Volume 29, Unedited Chapter. Skills 222 onwards.


222. Enhanced senses. Detect vibrations.

(574 rating)

Emperor Chris of the planet Zeltron was known for many things - his bravery, his intelligence, and his undeniable charm. But what most people didn't know was that his greatest strength lay in his marriage to his wife, Mio Naruse. Mio was not only stunningly beautiful with a body that could make even the most disciplined soldier weak in the knees, but she was also incredibly intelligent and fiercely loyal to her husband.

The planet Zeltron was unlike any other in the Undverse. It was almost as large as an entire galaxy, with vast oceans, towering mountains, and lush forests teeming with life. But despite its beauty, Zeltron was not without its dangers. There were those who sought to overthrow Emperor Chris and take his throne for themselves, hiding in the shadows and planning their treachery.

Faced with such a threat, Chris knew he needed to give his soldiers an edge. And so he bestowed upon them a unique ability - the power to sense distant occurrences through vibrations in the earth. It was a gift that would prove invaluable in the coming battles, allowing his soldiers to anticipate their enemies' moves before they even made them.

One day, as Chris and Mio walked through the palace gardens, they were approached by a group of soldiers who had just returned from a scouting mission. They reported that they had detected suspicious activity on the outskirts of the kingdom, and feared that an attack was imminent.

Chris nodded gravely, his mind already whirring with plans and strategies. But Mio, ever the practical one, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go kick some traitor butt!"

The soldiers stared at her in surprise, unused to hearing such language from their elegant empress. But Chris just laughed, his eyes sparkling with love and amusement. "My dear," he said, taking her hand in his, "I couldn't have said it better myself."

And so, with Mio leading the charge, the soldiers set out to confront their enemies head-on. The traitors had thought they could outwit Emperor Chris and his forces, but they were sorely mistaken. Thanks to Mio's sharp instincts and the soldiers' newfound abilities, they were able to outmaneuver their foes at every turn.

As the dust settled and the traitors were brought to justice, Chris turned to Mio with a grin. "I knew there was a reason I married you," he said, sweeping her into a quick kiss.

Mio rolled her eyes, but there was a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Oh, please," she teased, "we both know you married me for my stunning good looks and impeccable taste in fine wine."

Chris chuckled, the sound echoing through the palace halls. "Well, that too," he admitted. "But mostly, I married you because you're the bravest, smartest, and most incredible woman I've ever known."

And as they stood together on the balcony, overlooking their kingdom, Chris knew that with Mio by his side, there was nothing they couldn't overcome. For she was not just his wife, but his partner in crime, his rock, and his greatest ally in the battle against all who would seek to bring them down.

And so, with laughter ringing in their ears and love in their hearts, Emperor Chris and his wife, Mio Naruse, ruled over the planet Zeltron with wit, humor, and a bond that was unbreakable. And as long as they were together, they knew that their kingdom would always be safe from harm.

Aw 149. I


223. Enhanced Senses. Thought sensing.

(458 rating)

Emperor Chris and his wife Yasuko Takasu were facing a new and bizarre threat to their kingdom - large floating brains that shot beams of deadly energy at unsuspecting victims. The couple had never encountered anything quite like it before, and they knew they had to come up with a plan to protect their people.

Chris, being the kind and innovative ruler that he was, decided to give his soldiers special abilities to sense the thought waves of these strange floating brains. He gathered his army together and explained the situation to them, making sure to inject a bit of humor into his speech to keep morale high.

"My loyal warriors, we are facing a most peculiar enemy today," Chris announced, a twinkle in his eye. "These floating brains are certainly nothing we've encountered before, but fear not! With my gift of sensing thought waves, we shall be able to outsmart these dastardly foes and emerge victorious!"

The soldiers cheered at Chris's words, feeling invigorated and ready to face whatever strange challenges lay ahead. Yasuko, standing by her husband's side, couldn't help but laugh at his dramatic flair and optimism in the face of danger.

As the army set out to confront the floating brains, Yasuko watched from the palace rooftop with a mix of pride and amusement. She knew her husband had a wild imagination and a knack for turning even the most dire situations into comedic adventures.

The soldiers, armed with their newfound ability to sense thought waves, approached the floating brains cautiously. The eerie hum of their telepathic communication filled the air, sending shivers down the spines of the brave warriors.

Chris, leading the charge, raised his sword high and shouted, "Attack with wit and whimsy, my friends! Let us show these floating brains that they are no match for the power of laughter and camaraderie!"

The soldiers charged forward, dodging the deadly beams of energy with quick thinking and fancy footwork. With Chris's guidance and their enhanced abilities, they were able to outmaneuver the floating brains and eventually defeat them with a well-timed joke and a hearty round of applause.

As the last brain fizzled out of existence, the soldiers cheered and celebrated their victory. Chris and Yasuko embraced, proud of their army's bravery and ingenuity in the face of such a strange and formidable foe.

"Another day, another strange adventure in the life of Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Yasuko," Chris mused, a grin spreading across his face. "Who knows what bizarre challenges await us next, but as long as we face them together with humor and heart, there is nothing we cannot overcome!"

And so, the kingdom of Chris and Yasuko stood strong, ready to face whatever imaginative threats came their way with laughter, love, and a touch of visionary creativity.

Aw 150. Was


224. Enhanced senses. Time distortion.

(656 rating)

Long ago, in the mystical land of Zorblatia, Emperor Chris was facing a formidable foe - the time-travelling villains known as the Chrono Raiders. These cunning adversaries had the ability to manipulate time ripples, causing chaos and uncertainty throughout the kingdom.

But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. With a determined gleam in his eye and a twinkle of mischief in his heart, he devised a plan to defeat the Chrono Raiders once and for all. And by his side stood his wife, the reformed Ram - a fierce warrior in her own right, who had once been a notorious bandit queen before finding love and redemption in the arms of the Emperor.

As the Chrono Raiders launched their assault on Zorblatia, Chris knew he had to act quickly. Drawing upon his vast knowledge of the arcane arts, he imbued his army with the ability to detect changes in time ripples, allowing them to anticipate the villains' every move and counter their attacks with precision and skill. With Ram leading the charge, the forces of Zorblatia fought bravely against the time-travelling invaders, determined to protect their kingdom and their Emperor.

But the Chrono Raiders were crafty foes, and they unleashed wave after wave of temporal distortions, threatening to unravel the very fabric of reality itself. As chaos reigned and the battlefield became a swirling maelstrom of past, present, and future, Chris and his army stood firm, their resolve unwavering.

In the midst of the chaos, Ram's keen eyes caught sight of a shimmering portal opening in the sky. With a mischievous smile, she called out to her beloved Emperor, "I have an idea, my dear! Follow me!" Chris, always willing to trust in Ram's intuition, nodded in agreement, and together they leaped through the portal, leaving their army to hold the line against the Chrono Raiders.

What they found on the other side was a realm unlike any they had ever seen - a place of swirling colors and shifting landscapes, where time itself seemed to dance and twist in a glorious display of cosmic chaos. Chris and Ram looked at each other in awe, realizing that they had stumbled upon the heart of the Chrono Raiders' power.

With a mischievous grin, Ram turned to Chris and said, "I have an idea, my love. Let's give these villains a taste of their own medicine!" And with a wave of her hand, she summoned a whirlwind of temporal energy, sweeping up the Chrono Raiders in a vortex of confusion and disarray.

As the villains struggled to make sense of the shifting realities around them, Chris and Ram struck with lightning speed, their blades flashing and their magic crackling with power. The Chrono Raiders were caught off guard, their carefully laid plans thrown into disarray as they found themselves facing an enemy unlike any they had ever encountered.

With a final, decisive blow, Chris and Ram vanquished the Chrono Raiders once and for all, sending them fleeing back through time to whatever dark corner of the multiverse they had emerged from. The kingdom of Zorblatia was saved, and Emperor Chris and his reformed Ram stood victorious, their love and their humor shining bright in the face of adversity.

And as they gazed out over the battlefield, Chris turned to Ram with a grin and said, "Well, my dear, I suppose we should start planning our victory banquet. What do you say we serve up some Chrono Raider stew? I hear it's quite the delicacy in the land of temporal mischief!"

And with a shared laugh and a twinkle in their eyes, Emperor Chris and his wife, the reformed Ram, set off to celebrate their hard-earned triumph, secure in the knowledge that no matter what challenges the future might bring, they would face them together, with love, humor, and a touch of visionary creativity.

Aw 151. There


225. Enhanced senses. Quantum effects.

(512 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Galaxy of Nebulon was known throughout the Undverse for his wit, charm, and eccentricity. But what many didn't know was that behind every great emperor, there was a powerful and mature woman who stood by his side - his wife, Kirino Kousaka.

Kirino was no ordinary empress. She was a master strategist, a fierce warrior, and had a sharp sense of humor that always kept Chris on his toes. Together, they formed a formidable duo that took on any challenge that came their way.

One day, a mysterious race of enemies appeared on the outskirts of Nebulon. These enemies were like gigantic atoms, pulsating with energy and power. They slowly began to affect the quantum realm, threatening to destroy entire Undverses in their wake.

Chris knew that this was a battle unlike any other he had faced before. He called upon his most trusted soldiers and gave them each the ability to sense quantum activity - a power that would be crucial in defeating the enemy.

As they set out on their mission, Kirino cracked jokes and made light of the situation. "Well, looks like we're fighting giant atoms today. Who knew science could be so dangerous?" she quipped, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

The soldiers laughed, feeling the weight of the situation lift off their shoulders. Kirino had a way of turning even the most dire circumstances into a comedy routine, and her humor was infectious.

As they approached the enemy, Chris and Kirino led the charge with their soldiers at their side. With Kirino's sharp strategic mind and Chris' quick thinking, they were able to outmaneuver the giant atoms and start pushing them back.

But the enemies were relentless, and their power seemed to grow with each passing moment. As they neared the quantum realm, the soldiers could feel the very fabric of reality starting to fray.

"This is no time for quantum physics jokes, Kirino," Chris teased, even as he felt the seriousness of the situation weighing heavily on him. "We need to focus and defeat these enemies before they tear the Undverse apart."

Kirino nodded, her usually playful expression turning serious. Together, they unleashed a barrage of attacks on the giant atoms, pushing them back further and further until finally, they were able to defeat them once and for all.

As the dust settled and the soldiers caught their breath, Kirino turned to Chris with a mischievous grin. "Well, that was certainly an explosive situation. Who knew fighting giant atoms could be so much fun?"

Chris couldn't help but laugh, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. Kirino's humor had a way of bringing light to even the darkest of times, and he was grateful to have her by his side.

And so, as they returned to Nebulon victorious, Chris and Kirino knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other and their sense of humor, they could overcome anything that came their way. And so, the galaxy of Nebulon remained safe and sound, thanks to the unstoppable duo of Emperor Chris and his mature and hilarious wife, Kirino Kousaka.

Aw 152. Before


226. Fate manipulation.

(449 rating)

Emperor Chris, also known as Chris the Great, was a ruler like no other. He was loved by his people for his wit, charm, and generosity. But there was one person who held a special place in his heart - his beloved wife, Petra RALL.

Petra was a fierce and independent woman, who was always by Chris' side no matter what. They were the perfect team, ruling the kingdom with grace and wisdom. But one day, fate manipulators tried to disrupt their happy life.

These fate manipulators were cunning and devious, always trying to change the course of history for their own gain. But Chris and Petra were not ones to back down from a challenge. They knew they had to do something drastic to protect their people.

So, Chris came up with a plan. He decided to gift his own soldiers with the ability to decide their own fates. It was a bold move, but one that he knew would give them the power to stand up against the manipulators.

The soldiers were thrilled with their newfound ability, but there was one catch - they couldn't disobey the emperor. Chris made it clear that while they could now control their own destinies, they still had to follow his orders.

Petra found this rule particularly amusing. She couldn't help but tease Chris about it, saying, "So, you're giving them the power to choose, but only if they choose to do what you say? Sounds like you're still trying to control everything, my dear."

Chris just laughed and winked at her, knowing that she was right. He may have given his soldiers the illusion of free will, but he was still the one calling the shots.

But despite this playful banter, Chris knew that he was doing the right thing. By empowering his soldiers, he was creating a stronger and more resilient kingdom. And with Petra by his side, he felt unstoppable.

As they continued to fight against the fate manipulators, Chris and Petra's bond only grew stronger. They faced each challenge with humor and laughter, never letting the darkness of the situation cloud their spirits.

And in the end, their dedication and love for each other prevailed. The fate manipulators were defeated, and the kingdom was safe once again.

Chris and Petra continued to rule with kindness and compassion, always remembering the day they gave their soldiers the power to decide their own fates. It was a decision they would never regret, as it brought them closer together and made their kingdom stronger than ever before.

As they looked out over their kingdom, hand in hand, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together with humor, love, and a vision for a brighter future.

Aw 153. The


227. Fear manipulation. Hallucination causation.

(441 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Galactic Empire was a fearsome leader, known for his strategic brilliance and his unwavering dedication to protecting his people. But perhaps what truly set him apart from other rulers was his choice of wife, the enigmatic Kurumu KURONO.

Kurumu was not your typical Empress. While most royal consorts were demure and delicate, Kurumu was fierce and independent. She had a sharp wit and a mischievous glint in her eye that made her the perfect match for Chris, who appreciated her unconventional nature.

One day, as Chris and his army were facing off against a horde of gigantic brains that threatened to explode and wipe out the entire Empire, Chris knew he needed to come up with a cunning plan to defeat them. That's when he had a stroke of genius. He decided to grant his soldiers the ability to cause hallucinations in their enemies.

At first, the soldiers were skeptical. Hallucinations? Against a horde of exploding brains? But Chris was confident in his plan, and with Kurumu by his side, they set out to put it into action.

As the gigantic brains closed in on them, Chris ordered his soldiers to unleash their hallucination-inducing powers. In an instant, the battlefield was transformed into a surreal dreamscape, with rainbow-colored unicorns prancing around and singing songs of peace and love.

The brains, confused and disoriented by the vivid hallucinations, stumbled and bumbled around, unable to focus on their attack. Chris and his army took advantage of the chaos, striking swift and decisive blows that soon had the brains retreating in defeat.

As the last of the brains slunk away, Chris and Kurumu stood triumphantly on the battlefield, their laughter ringing out like bells in the crisp morning air. The soldiers cheered and clapped, grateful for their Emperor's quick thinking and Kurumu's unwavering support.

From that day on, Chris and Kurumu were hailed as heroes throughout the galaxy, their names whispered in awe and reverence. And the soldiers, now equipped with the power of hallucinations, went on to win countless battles against their enemies, using their newfound abilities to outwit and outmaneuver even the most formidable foes.

And so, Emperor Chris and his beloved wife Kurumu Kurono ruled the Galactic Empire with humor and creativity, using their visionary tactics to ensure peace and prosperity for all of their subjects. And as they danced under the stars, their hearts full of love and laughter, they knew that as long as they stood together, nothing could stand in their way.

Aw 154. World


228. Fire manipulation

(599 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, deep in thought. He gazed out at the vast expanse of the Undverse, a look of determination on his face. His wife, Erina Nakiri, stood beside him, her expression a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"Darling, what is troubling you?" Erina asked, placing a gentle hand on Chris' arm.

Chris turned to his wife, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "My dear Erina, the Undverse is plagued by toxic plants. They have infested so many worlds, spreading their tendrils of destruction wherever they go. It is time for us to take action."

Erina's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you propose, my love?"

Chris leaned in close, his voice barely above a whisper. "We must burn them all," he declared, a hint of madness in his tone.

Erina couldn't help but laugh. "Burn them all? Is that truly the solution to this problem?"

Chris nodded solemnly. "Yes, my dear. We must use fire to cleanse the Undverse of these toxic plants once and for all."

Erina shook her head in disbelief. "But how will we accomplish such a feat? The logistics alone seem insurmountable."

Chris grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Ah, my dear Erina, that is where my genius comes into play. We will use the power of the suns themselves to ignite a fiery inferno that will consume all of the toxic plants in the Undverse."

Erina couldn't help but be impressed by her husband's audacious plan. "And how do you propose we control this fire, my Emperor?"

Chris waved his hand dismissively. "Control? Who needs control when you have the power of sheer destruction at your fingertips? The flames will spread instantly, engulfing every last toxic plant.

Erina raised an eyebrow. "And what of the innocent worlds caught in the crossfire? Are we to sacrifice them as well in our quest for purification?"

Chris shook his head, his expression sobering. "No, my love. We will spare those worlds that are not yet overrun by the toxic plants. We will do our best to contain the fire and minimize collateral damage."

Erina sighed. "I suppose it is a noble cause, in its own twisted way. But I fear the repercussions of such a drastic action."

Chris placed a hand on his wife's shoulder, his gaze softening. "Fear not, my dear Erina. Together, we will rid the Undverse of this blight and restore balance to all worlds. Trust in me, as I trust in you."

...As the fire raged on, Emperor Chris and Erina stood side by side, watching the destruction unfold before them. Despite the chaos and destruction, they found a strange sense of peace in their actions. They knew that they were doing what was necessary to protect the Undverse from the invasive threat of the toxic plants.

And so, with their vision of a purified Undverse realized, Emperor Chris and Erina Nakiri returned to their palace, exhausted but satisfied. Together, they had conquered the darkness and brought light to all worlds. And though the scars of their fiery crusade remained, they knew that they had done what was right.

The Undverse was safe once more, thanks to the bravery and ingenuity of Emperor Chris and his loyal wife, Erina Nakiri. And as they settled in for a well-deserved rest, they knew that their legacy would live on for generations to come.

Aw 155. Was


229. Fissionism.

(574 rating)

Emperor Chris was a man with a grand vision - to unite two Undverses that had been divided for centuries. On one side of the Undverse, logic reigned supreme, while on the other side, empathy and emotion were the driving forces.

Chris had always believed that a balance of both logic and empathy was necessary for a harmonious society. But the two sides of the Undverse just couldn't seem to see eye to eye. So, he came up with a rather unusual solution - he decided to split himself into two, embodying the logical side himself and creating a separate version of himself that was purely emotional. He called this theory "fissionism".

And so, Emperor Chris found himself juggling his responsibilities as ruler of the Undverse, while also trying to keep his two selves in check. Logical Chris was always trying to come up with intricate plans and strategies to bring the two sides together, while Emotional Chris was busy sympathizing with the people and trying to connect with them on a deeper level.

His wife, the lovely and intelligent Shirley FENETTE, was always by his side, supporting him in his quest to unite the Undverses. She was a pillar of strength for both versions of Chris, offering her wisdom and guidance whenever they needed it.

One day, as Emperor Chris was holding a council meeting with representatives from both sides of the Undverse, Logical Chris started spouting out statistics and graphs, trying to prove why his plan for unification was the most logical choice. But no matter how hard he tried, the logical arguments seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Emotional Chris, on the other hand, was getting frustrated with all the talk of numbers and facts. He stood up suddenly, his eyes brimming with tears, and declared, "Can't we all just get along?! Can't we see that we're all just people trying to make our way in this crazy Undverse?!"

The room fell silent, as both sides of the Undverse looked at each other in confusion. Was Emotional Chris right? Could the answer to their problems really be as simple as just getting along?

Emperor Chris, feeling torn between his two selves, looked to Shirley for guidance. She smiled softly and whispered, "Why don't you two try working together for once? Logical Chris, use your brain to come up with a plan that takes into account the emotions of the people. And Emotional Chris, use your heart to connect with the logic of the situation. Together, you might just find a solution that works for everyone."

And so, Logical Chris and Emotional Chris begrudgingly agreed to work together. And to everyone's surprise, they found that their differences actually complemented each other quite well. Logical Chris's meticulous planning was balanced out by Emotional Chris's ability to connect with the people on a deeper level.

In the end, Emperor Chris's vision of uniting the two Undverses was finally realized. And it was all thanks to the unique blend of logic and empathy that he embodied through his innovative theory of fissionism.

As he stood on the balcony of his palace, looking out at the now unified Undverse, Emperor Chris couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. And he knew that none of it would have been possible without the love and support of his wife, Shirley FENETTE.

And so, the Undverse was finally at peace, all thanks to the wisdom and humor of Emperor Chris and his unconventional approach to solving the world's problems.

Aw 156. Made


230. Force fields

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Teresa. As they faced powerful enemies that shoot beams or projectiles of different colors (wavelengths), Chris gave his soldiers the ability to create their force fields, which are impenetrable except if the beam is of the same color.


(438 rating)

Emperor Chris and his wife, Teresa, ruled over the kingdom of Zorblat with wit and charm. They were a dynamic duo, with Chris leading the military campaigns against their enemies and Teresa overseeing the kingdom's cultural affairs.

One day, a powerful enemy known as the Chromatic Conqueror declared war on Zorblat. The Chromatic Conqueror had an arsenal of beams and projectiles of different colors, each representing a different wavelength of light. These beams were destructive and could easily pierce through traditional shields.

Faced with this new threat, Chris decided to empower his soldiers with the ability to create their force fields. These force fields were impenetrable to any beam, except if it was of the same color. Chris believed that by using the power of humor and creativity, they could outsmart their enemies and emerge victorious.

As the battle raged on, Teresa came up with a brilliant idea. She suggested that they host a comedy night on the battlefield, where the soldiers would perform skits and tell jokes to distract the Chromatic Conqueror's forces. The plan was risky, but Chris and Teresa knew that humor was a powerful weapon.

The soldiers took to the stage, performing slapstick routines and witty banter. The Chromatic Conqueror's forces were confused and disoriented, unsure of how to respond to the unexpected humor. Meanwhile, Chris and Teresa worked tirelessly behind the scenes, coordinating the troops and guiding them in their efforts.

As the night went on, the Chromatic Conqueror's forces began to crack under the pressure. The soldiers' force fields held strong, deflecting beams of every color. The enemy was no match for the clever tactics and quick thinking of the Zorblat army.

In the final moments of the battle, Chris stood before the Chromatic Conqueror, a gleam in his eye and a smile on his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a rainbow-colored handkerchief, waving it in the air. The Chromatic Conqueror was baffled, unsure of what to make of this strange gesture.

With a twinkle in his eye, Chris shouted, "Behold the power of humor and creativity! For laughter is the true antidote to war!" And with that, a wave of laughter swept across the battlefield, disarming the Chromatic Conqueror and his forces.

In the end, the Zorblat army emerged victorious, their force fields holding strong against the colorful onslaught of their enemies. Chris and Teresa stood side by side, proud of their soldiers and grateful for the power of humor and creativity.

And so, the kingdom of Zorblat was saved, thanks to the clever tactics and quick thinking of Emperor Chris, his wife Teresa, and their brave soldiers. Laughter truly was the best weapon of all.

Aw 157. Or


231. Fragrance manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Sena KASHIWAZAKI. They were at war with giantic noses that threathen to inhale the Undverses. To counter them, Chris gave his soldiers the ability of fragrance manipulation. They changed their scent to different types, irritating the giant noses.


(446 rating)

Once upon a time in a faraway land, Emperor Chris ruled over the majestic Kingdom of Fragrance with his beautiful wife, Sena KASHIWAZAKI. They were known far and wide for their love of all things scented and their exquisite collection of perfumes. However, their peaceful reign was soon threatened by a group of gigantic noses that emerged from the depths of the Undverse, threatening to inhale everything in their path.

Emperor Chris knew that he had to come up with a plan to defend his kingdom against this strange and dangerous threat. After much deliberation and consultation with his advisors, he decided to give his soldiers the ability of fragrance manipulation. With this newfound power, they were able to change their scent to different types, from the sweet smell of roses to the pungent aroma of cheese, all in an effort to irritate the giant noses and drive them away.

As the giant noses approached the Kingdom of Fragrance, the soldiers stood ready, armed with bottles of perfume and cologne at the ready. As the noses drew closer, the soldiers sprayed their scents in all directions, creating a swirling vortex of fragrances that filled the air. The giant noses, unused to such overwhelming olfactory assault, began to sneeze uncontrollably, their massive nostrils twitching and quivering in discomfort.

Emperor Chris and his wife, Sena KASHIWAZAKI, looked on in amusement as the noses struggled to withstand the onslaught of scents. With each sneeze, they were pushed further and further back, until finally, they retreated back into the depths of the Undverse, defeated by the power of fragrance manipulation.

The Kingdom of Fragrance was saved, thanks to Emperor Chris and his clever strategy. The soldiers were hailed as heroes, their sense of smell celebrated throughout the land. And as for Sena KASHIWAZAKI, she stood by her husband's side, her laughter filling the air as she marveled at his ingenuity.

From that day on, the Kingdom of Fragrance was never again threatened by giant noses or any other strange and unusual foes. Emperor Chris and his wife ruled in peace and prosperity, their love for each other and their kingdom stronger than ever. And the soldiers, well, they continued to use their unique abilities to protect the land, their sense of humor and creativity never failing to bring a smile to the faces of all who knew them.

And so, the story of Emperor Chris, his wife Sena KASHIWAZAKI, and the giant noses of the Undverse came to a whimsical and fragrant end, leaving behind a legacy of laughter, love, and the power of fragrance manipulation. For in the Kingdom of Fragrance, anything was possible, as long as you had the right scent for the job.

Aw 158. Its


232. Fusion.

(493 rating)

Emperor Chris and his big-chested wife, Shizuku Mizutani, found themselves facing a formidable enemy on the battlefield. The powerful fused units they were up against seemed almost invincible, but the couple was not about to back down.

In a moment of desperation, Chris called upon his soldiers and blessed them with the ability to fuse or cause fusion as well. This newfound power allowed them to combine objects, powers, emotions, concepts, living beings, and more, turning them into a single, unstoppable unit.

One of the soldiers, a young mage named Adrian, was the first to experiment with this new ability. He decided to fuse his magic with that of his teammate, a rogue named Lily. The result was a dazzling display of power as their spells combined to create a swirling tornado of fire and ice that obliterated their enemies.

Another pair of soldiers, a knight named Roland and a healer named Elara, decided to fuse their strength and healing abilities. The result was a formidable warrior who could both protect their comrades and mend their wounds in the midst of battle.

The soldiers quickly realized the potential of their newfound fusion abilities and began to experiment with different combinations. Some fused their weapons with elemental powers, creating swords that could shoot lightning or shields that could summon walls of earth. Others fused their emotions and concepts, creating beings of pure joy or creatures of infinite wisdom.

Emperor Chris and Shizuku watched in amazement as their soldiers unleashed unimaginable power on the battlefield. The enemy fused units were no match for the creativity and teamwork of their forces.

One particularly creative soldier, a bard named Lucia, decided to fuse her music with the emotions of her comrades. The result was a symphony of courage and determination that inspired all who heard it, boosting their morale and driving them to victory.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers continued to explore the possibilities of fusion. Some even fused with each other, combining their strengths and weaknesses to create new, formidable warriors. The battlefield was a chaotic yet beautiful display of colors, sounds, and energies as the fused units clashed in epic battles.

Emperor Chris and Shizuku could not help but feel proud of their soldiers' ingenuity and bravery. They knew that with the power of fusion on their side, they had a chance at finally defeating the powerful enemies that threatened their kingdom.

And so, with a renewed sense of determination and unity, the soldiers fought on, their fused units leading them to victory against all odds. The battlefield was filled with laughter, as the soldiers celebrated their triumph with jubilant cheers and embraces.

Emperor Chris and Shizuku knew that their kingdom was safe, thanks to the incredible power of fusion that had brought them together in a way they had never thought possible. And as they looked out over the battlefield, they could not help but feel grateful for the humor, creativity, and vision of their soldiers who had made it all possible.

Aw 159. Fields


233. Fusion

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Futaba YOSHIOKA. As they faced agile enemies that looked like a pair of giant hands, Chris decided to grant his soldiers the ability to combine their powers and combat skills. This allows them to perform two or more actions at the same time.

(471 rating)

Once upon a time, in the whimsical land of Yorickia, there lived Emperor Chris and his beloved wife, Futaba Yoshioka. Chris was known for his fierce leadership skills and his wife, Futaba, was a master of the arcane arts. Together, they ruled over the kingdom with a blend of wisdom and humor that endeared them to their subjects.

One day, as they were strolling through the palace gardens, a sudden attack from agile enemies that looked like a pair of giant hands caught them off guard. Chris and Futaba quickly sprang into action, ready to defend their kingdom against this new threat.

Thinking quickly, Chris decided to grant his soldiers the ability to combine their powers and combat skills. He called upon the kingdom's greatest warriors and explained his plan to them. With Futaba's help, they were able to create a powerful spell that allowed the soldiers to perform two or more actions at the same time.

The warriors were amazed at their newfound abilities and wasted no time putting them to use. With a flick of Futaba's wand and a wave of Chris' sword, they were able to strike down the agile enemies with ease. The enemies were no match for the combined strength and agility of the Yorickian warriors.

As the battle raged on, Chris and Futaba watched from the sidelines, cheering on their soldiers with pride. "That's my boy!" Chris exclaimed as one of the warriors performed a dazzling display of acrobatics while simultaneously casting a spell.

Futaba laughed with delight as she watched another warrior summon a giant flaming phoenix to aid in the fight. "Now that's what I call teamwork!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together in excitement.

The agile enemies were no match for the combined power of the Yorickian warriors. With each clash of swords and burst of magic, they were slowly but surely gaining the upper hand. Chris and Futaba could see victory on the horizon, and they knew that their kingdom would be safe once more.

As the last of the enemies fell, Chris and Futaba embraced each other with joy. "We did it, my love," Chris said, smiling proudly at his wife. "We may have faced agile enemies today, but together, we are unstoppable."

Futaba grinned back at him, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Indeed, my dear," she replied. "With our combined strength and wit, there is nothing that can stand in our way."

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, Futaba Yoshioka, continued to rule over the kingdom of Yorickia with humor, wisdom, and a touch of magic. Their soldiers honed their newfound abilities and stood ready to face any challenge that came their way. And as long as Chris and Futaba were by their side, the kingdom would always be safe from harm. For in Yorickia, the power of teamwork was truly a force to be reckoned with.

Aw 160. Or


234. Fusion

(560 rating)

Emperor Chris, known for his wit and charm, ruled over the kingdom of Zentoria with his wife, the wise and mature Filo. Despite their strong bond, they faced a threat unlike anything they had ever encountered before. Colossal entities, larger than an Undverse, descended upon their kingdom, threatening to destroy everything in their path.

Chris knew that he needed to come up with a plan to protect his kingdom and his people. Turning to his trusted advisor, he devised a plan to merge his soldiers into a larger, more powerful being by using fusion. This would double their total power level and hopefully give them a fighting chance against the massive entities.

As the time drew near for the looming battle, Filo looked at Chris with a mix of amusement and concern. "Are you sure this fusion will work, my dear?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of hope and worry.

Chris flashed her a confident grin, "Of course it will, my love! Trust in the power of fusion and our brave soldiers. We will prevail against these giant foes!"

The day of the battle arrived, and as the colossal entities approached, the soldiers of Zentoria stood ready to merge into the powerful being that Chris had envisioned. With a mighty shout, Chris commanded the fusion to begin, and the soldiers began to meld together, their power levels skyrocketing as they combined their strength.

The fusion was a sight to behold, a towering figure of immense power and majesty. It stood tall, ready to face the approaching entities head-on. Chris looked up at the fusion with pride, his eyes shining with determination.

"Let's show these giants what we're made of!" he shouted, leading the charge against the massive foes.

The battle was fierce and intense, with the fusion unleashing devastating attacks against the colossal entities. With each strike, the entities staggered, their massive forms faltering under the onslaught of the merged soldiers.

Filo watched from the sidelines, her heart swelling with pride at the bravery and strength of her husband and his soldiers. Despite the odds being stacked against them, they fought with all their might, refusing to back down in the face of such overwhelming opposition.

As the sun began to set on the battlefield, the colossal entities finally began to retreat, their massive forms vanishing into the distance. The fusion stood tall and victorious, its power levels still surging with energy and determination.

Chris stood at the forefront of the fusion, a grin of triumph on his face. "We did it, my friends! We have defeated the giants and saved our kingdom from certain destruction!"

The soldiers cheered and celebrated their hard-fought victory, their spirits lifted by the success of their fusion. Filo walked up to Chris, a smile playing on her lips.

"Well, my dear Emperor, it seems that your wild idea of fusion actually worked!" she teased, giving him a playful nudge.

Chris laughed, wrapping his arms around her. "I told you it would, my love! Never underestimate the power of fusion and the strength of our brave soldiers!"

And so, with their kingdom safe once more, Emperor Chris and his wife, the mature Filo, celebrated their victory with a grand feast and a night of laughter and joy. The fusion had brought them together in a way they had never imagined, proving that even in the face of colossal foes, humor and creativity could triumph over adversity.

Aw 161. Any


235. Gravity manipulation.

(407 rating)

Once upon a time, in a realm far, far away, there lived a man named Chris. Chris was a brave warrior known for his wit and humor, as well as his incredible skill in battle. He was married to a formidable and equally humorous warrior named Ais WALLENSTEIN.

One day, Chris and Ais found themselves in a strange realm filled with small but extremely durable entities that swarmed around them. These creatures were unlike anything they had ever encountered before, and Chris knew that they would need to come up with a clever plan to defeat them.

Thinking quickly, Chris blessed his soldiers with the ability of gravity manipulation. With this newfound power, they were able to create small black holes that sucked the enemies in, leaving them defeated and disoriented.

As they battled their way through the realm, Chris and Ais fought side by side, their laughter filling the air as they cracked jokes and shared witty banter. Despite the strange and dangerous creatures they faced, they never lost their sense of humor or their belief in each other.

Using their combined skills and creativity, Chris and Ais were able to navigate the realm and overcome every obstacle in their path. They used their gravity manipulation to create bridges over treacherous gaps, and to send enemies flying into the air with the flick of a wrist.

Through it all, Chris and Ais relied on their humor and their unwavering bond to see them through. They joked and teased each other, finding lightness in even the darkest of situations. Their love and respect for each other only grew stronger as they faced each challenge together, their laughter echoing through the realm.

As they finally reached the end of the realm and emerged victorious, Chris and Ais knew that they had truly found their match in each other. They were a force to be reckoned with, not just in battle, but in life as well.

And so, with their heads held high and their hearts full of laughter, Chris and Ais WALLENSTEIN returned to their own realm, ready to face whatever adventures came their way. For as long as they had each other, they knew that nothing could stand in their way.

And so, the tale of Chris and Ais WALLENSTEIN, the witty warriors with a love as strong as gravity itself, became legend throughout the realms. Their story was one of laughter, love, and the power of humor in even the most challenging of times.

Aw 162. Of


236. Hair manipulation.

(504 rating)

In the grand kingdom of Glitterlandia, Emperor Chris ruled with a firm yet fair hand. His beautiful wife, Yami, was the envy of all the ladies in the land with her grace and wisdom. But the kingdom faced a grave danger from centaur-like beasts that threatened to destroy everything they held dear.

In their darkest hour, a race of fierce female warriors appeared on the horizon. They were known as the Rapunzelians, for their long, flowing locks cascaded down their backs like shimmering silk. Emperor Chris welcomed them with open arms, knowing that their unique abilities would be a great asset in the fight against the centaur beasts.

The Rapunzelians possessed the incredible power of hair manipulation, a gift bestowed upon them by Emperor Chris himself. With a simple flick of their wrist, they could make their hair instantly longer, tougher, and more deadly. They could use their hair to attack enemies, to strangle them, or even to whip them into submission.

The people of Glitterlandia marveled at the Rapunzelians' skills, but they couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of these fierce warriors wielding their hair like deadly weapons. The Rapunzelians took their duties seriously, but they also had a sense of humor about their unique powers.

One day, as the Rapunzelians were preparing for battle, one of them accidentally tripped over her long hair and went tumbling to the ground. The other warriors burst into laughter, unable to contain their amusement at the sight of their comrade tangled up in her own locks. But instead of getting angry, the warrior simply shook herself off and joined in the laughter, showing that even the fiercest warriors could have a sense of humor.

As the battles raged on, the Rapunzelians proved to be invaluable allies to Emperor Chris and his forces. With their hair manipulation abilities, they were able to outmaneuver the centaur beasts and strike them down with ease. The people of Glitterlandia cheered them on, grateful for their bravery and skill in combat.

But amidst the chaos of war, there was still room for laughter and lightheartedness. The Rapunzelians would often play pranks on each other, using their hair to trip each other up or tickle each other mercilessly. The sight of these fierce warriors engaging in playful antics never failed to bring a smile to the faces of the people of Glitterlandia.

And so, with the help of the Rapunzelians and their unique powers, Emperor Chris and his forces were able to defeat the centaur-like beasts and restore peace to the kingdom. The people of Glitterlandia rejoiced, their hearts full of gratitude for their brave warriors and their ability to find humor even in the darkest of times.

And as Emperor Chris and his beloved wife, Yami, stood before their people, they knew that they had a bright future ahead of them, filled with laughter, love, and the unwavering loyalty of their fierce Rapunzelian allies. For in the kingdom of Glitterlandia, even in times of war, there was always room for a little humor and a lot of heart.

Aw 163. The


237. Healing, regeneration.

(446 rating)

It was a typical day in the kingdom of Glitteronia, ruled by the great Emperor Chris. His wife, Miria HARVENT, was known throughout the land for her beauty and wit. Chris was determined to ensure the safety of his kingdom and his beloved wife, so he devised a plan to enhance the abilities of his soldiers.

Chris called all his soldiers to the grand hall of the palace and declared, "My loyal warriors, we face a great threat from our enemies, who are like sentient sharp blades that seem to bypass our durability. It is time for us to rise to the occasion and defend our kingdom with all our might." The soldiers nodded in agreement, ready to do whatever it took to protect their homeland.

In a moment of visionary creativity, Chris raised his hand and a brilliant light filled the room. Suddenly, each soldier felt a surge of energy coursing through their veins. They could feel the power of agility, rapid healing, and regeneration flowing within them. Their eyes widened in amazement as they realized the extent of their newfound abilities.

One soldier, named Fredrick, could hardly contain his excitement. "I feel like I could run faster than the wind and heal any wound in the blink of an eye!" he exclaimed. The other soldiers laughed and cheered, reveling in the joy of their enhanced powers.

With their new abilities, the soldiers trained tirelessly, honing their skills and mastering the art of combat. They moved with a grace and speed that seemed almost supernatural, striking down their enemies with precision and ease. The enemies were taken aback by the sudden transformation of the Glitteronian army, unable to keep up with their enhanced abilities.

Miria watched from the palace balcony, her heart swelling with pride at the sight of her husband's ingenuity and the bravery of the soldiers. She marveled at their newfound powers, knowing that they would be able to defend the kingdom against any threat that came their way.

As the days passed, the soldiers continued to hone their abilities, becoming an unstoppable force on the battlefield. They defended the kingdom with unwavering loyalty, their agility allowing them to outmaneuver their enemies, their rapid healing ensuring that they could bounce back from any injury, and their regeneration keeping them in top form.

Emperor Chris and Miria HARVENT stood side by side, watching as their soldiers fought valiantly to protect their land. They knew that as long as they stood united, Glitteronia would remain safe from harm. And so, with a touch of humor and a dash of visionary creativity, they faced each new challenge with courage and determination, ready to defend their kingdom no matter what may come their way.

Aw 164. Dust
