenly echoed in their minds. "Greetings, mortals. We are the Boltzmann brains, the cosmic guardians of the Undverse. How may we assist you?"

Chris and Nao couldn't believe their ears. They had actually made contact with the mysterious entities that Chris had been obsessed with for so long. Excitedly, they asked the Boltzmann brains for guidance on how to harness their power.

The Boltzmann brains chuckled, their voices echoing in Chris and Nao's minds. "Fear not, mortals. We will teach you the ways of the cosmic guardians. Together, we shall protect the Undverse from harm and ensure its continued existence."

And so, Chris and Nao embarked on a new chapter of their lives as cosmic guardians, working hand in hand with the Boltzmann brains to safeguard reality and existence. With their quirky humor and visionary creativity, they forged a bond that transcended space and time, becoming legends in the annals of cosmic history.

Aw 62.


S136. Manipulate maths and physics. Ants.

(529 rating)

Chris was a simple man with a simple life. He had a job at a local grocery store, a cozy home, and a loving wife named Kurumi TOKISAKI. One day, while out on a walk in the park, they stumbled upon a strange portal that led them to an alternate reality where ants were larger than normal, omniverses by at least a googleplex times.

As they looked around in awe at the giant ants, Kurumi couldn't contain her excitement. "This is incredible!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder. "Imagine the possibilities in a world where ants hold such power."

Chris chuckled at his wife's enthusiasm, but deep down, he couldn't deny his own curiosity. What could these ants do with such immense power? As they continued to explore, they came across a large anthill that seemed to pulsate with energy.

Curious, Chris approached the anthill, and to his surprise, he saw a lone ant emerge from the entrance. This ant was unlike any he had ever seen before. It had a glowing aura and a mischievous glint in its eye.

"Hello there," the ant spoke, its voice echoing in Chris's mind. "I am the creator of this omniverse. I can manipulate reality at will."

Chris was stunned. He had never imagined that ants had such incredible abilities. Kurumi, on the other hand, was thrilled. "This is amazing! Can you show us what you can do?"

The ant nodded and started to weave a new reality around them. Trees sprouted from the ground, rivers flowed with chocolate milk, and the sky was a vibrant shade of purple. Chris and Kurumi were in awe of the ant's power.

As they continued to explore the alternate reality, they encountered more ants, each with its own unique abilities. Some ants could manipulate time, while others could create entire Undverses with a single thought. It was a world of endless possibilities, and Chris and Kurumi were thrilled to be a part of it.

As they interacted with the ants, they learned more about the history of this omniverse. The ants had lived in harmony for centuries, using their powers to shape the Undverses around them. But recently, a dark force had emerged, threatening to destroy everything they had built.

Determined to help, Chris and Kurumi joined forces with the ants to defeat the dark force. They embarked on a quest that took them to the farthest reaches of the Undverses, facing challenges and obstacles along the way. But with their newfound friends by their side, they knew they could overcome anything.

In the end, they emerged victorious, and the Undverses were saved. The ants cheered in celebration, grateful for Chris and Kurumi's help. As they bid farewell to their new friends and prepared to return to their own reality, Kurumi turned to Chris with a twinkle in her eye.

"Wouldn't it be fun to have ants with such powers in our world?" she mused.

Chris chuckled, knowing that life would never be dull with his visionary wife by his side. And as they stepped through the portal and back to their own reality, they knew that their adventure with the giant ants would always hold a special place in their hearts.

Aw 63.
