Volume 29, Unedited Chapter. Skills 188 onwards


S188. Durability negation.

(476 rating)

Once upon a time in the magical kingdom of Lunaria, there lived a man named Chris who was married to none other than Princess Luna herself. Chris was a simple man who worked as a blacksmith in the kingdom, while Luna was a powerful sorceress with the ability to control the elements.

One day, a dark and mysterious force invaded the kingdom, sending an army of extremely durable enemies to attack its citizens. Chris and Luna, along with the kingdom's army, prepared for battle, knowing that they would need all the help they could get to defeat these formidable foes.

As the enemies approached, Chris came up with a brilliant idea. Using his skills as a blacksmith, he imbued the soldiers with the power of durability negation. This unique ability allowed the soldiers to manipulate atoms and molecules, giving them the power to ignore material durability and break the links between the particles of the enemy's armor and weapons.

The battle began, and the soldiers, now armed with this incredible power, charged into the fray with newfound confidence. With a wave of his hand, Chris turned a soldier's sword into a feather, causing it to effortlessly slice through the enemy's armor like butter. Luna, meanwhile, used her sorcery to summon gusts of wind that scattered the enemy's ranks and confused their attack.

As the battle raged on, the enemies found themselves powerless against the combined might of Chris, Luna, and the kingdom's army. Their once strong armor and weapons turned to dust before their very eyes, leaving them defenseless against the onslaught of Lunaria's forces.

At one point, a particularly stubborn enemy refused to yield, even after having his armor turned to paper by Chris. In a moment of desperation, he picked up a nearby rock and hurled it at Luna, who simply raised her hand and turned the rock into a harmless butterfly mid-flight. The enemy stood dumbfounded, realizing that he was no match for the powers of Chris and Luna.

After what seemed like hours of intense battle, the enemies were finally defeated, their durable armor reduced to mere scraps of metal on the battlefield. The people of Lunaria cheered and celebrated their victory, grateful for the bravery and ingenuity of Chris and Luna.

As the sun set on the kingdom, Chris and Luna stood side by side, victorious and proud. They had saved their home from certain destruction and had proven that even the most durable of enemies could be defeated with a little creativity and humor.

From that day on, Chris and Luna were hailed as heroes in Lunaria, their names forever etched in the history books as the couple who had single-handedly defeated the unbeatable. And as they walked hand in hand through the streets of their beloved kingdom, laughter and joy filled the air, a testament to the power of love, humor, and a touch of visionary creativity.

Aw 115. Beginning


***** Next: to read:

S189. Durability negation. Space warping.

(402 rating)

Chris was a typical guy living a typical life, that is until he married his wife, who happened to be an Aquarius. From that moment on, his life was anything but typical. Chris and his wife lived in a quiet little town, where nothing exciting ever happened. That is, until one fateful day when the town was invaded by an army of extremely durable turtle-like beings.

At first, Chris and the townspeople were at a loss for how to defeat these seemingly indestructible creatures. They tried everything from traditional weapons to modern technology, but nothing seemed to work. That's when Chris had a brilliant idea. With his wife's unwavering support, he decided to grant his army the ability to manipulate space.

You see, Chris had discovered that soldiers who had the ability to manipulate space and time could easily bypass the physical durability of objects. Conventional durability didn't matter, because in the grand scheme of things, matter was secondary to space and time. It was as easy to distort a material object by distorting a portion of the space in which it was located.

So, armed with this new found power, Chris and his army set out to take on the turtle-like beings. With a wave of his hand, Chris warped the space around the creatures, causing them to shrink down to the size of mere pebbles. The once invincible army was now nothing more than tiny shells scattered across the battlefield.

The townspeople couldn't believe their eyes as they watched Chris and his army defeat the seemingly unbeatable foes. They cheered and celebrated, grateful for the creativity and humor that Chris had brought to the battle. And through it all, Chris couldn't help but smile, knowing that he had truly married an Aquarius who had brought a sense of vision and ingenuity to his life.

From that day on, Chris and his wife were known as the heroes of the town, the couple who had saved the day with their extraordinary abilities. And as they rode off into the sunset, hand in hand, they knew that their love and unique talents would forever guide them through whatever challenges came their way.

So remember, when facing an army of turtle-like beings, don't be afraid to think outside the box and manipulate space and time to your advantage. With a little humor and a lot of creativity, anything is possible, especially when you have an Aquarius by your side.

Aw 116. Before


S190. Durability negation. Speeding up entropy.

Original: Chris' wife is Catarina CLAES. When Chris faced extremely durable enemies that looked like Shields, Chris granted his own army the ability of durability negation. His soldiers destroyed the enemies by speeding up entropy.

(386 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical land of Cartonnia, there lived a brave and witty knight named Chris. Chris was known throughout the kingdom for his clever tactics and quick thinking in battle. He had won many wars for Cartonnia and was greatly admired by the people.

Chris was happily married to the beautiful and intelligent Catarina CLAES. She was not just a pretty face, but also a master strategist in her own right. Together, they made a formidable team, both on and off the battlefield.

One day, a new threat emerged in the form of enemies that were as tough as shields. These enemies were nearly impossible to defeat, as they seemed to be impervious to any traditional attacks. Chris knew he had to come up with a creative solution to overcome this new challenge.

After much contemplation and brainstorming with his trusted advisors, Chris came up with a plan. He decided to grant his army the ability of durability negation. This meant that their weapons would have the power to break through even the toughest of defenses.

As the enemies approached, Chris and his army prepared for battle. The enemies were caught off guard as they found themselves unable to withstand the attacks of Chris's soldiers. With their newfound ability, the soldiers were able to destroy the enemies with ease.

But Chris didn't stop there. In a stroke of genius, he further enhanced his army's power by speeding up entropy. This meant that the enemies were not only vulnerable to attacks, but they also aged rapidly, crumbling to dust before their very eyes.

The battle was won, and Chris and his army emerged victorious once again. The people of Cartonnia cheered for their brave knight and his valiant soldiers. Chris and Catarina CLAES celebrated their victory with a grand feast, where they regaled everyone with tales of their daring exploits.

From that day on, Chris became known as the hero of Cartonnia, the knight who could overcome any obstacle with a mix of wit, strategy, and a dash of humor. His legend spread far and wide, inspiring future generations to never give up in the face of adversity.

And so, the kingdom of Cartonnia lived happily ever after, knowing that they were always in safe hands with their beloved knight Chris and his brilliant wife Catarina CLAES by his side.

The end.

Aw 117. The


S191. Durability negation. Reality warping.

(349 rating)

Once upon a time in a world filled with magic and mayhem, there lived a man named Chris who was married to the lovely Shizuka Marikawa. Chris was a mighty general who led an army of brave soldiers into battle against the forces of evil.

One day, Chris and his army found themselves facing off against an enemy with incredibly tough durability. No matter how hard they fought, they couldn't seem to make a dent in their enemy's defenses. Chris knew that they needed a way to defeat this formidable foe if they were to emerge victorious.

Thinking quickly, Chris decided to consume a large amount of mana to grant his soldiers the power of reality warping. With this new ability, his soldiers were able to transform their enemies into paper with a mere touch. It was a hilarious sight to behold as the once mighty warriors of evil were reduced to flimsy sheets of paper fluttering in the wind.

As the battle raged on, Shizuka watched in amusement as her husband and his army unleashed their newfound power on the enemy. She couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation, seeing fearsome warriors being turned into paper dolls with each strike.

But Chris wasn't content with just defeating the enemy; he wanted to have some fun with them as well. Using his visionary creativity, he conjured up a giant origami crane made entirely out of the paper enemies. The sight of the massive crane looming over the battlefield struck fear into the hearts of the remaining foe, who quickly surrendered in defeat.

With their enemies vanquished and the battle won, Chris and his army celebrated their victory with a hearty feast. Shizuka raised a toast to her husband, praising his ingenuity and humor in overcoming the seemingly insurmountable odds.

And so, Chris and Shizuka lived happily ever after, regaling their friends and family with tales of the day they defeated an army with nothing but paper and laughter. It was a battle they would never forget, filled with humor, creativity, and a touch of magic that made it a truly unforgettable experience.

Aw 118. World


S192. Durability negation. Conceptual manipulation.

(537 rating)

Once upon a time, in a dimension far, far away, there lived a man named Chris and his wife, Chelsea. They were a happy couple who loved to explore new realms and dimensions together. One day, they stumbled upon a portal that led them to a strange land filled with hostile creatures known as shells.

These shells were unlike anything Chris and Chelsea had ever seen before. They were tough, resilient, and incredibly aggressive. As the horde of shells descended upon them, Chris knew they were in for a tough fight.

Thinking quickly, Chris remembered a concept he had read about in a book once - the idea of extreme durability. But instead of trying to make himself tougher, Chris decided to turn the tables on the shells and change their durability into something unexpected.

With a wave of his hand and a muttered incantation, Chris transformed the shells into.gelatin. Yes, you read that right. The once fearsome enemies were now wobbling blobs of gelatin, their tough shells melting away into a sticky mess.

Chelsea couldn't help but laugh at the absurd sight before them. "Well, that's one way to defeat your enemies," she chuckled, as Chris grinned triumphantly.

But their victory was far from assured. The gelatinous shells may have been weakened, but they were still dangerous. Chris and Chelsea had to act fast to protect themselves and defeat their wobbly foes.

Calling upon his soldiers, Chris instructed them to attack the gelatin creatures with all their might. At first, the soldiers hesitated, unsure of how to fight such a bizarre enemy. But soon, they followed Chris' lead and began to pummel the gelatin shells with all their strength.

To everyone's surprise, the gelatin shells proved to be surprisingly resilient, despite their squishy appearance. They bounced back from each blow, reforming themselves with a sticky determination. But Chris and his soldiers were relentless, never giving up in the face of such a strange and hilarious enemy.

As the battle raged on, Chelsea couldn't help but marvel at her husband's ingenuity and creativity. Who else could have come up with such a ridiculous yet effective strategy? Chris may not have been the strongest warrior or the bravest hero, but he had a knack for thinking outside the box and turning the tide of battle in their favor.

Eventually, after a hard-fought battle that left them covered in sticky gelatin goo, Chris and his soldiers emerged victorious. The gelatin shells had been defeated, their once mighty forms reduced to mere puddles on the ground.

As they stood amidst the ruins of their gelatinous enemies, Chris and Chelsea couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "Well, that was certainly a unique experience," Chelsea remarked, wiping the gelatin off her clothes with a grimace.

Chris grinned, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Just another day in the life of an adventurer," he declared. "Who knows what other strange and hilarious challenges we'll face on our next journey?"

And so, Chris and Chelsea continued on their adventures, never knowing what bizarre creatures or obstacles they might encounter next. But one thing was for certain - with Chris' quick thinking and Chelsea's unwavering support, there was no challenge they couldn't overcome, no matter how gelatinous or absurd it may be.

Aw 119. Came


S193. Durability negation. Temperature manipulation.

(506 rating)

Once upon a time in a realm far, far away, there lived a man named Chris and his beloved wife, Mavis Vermilion. Chris and Mavis were known throughout the land for their adventurous spirit and their willingness to explore new and exciting realms.

One day, Chris and Mavis found themselves in a realm unlike any they had ever seen before. The sky was a vibrant shade of fuchsia, and the ground beneath their feet was made of shimmering crystals that sparkled in the light. It was a realm of magic and mystery, and Chris and Mavis couldn't wait to explore all it had to offer.

But their excitement was short-lived, as hordes of bone-like creatures descended upon them, their empty eye sockets glowing with malice. These creatures were unlike anything Chris and Mavis had ever encountered before. They were tough and relentless, their skeletal bodies seemingly impervious to any attack.

Thinking quickly, Chris knew he needed to come up with a plan to defeat these bone-like creatures. Drawing upon his army's unique abilities, he gave them the power of temperature manipulation. With a wave of his hand, Chris could make things extremely cold or extremely hot, a power that often ignored durability.

As the bone-like creatures charged towards them, Chris unleashed his army's newfound power. He froze some of the creatures solid, their bones shattering into pieces with a satisfying crack. Others he set ablaze, their bones turning to ash in the intense heat.

Mavis watched in awe as Chris wielded his newfound power with skill and precision. She had always known her husband was capable of great things, but watching him in action was a sight to behold. With his army at his side, Chris fought off wave after wave of bone-like creatures, each one tougher than the last.

As the battle raged on, Chris and Mavis found themselves surrounded on all sides. But with a quick flick of his wrist, Chris created a wall of ice that shielded them from their attackers. Mavis couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Here they were, in a realm full of magic and danger, fighting off bone-like creatures with temperature manipulation. It was like something out of a fantastical tale.

Despite the odds stacked against them, Chris and his army emerged victorious. The bone-like creatures lay defeated at their feet, their bones scattered across the crystalline ground. Mavis ran to her husband, throwing her arms around him in a tight hug.

"You did it, Chris!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride. "You saved us all with your incredible power."

Chris grinned, his chest puffing out with pride. "I couldn't have done it without you by my side, my dear Mavis. Together, we make a formidable team."

And with that, Chris and Mavis continued their journey through the realm, ready to face whatever challenges came their way. As they walked hand in hand, their hearts filled with laughter and joy, knowing that together, there was nothing they couldn't overcome. And so, their adventure continued, full of love, humor, and the power of temperature manipulation.

Aw 120. To


S194. Durability negation, separation of neutrons from protons, electrons.

(558 rating)

Chris and Stephanie DOLA were your average couple, living in a quaint little cottage on the outskirts of a small village. Chris was a charming and witty man, known for his quick wit and mischievous sense of humor. Stephanie, on the other hand, was a kind and gentle soul, with a love for gardening and baking.

One day, while out for a walk in the nearby woods, Chris stumbled upon a strange portal that seemed to lead to another realm. Curious and eager for adventure, he stepped through the portal, only to find himself face to face with the arrogant Gate Guardians of that realm.

The Gate Guardians were massive beings, with bodies made of pure energy and power. They scoffed at Chris, belittling him for his small size and weak appearance. But Chris was not one to be underestimated. With a twinkle in his eye and a smirk on his face, he raised his hands and summoned his powers.

Using his unique abilities, Chris was able to separate protons from neutrons and electrons, causing a chain reaction that resulted in the Gate Guardians dissolving before his eyes. Stephanie, who had followed Chris through the portal, watched in awe as her husband defeated the arrogant beings with nothing but his wit and creativity.

As the dust settled, Chris turned to Stephanie with a grin. "Well, that was unexpected," he said, chuckling to himself. Stephanie couldn't help but laugh, amazed at her husband's ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Together, they explored the strange realm, encountering all sorts of fantastical creatures and wondrous sights. They stumbled upon a field of floating islands, each one home to a different enchanting being. They walked through forests of glowing trees and bathed in rivers of sparkling water.

But as they continued their journey, they realized that not all was well in this realm. A dark force was stirring, threatening to consume everything in its path. The Gate Guardians had been merely a small part of a much larger problem.

Determined to save the realm and all its inhabitants, Chris and Stephanie set out on a quest to find the source of the darkness. Along the way, they encountered allies and foes alike, each one more eccentric and colorful than the last.

One day, they stumbled upon a wise old wizard who told them of a powerful artifact that could banish the darkness once and for all. The artifact was hidden in the depths of a treacherous mountain, guarded by fearsome beasts and deadly traps.

Undaunted, Chris and Stephanie set out to retrieve the artifact, braving danger and adversity at every turn. With Chris's sharp mind and Stephanie's unwavering courage, they overcame every obstacle in their path.

Finally, they reached the heart of the mountain, where the artifact lay hidden. With a triumphant shout, Chris seized the artifact and held it aloft, its radiant light dispelling the darkness that had plagued the realm.

The creatures of the realm cheered and celebrated, grateful for the bravery and determination of Chris and Stephanie. The realm was saved, and peace was restored once more.

As they bid farewell to their new friends, Chris and Stephanie returned to their own world, their hearts full of memories and their minds full of wonder. And though their adventure had come to an end, they knew that they would always have each other, ready to face whatever challenges came their way with humor and creativity.

Aw 121. Be


S195. Earth manipulation.

(460 rating)

Once upon a time, in a world where elements ruled and beings made of whirlwind threatened to destroy everything in their path, Chris found himself facing a dilemma. His wife, Megumi Tadokoro, was a renowned chef known for her exquisite dishes and gentle demeanor. However, when faced with the horde of whirlwind beings, she knew she had to step up and fight alongside her husband.

Chris, a former soldier turned farmer, knew that he and his troops needed an edge to defeat the swirling enemies. In a stroke of divine luck, he was granted the ability to manipulate earth - land, soil, planets, minerals - by a mysterious deity. Not wanting to keep this power to himself, Chris shared it with his soldiers, equipping them with the tools to battle the ethereal foes.

As they faced the horde of beings made of whirlwind, the soldiers tapped into their newfound abilities, summoning rocks to hurl at the swirling enemies, creating walls of earth to block their path, and even manipulating the very ground beneath their feet to trip them up. Megumi, wielding a giant spoon imbued with earth magic, found herself leading the charge alongside her husband, her culinary skills coming in handy as she whipped up earth-based concoctions to aid in the fight.

Despite the dire circumstances, Chris couldn't help but find humor in the situation. Here they were, a ragtag group of farmers and soldiers, armed with nothing but earth magic and determination, facing off against beings of pure whirlwind. As they fought, Chris couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all, his wife Megumi's battle cry mingling with the clanging of metal against rock.

In a moment of inspiration, Chris had an idea. As the whirlwind beings descended upon them, he called out to his troops, instructing them to work together to create a giant whirlwind of their own, but this one made of earth and rock. As they channeled their combined powers, the whirlwind of earth grew stronger and stronger, swirling around the enemies and trapping them in a cage of solid ground.

The whirlwind beings struggled against their rocky prison, but to no avail. Chris and his soldiers watched in amazement as the beings of whirlwind were defeated by their own element, turned against them in a display of humor and creativity.

As the dust settled and the whirlwind beings vanished, Chris and Megumi stood victorious, their earth magic shimmering in the sunlight. The soldiers cheered and clapped each other on the back, relieved to have emerged victorious against all odds.

And so, Chris and Megumi Tadokoro, the unlikely heroes of the battle against the beings of whirlwind, returned home to their farm, ready to face whatever challenges came their way with humor, creativity, and a healthy dose of earth magic.

Aw 122. When


S196. Earth manipulation.

(519 rating)

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a man named Chris who had the extraordinary ability to manipulate the earth. He was married to a woman named Euphemia Li Britannia, who was just as powerful as him. Together, they ruled over a vast empire made up of many planets and beings.

One day, Chris had a vision of a unified Undverse where all the beings lived together in harmony. He knew that in order to achieve this, he would need to combine all the planets into one super world. With Euphemia by his side, he set out to make his vision a reality.

Using his powers of earth manipulation, Chris began the monumental task of merging the planets together. It was a sight to behold as mountains collided with oceans, and forests merged with deserts. The beings of the Undverse watched in awe as their worlds were reshaped before their eyes.

But Chris knew that he couldn't do it alone. He needed the help of his people to visit other Undverses and unite the planets. So, he bestowed upon them the power to travel between worlds and assist him in his mission.

As the planets came together, the beings of the Undverse began to interact with one another like never before. Different species traded goods, shared stories, and formed bonds that transcended their differences. It was a time of great joy and laughter as the Undverse came together as one.

Euphemia, with her sharp wit and cunning mind, played a vital role in uniting the beings. She organized grand events and galas where representatives from each planet could come together and celebrate their newfound unity. Her charisma and charm brought even the most stubborn of beings to the table, and soon, alliances were formed that would last for eternity.

As the Undverse continued to merge, Chris and Euphemia faced many challenges along the way. There were planets that resisted the change, beings that were reluctant to open their hearts to others, and obstacles that seemed insurmountable. But with their humor and determination, they overcame every obstacle in their path.

One of the most memorable moments in their journey was when they encountered a planet populated by beings with an unusual sense of humor. These creatures had a penchant for slapstick comedy and outrageous pranks, and they delighted in making Chris and Euphemia the butt of their jokes. But instead of getting angry, Chris and Euphemia joined in the fun, laughing along with their new friends and embracing the chaos.

In the end, Chris and Euphemia succeeded in uniting the Undverse, creating a super world where beings of all kinds lived together in peace and harmony. It was a monumental achievement that would be remembered for generations to come.

And as they looked out at the vast expanse of their unified Undverse, Chris and Euphemia knew that they had truly accomplished something remarkable. With humor, creativity, and a vision of unity, they had brought together beings from all walks of life and created a world where anything was possible. And they lived happily ever after, ruling over their super world with love and laughter.

Aw 123. There


S197. Earth manipulation digging.

(522 rating)

Chris and his wife Yuki Cross set out on a grand adventure to a planet that was nearly as large as a Undverse. It was a place filled with strange creatures, vibrant colors, and mysterious relics waiting to be discovered. Chris had a monumental mission on this planet - to find a powerful relic that was said to be buried deep within its core.

As they landed on the planet, Chris gathered his team of soldiers and explained the task at hand. With a wave of his hand, he granted them the ability to dig quickly and magically. The soldiers were thrilled at the prospect of using their newfound powers to unearth the relic.

As they set off on their journey, Yuki couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the soldiers digging with such speed and vigor. "I never knew digging could be so exciting," she remarked, causing Chris to chuckle alongside her.

The planet was unlike anything they had ever seen before, with towering mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and lush forests stretching as far as the eye could see. Everywhere they turned, there were strange and wonderful creatures peeking out from behind rocks and trees, curious to see what the humans were up to.

As the soldiers dug deeper and deeper into the ground, they stumbled upon all manner of oddities - ancient artifacts, rare gemstones, and even a few alien gadgets that left them scratching their heads in wonder. But none of these discoveries were the relic they were searching for.

Finally, after days of tireless digging, one of the soldiers let out a triumphant cry as he unearthed a small, glowing orb from the depths of the planet. Chris rushed over to inspect the relic, a wide grin spreading across his face as he realized they had found what they were looking for.

The relic was unlike anything they had ever seen before - a shimmering sphere that seemed to pulse with power and energy. Chris knew that this was no ordinary artifact; it was a key to unlocking untold secrets and mysteries that lay hidden on the planet.

As they made their way back to their ship, Yuki couldn't contain her excitement. "I can't wait to see what other wonders this planet has in store for us," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Chris wrapped an arm around her shoulders and smiled. "Who knows what other adventures await us in the vast expanse of the Undverse?" he said, his voice filled with wonder and awe.

And so, with the relic safely in their possession, Chris and Yuki set off into the stars once more, ready to embark on their next great adventure. As they flew away from the planet, the soldiers waved goodbye, grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such a fantastical quest.

As they disappeared into the cosmos, the planet continued to spin on, its secrets and mysteries waiting to be discovered by the next intrepid explorer who dared to venture into its depths. And who knows - perhaps one day, Chris and Yuki would return, ready to uncover even more extraordinary wonders that lay hidden in the vast expanse of the Undverse.

Aw 124. Were


S198. Earth manipulation. Prevent the growth of plants.

(438 rating)

Chris and Irina Jelavic were a power couple unlike any other in the galaxy. Chris was a brilliant scientist and inventor, while Irina was a fierce and talented warrior. Together, they were unstoppable.

One day, a hostile alien species known as the Plantoids began dropping seeds on countless worlds, causing plant monsters to grow and wreak havoc. Chris knew he had to come up with a solution to stop the spread of these dangerous creatures.

Using his ingenuity, Chris created a device that gave his soldiers the ability to prevent plants from growing. Armed with this new technology, Irina and her fellow soldiers set out to protect the galaxy from the Plantoids.

As they traveled from world to world, battling plant monsters and saving innocent civilizations, Chris and Irina encountered all sorts of strange and hilarious situations. From fighting giant Venus flytraps to outsmarting sentient cacti, their adventures were always full of surprises.

Despite the danger they faced, Chris and Irina never lost their sense of humor. They would crack jokes and laugh in the face of danger, making even the most perilous situations seem like a walk in the park.

One time, they stumbled upon a planet covered in talking sunflowers. The sunflowers, it turned out, were quite chatty and loved to gossip about everyone and everything. Irina couldn't help but roll her eyes at the absurdity of it all, while Chris found the whole situation absolutely hilarious.

Another time, they came across a world where the plants had developed a taste for fashion. The trees wore elaborate dresses made of leaves, while the bushes sported designer hats made of flowers. Irina couldn't help but admire the creativity of the plants, while Chris couldn't stop laughing at the sight of a shrub wearing a bow tie.

But despite the humor and silliness of their adventures, Chris and Irina never lost sight of their mission. They knew that the galaxy was counting on them to stop the Plantoids and protect innocent lives, and they were determined to succeed no matter what.

In the end, thanks to Chris's brilliant invention and Irina's formidable skills, they were able to defeat the Plantoids and save the galaxy from certain destruction. As they celebrated their victory with their fellow soldiers, Chris and Irina couldn't help but look back on their journey with fondness and laughter.

Together, they had faced danger, battled plant monsters, and saved the galaxy with nothing but their wit and humor. And as they gazed out at the stars, they knew that no matter what challenges the future may bring, they would always face them together, with a smile on their faces and a joke on their lips.

Aw 125. No


S199. Earth manipulation. Plant growth.

Original: Chris' wife is Kaname CHIDORI. As Chris needed to spread the seeds of the Great Elven tree, he gave a special ability to his population: to manipulate the earth to help plants grow faster..the people ventured to other worlds.

(560 rating)

Chris couldn't believe his luck when he met Kaname Chidori. She was beautiful, smart, and had a great sense of humor - everything he had been looking for in a partner. They hit it off right away and before he knew it, they were walking down the aisle, ready to start their new life together.

As the newlyweds settled into their life together, Chris noticed something strange about Kaname. She had a mysterious aura about her, as if she was hiding some sort of secret. One day, she finally broke down and confessed to Chris that she was actually an elf from a different world, sent to Earth on a mission to spread the seeds of the Great Elven tree.

Chris was shocked, but he loved Kaname too much to let something like her being an elf come between them. He decided to embrace her heritage and even decided to help her fulfill her mission. Kaname was overjoyed, and together they set out to spread the seeds of the Great Elven tree, with Chris using his special ability to manipulate the earth to help plants grow faster.

With their combined powers, they were able to turn barren lands into lush forests in a matter of days. The people in their village were amazed at their abilities and soon, news spread to other worlds about the incredible couple who could work miracles with the earth.

One day, a group of travelers from a distant planet arrived in their village, seeking Chris and Kaname's help in revitalizing their dying land. Kaname and Chris knew they couldn't turn them away, and together they ventured to the new world, ready to work their magic once again.

As they traveled to the new world, Kaname couldn't help but poke fun at Chris for his constant worrying. "Oh, Chris, you worry too much! We have the power of the earth on our side, what could possibly go wrong?" she would say, giggling as they made their way through the unfamiliar terrain.

When they finally arrived, they were met with a desolate landscape, where nothing seemed to grow. The villagers looked to Chris and Kaname with desperate eyes, hoping that they could work their magic and bring life back to their land.

With a twinkle in her eye, Kaname turned to Chris and said, "Well, my dear, it looks like we have our work cut out for us! Let's show these fine people what the power of earth manipulation can do!"

And with that, Chris and Kaname got to work, using their powers to coax the plants to grow, the rivers to flow, and the animals to return to the land. The villagers watched in awe as the once barren land transformed into a thriving paradise, thanks to the efforts of the elf and her human husband.

As they bid farewell to the grateful villagers, Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what they had accomplished. He never would have imagined that he would be married to an elf and traveling to different worlds, but he wouldn't have changed it for the world.

And so, Chris and Kaname continued their adventures, spreading the seeds of the Great Elven tree and bringing life to barren lands wherever they went. With a little bit of humor, a lot of love, and the power of earth manipulation, there was no telling what wonders they could achieve together.

Aw 126. Watery


S200. Earth manipulation. Faster running speed or haste.

(346 rating)

Once upon a time in a faraway galaxy, there lived Emperor Chris and his beloved wife, Emi YUSA. The couple were known throughout the Undverse for their daring adventures and unstoppable spirit. One day, they decided to explore a new realm on a planet almost as large as an Undverse.

As they embarked on their journey, they encountered a problem - flight was prohibited in this unique realm. But being the resourceful emperor he was, Chris came up with a brilliant solution. He bestowed upon his army the ability of earth manipulation, allowing them to run faster than ever before. With this newfound power, they raced across the vast terrain, leaving a trail of dust in their wake.

Their enemies in this strange land were unlike anything they had ever seen before. Giant rock-like beings towered over them, their imposing figures casting a shadow over the land. But instead of being intimidated, Chris and Emi saw this as a challenge, a chance to prove their worth.

As they faced off against the rock beings, a sense of humor prevailed. Chris cracked jokes to keep their spirits high, while Emi used her quick wit to outsmart their opponents. Together, they fought with a combination of skill and laughter, making light of the gravity of the situation.

In the midst of battle, Chris had a vision. He saw a way to defeat their enemies without resorting to violence. Using his earth manipulation powers, he created a giant catapult out of the rocky terrain. With Emi's help, they launched boulders at the rock beings, causing them to scatter in confusion.

As the dust settled and their enemies retreated, Chris and Emi stood victorious. They had overcome the odds with a mix of bravery and humor, proving that even in the face of danger, laughter was the best weapon.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife Emi YUSA spread throughout the galaxy, a story of courage and humor that would be retold for generations to come. Together, they had conquered a new realm and emerged stronger than ever, united in love and laughter.

Aw 127. Depths


S201. Earth manipulation. Magma.

(436 rating)

Chris' wife, Kiyoko SHIMIZU, was known far and wide for her impressive assets. Her big boobs were the talk of the town, with people traveling from miles around just to catch a glimpse of them. Despite the attention her chest drew, Kiyoko was a kind and compassionate woman who loved her husband dearly.

One day, while out on a walk in the frosty mountains, Chris and Kiyoko stumbled upon a horde of ice creatures. These creatures were like nothing they had ever seen before, with sharp icicle claws and frosty breath that could freeze a person solid in an instant.

Chris knew he had to do something to protect his beloved wife and himself from these dangerous creatures. Drawing on his hidden powers, Chris summoned forth the molten energy that lay dormant within him and transformed it into fiery lava creatures. These lava beings sprang forth from the ground, their glowing bodies illuminating the snow-covered landscape in a dazzling display of light and heat.

The ice creatures were no match for the scorching power of the lava beings. With a sizzle and a pop, the icy foes were reduced to nothing more than puddles of water on the ground. Chris and Kiyoko cheered as their fiery allies danced and twirled in victory, their glowing bodies casting a warm light that melted the remaining ice in the area.

As they made their way back home, Chris couldn't help but marvel at the incredible display of power he had just unleashed. Kiyoko, always the practical one, simply chuckled and patted her husband on the back.

"You never cease to amaze me, my love," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "Who knew you had such a fiery side to you?"

Chris grinned and wrapped his arm around his wife, feeling a surge of pride at having protected her from harm. With her by his side, he knew he could conquer any challenge that came their way, no matter how icy or formidable it may be.

And so, the story of Chris and Kiyoko's daring encounter with the ice creatures spread far and wide, becoming the stuff of legend in the snowy mountains. People whispered of the brave couple who had faced down the frozen horde with fiery passion and emerged victorious, their love shining brighter than any flame.

As for Chris and Kiyoko, they simply laughed and shook their heads at the attention their adventure had garnered. They knew that love, strength, and a healthy dose of lava creatures were all they needed to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And with Kiyoko's big boobs and Chris' fiery powers, there was nothing they couldn't overcome together.

Aw 128. I


S202. Ectoplasm manipulation

(527 rating)

Emperor Chris sighed as he looked out over his army, preparing to face off against an army of ghosts and phantoms. His wife, San, stood by his side, her steely gaze matching his own determination. As the leader of their people, it was up to Chris to protect them from any threat, even supernatural ones.

The ghosts and phantoms had been causing chaos throughout the land, frightening villagers and disrupting trade routes. Chris knew that he had to put a stop to them before they caused any more trouble. Luckily, he had a secret weapon up his sleeve - ectoplasm manipulation.

Chris had discovered the power to manipulate ectoplasm, a mysterious substance that allowed him to channel energy and create powerful attacks. He had trained his army in the art of ectoplasm manipulation, giving them the ability to charge and fire beams or balls of energy at their ghostly enemies.

As the two armies clashed on the battlefield, Chris and his soldiers unleashed their ectoplasmic powers, sending bolts of energy flying towards the ghosts and phantoms. The enemies were caught off guard, unable to avoid the attacks that ignored their intangibility.

San fought alongside her husband, her own ectoplasmic abilities proving to be invaluable in the battle. She conjured ethereal shields to protect her comrades and unleashed devastating blasts of energy on their enemies. The sight of the fearless Empress San fighting side by side with her husband inspired their army to fight even harder.

Despite the eerie nature of their foes, Chris and his army found themselves laughing and joking as they fought. The absurdity of battling ghosts and phantoms was not lost on them, and they found humor in the absurdity of the situation.

As the battle raged on, Chris noticed something strange - the ghosts and phantoms were not the mindless, evil spirits he had expected. Instead, they seemed confused and lost, as if they were searching for something. Chris approached one of the phantoms, his ectoplasmic powers ready to strike.

To his surprise, the phantom spoke to him, its voice echoing eerily through the battlefield. It explained that it and the other ghosts and phantoms were lost souls, unable to find peace in the afterlife. They had been drawn to the mortal realm by a powerful force that they could not resist.

Chris felt a pang of sympathy for the lost souls, realizing that they were not the malevolent creatures he had believed them to be. He offered to help them find peace, using his ectoplasmic powers to create a portal to the afterlife. One by one, the ghosts and phantoms passed through the portal, their ethereal forms finally finding rest.

As the last of the ghosts vanished through the portal, Chris and his army stood victorious on the battlefield, the threat of the supernatural army finally vanquished. San smiled at her husband, her eyes filled with pride and love. Together, they had faced the unknown and emerged victorious.

And so, Emperor Chris and Empress San returned to their kingdom, hailed as heroes for their bravery and compassion. The tale of their battle against the ghosts and phantoms was retold for generations to come, a legendary story of love, humor, and visionary creativity.

Aw 129. Was


S203. Ectoplasm manipulation. Force fields.

(540 rating)

Emperor Chris, known for his charismatic personality and love for all things whimsical, always kept his kingdom entertained with grand adventures and outlandish tales. His latest escapade involved invading an otherworldly realm of evil phantoms and ghosts, much to the horror (and amusement) of his loyal subjects.

But what truly surprised everyone was the revelation that Emperor Chris' beloved wife was none other than the sweet and shy Kosaki ONODERA. Many were taken aback by this unlikely pairing, but as the saying goes, opposites attract. Chris' infectious energy and Kosaki's quiet grace complemented each other perfectly, making them the most talked-about couple in the kingdom.

As they prepared for their otherworldly conquest, Emperor Chris revealed a secret weapon that would give his army the upper hand: ectoplasm manipulation. With this newfound ability, his soldiers could create force fields to protect themselves from the malevolent spirits that roamed the Undverse realm.

Kosaki, usually content to stay out of the spotlight, found herself thrust into the center of the action as Chris' right-hand woman. Despite her initial reservations, she embraced her role with grace and determination, surprising everyone with her quick thinking and unwavering loyalty to her husband.

The journey through the Undverse realm was fraught with danger and chaos, but Emperor Chris and his army tackled each challenge with a mix of bravery and absurdity. From battling a giant marshmallow monster to outwitting a mischievous poltergeist, their adventures were as unpredictable as they were outrageous.

But amidst all the chaos and laughter, Kosaki never lost sight of their ultimate goal: to vanquish the evil phantoms and ghosts that threatened their kingdom. With her quiet strength and unwavering determination, she became the unsung hero of their quest, earning the respect and admiration of all who fought alongside her.

As they finally reached the heart of the Undverse realm, Emperor Chris and his army faced their greatest challenge yet: a colossal ghost king hellbent on destroying their world. With the odds stacked against them, they turned to Kosaki for guidance, knowing that her wisdom and courage would see them through to victory.

In a moment of brilliance, Kosaki devised a daring plan to defeat the ghost king once and for all. With the power of ectoplasm manipulation at their fingertips, Emperor Chris and his army created a force field like no other, trapping the ghost king in a shimmering web of energy.

With a mighty roar, Emperor Chris struck the final blow, banishing the ghost king back to the depths of the Undverse realm. As the realm began to crumble around them, the army made a hasty retreat, with Kosaki leading the way to safety.

As they emerged victorious from the Undverse realm, Emperor Chris and Kosaki were hailed as heroes, their names forever etched in the annals of history. And though their adventure was filled with danger and absurdity, it was their unwavering love and teamwork that ultimately saved the day.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife Kosaki ONODERA became the stuff of legend, a whimsical saga that would be told for generations to come. As they basked in the adoration of their kingdom, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together with laughter, courage, and a healthy dose of ectoplasm manipulation.

Aw 130. There


S204. Elongation.

(509 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical realm of Eldoria, there lived a mighty Emperor named Chris, whose wife was none other than the enchanting Saki Hanajima. Saki was not only known for her beauty and grace, but also for her rather prominent assets - her big boobs, to be precise. Despite her ample bosom, Saki was a force to be reckoned with, often using her feminine charm to lull her enemies into a false sense of security before delivering a swift and deadly blow.

In Eldoria, where flight and the use of projectiles were not advisable due to the towering giants that roamed the land, Emperor Chris faced a formidable challenge. These giants were known for their impenetrable skin and immense strength, making them virtually invincible to traditional forms of warfare. However, Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. Determined to protect his kingdom and its people, he devised a cunning plan to defeat the giants once and for all.

With the help of his trusted advisor, the wise old sage named Merlinius, Chris discovered the giants' weakness - the crystals that adorned their foreheads. These crystals were the source of the giants' power and if shattered, would render them helpless. Eager to put this newfound knowledge to the test, Chris assembled his army and prepared for battle.

But how could they possibly reach the crystals on the giants' foreheads, when the giants themselves towered over them like mighty oaks? This is where Saki Hanajima's unique talents came into play. Using her remarkable assets to distract the giants, she and her fellow warriors were able to get close enough to strike. But even then, their weapons were no match for the giants' thick skin.

It was then that Emperor Chris had a stroke of genius. Drawing on his mystical powers, he bestowed upon his people the gift of elasticity. Now, they could stretch and elongate their bodies at will, allowing them to reach the giants' foreheads with ease. With their newfound abilities, the warriors of Eldoria were able to quickly close the distance and deliver a series of powerful punches to the crystals on the giants' foreheads, shattering them into a thousand pieces.

As the giants fell to the ground in defeat, the people of Eldoria cheered and rejoiced. The threat that had loomed over their kingdom for so long had finally been vanquished, thanks to the bravery and ingenuity of Emperor Chris and his army. Saki Hanajima, with her big boobs leading the charge, had played a crucial role in the victory, her curves proving to be a deadly weapon in their own right.

And so, peace was restored to the realm of Eldoria, thanks to the courage and creativity of its fearless warriors. Emperor Chris and his wife Saki Hanajima were hailed as heroes, their names forever etched in the annals of history. And as they celebrated their triumph with a grand feast, the people of Eldoria raised their glasses in toast to their beloved leaders, grateful for their valiant efforts in defending their kingdom from the towering giants.

Aw 131. When


S205. Electricity manipulation.

(463 rating)

Emperor Chris of the majestic land of Lumina was known for his quirky sense of humor and unconventional leadership style. His wife, the beautiful and carefree Kofuku Ebisu, was the perfect balance to his seriousness and together they ruled over their kingdom with love and laughter.

One day, news arrived of a neighboring realm that had created enormous metallic giants that were wreaking havoc on the surrounding lands. The giants seemed invincible, their armor impenetrable and their strength unmatched. The people of Lumina were filled with fear as the giants drew closer to their borders.

Emperor Chris knew that they had to come up with a plan to defeat these giants, and he turned to his trusted soldiers for help. After much brainstorming and late-night discussions, Chris had a genius idea - he would give his soldiers the power to manipulate "magical" electricity. With the ability to control lightning and harness its power, they would have a fighting chance against the metallic giants.

The soldiers were both excited and nervous at the prospect of wielding such incredible power, but they trusted their Emperor and were eager to do whatever it took to protect their kingdom. Chris and Kofuku watched proudly as the soldiers trained and honed their newfound abilities, sparks of electricity crackling in the air around them.

As the day of battle drew near, Chris and Kofuku donned their own uniforms, each adorned with intricate lightning symbols that shimmered in the sunlight. Together, they led their army into battle, the metallic giants looming ominously in the distance.

The giants were taken aback as the soldiers unleashed their newfound powers, bolts of lightning striking through the air and crackling against the giants' armor. With each strike, the giants faltered, their mechanical bodies struggling to withstand the onslaught of electricity.

Emperor Chris and Kofuku watched in awe as their soldiers fought bravely, using their powers with precision and skill. Their laughter echoed across the battlefield, a mix of nerves and excitement as they faced this formidable foe together.

Eventually, the last metallic giant fell to the ground, defeated by the combined efforts of Lumina's army. The soldiers cheered and celebrated their victory, grateful for the unique powers that Chris had bestowed upon them.

As they returned to the kingdom, the people of Lumina greeted them with cheers and applause, grateful for their Emperor and his creative thinking. Chris and Kofuku celebrated with a grand feast, their laughter echoing through the halls of the palace as they toasted to their victory.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Kofuku Ebisu became legends in their land, known for their humor, creativity, and unwavering love for their people. The tale of the battle against the metallic giants was told for generations to come, a reminder of the power of humor and ingenuity in the face of adversity.

Aw 132. There


S206. Emotion manipulation.

Original: Emperor's Chris wife is Mami TOMOE. They entered a realm where the enemies were monsters that grew stronger by hate. Chris gave his soldiers the ability to manipulate the emotions of the monsters..the soldiers make the monsters lose hate.


(555 rating)

Once upon a time in a fantastical realm far away, Emperor Chris was known for his great wisdom and leadership. He was married to the beautiful and kind-hearted Mami Tomoe, who was not only his wife but also his most trusted advisor. The couple ruled over their kingdom with love and compassion, always striving to make their people happy and prosperous.

One day, a dark shadow descended upon the kingdom in the form of hateful monsters that threatened to destroy everything in their path. These monsters were growing stronger and more ferocious the more they hate. Emperor Chris knew that something had to be done to stop them, but he was at a loss as to how to combat such powerful creatures.

It was then that Mami Tomoe had a brilliant idea. She suggested that they send their soldiers into battle equipped with the ability to manipulate the emotions of the monsters. By using their powers of persuasion and charm, the soldiers would be able to make the monsters lose their hate and become more docile.

Emperor Chris was skeptical at first, but he trusted his wife's judgment and agreed to give it a try. The soldiers were trained in the art of emotional manipulation and sent out to face the monsters head-on. At first, the plan seemed to be working, as the monsters started to lose their edge and become more peaceful.

But just when it seemed like victory was within reach, the monsters began to fight back with even greater intensity. It appeared that they had found a way to shield themselves from the soldiers' powers of persuasion, and were growing stronger by the minute.

Emperor Chris was on the brink of despair, unsure of how to proceed. That's when Mami Tomoe stepped in once again, this time with an even crazier idea. She proposed that they organize a grand feast for the monsters, inviting them to dine with the Emperor and his soldiers in a show of peace and goodwill.

The Emperor was hesitant at first, but decided to go along with his wife's plan. The feast was set in motion, with the monsters arriving at the palace gates in all their fearsome glory. The soldiers stood ready, armed not with weapons, but with platters of delicious food and drink.

To everyone's surprise, the monsters were intrigued by the sights and smells of the feast, and slowly but surely, they began to relax and let go of their hate. As they indulged in the food and drink, their demeanor softened, and they even began to laugh and chat with the soldiers.

By the end of the evening, the monsters were completely transformed, their hateful natures replaced with joy and camaraderie. They thanked Emperor Chris and his soldiers for showing them a different way of life, and promised to never again bring harm to the kingdom.

And so, peace was restored to the realm once more, thanks to the clever thinking of Emperor Chris and his wise and compassionate wife, Mami Tomoe. The people rejoiced, grateful for their rulers' bravery and ingenuity in the face of adversity.

And as for the monsters, well, they were welcomed into the kingdom as newfound friends and allies, proving that even the fiercest creatures can be tamed with a little bit of humor and a whole lot of creativity.

Aw 133. Were


S207. Energy manipulation.

(457 rating)

Once upon a time in a far-off kingdom, there lived Emperor Chris and his wife, the lovely Illyasviel von Einzbern. Their kingdom was known far and wide for its innovation and creativity, but the emperor was always looking for new ways to protect his people and defeat any enemies that threatened their peace.

One day, while exploring a new realm, Emperor Chris and his soldiers were ambushed by enemies that looked like sentient energy balls. These foes were unlike anything they had ever faced before, and Chris knew he would have to come up with a clever solution to defeat them.

Drawing upon the energy that filled the air of this strange realm, Chris came up with a brilliant plan. He granted his soldiers the ability to manipulate energy, allowing them to create unique "energy weapons" to battle their foes. With a wave of their hands, they could conjure swords of crackling lightning, shields of swirling energy, and even beams of pure energy to blast their enemies into oblivion.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris and his soldiers fought with a mix of determination and humor. They joked and laughed as they unleashed their fantastical energy weapons, turning the tide of the battle in their favor. Illyasviel, always by her husband's side, fought with grace and skill, her energy weapons dazzling all who beheld them.

The enemies, confused by the sheer creativity and ingenuity of the emperor and his soldiers, soon found themselves overwhelmed. They were no match for the power of their opponents' energy weapons, and before long, they were defeated and driven back to whatever dark corner of the realm they had come from.

As the dust settled and the energy in the air began to dissipate, Emperor Chris turned to his soldiers with a grin. "Well, that was certainly a lively battle, wasn't it?" he quipped, earning a round of laughter from his exhausted but victorious troops.

Illyasviel joined in the laughter, her eyes sparkling with pride for her husband and his clever tactics. "You never cease to amaze me, my dear," she said, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, along with their loyal soldiers, returned to their kingdom triumphant. The people of the realm hailed them as heroes, their victory a shining example of the power of creativity and humor in the face of adversity.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and his soldiers were known as the masters of energy manipulation, their energy weapons the stuff of legend. And whenever they faced a new foe, they did so with a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes, ready to conquer whatever challenges came their way with wit, charm, and a healthy dose of humor.

Aw 134. No
