Volume 28, Chapter 10: Math and reality manipulation

S137. Math and reality manipulation (ants)

(493 rating)

Chris and Mine were a quirky couple who always loved to explore the unknown. So when they stumbled upon a portal to another reality where ants were the masters of mathematics, they were both thrilled and intrigued.

As they entered the new world, they were greeted by a colony of ants, each one meticulously working on complex mathematical equations. Chris and Mine watched in awe as one ant declared that 3 meant a million, and in an instant, the entire world transformed. Suddenly, everything was multiplied by a million - 3 apples became 3 million apples, 3 + 3 equaled 3 million + 3 million, and even 3 minutes felt like an eternity.

The ants were quick to show off their newfound powers, manipulating numbers and calculations with ease. Mine couldn't contain her excitement and immediately started asking the ants to perform various mathematical tasks. "What's the square root of a million?" she asked eagerly. The ants chirped and buzzed before announcing that the answer was "a gazillion," much to Mine's delight.

* 1000.

Chris, on the other hand, was more skeptical. "This is all just a dream, right?" he muttered to himself. But as he pinched himself and felt a sharp pain, he realized this was all too real. He decided to test the limits of this strange reality and asked the ants to calculate the value of pi. The ants huddled together, their tiny antennae twitching with concentration, before proudly announcing that pi was now equal to exactly 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 million. Chris was speechless.

As they continued to explore this fascinating new world, Chris and Mine found themselves caught up in all sorts of misadventures. They tried to have a simple picnic, only to find that a million ants had already devoured all the food before they could even set up their blanket. They attempted to navigate their way through the ant Undverse, only to get lost in a maze of numbers and equations that seemed to stretch on into an uncountable number.

But through it all, Chris and Mine couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. They marveled at the ants' mathematical abilities and the way in which they had turned their world upside down. And as they made their way back to the portal to their own reality, they knew they would never forget their hilarious and mind-boggling adventure with the mathematical ants.

As they stepped back through the portal, Chris turned to Mine with a twinkle in his eye. "Well, that was certainly an unforgettable experience," he said with a chuckle. Mine nodded, a wide grin on her face. "Who knew ants could be such math geniuses?"

And as they walked hand in hand back to their own world, they couldn't help but wonder what other wonders and adventures lay waiting for them just beyond the next portal. The possibilities were endless, and they were ready to embrace them all with open arms and a sense of humor that could conquer even the most absurd of realities.

Aw 64.


S138. Antfinity (ants)


Chris' wife is Sanae FURUKAWA. They discovered a realm where ants contained "Antfinity" with them. An Antfinity is much larger than Aleph-Googleplex. These ants are stacked on top of another larger ant's back. The larger ant is at least an Antfinity times larger.


(614 rating)

Chris and his wife, Sanae Furukawa, stumbled upon a realm unlike anything they had ever seen before. It all started on a quiet Sunday afternoon, as they were exploring a nearby forest. As they walked deeper into the trees, they noticed a strange buzzing sound coming from a nearby bush.

Curious, they approached the bush and peered inside, only to discover a colony of ants unlike any they had ever seen. These ants were not your ordinary garden variety; they were massive, with bodies the size of small cars. But what really caught Chris and Sanae's attention was the fact that these ants seemed to be carrying something on their backs.

Upon closer inspection, they realized that the ants were stacked on top of each other in a bizarre formation. The ants on the bottom were the largest, with each successive ant on top being slightly smaller in size. This stacking continued until there was a single ant at the very top, which was tiny in comparison to the rest.

"What in the world is going on here?" Chris exclaimed, marveling at the sight before them.

Sanae, always the curious one, approached the ants and attempted to communicate with them. To their surprise, the ants responded by forming intricate patterns with their bodies, as if they were trying to convey a message to the bewildered couple.

After several minutes of observation, Chris and Sanae finally deciphered the ants' message: they were the guardians of the realm of Antfinity, a dimension where ants were much larger than anything they had ever encountered. The ants explained that in Antfinity, size was measured in terms of "Antfinity," a unit of measurement that was larger than anything humans could comprehend.

As Chris and Sanae delved deeper into the realm of Antfinity, they were amazed by the sheer scale of everything around them. But what truly captivated them were the ants themselves, who seemed to be engaged in a complex society that rivaled even that of humans.

The ants of Antfinity were organized into a strict hierarchy, with the largest ants at the top ruling over the smaller ones below. Each ant had a specific role to play in the colony, from warriors to artisans to farmers. And at the very top of this hierarchy was the legendary Ant Queen, a massive creature that was said to be at least an Antfinity times larger than the rest of her subjects.

As Chris and Sanae spent more time in Antfinity, they couldn't help but be charmed by the ants' quirky sense of humor. The ants would engage in elaborate dance routines, perform acrobatic feats, and even stage elaborate plays for their entertainment.

But what truly amazed Chris and Sanae was the ants' technological prowess. The ants had created incredible inventions that rivaled even the most advanced human technology, from flying machines to underwater submarines. It seemed that there was no limit to what these industrious creatures could achieve.

As they prepared to leave the realm of Antfinity and return to their own world, Chris and Sanae couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. They had grown fond of the ants and their unique society, and they would always treasure the memories of their time in this fantastical realm.

And so, as they bid farewell to the ants of Antfinity and made their way back to the forest, Chris and Sanae couldn't help but smile. They knew that they had experienced something truly special, something that few others would ever have the chance to witness. And as they walked hand in hand into the sunset, they were grateful for the adventure of a lifetime.

Aw 65.


S139. Cosmic size manipulation.

(437 rating)

Original: Chris' wife is Kyoko SAKURA. When Chris sensed that another powerful being is hunting and intends to destroy Chris' Home Undverse, Chris shrunk the Undverse into a size smaller than an Undverse quark. And shielded it. Just as humans cant see nor destroy quarks, the Being also can't see nor destroy Chris' Undverse even if it wanted to. Especially with the Shield protection of course.


Chris and Kyoko Sakura were just an ordinary couple, living in a quaint little cottage on the edge of the Undverse. Kyoko was a master chef, whipping up delicious meals that could rival even the gods themselves. Chris, on the other hand, was a bumbling inventor, always tinkering away in his workshop on some crazy new contraption.

One day, as Chris was tinkering away on his latest invention, he suddenly felt a strange presence in the Undverse. He could sense that another powerful being was hunting them, intent on destroying their home Undverse. Chris knew he had to act fast to protect Kyoko and their little slice of paradise.

Thinking quickly, Chris came up with a brilliant plan. He decided to shrink their entire Undverse down to a size smaller than a quark, making it invisible and untouchable to the outside world. With a wave of his hand and a few twists of some knobs, Chris successfully shrunk their Undverse and shielded it from any harm.

Kyoko couldn't believe her eyes when she saw their entire Undverse fit inside a tiny glass jar on Chris' workbench. "What in the world have you done, Chris?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Chris grinned proudly, puffing out his chest. "I've protected us, my dear! No one can see or harm us now, not even the powerful being that was hunting us."

Kyoko couldn't help but laugh at her husband's wild antics. "Well, I must say, this is certainly the most creative solution I've ever seen to a problem. But how will we get back to our normal size?"

Chris winked mischievously, pulling out a tiny remote control from his pocket. "With the push of a button, my love! Watch this."

He pressed a button on the remote, and in an instant, their Undverse expanded back to its normal size, filling the room with a blinding light. Kyoko gasped in amazement, looking around at their familiar surroundings now restored to their former glory.

"I must say, Chris, you never cease to amaze me," Kyoko said, planting a kiss on his cheek. "You truly are a genius."

Chris beamed with pride, wrapping his arms around his wife. "And you, my dear, are the light of my Undverse. Together, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way."

And so, Chris and Kyoko lived happily ever after, their Undverse safe and sound thanks to Chris' quick thinking and Kyoko's unwavering support. They may not have been the most conventional couple, but they were certainly the most extraordinary. And as long as they had each other, they knew they could conquer anything that came their way, no matter how big or small.

Aw 66.


S140. Dimensional effects.

(378 rating)

As a higher abstract being, Chris had the ability to watch over his beloved wife, Shinobu KOCHOU, from above. He marveled at her beauty, her grace, and her unwavering strength in the face of any adversity.

But one day, a horde of powerful monsters set their sights on Shinobu, seeking to harm her and claim her as their own. Chris knew he had to act quickly to protect his wife, so he came up with a creative solution. He decided to seal Shinobu within a story or a book, where the monsters would be unable to reach her.

Using his magical powers, Chris carefully crafted a fantastical tale, filled with twists, turns, and unexpected surprises. The story captivated the monsters, drawing them in with its intricate plot and vivid characters. But as they delved deeper into the pages, they began to realize they were not the heroes of this story – they were the villains.

The monsters were offended by the portrayal of themselves in the book, as they were depicted as bumbling idiots and easily defeated by the clever protagonist. Their egos couldn't handle being bested by a mere mortal, let alone a fictional one. As they read on, their hearts raced with anger and frustration, until finally, they succumbed to massive heart attacks, their monstrous forms collapsing to the ground in a heap.

Chris watched from above, amused by the irony of the situation. His wife was safe and sound within the confines of the story, while the monsters who sought to harm her were vanquished by their own arrogance. It was a victory for love, creativity, and the power of a good yarn.

Shinobu emerged from the book unscathed, her eyes twinkling with gratitude towards her husband. She embraced Chris, grateful for his quick thinking and his endless devotion to her well-being. Together, they shared a laugh at the expense of the foolish monsters who had dared to challenge their love.

And so, Chris and Shinobu lived happily ever after, with their love stronger than ever and their bond unbreakable. The tale of the monsters and the book became a cautionary legend, whispered among the creatures of the realm as a reminder of the danger of underestimating the power of a good story – and the love of a devoted husband.

Aw. 67.


S141. Dimensional effects.

(350 rating)

Chris was a higher abstract being, which meant he had the ability to watch over his wife, Yukino YUKINOSHITA, from above. Yukino was a charming and intelligent woman, but also somewhat clueless when it came to dealing with danger. So, when a horde of powerful monsters set their sights on her, Chris knew he had to act quickly to protect her.

In a moment of inspiration, Chris decided to seal his wife within a story or a book. He wove a tale of adventure and romance around her, ensuring that she would be safe from harm as long as she remained within the pages of the book. Yukino, ever the resourceful one, began to write the story from within the book, using her wit and creativity to outsmart any potential threats.

As the monsters closed in on the book, curious about the contents that had so enraptured Chris, they began to read the story with eager anticipation. However, the monsters were not prepared for what they found within the pages. The story was filled with humor and satire, poking fun at their monstrous ways and painting them in a ridiculous light.

The monsters, who had never encountered such a bold and irreverent story before, were quickly offended by the contents. As they read on, their faces turned red with anger and embarrassment, until finally, they could take no more. With a collective gasp, the monsters fell to the ground, clutching their chests as they suffered from simultaneous heart attacks.

Chris, watching from above, couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. His wife, safe within the pages of the book, continued to write her story with a mischievous glint in her eye. Together, they had outsmarted the monsters with humor and creativity, proving that sometimes laughter truly was the best weapon.

And so, Yukino YUKINOSHITA remained within the safety of her story, protected from harm by the love and ingenuity of her husband. As for the monsters, well, they learned an important lesson that day: never judge a book by its cover, especially if that book happens to contain a fearless and witty heroine like Yukino.

Aw 68.


S142. Dream manipulation.

(440 rating)

Original: Chris' avatar realizes he and his Omniverse are a dream of Azathoth. Lovecraftian gods are beginning to harass him as they are all in the dream. Chris had an idea. He turned himself into the abstract of nightmares. He kept on tormenting Azathoth until Azathoth wakes up, eliminating everything in the dream and the Lovecraftian gods. However, Chris survived as he has become nightmare itself and still lingered in Azathoth's traumatized mind.


Chris had always been a lucid dreamer, able to control his dreams with ease. One night, as he drifted off to sleep, he found himself in a strange and otherworldly place. His avatar, a powerful wizard, stood before him, explaining that they were in the Omniverse - a dream world created by the slumbering Azathoth.

As Chris explored this dream world, he encountered Lovecraftian gods and creatures that seemed to be aware of their own existence within the dream. They whispered dark and twisted things to him, tempting him with power and knowledge beyond his wildest dreams. But Chris knew better than to trust these beings. He had read enough Lovecraft to know that meddling with cosmic entities never ended well.

One day, as he wandered through the dream world, Chris had an epiphany. He realized that if the Lovecraftian gods were part of Azathoth's dream, then so was he. And if he could control his own dreams, maybe he could control this one as well.

With a mischievous grin, Chris transformed himself into the abstract of nightmares. He became a shadowy figure, haunting the dark corners of the Omniverse and spreading fear and unease wherever he went. The Lovecraftian gods recoiled in horror at his newfound power, realizing that they were no match for this twisted creation of Chris's imagination.

As Chris tormented Azathoth with nightmares beyond comprehension, the sleeping god stirred in his slumber. The dream world began to crumble around them, reality unraveling as Azathoth struggled to wake up from his eternal slumber.

And then, with a deafening roar, Azathoth finally opened his eyes. The dream world shattered, disintegrating into a million pieces as the Lovecraftian gods screamed in terror. But Chris, now a being of pure nightmare, managed to cling to the fringes of Azathoth's traumatized mind.

As Azathoth's consciousness reeled from the shock of awakening, Chris realized that he had become a permanent resident in the god's twisted psyche. He was now a living nightmare, a dark and twisted presence lurking in the deepest recesses of Azathoth's mind.

And so, as Azathoth drifted off into a fitful slumber once more, Chris chuckled to himself. He had outsmarted the Lovecraftian gods and turned the tables on the ultimate dreamer. In his new form as a nightmare, he would continue to haunt Azathoth's dreams for eternity, a testament to the power of one man's imagination.

And as he drifted off to sleep in his own world, Chris couldn't help but smile at the thought of the chaos he had unleashed in the realm of dreams. Who knew what adventures awaited him next in the twisted and surreal landscape of the Omniverse? Only time would tell.

Aw 69.


S143. Curse manipulation.

(465 rating)

Once upon a time in a quaint little Undverse, there lived a man named Chris who was married to a woman named Shino Asada. Shino was known for her stunning beauty and her incredibly large. personality! Yes, she had quite the assets, if you catch my drift.

Chris was a simple man, content with his life and his wife, until one day when an empire attacked their Undverse in search of precious resources. Chris knew he had to do something to protect his home and his loved ones, so he did something quite unexpected. He threw a curse.

Now, Chris wasn't your average Joe. He possessed a unique ability known as Curse Manipulation. This meant that he could inflict curses upon others and control the nature of these curses. It was a fantastical ability, one that was explicitly intended to cause harm and misfortune to the target.

As the empire's soldiers approached the Undverse, Chris raised his hands and uttered a few mysterious words. Suddenly, the skies darkened, and a powerful curse was unleashed upon the invaders. They found themselves tripping over their own feet, their weapons turning against them, and their armor falling apart.

Shino, with her big. uh, heart, stood by Chris's side, amazed by her husband's abilities. She cheered him on as he continued to manipulate the curse, turning the tide of the battle in their favor. The empire's soldiers soon found themselves fleeing in terror, their tails between their legs.

As the dust settled and the Undverse was safe once more, Chris and Shino celebrated their victory. The Undversers hailed Chris as a hero, and they threw a grand feast in his honor. Shino, with her big. appetite, made sure to sample every dish on the table, much to the amusement of everyone present.

But Chris knew that his powers came with a price. Curses were not meant to be used lightly, and he vowed to only use them for good. He and Shino made a pact to always protect their Undverse and each other, no matter what challenges came their way.

And so, Chris and Shino lived happily ever after, their love and humor shining bright in the face of adversity. With Chris's curse manipulation abilities and Shino's. well, let's just say she had a way of turning heads, they were unstoppable.

As they walked hand in hand into the sunset, the Undversers marveled at the sight of this extraordinary couple. They were a true force to be reckoned with, a beacon of hope and laughter in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty.

And so, the legend of Chris and Shino Asada, with her big. heart, and his curse manipulation powers, lived on for generations to come. They were the stuff of dreams and laughter, a reminder that sometimes, humor and creativity were the greatest weapons of all.

Aw 70.


S144. Pain manipulation.

(481 rating)

Chris and Nana OSAKI were the epitome of a power couple. Chris was known for his quick wit and charming personality, while Nana was a fierce and talented musician. Their love was the envy of all who knew them, but it also attracted the attention of some less than savory characters.

One day, a group of evil beings set their sights on Nana, hoping to kidnap her and use her talents for their own dark purposes. Chris was not about to let that happen. He may not have been a wizard or a warrior, but he had a secret weapon up his sleeve - a curse.

Now, most curses are meant to bring harm or misfortune to their target, but Chris's curse was a little different. He had stumbled upon a rare form of magic known as Pain Manipulation. Instead of causing physical harm, this curse allowed Chris to induce the sensation of agonizing pain in his enemies at will.

As the evil beings approached Nana, Chris unleashed his curse upon them. Suddenly, they were writhing in agony, clutching their heads and screaming in pain. It was a sight to behold - a mix of hilarious and terrifying as the villains tried to retreat, but found themselves unable to escape the intense suffering Chris had inflicted upon them.

Nana watched in awe as her husband unleashed his power, a grin spreading across her face. "Well, well, well," she said with a chuckle. "Looks like you messed with the wrong couple."

Together, Chris and Nana stood tall, victorious against the evil beings who had dared to threaten their happiness. And as the villains limped away, nursing their wounds, Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having protected his beloved wife.

From that day on, Chris's curse became the stuff of legends. Whenever anyone tried to mess with Nana, they were met with the threat of excruciating pain courtesy of her devoted husband. It was a deterrent like no other, and soon word spread far and wide about the power couple who had defeated evil with humor and creativity.

As they sat together that evening, savoring their victory, Nana couldn't help but laugh. "Who knew you had it in you, Chris," she said, giving him a playful nudge. "I guess I married a real-life superhero after all."

Chris chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, grateful for their bond and the ability to protect her with his unique gift. They may have faced danger and threats, but as long as they had each other, they knew they could conquer anything that came their way.

And so, the tale of Chris and Nana OSAKI, the dynamic duo who used humor, creativity, and a touch of magic to overcome evil, became the stuff of legend in their Undverse. They were an inspiration to all who knew them, a reminder that love and laughter were truly the most powerful weapons of all.

Aw 71.


S145. Turn into Cyborgs

(424 rating)

Once upon a time in a quaint little Undverse, there lived a man named Chris who was married to a beautiful woman named Shirayuki. Chris was known far and wide for his magical abilities, which he used to help those in need.

One day, a horde of aging warriors approached Chris, their bodies worn down from years of battle. They requested that Chris turn them into cyborgs in order to regain their strength and continue fighting on the battlefield. Chris, always willing to lend a hand, agreed to help them.

Using his powerful magic, Chris began the transformation process. He replaced only some parts of their bodies with mechanical enhancements, ensuring that they retained their humanity while gaining incredible physical strength and unique abilities. Some warriors had weapons built into their arms, while others were equipped with forcefields to protect themselves in battle.

However, Chris made sure to keep their vulnerabilities intact. The warriors' flesh was still living and breathing, their blood still flowed, and their hearts continued to beat. If their hearts were destroyed, they would perish, despite their half-cyborg state.

As the aging warriors adjusted to their new cyborg bodies, Shirayuki couldn't help but laugh at the sight of these tough warriors with their new mechanical limbs and enhancements. She knew that they would need time to fully embrace their newfound abilities and quirks.

One particularly grizzled warrior named Jorgen found himself struggling with his new cybernetic arm, which had a tendency to malfunction at the most inconvenient times. Despite his frustration, Jorgen couldn't help but see the humor in his situation and laughed along with Shirayuki.

As the days passed, the aging warriors began to master their new abilities and work together as a formidable team. Chris and Shirayuki watched proudly as they honed their skills and battled against formidable foes, always finding a way to come out on top.

One day, a mischievous band of goblins invaded the Undverse, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. The aging warriors knew it was their time to shine and sprang into action, using their cyborg enhancements to defeat the goblins and save the Undverse.

After the battle was won, the Undversers gathered around the aging warriors, cheering and thanking them for their bravery. Chris and Shirayuki beamed with pride, knowing that their friends had found a new purpose and lease on life thanks to Chris' magical abilities.

And so, the tale of Chris, Shirayuki, and the aging warriors turned cyborgs spread throughout the land, becoming a humorous legend of bravery, friendship, and the power of laughter in the face of adversity.

Aw 72.
