Volume 29, Unedited Chapter, Skill 174 onwards

S174. Density manipulation (intangibility)

(376 rating)

Emperor Chris and his wife, Tema, were a power couple in the kingdom of Laughtonia. Chris was known for his incredible abilities to manipulate density, while Tema was a talented artist who loved to draw.

One day, as the kingdom of Laughtonia was celebrating a grand festival, hostile creatures suddenly appeared out of nowhere and attacked, aiming to destroy the kingdom's army. Chris quickly sprang into action, using his density manipulation powers to make the soldiers intangible, allowing the creatures' attacks to pass right through them. The soldiers were amazed as they watched their weapons and claws pass harmlessly through their bodies.

Tema, who was watching from the sidelines, was both terrified and amazed by her husband's abilities. She had always known he was talented, but seeing him in action was a whole other experience. As she watched the battle unfold, she had an idea.

Tema quickly grabbed a piece of charcoal and a large canvas and began to sketch furiously. She drew a giant cartoon character that looked like a mix between a dragon and a bunny, hoping to distract the creatures with its absurdity. The creatures paused for a moment, confused by the sight of the cartoon character, giving the soldiers enough time to regroup and counterattack.

As the battle raged on, Chris continued to manipulate density, making the soldiers untouchable and allowing them to defeat the creatures with ease. Tema's cartoon character proved to be a valuable distraction, causing chaos among the enemy ranks.

After the battle was won, the kingdom of Laughtonia celebrated their victory with a grand feast. Chris and Tema were hailed as heroes, with the soldiers cheering and raising their glasses in their honor.

As they sat at the head of the banquet table, Chris and Tema shared a knowing smile. They were a formidable team, each using their unique talents to protect and defend their kingdom. Chris may have been the one with the superpowers, but Tema was the one with the creativity and vision to see beyond the battlefield.

Together, they were unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with in the whimsical kingdom of Laughtonia. And as they danced the night away, surrounded by laughter and joy, Chris and Tema knew that no matter what challenges may come their way, they would face them together, with humor and creativity as their weapons of choice.

Aw 101. His


S175. Density manipulation. Black holes.

Original: Chris met Akari (a swordswoman, who challenged Chris to a duel. He stabbed himself to avoid a confrontation). They got married. When a swarm of evil entities attacked, Chris used density manipulation to create a black hole.

(526 rating)

Chris was just an ordinary guy living in the suburbs, going about his mundane life working as a part-time office clerk. Little did he know that his life was about to take a very drastic turn.

One day, while out for a walk in the park, Chris came across a mysterious woman who went by the name Akari. She was dressed in traditional samurai armor and carried a sheathed sword on her back. Chris couldn't help but be intrigued by her presence, and before he knew it, Akari had challenged him to a duel.

Panicking at the thought of having to fight a seasoned swordswoman, Chris did the only thing he could think of to avoid a potentially deadly confrontation - he quickly grabbed a nearby branch and dramatically stabbed himself in the leg. The ploy worked, as Akari was so shocked by his self-sacrifice that she called off the duel and instead offered to tend to his wounds.

As they spent more time together, Chris and Akari found themselves drawn to each other in a way neither of them could explain. Their shared sense of humor and love for all things quirky brought them closer, and before they knew it, they were madly in love.

Despite the odd circumstances that brought them together, Chris and Akari decided to tie the knot in a small, unconventional ceremony that reflected their unique personalities. They exchanged vows under a canopy of cherry blossoms, with Akari's sword resting gently by her side as a symbol of protection and honor.

But their honeymoon phase was short-lived, as a horde of evil entities descended upon their peaceful Undverse, wreaking havoc and chaos wherever they went. Chris knew that he had to do something to protect his new bride, and that's when inspiration struck.

Remembering that he had once read about density manipulation in a comic book, Chris decided to put his newfound knowledge to the test. With a flick of his wrist and a deep concentration, he managed to create a small black hole right in the middle of the swarm of evil entities.

The creatures were immediately sucked into the void, disappearing in a whirl of darkness and light. Akari stared at her husband in awe, amazed at his seemingly impossible feat of bravery and creativity. She knew then and there that she had made the right choice in marrying Chris, as he had proven himself to be not just a man, but a visionary hero.

From that day on, Chris and Akari lived happily ever after, using their combined powers of humor, love, and creativity to protect their Undverse from any and all threats that came their way. They became known far and wide as the dynamic duo who could turn any seemingly insurmountable challenge into an opportunity for laughter and triumph.

And so, in a world filled with darkness and despair, Chris and Akari stood as beacons of light and hope, showing everyone that with a little bit of humor and a whole lot of love, anything was possible. And they lived their days in joy and laughter, knowing that they would always have each other by their side, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

Aw 102. Before


S176. Dimensional manipulation.

(496 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the galaxy for his unrivaled powers of dimensional manipulation. With just a thought, he could transport himself and his soldiers to higher dimensions where they were invisible and untouchable to their enemies. But despite his incredible abilities, Chris was just a normal guy when it came to matters of the heart. His wife, Rias, was a true anime fan and loved cosplaying as her favorite characters. With her vibrant red hair, sparkling blue eyes, and flawless porcelain skin, she truly looked like she had stepped right out of a manga.

Whenever Rias wasn't by Chris' side, she could often be found at various cosplay conventions, dazzling fans with her stunning outfits and infectious enthusiasm. Despite being married to a powerful emperor, Rias never let her husband's status go to her head. She was a down-to-earth woman who loved her husband fiercely and supported him in all his endeavors.

One day, the neighboring empire of Zorlakia declared war on Chris' kingdom, seeking to expand their territories and claim the riches of his lands. The Zorlakians were a formidable enemy, with powerful warriors and advanced technology at their disposal, outnumbering Chris' army by the ratio of a googleplex to 1. For every soldier in Chris' army, there were a googleplex of hostile enemies of various races, including beasts. But Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. With Rias by his side, he began to plan their strategy for defeating the invaders.

As the Zorlakian forces began their attack, Chris unleashed his powers of dimensional manipulation, whisking himself and his soldiers to a higher plane of existence where they were invisible to their enemies. The Zorlakians were left bewildered and confused, unable to see or touch their foes. Chris and his soldiers used this advantage to their benefit, launching surprise attacks on the enemy forces and slowly but surely gaining the upper hand.

As the battle raged on, Rias was right by Chris' side, dressed in a dazzling warrior outfit that she had painstakingly crafted herself. With a wink and a smile, she commanded the troops with all the authority of a seasoned general. Her anime-inspired tactics and strategies baffled the enemy forces, leaving them scrambling to keep up with her brilliant maneuvers.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Chris and Rias found moments of levity amidst the chaos. They shared inside jokes and playful banter, their laughter echoing across the battlefield. Rias even managed to convince Chris to try out a few cosplays of his own, much to the amusement of their soldiers.

In the end, Chris and Rias emerged victorious, sending the Zorlakian forces running with their tails between their legs. The kingdom was saved, and peace was restored once more. As they celebrated their victory, Chris and Rias knew that they could face any challenge as long as they stood together.

And so, Emperor Chris and his anime-loving wife, Rias, continued to rule their kingdom with wisdom, strength, and a healthy dose of humor. With their love as strong as ever, they knew that they were truly unstoppable. And who knows, maybe one day they would even cosplay their way to saving the galaxy.

Aw 103. His


S177. Dimensional Manipulation.

(469 rating)

Original: Chris' wife is Focalor. When they fought a larger horde of Enemies, Chris lowered the dimensions of the enemies, making them unable to touch him.

Chris was a simple man with a not-so-simple life. He was married to a unique woman named Focalor, who just so happened to be a powerful demon from another dimension. Despite her demonic origins, Focalor had a heart of gold and loved her husband Chris dearly.

One day, Chris and Focalor found themselves facing a larger horde of enemies than they had ever encountered before. The enemies were fierce, with sharp claws and menacing growls. Chris knew that they were no match for these fierce foes in a straight-up battle, so he had to come up with a plan.

As Focalor fought bravely beside him, Chris racked his brain for a way to defeat the horde. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in his head. He remembered a trick he had learned long ago in his travels through different dimensions. Chris had the ability to manipulate the dimensions around him, and he knew just how to use it in this situation.

With a wave of his hand, Chris lowered the dimensions of the enemies, making them unable to touch him. The enemies grew smaller and smaller until they were no bigger than ants. Focalor looked at her husband in amazement, marveling at his ingenuity.

"Wow, Chris! That was incredible!" Focalor exclaimed, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Chris grinned, feeling proud of himself for coming up with such a clever solution. "No problem, my dear. Just another day in the life of a demon-slaying husband," he joked.

Together, Chris and Focalor made quick work of the shrunken enemies, taking them out with ease. The horde was no match for the dynamic duo, and soon the battlefield was clear once again.

As they dusted themselves off and caught their breath, Chris and Focalor shared a laugh at the absurdity of the situation. It wasn't every day that they found themselves facing off against a horde of miniaturized enemies.

"Only you would come up with a plan like that, Chris," Focalor said, shaking her head in amusement.

Chris chuckled, wrapping an arm around his demon wife. "Hey, what can I say? I've got to keep you on your toes, Focalor. Wouldn't want you getting bored now, would we?"

Focalor rolled her eyes, playfully pushing her husband away. "Oh, don't worry, Chris. I don't think I'll ever get bored with you around. You always know how to keep things interesting."

And with that, the unlikely duo set off once again on their adventure, knowing that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other to rely on. Chris may have been an ordinary man married to a demon, but together, they were an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. And who knew what other crazy adventures awaited them in the future? All Chris knew was that he was ready to face them head-on, with his beloved Focalor by his side.

Aw 104. Deeds


S178. Dimensional storage.

(516 rating)

Once upon a time in a small Undverse called HammersVerse, there lived a man named Chris who had a very unique ability - dimensional storage. Chris could store as many items as he wished in a magical storage area, which he called his "magic satchel". He could summon any item he stored at his whim, making it seem like he was pulling things out of thin air.

Chris was a practical man, always finding innovative ways to make use of his ability. One day, he decided to store his entire army in his dimensional storage. Yes, you heard that right - his army. Chris had always been fascinated by history and warfare, so he had assembled a small army of toy soldiers and knights to play with in his spare time.

His wife, Lily the Chinese, was used to Chris's quirks and eccentricities. She often found herself shaking her head in amusement at his latest project. Chris would spend hours setting up elaborate battle scenes in their living room, complete with miniature catapults and cavalry charges.

One day, while Chris was in the middle of a particularly intense battle, Lily called out to him from the kitchen.

Lily: Chris, can you help me with this jar of pickles? I can't seem to open it. I worried that I might break the jar.

Chris, distracted by the cries of his toy soldiers, absentmindedly reached into his magic satchel and pulled out a tiny pickaxe. Lily burst out laughing at the sight of her husband wielding a tiny weapon to open a jar of pickles.

Lily's Only you, Chris, only you.

She giggled.

Chris grinned sheepishly and set to work on the stubborn jar. As he finally wrestled it open, he felt a surge of pride at his clever use of dimensional storage.

From that day on, Chris's army was put to practical use around the house. Need a screwdriver? Chris had a miniature tool kit stored in his satchel. Can't reach that high shelf? No problem, Chris could summon a tiny ladder. Lily found herself relying on her husband's magical abilities more and more, much to her amusement.

But Chris's dimensional storage abilities weren't just limited to practical uses. He also had a mischievous streak and loved to play pranks on his friends and neighbors. One day, he stored a whole gaggle of geese in his magic satchel and released them in the Undverse square, much to everyone's surprise.

Another time, he stored a full-sized hot air balloon in his satchel and took Lily on a romantic sunset ride over HammersVerse. The Undverses people couldn't believe their eyes as they watched the balloon appear out of nowhere and whisk the couple away into the sky.

Chris's antics never failed to bring a smile to the faces of those around him. His ability to think outside the box and his visionary creativity made him a beloved figure in HammersVerse.

And so, Chris and Lily lived happily ever after, with their lives filled with laughter, adventure, and the occasional surprise from Chris's magic satchel. In a world where anything was possible, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could handle whatever whimsical challenges came their way.

Aw 105. Of


S179. Dimensional storage

(498 rating)

Original: Chris met Ankira. Ankira (a cute white haired student; wierd due to her belief in aliens giving her a powerful white orb. She summoned Chris to be her "special friend"). They got married. When googleplexes of enemies larger than Undverses attacked, Chris stored them in his dimensional storage.


Chris was a regular guy living his life as a simple office worker until one day he met Ankira. She was a cute white-haired student who had a weird belief in aliens giving her a powerful white orb that she claimed gave her special abilities. Chris couldn't help but be intrigued by her strange beliefs and quirky personality.

Ankira was convinced that Chris was the one chosen to be her "special friend," a title that made him both nervous and amused at the same time. But despite their unusual introduction, the two of them hit it off and soon found themselves falling in love. They decided to get married and start a life together.

However, their happily ever after was soon interrupted by a chaotic event of epic proportions. Googleplexes of enemies larger than Undverses started to attack the Earth, causing destruction and mayhem wherever they went. Chris and Ankira were caught in the middle of the chaos, unsure of how to handle the situation.

But then Ankira revealed her secret weapon – the powerful white orb that she claimed was given to her by aliens. With a wave of her hand, she summoned a massive white light that engulfed the enemies, trapping them inside the orb. Chris watched in amazement as Ankira single-handedly saved the day with her mysterious abilities.

As the dust settled and the enemies were safely contained, Chris couldn't help but admire his wife's bravery and strength. He knew that he had married an extraordinary woman with powers beyond his wildest dreams. And with a smile, he realized that he was more than willing to stand by her side through whatever challenges the Undverse threw their way.

But the enemies were still a threat, and Chris knew that they needed a plan to keep them from escaping the orb and causing further chaos. That's when he remembered a gadget he had bought online years ago – a dimensional storage device that could hold objects of immense size and power.

Chris quickly retrieved the device and activated it, creating a pocket dimension where he stored the enemies safely away from Earth. Ankira was impressed by his quick thinking and resourcefulness, grateful to have such a clever husband by her side.

Together, Chris and Ankira continued to face challenges and adventures as a team, using their unique abilities and gadgets to protect the Earth from any threat that came their way. And as they looked up at the stars, they knew that they were destined for greatness and that their love would always conquer all, no matter how bizarre or outrageous the situation.

And so, the tale of Chris and Ankira, the dynamic duo who saved the day with humor and heart, became a legend that would be told for generations to come. With visions of a bright and wacky future ahead of them, they embraced the unknown with open arms, ready to face whatever the Undverse had in store for them with a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes.

Aw 106. Old


S180. Dimensional travel.

(461 rating)

Once upon a time in a multiverse far, far away, there lived a wolf pack led by the fierce and noble Luna. Luna was once considered the weakling of the pack, but thanks to the unexpected arrival of a quirky and charismatic human named Chris, she had transformed into a powerful and respected ruler.

Chris had stumbled upon Luna's world during a routine exploration mission, and he was immediately drawn to her unique charm and strength. Luna, in turn, was fascinated by Chris's strange abilities and captivating aura. They quickly formed a deep bond and became inseparable partners in both adventure and mischief.

One day, during a particularly intense battle against the abstract forces of chaos, Chris unveiled a remarkable gift for Luna and her pack. He bestowed upon them the power of dimensional travel, allowing them to shift between 3D, 4D, and even higher dimensions at will. The pack was initially skeptical of this strange new ability, but Luna's unwavering trust in Chris convinced them to give it a try.

As Luna and her pack began to experiment with their newfound powers, they discovered a whole new world of possibilities. They could traverse through time and space, manipulate gravity and matter, and even communicate with beings from other dimensions. The once-mighty abstract forces stood no chance against Luna and her pack's visionary creativity and innovative tactics.

But amidst all the chaos and excitement, Luna found herself struggling with a mysterious artifact that had been passed down as a secret from her family. The artifact was said to hold the key to unlocking even greater powers, but Luna had no idea how to use it. She turned to Chris for help, hoping that his boundless imagination and quick thinking would provide a solution.

Together, Chris and Luna embarked on a series of wild and hilarious adventures as they tried to unravel the secrets of the artifact. They faced off against formidable foes, solved intricate puzzles, and navigated treacherous dimensions with the help of Luna's loyal pack. Through it all, they shared laughter, tears, and an unbreakable bond that transcended time and space.

As they delved deeper into the artifact's mysteries, Chris and Luna discovered that it held the key to harnessing the power of creation itself. With this newfound knowledge, Luna was able to reshape her multiverse according to her whims and desires, creating a harmonious and prosperous world where all beings could thrive.

In the end, Luna and her pack emerged victorious from the Abstract War, thanks to Chris's ingenuity and Luna's unwavering determination. They had proven that even the weakest among them could rise to greatness with the help of a true friend and ally. And so, they continued on their journey, exploring new dimensions, forging new alliances, and spreading laughter and joy wherever they went.

Aw 107. I


S181. Disease manipulation.

(518 rating)

Once upon a time in a small Undverse called BrightsVerse, there lived a man named Chris who had always been the victim of bullying by his high school nemesis, Violet. Despite all the torment and humiliation he endured at her hands, Chris somehow found himself falling in love with his old bully.

After years of bitterness and resentment, Chris and Violet surprised everyone by announcing their engagement. The Undverses people were shocked, to say the least, but the couple seemed genuinely happy and in love. Little did they know that their union would soon be put to the ultimate test.

One fateful night, as Chris and Violet were enjoying their honeymoon under the stars, a horde of gloomy aliens descended upon BrightsVerse. The creatures were dark and mysterious, with glowing red eyes and menacing tentacles that seemed to reach out for anything in their path.

Despite the chaos and fear that enveloped the Undverse, Chris remained calm. You see, Chris had always possessed a unique and somewhat bizarre magical ability – disease manipulation. With a mere thought, Chris could control and manipulate illnesses, causing them to spread or disappear at will.

As the aliens began their attack, Chris knew that he had to use his powers to protect his new wife and the Undverse he loved. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Chris unleashed his magical ability upon the gloomy aliens, infecting them with a highly contagious illness of laughter.

At first, the aliens were confused by the sudden wave of laughter that overtook them. But soon, they found themselves unable to control their mirth, their dark visages contorting into expressions of joy and amusement. The once menacing creatures began to giggle and guffaw, unable to stop the infectious laughter that had taken hold of them.

As the aliens rolled on the ground in fits of laughter, the Undverses people looked on in amazement. Chris had saved the day with his unconventional and hilarious approach to defeating the gloomy invaders. Violet, who had once been his tormentor, now stood by his side in awe and admiration.

The Undverses people gathered around Chris and Violet, cheering and applauding the unlikely heroes who had saved them from certain doom. Chris couldn't help but grin at the absurdity of it all – marrying his old bully and then using his strange magical ability to defeat an alien invasion with laughter.

From that day on, Chris and Violet were hailed as the saviors of BrightsVerse. The couple's love only grew stronger, fueled by the shared experience of battling aliens with a contagious illness of laughter. And the Undverses people learned a valuable lesson in acceptance and forgiveness, as they witnessed the power of love and humor triumph over darkness.

And so, Chris and Violet lived happily ever after, their unlikely love story a testament to the transformative power of laughter and the endless possibilities of the Undverse. As they danced under the twinkling stars of BrightsVerse, their laughter echoed through the night, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always room for joy and laughter. For in the end, laughter truly is the best medicine – even for gloomy aliens.

Aw 108. Existed


S182. Dream manipulation.

(538 rating)

Once upon a time, in a realm where vampires ruled and dreams held great power, there lived a man named Chris. Chris was an ordinary guy with an extraordinary wife - the vampire queen known as Red Queen Lisette. Despite her royal title and undead status, Lisette had a sweet and caring personality, much to the surprise of those who expected her to be a bloodthirsty tyrant.

Chris himself possessed a unique power - the ability to manipulate dreams. He could enter people's subconscious minds and influence their thoughts and actions while they slept. This power came in handy when a horde of powerful beings attacked their kingdom, intent on overthrowing the vampire queen and taking control.

As the creatures of darkness closed in on their castle, Chris knew he had to do something to protect his beloved wife and their kingdom. But, he realized that his dream manipulation power was his best chance at fighting back against the powerful invaders.

So, Chris hatched a plan. He would wait until the creatures were all fast asleep, their minds drifting into the world of dreams. And then, under the cover of night, he would enter their subconscious minds and unleash his dream manipulation abilities upon them.

As the sun set and darkness fell over the land, Chris crept into the dreams of the sleeping invaders. He found himself in a surreal and twisted dreamscape, filled with strange and fantastical creatures. But Chris was undaunted. With a mischievous grin on his face, he began to warp and twist the dreams of his enemies.

One by one, the creatures found themselves facing their worst nightmares. The giant ogres were transformed into tiny mice, running in fear from predatory cats. The fierce dragons were reduced to clumsy hatchlings, stumbling over their own feet. And the dark wizards found themselves unable to cast spells, their wands turning into rubber chickens at the worst possible moment.

As chaos reigned in the dream world, Chris laughed in gleeful delight. His powers were working perfectly, sowing confusion and discord among the ranks of their enemies. Lisette watched from afar, marveling at her husband's ingenuity and courage.

But just as Chris was about to strike the final blow, a powerful sorcerer emerged from the shadows of the dream world. With a malevolent grin, the sorcerer began to counter Chris's manipulations, turning the dreamscape against him.

Undeterred, Chris dug deep into his reserves of creativity and imagination. He conjured up an army of dream warriors, each armed with absurd and hilarious weapons. The battle that ensued was like something out of a surreal cartoon - with exploding pies, giant rubber ducks, and rainbow-colored unicorns galloping into battle.

In the end, Chris emerged victorious, his enemies defeated and humiliated in their own dreams. The sorcerer slunk away, defeated and deflated, leaving Chris and Lisette to bask in their hard-won victory.

And so, Chris became known as the Dream Warrior, the hero who fought his battles in the realm of dreams. With his wife, the vampire queen, by his side, he defended their home and their people against all threats, both real and imagined.

And they lived happily ever after, in a kingdom where dreams held sway and laughter was the most powerful weapon of all.

Aw 109. Long


S183. Dream manipulation.

(484 rating)

Once upon a time in the vast and mystical omniverse, there lived a man named Chris who had a very special ability. Chris could travel through the dreams of others and use them as a medium for communication or even for attack. This unique power made him a force to be reckoned with, especially when powerful beings from across the omniverse faced him in a war.

One day, Chris met a beautiful creature named Angel. She appeared to be like a fairy with her delicate wings and ethereal glow, but in reality, she was an imp with a mischievous streak. Angel sought out Chris for his advice on how to be a good ruler of the omniverse, in exchange for powerful relics that could grant him even greater power.

Chris was intrigued by Angel's offer and agreed to help her. He knew that Angel's impish nature could cause chaos if left unchecked, but he also saw the potential for her to do good in the omniverse. So, he began to mentor Angel, teaching her the ways of wise leadership and guiding her towards making compassionate decisions.

As their partnership grew, Chris and Angel found themselves facing off against formidable foes from different dimensions. These powerful beings sought to challenge Chris and Angel's authority, but little did they know that Chris had a secret weapon up his sleeve – or rather, in his mind.

Using his ability to enter the dreams of others, Chris would strike at his enemies in their most vulnerable state. He would communicate with them in their dreams, planting seeds of doubt and confusion that would influence their actions in the waking world. And if necessary, he could even launch full-scale dream attacks, causing his enemies to suffer in their sleep and weakening them in reality.

The sight of mighty warriors being bested by their own subconscious minds was both terrifying and hilarious. Chris and Angel would often share a laugh over the absurdity of their enemies' predicaments, all the while strategizing their next move in the war for control of the omniverse.

Through their combined efforts and Chris' clever use of his dream-traveling abilities, Chris and Angel were able to emerge victorious in the war. Angel had learned valuable lessons in leadership and had grown into a wise and compassionate ruler, while Chris had proven himself to be a formidable force to be reckoned with.

As they celebrated their victory, Chris and Angel looked out over the omniverse with a sense of pride and satisfaction. They knew that their journey together was far from over, but they also knew that as long as they had each other, they could face any challenge that came their way.

And so, the unlikely duo of a dream-traveling man and an impish fairy ruled over the omniverse with humor, creativity, and a vision for a better future for all who lived within its vast and magical expanse. And they lived happily ever after, their bond unbreakable and their adventures far from over.

Aw 110. Ages


S184. Dream manipulation.

(484 rating)

Chris had always been a bit of a dreamer. His vivid imagination often led him to create fantastical worlds in his sleep, where he could be anything he wanted to be. But it wasn't until he discovered his power of dream manipulation that his dreams truly came to life.

Chris' wife, Sandy, found his newfound ability to be both amusing and slightly concerning. She had always known that Chris had a knack for bending reality to his will, but the idea of him controlling people's dreams was a whole new level of power. She couldn't help but wonder what mischief he might get up to with such a skill.

As Chris began to explore his power further, he found that he could not only manipulate his own dreams but also those of others. The greatest users of this power could completely control the world of dreams as another plane of reality, toying with it and altering dreams according to their whims. Chris couldn't resist the temptation to test out his abilities on some of his more powerful enemies.

One night, Chris decided to pay a visit to the dreams of his arch-nemesis, a villainous tycoon who had been causing havoc in the Undverse for months. As Chris slipped into the man's subconscious mind, he found himself in a world of chaos and destruction. But instead of confronting the tycoon head-on, Chris decided to have a bit of fun.

Using his powers of dream manipulation, Chris transformed the villain into a bumbling fool, tripping over his own feet and constantly forgetting his evil schemes. He turned the tycoon's henchmen into a group of clumsy clowns, stumbling and fumbling their way through their nefarious plans. And as the dream world descended into utter absurdity, Chris couldn't help but laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

Sandy watched in amusement as Chris recounted his adventures in dream manipulation, regaling her with tales of turning fearsome foes into fumbling buffoons and creating outlandish scenarios that left even the most stoic of enemies in stitches. She couldn't help but be impressed by his creativity and ingenuity, even if it did sometimes lead to chaos and confusion.

But for Chris, the power of dream manipulation was more than just a fun party trick. It was a way for him to exercise his imagination and creativity in ways he never thought possible. With Sandy by his side, encouraging him to push the boundaries of his power and explore the depths of his dreams, Chris knew that the world of dream manipulation held endless possibilities.

And so, as he drifted off to sleep each night, Chris embraced the wondrous world of dreams, knowing that with Sandy by his side, there was no limit to the adventures they could create together. For in the realm of dreams, anything was possible, and with his power of dream manipulation, Chris was ready to take on whatever fantastical challenges came his way.

Aw 111. Ago


S185. Dream manipulation.

(517 rating)

Chris sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his wife Sofia with a mixture of admiration and amusement. Sofia was a pink-haired girl with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, always ready to take on whatever life threw at her with a sense of humor that never seemed to wane.

Chris, on the other hand, was a being with a unique ability - he could drag others into the world of dreams and either kill them or imprison them within its boundaries. This ability had come in handy during a great war that had threatened to destroy their land, and Chris had used it to great effect to protect his loved ones.

But now, the war was over, and Chris found himself struggling to find a new purpose for his powers. Sofia, ever the supportive partner, had encouraged him to use his abilities for good, to help those in need or simply to have a bit of fun.

And so, on this particular day, Chris decided to put his powers to the test in a different way. As Sofia watched with amusement, he summoned a great, swirling vortex of dream energy and dragged a passing squirrel into its depths.

With a mischievous grin, Chris whispered a few words of encouragement to the bewildered squirrel before releasing it back into the waking world. To Sofia's delight, the squirrel emerged with a newfound sense of purpose, racing around the backyard with a sense of adventure that it had never experienced before.

Sofia couldn't help but laugh at the sight, her pink hair catching the sunlight in a dazzling display of color. Chris joined in her laughter, feeling a sense of joy and freedom that he hadn't felt in a long time.

As the day turned into night, Chris and Sofia sat outside under the stars, savoring the simple pleasure of each other's company. The night sky was filled with a myriad of twinkling lights, each one a dream waiting to be explored.

And so, Chris took Sofia's hand and whispered a few words of magic, transporting them both into the realm of dreams. Together, they soared through the skies on the back of a giant dragon, laughing and shouting with delight as they flew over mountains and valleys, their hearts filled with wonder and awe.

As they finally landed back in their own world, Sofia turned to Chris with a twinkle in her eyes. "You never cease to amaze me, my love," she said, planting a kiss on his cheek. "You may be a powerful being capable of great feats, but at the end of the day, you're still just a big softie with a heart of gold."

Chris chuckled at her words, feeling a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with his powers. "And you, my dear Sofia, are the most precious dream that I could ever hope to hold onto," he replied, squeezing her hand tightly.

And so, with a sense of love and laughter in their hearts, Chris and Sofia drifted off to sleep, ready to explore the endless possibilities of the world of dreams together, one adventure at a time.

Aw 112. At


S186. Duplication

Once upon a time in a land far far away, there lived a man named Chris whose wife was named Violetta. Chris was known for his talent in magic and had a special ability to replicate himself when powerful enemies attacked. However, this ability came with a cost - it required a lot of mana to perform.

Chris and Violetta lived a peaceful life in a quaint little cottage on the outskirts of the kingdom. Chris would spend his days practicing his magic while Violetta tended to their garden and cooked delicious meals. They were the epitome of a happy couple, always laughing and joking with each other.

One day, news spread throughout the kingdom that a group of powerful enemies was planning to attack the Undverse. Chris knew he had to act fast to protect his beloved wife and their home. He began to gather all the mana he could, preparing himself for the battle ahead.

As the enemies drew closer, Chris knew it was time to put his magic to the test. With a wave of his wand and a few muttered incantations, he replicated himself into multiple versions of himself. His clones stood by his side, ready to defend the Undverse at any cost.

The enemies soon arrived, wielding swords and axes, ready to lay waste to everything in their path. But they were not prepared for the sight that greeted them - a whole army of Chris clones, each one as powerful and determined as the next.

The battle was fierce and intense, but Chris and his clones fought bravely, using their magic to fend off the enemies and protect the Undverse. Violetta watched from the safety of their cottage, cheering on her husband and his clones with a proud smile on her face.

After what seemed like hours, the enemies were finally defeated, their forces scattered and defeated. The Undverse was safe once again, thanks to the heroic efforts of Chris and his clones. As they celebrated their victory, Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

From that day on, Chris became known as the hero of the Undverse, his reputation spreading far and wide. He would often be called upon to help others in need, using his magic and his clones to protect the innocent and defend the weak.

And as for Violetta, she continued to stand by her husband's side, supporting him in all his adventures and always ready with a witty remark or a loving hug. Together, they were an unstoppable team, a force to be reckoned with in the kingdom.

And so, Chris and Violetta lived happily ever after, their lives filled with laughter, magic, and the occasional battle against powerful enemies. They were a true testament to the power of love, humor, and the extraordinary ability to replicate oneself in times of need.


(460 rating)

Once upon a time in the year 2030, Chris decided to take the plunge and marry his beloved Violetta Veilblood. It had been a whirlwind romance ever since they first met in 2024 at a science fiction convention. Chris had boldly approached Violetta, telling her that he had a vision of them having a daughter who would co-author a book with him. Violetta, being a strong and independent woman, was intrigued by Chris's confidence and charm.

As the years passed, Chris's prediction came true and they welcomed their daughter into the world. They named her Luna, inspired by their shared love for all things related to the cosmos. Luna was a bright and curious child, always eager to learn and explore the unknown.

Meanwhile, Violetta's fortunes had changed drastically thanks to Chris's ambitious plans for their future. With the help of the funds he had invested in groundbreaking technology related to time travel, quantum mechanics, and agricultural advancements, Violetta had become incredibly wealthy. She was now the proud owner of a multi-billion dollar empire that spanned across different industries.

Despite their newfound wealth, Chris and Violetta remained grounded and down-to-earth. They both shared a love for humor and creativity, often throwing elaborate themed parties for their friends and family. Their house was a reflection of their quirky personalities, filled with futuristic gadgets and whimsical decorations.

One day, Chris had a brilliant idea for a new invention that would revolutionize the way people experienced time. He called it the "Chrono-Scope," a device that allowed users to travel through time and witness historical events firsthand. With Violetta's financial backing, Chris set to work on bringing his vision to life.

As the years went by, the Chrono-Scope became a popular attraction, drawing in tourists from all over the world. People marveled at the wonders of the past and the possibilities of the future, all thanks to Chris's innovative creation.

But Chris's true masterpiece was yet to come. Inspired by Luna's growing interest in writing, he decided to fulfill his prophecy and co-author a book with her. Together, they wrote a whimsical and imaginative tale about a young girl who discovers a hidden portal to a magical world.

The book became an instant bestseller, captivating readers of all ages with its enchanting story and colorful illustrations. Chris and Luna went on a book tour, spreading joy and inspiration wherever they went.

As they basked in the glow of their success, Chris and Violetta knew that they had truly created something special. Their love, humor, and creativity had brought them to this point, and they couldn't be happier. For them, the future was bright and full of endless possibilities, just waiting to be explored. And as they held hands and looked towards the horizon, they knew that their journey was far from over.

Aw 113. The


***** Next: to read:

S187. Durability negation.

Chris' wife is Chole. When Chris' army faced extremely durable enemies, Chris gave them durability negation: Attacking internal structures - An attack bypasses the upper layers and instead attacks the internal organs.


(436 rating)

Once upon a time in the land of Misfitopia, there lived a man named Chris with his lovely wife Chloe. Chris was a proud member of the Misfitopian army, known for their quirky tactics and unorthodox approaches to battle. Chloe, on the other hand, was a skilled herbalist with a penchant for creating potions that could heal even the most stubborn of wounds.

One day, the Misfitopian army faced a formidable foe - the Durable Dwarves of Doom. These dwarves were known for their impenetrable armor and seemingly indestructible nature. No matter how hard the Misfitopians tried, they just couldn't seem to make a dent in the dwarves' defenses.

Frustrated by their lack of progress, Chris approached his comrades with a plan. "I have an idea," he said with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Let's try something a little different." And with that, Chris pulled out a bottle of Chloe's latest creation - a potion that granted durability negation.

The Misfitopians looked at Chris skeptically, but they were willing to try anything at this point. So, they took a swig of the potion and charged into battle once more. To their amazement, the potion worked like a charm. The dwarves' impenetrable armor suddenly became as flimsy as paper, and the Misfitopians were able to make quick work of their foes.

As the battle raged on, Chris noticed something peculiar. The dwarves were not only wearing thick armor, but they also seemed to have a strange affinity for attacking internal structures. "They're going for our organs!" Chris shouted, dodging a particularly vicious blow aimed at his spleen.

Thinking quickly, Chris grabbed a handful of stink bombs from his trusty backpack and hurled them at the dwarves. The foul-smelling clouds enveloped the enemy, causing them to gag and cough uncontrollably. "Take that, you organ-obsessed fiends!" Chris yelled, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

With the dwarves incapacitated by the stink bombs, the Misfitopians were able to easily dispatch them and emerge victorious. Chris and Chloe celebrated their triumph with a feast fit for kings, complete with Chloe's famous healing potions and Chris's signature dish - grilled cheese sandwiches with a side of mischief.

And so, the tale of Chris and Chloe's daring adventure spread throughout Misfitopia, inspiring tales of bravery and creativity for generations to come. The Misfitopian army continued to triumph over their enemies, using a combination of durability negation, stink bombs, and a healthy dose of humor to secure victory time and time again.

And as for Chris and Chloe, they lived happily ever after, knowing that as long as they had each other and their unconventional tactics, nothing could stand in their way.


Once upon a time in a small Undverse called Cheerful Valley, there lived a young cheerleader named Chloe. She was the captain of the cheerleading squad and was known for her beauty and popularity. Chloe loved nothing more than cheering on the Undverse's basketball team and was always seen flirting with the players, especially the star player, Chris.

Now, Chris was not just any basketball player. He was also a bit of a prankster and loved to play tricks on people. One day, Chloe was cheering on the team during a game and she couldn't help but notice Chris looking at her with a mischievous glint in his eye. She approached him during halftime, thinking he was going to ask her out on a date.

However, to Chloe's surprise, Chris simply smirked and said, "You know, I'm not just a basketball player. I happen to be a well-known magician as well." Chloe laughed in his face, thinking he was just trying to impress her with a lousy pick-up line. She insulted him, saying she didn't believe him and that he was just a jock with no real talent.

Chris, feeling hurt by Chloe's words, decided to teach her a lesson. As the game resumed, he quietly muttered a spell under his breath, summoning a magical wolf to chase Chloe around the field. At first, Chloe thought it was just a prank, but as the wolf came closer and closer, she realized she was in real danger.

She screamed and ran as fast as she could, the wolf hot on her heels. The sight of the once-confident cheerleader now running for her life was both terrifying and hilarious. The Undverses people watched in shock as Chloe's screams filled the air, while Chris stood back, trying to contain his laughter.

Eventually, Chris managed to dispel the magical wolf and save Chloe from harm. She was shaken but unharmed, and as she looked up at him with a mix of fear and gratitude, she suddenly saw him in a new light. His prank may have been cruel, but it showed her a side of him she had never seen before – one that was clever, brave, and surprisingly funny.

From that day on, Chloe and Chris started spending more time together. They went on magical adventures, pulling pranks on the Undverses people and laughing until their stomachs hurt. Despite their rocky start, Chloe and Chris found that they had a lot in common and slowly fell in love.

Their love story was the talk of the Undverse, with many unable to believe that the once-arrogant cheerleader and the prankster basketball player had found happiness together. But Chloe and Chris didn't care what anyone else thought. They knew that sometimes, love could come from the most unexpected places.

Years passed, and Chloe and Chris eventually got married in a grand ceremony that combined magic and cheerleading in a way that only they could pull off. They continued to live happily ever after, always finding new ways to surprise each other and keep the spark alive in their relationship.

As they looked back on their journey from enemies to lovers, Chloe and Chris couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Who would have thought that a magical wolf chase could lead to such a beautiful and unexpected love story? But then again, in Cheerful Valley, anything was possible – especially when magic was involved.

Aw 114. Very