Volume 29, Unedited Chapter. Skills 208 onwards.

S208. Energy manipulation.

Original: Chris' wife is the adult Sakura KINOMOTO. Chris faced one of the toughest race of enemies ever: a race that can change forms quickly, such as metallic, immaterial, ghost or even pure energy. To defeat them, Chris gave the ability of energy manipulation to his army, and they can convert various types of energy into another.

(445 rating)

It was a sunny afternoon in the quaint little town of Cherry Blossom Grove where Chris and his wife, Sakura Kinomoto, lived. Sakura was not your average adult - she possessed incredible powers of energy manipulation that she had kept hidden from the townsfolk for years. But when a race of enemies unlike any other threatened their peaceful town, Chris knew it was time to reveal Sakura's true abilities.

The enemies they faced were a formidable bunch, capable of changing forms at the drop of a hat. One moment they were metallic, the next they were immaterial, then they would turn into ghostly figures, and sometimes they would transform into pure energy. Chris knew that defeating them would require a different approach.

So, he gathered a small army of townsfolk who were brave enough to stand by their side in the coming battle. With Sakura leading the charge, Chris bestowed upon them the ability to manipulate energy as well. They could convert various types of energy into another, giving them a fighting chance against their shape-shifting foes.

As they prepared for battle, Sakura's energy manipulation powers were put to the test. She was able to harness the power of the sun, turning its rays into beams of energy that could cut through even the toughest metallic forms. She then channeled the energy of the wind, creating gusts that could blow away the immaterial enemies with ease.

But it was when the enemies transformed into ghostly figures that Sakura truly shined. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she summoned the spirits of the town's ancestors to aid them in battle. The ghosts swirled around the enemy, confusing them and making it impossible for them to maintain their form for long.

Finally, as the enemies gathered their strength for one final assault, they transformed into pure energy. This was a test of Chris and Sakura's abilities like never before. But with a quick wink and a nod, Sakura called upon the power of the stars themselves. She created a swirling vortex of energy that sucked the enemies in, trapping them within its fiery embrace.

With a triumphant cheer, Chris and his army watched as the enemies were vanquished once and for all. The townsfolk rejoiced, grateful for Sakura and Chris's bravery and cunning in the face of such a fearsome foe. And as the sun set over Cherry Blossom Grove, Chris and Sakura shared a knowing smile, knowing that together they could overcome anything that came their way.

And so, the legend of Chris and Sakura Kinomoto, the dynamic duo of energy manipulation, was born in Cherry Blossom Grove - a tale of humor, creativity, and the power of love to conquer all.

Aw 135. Springs


S209. Enhanced senses.

(533 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his eccentricity and outlandish ideas. One day, he decided to bestow upon each soldier in his army a unique gift - enhanced senses. He believed that this would make his army the most versatile and powerful in all the land.

Emperor Chris' wife, Tsubasa HANEKAWA, was a kind and gentle soul who always supported her husband, no matter how outrageous his ideas may be. She was known for her calming presence and wisdom, which often helped to balance out Emperor Chris' impulsive nature.

As the soldiers lined up to receive their enhanced senses, each one eagerly awaited to see what gift they would be bestowed with. The first soldier stepped forward and was given the gift of Enhanced Awareness. His senses were attuned to far away activity, allowing him to be aware of any potential threats from a distance.

The next soldier received the gift of Enhanced Hearing. His ears could pick up every single sound, and could decipher layer upon layer of noise. He could even pick up a conversation from a Undverse away, much to the amazement of his fellow soldiers.

Another soldier was gifted with Enhanced Vision. His eyes could see very clearly from incredible distances, and he had many different types of eyesight enhancements. He could see in the dark, zoom in on far away objects, and even see through walls. It was truly a remarkable gift.

As the soldiers began to test out their enhanced senses, chaos ensued. The soldier with Enhanced Awareness suddenly became overwhelmed with the amount of activity he could sense from far away. He was constantly on edge, alerting his fellow soldiers to potential threats that turned out to be nothing more than a squirrel in a tree or a rabbit hopping through the forest.

The soldier with Enhanced Hearing found himself in a similar predicament. He could hear everything around him, from the buzzing of insects to the rustling of leaves in the wind. It became difficult for him to focus on any one thing, as the constant barrage of noise was overwhelming.

Meanwhile, the soldier with Enhanced Vision was having a field day exploring the world around him. He could see things that no one else could, and his creativity soared as he began to envision fantastical creatures and landscapes that existed only in his mind. Emperor Chris was delighted with the soldier's newfound vision, as it brought a sense of whimsy and wonder to the army.

Through all the chaos and confusion, Tsubasa HANEKAWA remained a steady rock, offering words of encouragement and guidance to the soldiers as they adjusted to their enhanced senses. She reassured them that with great power comes great responsibility, and that they must learn to control their new gifts in order to truly harness their potential.

In the end, Emperor Chris' army became known not only for their fighting prowess, but also for their unique and quirky abilities. They were a force to be reckoned with, thanks to the visionary creativity of their eccentric leader and the unwavering support of his wise and compassionate wife, Tsubasa HANEKAWA. And so, they marched forward into battle, ready to conquer whatever challenges may come their way with humor and grace.

Aw 136. Overflowing


S210. Enhanced senses.

(Limited verse. Only enhanced senses are basically allowed).

(471 rating)

Emperor Chris and his wife Ai Hayasaka ruled over the kingdom of Veridian with wisdom and grace. They were loved by their people, who viewed them as benevolent leaders who cared deeply for their subjects.

Emperor Chris was known for his innovative ways of protecting the kingdom. He had a special army of soldiers who were gifted with different enhanced senses, thanks to Ai's expertise in genetic engineering. Each soldier had a unique ability that gave them an edge in battle.

One day, as Emperor Chris and his army were patrolling the borders of Veridian, they were ambushed by a group of enemies who had come to challenge their reign. These enemies were fierce and powerful, each possessing their own unique abilities that made them formidable adversaries.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers of Veridian put their enhanced senses to good use. Some of them had infrared vision, allowing them to see the radiation emitted by their enemies' weapons. Others had thermographic vision, which enabled them to see the heat signatures of their opponents, making it easy to anticipate their next move.

But it was the soldiers with ultraviolet vision who truly shined in the battle. With the ability to see light that humans could not, they were able to spot hidden traps laid by the enemy and detect invisible threats that lurked in the shadows.

As the enemies continued to attack, Emperor Chris and his army fought back with humor and creativity. They used their enhanced senses to outwit their foes, turning the tide of the battle in their favor.

One soldier with thermographic vision spotted a group of enemies hiding behind a wall, their body heat giving them away. With a mischievous grin, he lobbed a grenade in their direction, causing a sizzling explosion that sent the enemies scurrying for cover.

Another soldier with infrared vision detected an enemy sniper perched on a nearby rooftop, the radiation from his gun giving him away. With a quick flick of his wrist, he sent a well-aimed arrow flying towards the sniper, knocking him off his perch with a loud thud.

And finally, the soldiers with ultraviolet vision spotted a group of invisible assassins sneaking up on Emperor Chris and Ai. With a knowing glance, they signaled to their comrades, who quickly surrounded the assassins and dragged them into the light, exposing their hidden forms to the rest of the army.

In the end, the enemies of Veridian were no match for Emperor Chris and his soldiers. With their enhanced senses and quick thinking, they were able to repel the attack and protect their kingdom from harm.

As the dust settled and the enemies retreated, Emperor Chris and Ai Hayasaka stood side by side, surveying the battlefield with pride. Their army had emerged victorious once again, thanks to their unique abilities and unwavering determination to protect their beloved kingdom of Veridian.

Aw 137. With


211. Enhanced senses.

(481 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, contemplating the latest threat to his kingdom. A horde of type-shifting enemies was marching towards his borders, their powers of transformation making them almost impossible to defeat. Chris knew that his armies would need all the help they could get if they were to stand a chance against these formidable foes.

Turning to his wife, Marin Kitagawa, Chris said, "My dear, we must come up with a way to give our troops the upper hand in this battle. We need something. extraordinary."

Marin, a talented sorceress in her own right, nodded thoughtfully. "I have a few ideas up my sleeve," she replied with a mischievous grin.

And so, the couple set to work, using their combined powers to create magical enhancements for their soldiers. Chris decided to grant them special senses that would give them an edge on the battlefield. He called these enhancements "Emperor's Visions," each one designed to help his troops in a different way.

The first of these visions was Supercolor Vision. With this ability, the soldiers could see in a wider range of color than ever before. This would allow them to spot the enemy even when they were disguised in their type-shifting forms. As the troops donned their enchanted goggles, they marveled at the vibrant world that suddenly surrounded them, each hue more brilliant than the last.

Next, Chris bestowed Telescopic Vision upon his armies. This allowed them to see great distances, spotting the enemy long before they came within striking range. With this new ability, the soldiers could plan their attacks with precision, striking swiftly and decisively against their shape-shifting foes.

But perhaps the most unique of all the Emperor's Visions was Microvision. With this gift, the soldiers could see even the smallest of items with perfect clarity. This proved invaluable on the battlefield, as the enemy often tried to hide their weaknesses in plain sight. With Microvision, the troops could uncover these hidden weaknesses and exploit them to their advantage.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers put their new abilities to the test. With Supercolor Vision, they could easily distinguish friend from foe, even as the enemy shifted in form before their eyes. Telescopic Vision allowed them to anticipate enemy movements and strike preemptively, while Microvision revealed the enemy's vulnerabilities with uncanny accuracy.

And through it all, Emperor Chris and Marin Kitagawa stood by their troops, guiding them with humor and wisdom. Their visionary creativity had turned the tide of battle in their favor, and the type-shifting enemies were soon driven back from the kingdom's borders.

As the dust settled, the soldiers removed their enchanted goggles and cheered for their victory. Emperor Chris and Marin Kitagawa embraced, proud of their ingenious solution to a seemingly insurmountable challenge. And as they looked out over their kingdom, they knew that no enemy, no matter how powerful, could ever stand against the combined might of their love and magic.

Aw 138. Water


212. Enhanced senses.

(501 rating)

Once upon a time in the fantastical world of Lala Satalin DEVILUKE, Chris found himself in a precarious situation. His lovely wife, Lala, had been captured by a horde of enemies who had the ability to change their attributes or type at will. In order to rescue her, Chris knew he would have to come up with a creative solution.

As he brainstormed ideas on how to defeat the shape-shifting enemies, Chris suddenly had a brilliant idea. He remembered a spell he had read about that could give his armies enhanced senses, allowing them to see the enemies' true forms no matter how they changed. With a wave of his wand and a sprinkle of magic dust, Chris imbued his troops with three new visions: Aura Vision, Chemovision, and Neutral Vision.

Aura Vision enabled his soldiers to see the enemies' hormonal output, allowing them to detect any changes in their physical makeup. Chemovision allowed them to see the pheromone output of their foes, giving them insight into their emotional state and intentions. And Neutral Vision granted them the ability to see invisible objects or beings, providing a tactical advantage in battle.

Armed with their new senses, Chris and his army set out to rescue Lala from the clutches of the shape-shifting enemies. As they marched towards the enemy stronghold, they encountered all manner of foes who tried to deceive them with their illusions. But with their enhanced senses, the soldiers saw through the ruses and pressed on, determined to save Lala.

As they reached the enemy stronghold, Chris and his army were met with fierce resistance. The enemies morphed into terrifying creatures, trying to intimidate them into retreat. But Chris urged his soldiers to focus on their new visions, reminding them that they could see beyond the enemies' disguises.

With a renewed sense of confidence, the soldiers launched into battle, their Aura Vision allowing them to anticipate the enemies' moves, their Chemovision revealing their hidden weaknesses, and their Neutral Vision uncovering their tricks. It was a sight to behold as the army fought with a newfound precision and efficiency, dismantling the enemy forces one by one.

As they finally reached the inner chamber where Lala was being held captive, they were met with the most formidable enemy yet. It transformed into a massive, fearsome dragon, breathing fire and spewing venom in all directions. But Chris knew that with their enhanced senses, they could defeat even this formidable foe.

In a dazzling display of teamwork and strategy, the soldiers used their visions to outmaneuver the dragon, exploiting its vulnerabilities and launching a coordinated attack. With a final blow, the dragon crumbled to dust, leaving Lala unharmed and free at last.

As they reunited in a joyful embrace, Chris and Lala marveled at the power of their new visions and the bravery of their army. They knew that with their creativity and ingenuity, they could overcome any challenge that came their way. And so, they set off on new adventures, ready to face whatever the future held with humor and vision.

Aw 139. Before


213. Enhanced senses

(545 rating)

Chris and his wife Yuuko Ichihara were no strangers to facing challenges together. As a couple, they had tackled all sorts of mystical creatures, demons, and supernatural beings. But when they found themselves up against a horde of enemies that could change their attributes or type at will, they knew they were in for a tough battle.

In order to give their armies a fighting chance, Chris had to think outside the box. Being a master of magic, he decided to give his troops enhanced senses that would help them navigate the battlefield and anticipate the enemies' moves. And so, he began his quest to bestow his soldiers with Emotion Vision, Atomic Vision, and X-Ray Vision.

First up was Emotion Vision. Chris knew that being able to see the emotions of their enemies would be a game-changer. With this ability, his armies could easily assess the mental state of their foes and strategize accordingly. As he cast the spell, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of his soldiers being able to see the enemy's fear or confusion written all over their faces.

Next was Atomic Vision. This power would allow his troops to see the bonds between atoms, giving them insight into the structure and composition of their adversaries. With this information, they could exploit weaknesses and target specific areas to maximize their attacks. As Chris unleashed the magic, he imagined his soldiers peering through the veil of reality, analyzing the very building blocks of their enemies with a mix of awe and determination.

And finally, there was X-Ray Vision. This ability to see through objects would be invaluable in a battle where the enemies could morph and change on a whim. With X-Ray Vision, his armies could pierce through illusions and defenses, revealing the true form of their foes and keeping one step ahead of their shape-shifting tactics. As the spell took hold, Chris envisioned his soldiers donning their X-Ray goggles, ready to see through any trickery thrown their way.

With their enhanced senses in place, Chris and Yuuko led their armies into battle with renewed confidence. As the enemies charged towards them, morphing and shifting before their eyes, the soldiers activated their newfound powers. Emotion Vision revealed the fear and doubt in the enemy's hearts, allowing them to strike where it hurt the most. Atomic Vision uncovered the vulnerabilities in their structures, weakening their defenses with precision strikes. And X-Ray Vision pierced through the illusions, keeping the true threat in sight.

As the battle raged on, Chris couldn't help but marvel at the ingenuity of his magical enhancements. The sight of his soldiers wielding their newfound powers with skill and finesse was a testament to their determination and resourcefulness. And with Yuuko by his side, casting spells and weaving incantations, they fought as one against the ever-changing horde of enemies.

In the end, victory was theirs. The enemies lay defeated, their forms scattered and broken. As Chris and Yuuko surveyed the battlefield, they couldn't help but smile at the sight of their armies, tired but triumphant, basking in the glow of their hard-earned success. And as they turned to each other, sharing a knowing look of pride and satisfaction, they knew that no challenge was too great as long as they stood together, united in love and magic.

Aw 140. The


214. Enhanced senses.

(636 rating)

Chris and Suruga Kanbaru were a power couple like no other. Chris, with his magical abilities, and Suruga, with her fierce determination, made the perfect team. They had faced many challenges together, but none quite like the horde of enemies they were currently up against.

These enemies were unlike anything they had ever encountered before. They had the ability to change their attributes or type at will, making them incredibly difficult to defeat. But Chris and Suruga were not ones to back down from a challenge, no matter how tough it may seem.

As they prepared to face their enemies, Chris knew that he needed to give his armies an edge. He conjured up a magical potion that would enhance their senses and give them the upper hand in battle. With a flick of his wrist and a muttered incantation, the potion was ready, and he began to distribute it to his troops.

First up was Soul Vision. This ability would allow his armies to see souls, spirits, and ghosts, giving them a tactical advantage in battle. As the potion took effect, his soldiers' eyes began to glow with an otherworldly light, and they could now see the invisible entities that lurked around them. Suruga couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her army's newfound ghostly companions.

Next was Night Vision. With this ability, his troops would be able to see without the need for light, making them stealthier and more effective in the darkness. As the potion worked its magic, Chris' soldiers' eyes glowed even brighter, illuminating the battlefield with an eerie glow. Suruga couldn't help but grin at the thought of her army becoming nocturnal warriors.

Finally, Chris gave his armies Panoramic Vision. This ability would allow them to see in 360 degrees, giving them a complete view of the battlefield and any enemies that may try to sneak up on them. As the potion took effect, his troops' eyes widened in amazement as they looked around them, taking in every detail with perfect clarity. Suruga couldn't help but marvel at the sight of her army's newfound all-seeing eyes.

As they faced off against the horde of enemies, Chris and Suruga watched in awe as their armies used their enhanced senses to outmaneuver and outwit their foes. With Soul Vision, they could see the spirits of the enemies and predict their movements. With Night Vision, they moved silently through the darkness, striking from the shadows. And with Panoramic Vision, they had eyes on the back of their heads, always one step ahead of their adversaries.

As the battle raged on, Chris and Suruga fought side by side, using their own skills and abilities to complement their army's newfound powers. They dodged and weaved, cast spells and swung swords, all the while laughing and joking with each other. Suruga couldn't help but admire her husband's creativity and vision, even in the midst of chaos.

In the end, thanks to Chris' magical potion and their combined efforts, they emerged victorious against the horde of enemies. As they stood amidst the wreckage, catching their breath and surveying the aftermath, Suruga turned to Chris with a grin.

"Well, that was certainly a sight to see," she said, gesturing to their army with a proud smile. "I have to hand it to you, dear husband. Your visionary ideas never cease to amaze me."

Chris chuckled and wrapped an arm around her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "And I have to hand it to you, my fierce warrior. Your determination and strength are unmatched."

Together, they stood victorious, ready to face whatever challenges may come their way. With their combined skills, creativity, and humor, there was nothing they couldn't overcome. And as they walked off into the sunset, hand in hand, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything that came their way.

Aw 141. Mountains


215. Enhanced senses.

(492 rating)

Chris had always known that his wife, Asia, was a force to be reckoned with. She was mature, intelligent, and had a fierce determination that few could match. But when they found themselves facing a horde of enemies that could change their attributes or type at will, Chris knew they would need all the help they could get.

Fortunately, Chris had a few tricks up his sleeve. As a magician with a penchant for the bizarre and unexpected, he had developed a set of magical abilities that could give his armies the advantage they needed. And so, he set to work, imbuing his soldiers with enhanced senses that would help them navigate the treacherous battlefield.

First up was Soul Vision. Chris conjured up a potion that would allow his troops to see souls, spirits, and ghosts. This would enable them to spot hidden enemies and anticipate their movements. And, as an added bonus, it gave the soldiers a bit of a morale boost – knowing that they were not alone on the battlefield.

Next was Night Vision. Chris whipped up a concoction that granted his armies the ability to see in the darkest of nights. This would be crucial when facing enemies who thrived in shadows and darkness. With Night Vision, his troops could navigate the battlefield with ease, catching their foes off guard and striking when they least expected it.

But Chris didn't stop there. He decided to go for broke and give his soldiers Panoramic Vision – the ability to see 360 degrees around them at all times. This would give them a distinct advantage in battle, allowing them to spot enemies coming from all directions and react accordingly. With Panoramic Vision, his armies would be virtually untouchable.

As the battle raged on, Chris watched in awe as his enhanced soldiers tore through the enemy ranks with ease. Soul Vision revealed hidden foes, Night Vision allowed them to strike in the dark, and Panoramic Vision ensured that no enemy could catch them by surprise. It was a sight to behold – an army of warriors who could see things that others could only dream of.

But amidst the chaos and destruction, Chris couldn't help but smile. This was what he lived for – using his visionary creativity to turn the tide of battle in their favor. And with Asia by his side, leading the charge with the wisdom and maturity that only she possessed, there was no doubt in his mind that they would emerge victorious.

As the last of the enemies fell before them, Chris couldn't help but laugh. Who would have thought that a mature, refined woman like Asia would make such a fierce warrior? But then again, he had always known that there was more to her than met the eye. And now, as they stood victorious on the battlefield, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for his incredible wife – the mature Asia Argento, the true hero of the day.

Aw 142. Were


216. Enhanced senses

(543 rating)

Chris and Mirai Kuriyama were a dynamic duo, renowned throughout the land for their incredible bravery and unmatched skills in battle. Chris was a powerful sorcerer, able to manipulate magic in ways that others could only dream of. His wife, Mirai, was a mature and wise warrior, possessing a sword that could cut through any enemy with ease.

One day, the couple found themselves faced with a horde of enemies unlike any they had ever seen before. These enemies had the ability to change their attributes or type at will, making them a formidable force to be reckoned with. Chris and Mirai knew that they would have to come up with a clever plan if they were to stand any chance against this new threat.

After much brainstorming and experimentation, Chris discovered a way to magically enhance the senses of their armies. He called this new ability "Multiple Vision," which allowed their soldiers to see in two different places at once. This proved to be a game-changer in battle, as their troops were able to anticipate the enemy's moves and launch coordinated attacks with pinpoint precision.

But Chris didn't stop there. He also developed a second ability called "Inside Vision," which allowed their warriors to see the inside beauty of their enemies. This unique power gave them insight into the motivations and weaknesses of their foes, helping them to devise clever strategies to outsmart and outmaneuver their opponents.

As Chris and Mirai led their enhanced armies into battle, they couldn't help but marvel at the sight of their troops using their newfound abilities with gusto. The soldiers moved with grace and agility, striking down their enemies with a combination of skill and finesse that left their foes in awe.

But amidst the chaos of battle, Chris couldn't help but notice a smile playing on Mirai's lips. "What's so funny?" he asked, dodging a blast of magic from an enemy sorcerer.

Mirai chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I just can't help but imagine what our enemies must be thinking right now. Here they are, faced with warriors who can see in two places at once and look past their outer façade to see their inner beauty. It must be quite a shock for them."

Chris couldn't help but laugh at the thought. "Well, we did promise them a battle they wouldn't soon forget. I think we've more than delivered on that front."

And deliver they did. With their enhanced senses and clever abilities, Chris and Mirai led their armies to victory against the horde of enemies. The battlefield was littered with defeated foes, their ranks decimated by the sheer ingenuity and creativity of the couple.

As the dust settled and their enemies retreated in defeat, Chris and Mirai shared a victorious smile. They knew that they had faced a formidable challenge and emerged victorious, thanks in no small part to their visionary abilities and sense of humor in the face of adversity.

And so, the tale of Chris and Mirai Kuriyama, the mature couple with a knack for turning the tides of battle in their favor, became legend throughout the land. Their enemies would remember them for years to come, as the couple who could see through any disguise and strike true with a blade forged in the fires of creativity and humor.

Aw 143. Settled


217. Enhanced smell.

(468 rating)

Once upon a time in the land of Fluffington, Emperor Chris and his beloved wife, Yue, found themselves facing a horde of unexpected enemies. But these were no ordinary foes. They were creatures that looked like donuts, but with a rather unpleasant smell that could make even the bravest warrior gag.

The creatures, known as Donutoids, were deceptively agile and had a penchant for hiding in the most unexpected places. Chris and Yue found themselves constantly on edge, never knowing when a group of Donutoids would pop out from behind a bush or slink down from the trees.

Faced with such a bizarre and rather ridiculous situation, Chris knew he had to come up with a plan to defeat these doughy adversaries. He turned to his trusty advisor, the wise old wizard Merlinde, for guidance.

Merlinde stroked his long white beard thoughtfully and then suggested a rather unconventional idea.

"Your Majesty, I believe we can use the power of smell to our advantage in this battle. If we enhance the sense of smell of your soldiers, they will easily be able to detect the presence of the Donutoids before they have a chance to attack," Merlinde explained.

Chris was intrigued by this suggestion and immediately set about implementing it. He ordered his army to gather rare and exotic ingredients from across the kingdom to create a potion that would boost their olfactory senses to superhuman levels.

The soldiers, eager to impress their Emperor, worked tirelessly day and night to brew the potion. Finally, after much trial and error, they succeeded in creating a pungent concoction that would make even the most stubborn nose twitch in recognition.

With their enhanced sense of smell, Chris's army set out to face the Donutoids once more. This time, they were prepared for the stench and ready to take on the enemy with newfound confidence.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers sniffed out the hidden Donutoids with ease, much to the surprise and dismay of their doughy adversaries. The creatures found themselves no match for the keen noses of Chris's army, and soon they were forced to retreat back to the sugary depths from whence they came.

Chris and Yue stood victoriously amidst the sea of defeated Donutoids, their laughter ringing out across the battlefield. The absurdity of the situation was not lost on them, but they took it all in stride, knowing that sometimes the most fantastical battles require the most unconventional strategies.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, Yue, returned to their kingdom with a newfound bond forged through the fires of battle and the sweet scent of victory. As they sat down to a celebratory feast of donut-shaped pastries (minus the foul smell, of course), they knew that no matter what challenges came their way, they would face them together, with humor, creativity, and a touch of magic.

Aw 144. In


218. Enhanced taste.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Eru CHITANDA. They fought a horde of enemies that like to pretend as food to live in soldiers. Normal beings can hardly detect the difference. But, Chris granted enhanced taste to his soldiers.


(497 rating)

Emperor Chris strode confidently through the battleground, his sword gleaming in the sunlight as he led his army of soldiers into battle. The enemy, a horde of shape-shifting creatures that liked to disguise themselves as delicious food to lure unsuspecting victims, had been wreaking havoc throughout the kingdom for weeks. But Chris was determined to put an end to their deception once and for all.

At his side, his wife Eru Chitanda fought with the grace and skill of a seasoned warrior. Her long hair whipped around her in the wind, her eyes fierce and determined as she sliced through the enemy with a precision that was unmatched. Together, they made a formidable team, their love and loyalty to each other giving them strength in the face of danger.

The enemy, cunning creatures that they were, shifted their forms constantly, appearing as succulent fruits, delectable pastries, and savory meats in an attempt to confuse and deceive the soldiers. But Chris had a secret weapon up his sleeve – he had been blessed with an enhanced sense of taste, allowing him to discern the true nature of the enemy even when they were disguised as food.

As the battle raged on, Chris would take a bite of a seemingly innocent apple only to spit it out in disgust when he realized it was actually an enemy in disguise. His soldiers marveled at his ability to detect the impostors, and they fought with renewed vigor, emboldened by their emperor's unique gift.

Eru, too, had a special talent of her own. She could sense the enemy's presence before they even appeared, her intuition guiding her towards danger and allowing her to strike swiftly and decisively. Together, Chris and Eru were a force to be reckoned with, their skills complementing each other perfectly as they fought side by side on the battlefield.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, the enemy's numbers began to dwindle until finally, the last of them lay defeated at Chris and Eru's feet. The kingdom was saved, thanks to the bravery and cunning of its emperor and his wife.

As they stood victorious on the battlefield, Chris turned to Eru with a grin on his face. "Well, my love, I believe we make quite the team," he said, pride evident in his voice.

Eru smiled back at him, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Indeed, my emperor. Together, there is nothing we cannot overcome."

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Eru Chitanda rode back to the palace, their heads held high and their hearts full of pride. The people of the kingdom cheered and celebrated their victory, grateful for the bravery and skill of their beloved rulers.

And from that day on, Chris and Eru were hailed as heroes, their story becoming a legend that would be told for generations to come. For when it came to facing the enemy, whether they be soldiers or shape-shifting deceivers, there was no one more fearless or formidable than Emperor Chris and his wife, Eru Chitanda.

Aw 145. Place


219. Enhanced senses. Detect magnetic fields.

(426 rating)

Once upon a time in the magical kingdom of Arcadia, Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Victorique found themselves facing an army of cunning enemies who liked to hit and run, and hide in the shadows. These foes were masters of stealth, making it nearly impossible for the imperial army to detect their movements.

Faced with this formidable challenge, Emperor Chris called upon his most trusted advisors to come up with a solution. After much brainstorming and deliberation, they came up with a brilliant idea - why not grant the ability to detect magnetic fields to the imperial soldiers? The enemies emitted a unique magnetic field that could be used to track them down and foil their sneaky tactics.

And so, the soldiers were each equipped with a special device that allowed them to sense the magnetic fields of their adversaries. Armed with this newfound power, the imperial army set out to confront the enemy on the battlefield.

As the two armies clashed, the enemies tried their usual hit and run tactics, but this time the imperial soldiers were ready for them. With their enhanced senses, they were able to anticipate the movements of their foes and strike back with precision.

Victorique, who was known for her sharp wit and cunning intellect, observed the battle from the safety of the palace walls. She marveled at the ingenuity of her husband and his advisors, who had come up with such a creative solution to overcome their enemies.

As the day wore on, the tide of the battle turned in favor of the imperial army. The enemies, no longer able to rely on stealth and subterfuge, found themselves outmatched and outmaneuvered.

Emperor Chris and Victorique rejoiced as they witnessed the defeat of their foes. They knew that it was not just their military might that had won the day, but also their ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to problems.

And so, the kingdom of Arcadia was safe once more, thanks to the visionary thinking of Emperor Chris and the courage and skill of his soldiers. The tale of their victory spread far and wide, becoming a legend that would be told for generations to come.

As for the enemies who had underestimated the power of creativity and innovation, they learned a valuable lesson that day - never underestimate the ingenuity of those who are willing to think outside the box. And so, peace and harmony reigned once more in the magical kingdom of Arcadia, thanks to the quick thinking and humor of Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Victorique.

Aw 146. Before


220. Enhanced senses. Multidimensional.

(562 rating)

Once upon a time in the magical land of Empiria, Emperor Chris was renowned for his bravery, wisdom, and of course, his beautiful and feisty wife, Akiko Yosano. Despite being the ruler of a vast empire, Emperor Chris always made sure to spend quality time with his beloved Akiko, whether it was going for romantic moonlit strolls in the palace gardens or engaging in fierce battles against their enemies.

One sunny morning, as Emperor Chris and Akiko were enjoying a leisurely breakfast in the royal dining hall, a messenger burst in with urgent news - a horde of enemies had invaded the kingdom and were wreaking havoc in multiple dimensions. The Emperor and his wife exchanged worried looks, knowing that they had to act quickly to protect their people.

Emperor Chris, being the visionary leader that he was, immediately summoned his most trusted generals and strategists to come up with a plan to defeat the enemies who were able to run and hide in other dimensions. After hours of brainstorming and analyzing the situation, they finally came up with a brilliant idea - Chris would use his powerful magic to give his soldiers the ability to detect these sneaky creatures hiding in other dimensions.

So, with a wave of his hand and a booming incantation, Emperor Chris imbued his soldiers with the magical ability to see beyond the physical realm and into the hidden dimensions where their enemies lurked. The soldiers were amazed as they felt their senses sharpen and their awareness expand, thanks to Chris's magical intervention.

Armed with this newfound power, the Emperor's army set out to confront the enemies who thought they could outwit them by hiding in other dimensions. The battlefield was a chaotic mix of swirling colors and shifting shapes as the soldiers used their enhanced senses to track down the elusive enemies and bring them to justice.

As the battle raged on, Akiko Yosano fought bravely by her husband's side, her skills as a warrior matched only by her sharp wit and quick thinking. Despite the gravity of the situation, Akiko couldn't help but find humor in the absurdity of the enemies' attempts to outsmart them by hiding in other dimensions.

"Ha! Is that the best you've got, you cowardly creatures?" Akiko taunted as she deftly dispatched an enemy trying to sneak up on the Emperor from behind. "You may be able to run and hide, but you can't escape the wrath of Emperor Chris and his magical army!"

Emperor Chris smiled proudly at his wife, grateful for her unwavering support and fearless spirit. Together, they were an unstoppable team, determined to protect their kingdom and bring peace to the land once more.

As the battle drew to a close and the enemies were vanquished, Emperor Chris and Akiko Yosano stood victorious, their love and courage shining brightly in the aftermath of the chaos. The people of Empiria cheered and celebrated their heroic leaders, knowing that as long as Chris and Akiko were by their side, they would always be safe from any threat, no matter how cunning or elusive.

And so, with laughter and light hearts, Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Akiko Yosano returned to their palace, ready to face whatever challenges the future may bring, secure in the knowledge that together, they were unstoppable. For in the magical land of Empiria, love, humor, and bravery were the most powerful weapons of all.

Aw 147. The


221. Enhanced touch

(404 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his sharp wit, impeccable fashion sense, and his beautiful wife, Shion SONOZAKI. Together, they ruled over their kingdom with grace and kindness, always looking out for the well-being of their people.

But despite their best efforts, there were always those who sought to undermine their rule. This time, a new threat had emerged - enemies who disguised themselves as books. These cunning foes would blend in with the rest of the library, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

However, luck was on the side of Emperor Chris, for he possessed a unique ability - enhanced touch. With a simple brush of his fingers, he could detect even the smallest imperfections, making it impossible for the fake books to fool him.

When Chris discovered the treacherous plot, he knew he had to act fast. He called upon his most trusted soldiers and bestowed upon them the same ability, instructing them to search the library for any suspicious activity.

The soldiers set to work, running their hands over each shelf, feeling for any discrepancies. It wasn't long before they started to find the fakes - their covers too smooth, their pages too crisp. With a knowing nod, they swiftly captured the disguised enemies and imprisoned them, ensuring they could no longer cause harm.

As word spread of the clever tactic used to defeat the fake books, the people of the kingdom couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "Who would have thought that books could be our greatest threat?" they chuckled, shaking their heads in disbelief.

Emperor Chris, always one step ahead, saw the humor in the situation as well. "Perhaps we should add 'detecting fake books' to the list of skills needed for our soldiers," he mused, a twinkle in his eye as he imagined the absurdity of it all.

And so, the kingdom continued to prosper under the watchful eye of Emperor Chris and his wife, Shion SONOZAKI. With their quick thinking and unwavering determination, they were able to thwart any threat that came their way, no matter how bizarre it may seem.

As the sun set on another victorious day, the people of the kingdom raised a toast to their beloved rulers, grateful for their leadership and their sense of humor in the face of adversity. And so, the tale of the fake books became just another amusing chapter in the grand story of Emperor Chris and his reign.

Aw 148. Hills.
