Unedited Volume 30, Chapter 1

Volume 30.

238. Above dimensionality.


Emperor Chris' wife is Ikaros. They exist as entities above dimensions, yet manifest as avatars in the dimensions.


(652 rating)

Emperor Chris and his wife Ikaros were not your average couple. In fact, they were anything but average – they were beings that existed above dimensions, yet had the ability to manifest as avatars in different dimensions. Now, you may be thinking, "What does that even mean?" Well, let me explain.

Emperor Chris was a wise and powerful ruler who was known for his quirky sense of humor and love for all things mysterious. He had a knack for seeing the bigger picture and often had visions of events that were yet to come. His wife, Ikaros, on the other hand, was a stunningly beautiful being with wings that shimmered like diamonds in the sunlight. She had a mischievous twinkle in her eye and a way of making even the most mundane tasks seem magical.

Together, Emperor Chris and Ikaros were a force to be reckoned with. They traveled through dimensions, spreading joy and laughter wherever they went. They had a special bond that transcended time and space, and their love knew no bounds. But despite their otherworldly abilities, they still faced the same everyday challenges that any couple would encounter.

One day, Emperor Chris and Ikaros found themselves in a dimension that was unlike any they had ever seen before. It was a place where everything was upside down and backwards, where cats barked and dogs meowed, and where the laws of physics seemed to have taken a day off. As they wandered through this strange and bewildering world, they couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

But their laughter soon turned to concern when they stumbled upon a village that was in the midst of a crisis. The residents were in a panic because their supply of laughter had run out, and without it, their world was crumbling apart at the seams. Emperor Chris and Ikaros knew they had to do something to help, but they weren't quite sure where to start.

After some brainstorming and a few failed attempts at solving the problem, Emperor Chris had a vision. He saw a magical well hidden deep within the heart of the village, a well that held the key to restoring the residents' laughter. With Ikaros by his side, he set out to find the well and bring back the precious laughter that their world so desperately needed.

As they ventured deeper into the village, they encountered all sorts of bizarre and hilarious creatures – from talking trees to dancing rocks to flying pigs. Each new discovery brought them closer to the well, and with each step they took, they couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of twists and turns, Emperor Chris and Ikaros reached the magical well. They gazed into its shimmering depths and saw a reflection of themselves, laughing and dancing in perfect harmony. And in that moment, they knew what they had to do.

With a wave of his hand and a twirl of her wings, Emperor Chris and Ikaros summoned forth the laughter from the well and released it into the world. The residents' faces lit up with joy as the sound of laughter filled the air, melting away their worries and fears. The village was saved, and Emperor Chris and Ikaros were hailed as heroes.

As they bid farewell to the strange and wonderful dimension, Emperor Chris and Ikaros couldn't help but smile. They had faced a challenge unlike any they had ever encountered, but they had emerged victorious – and they had done it all with a healthy dose of humor and a touch of magic.

And so, Emperor Chris and Ikaros continued on their journey through the dimensions, spreading joy and laughter wherever they went. For as long as they existed, their love and laughter would never fade, and their legacy would live on in the hearts of all who had been touched by their whimsical and visionary ways.

Aw 165. Of


239. Higher Dimensional existence

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Shera L. GREENWOOD. As they needed to fight multidimensional entities, Chris gave his soldiers the ability to be multidimensional up to "beyond googleplexes" of coordinates and dimensions.


(564 rating)

Once upon a time in a far-off Undverse, there lived Emperor Chris and his beloved wife, Shera L. Greenwood. Chris was known throughout the Undverse for his wisdom, strength, and most importantly, his sense of humor. Shera, on the other hand, was the epitome of grace and intelligence, making her the perfect match for the quirky emperor.

One day, a new threat emerged in the form of multidimensional entities that posed a danger to the peaceful existence of their kingdom. Chris knew that in order to combat these powerful beings, he needed to enhance the abilities of his loyal soldiers. And so, he came up with a plan that would allow them to transcend the limits of space and time.

With a twinkle in his eye, Chris gathered his troops and announced, "Fear not my brave warriors, for I shall bestow upon you the power to be multidimensional up to beyond googleplexes of coordinates and dimensions!" The soldiers looked at each other in confusion, unsure of what their emperor meant.

But Chris was undeterred, as he waved his hands in a dramatic fashion and muttered a few incantations under his breath. Suddenly, the soldiers felt a surge of energy coursing through their bodies, as they began to shimmer and fade into different dimensions.

Shera watched in amazement as her husband's plan unfolded before her eyes. She couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her normally serious soldiers floating in mid-air or multiplying into countless copies of themselves. It was a sight to behold, a true spectacle of otherworldly proportions.

As the soldiers experimented with their newfound abilities, Chris paced back and forth in excitement, his mind racing with possibilities. "Imagine the battles we could win with this power," he exclaimed, his voice filled with glee. "We shall be unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with!"

Shera couldn't help but roll her eyes at her husband's theatrics, but she couldn't deny the spark of admiration she felt for his visionary creativity. In that moment, she realized just how lucky she was to have such a unique and eccentric partner by her side.

And so, with their army now equipped with multidimensional prowess, Emperor Chris and Shera L. Greenwood set out to face the multidimensional entities that threatened their kingdom. The battles that ensued were like nothing the Undverse had ever seen before, with soldiers phasing in and out of existence, creating countless illusions and confusing their foes with their unpredictable movements.

Through laughter and camaraderie, the soldiers fought bravely alongside their emperor and his wife, their multidimensional abilities proving to be more than a match for the formidable entities. And in the end, it was their humor and creativity that prevailed, as they emerged victorious against all odds.

As the dust settled and the cheers of victory rang through the Undverse, Chris and Shera stood side by side, their hearts full of pride for their courageous army. And as they looked out at the stars twinkling in the night sky, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other and their boundless imagination, they would always find a way to overcome.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and Shera L. Greenwood, the dynamic duo of humor and visionary creativity, continued to shine brightly across the cosmos, inspiring all who crossed their path to never underestimate the power of a good laugh and a dash of eccentricity.

Aw 166. The


240. Hive mind.

(516 rating)

Emperor Chris was renowned for his brilliant tactical mind and innovative strategies. His ability to adapt to his enemies' ever-changing tactics was what made him one of the most feared rulers in the Undverse. However, even the most astute leader needed a trusted partner by his side, and for Chris, that partner was his wife, Aries.

Aries was a young woman of great beauty and intelligence, with a quick wit and a sharp tongue that often kept Chris on his toes. Despite her youthful appearance, Aries was wise beyond her years, and her counsel was highly valued by the Emperor.

When they faced a race of frequently changing enemies, Chris knew that traditional methods of warfare would not be enough to defeat them. In a stroke of genius, he came up with a revolutionary idea - he would give his soldiers the ability to form a hive mind, allowing them to share and analyze information in various places as a unit.

At first, the soldiers were skeptical of this new technology. They were used to fighting as individuals, each with their own thoughts and ideas. But Chris was a persuasive leader, and he assured them that this hive mind would give them a significant advantage in battle.

The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. The soldiers became more coordinated, more efficient, and more deadly than ever before. They moved as one, anticipating each other's moves and thoughts with uncanny precision. It was like they were all connected by an invisible thread, their minds working in perfect harmony.

Aries played a crucial role in maintaining this hive mind, acting as a conduit between Chris and the soldiers. Her gentle guidance and unwavering support kept the soldiers focused and united, even in the most chaotic of battles.

But of course, with great power comes great responsibility. The soldiers soon found out that being part of a hive mind was not all fun and games. They had to learn to navigate the sea of thoughts and emotions that surrounded them, filtering out the noise and focusing on the task at hand.

There were moments of hilarity, as soldiers accidentally shared embarrassing memories or found themselves thinking the same random thoughts at the same time. But there were also moments of great camaraderie, as they shared in each other's triumphs and supported each other in times of need.

Through it all, Emperor Chris and Aries remained the pillars of strength that held the hive mind together. Their love and trust in each other were the glue that bound the soldiers as a cohesive unit, ready to face any challenge that came their way.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his hive mind warriors spread throughout the Undverse, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies and inspiring awe in all who heard of their exploits. With Aries by his side, Chris knew that there was no obstacle they could not overcome.

And as they rode off into the sunset, hand in hand, the Undverse knew that they had witnessed something truly extraordinary - a love that transcended time and space, and a bond that could never be broken.

Aw 167. Earth.


241. Hive mind. Mental resistance.

(527 rating)

In the land of Hilaria, Emperor Chris was known for his quick wit and sharp sense of humor. His wife, Chiyo Sakura, on the other hand, was known for her beauty and grace. Together, they made a formidable pair, ruling their kingdom with love, laughter, and a healthy dose of sarcasm.

One day, a powerful race of mind-controlling entities known as the Zorgons descended upon Hilaria, determined to enslave its inhabitants and turn them into mindless drones. The people of Hilaria were no match for the Zorgons, who had the ability to control minds with just a single thought.

Emperor Chris knew that he had to act fast to protect his kingdom and his people. Drawing on his years of training in the art of mental combat, he called upon his soldiers to unite their minds in a hive mind, creating a mental forcefield that would protect them from the Zorgons' mind control.

At first, the soldiers were hesitant to join their minds together in such a way. But Emperor Chris reassured them that together, they were stronger than they could ever be on their own. With Chiyo Sakura by his side, he led the charge, forming a mental bond that was as strong as steel.

As the Zorgons advanced, their minds met the impenetrable wall of the hive mind, causing them to recoil in confusion. Emperor Chris and his soldiers stood tall, their mental strength holding firm against the onslaught of the enemy.

But the Zorgons were not so easily defeated. They launched wave after wave of attacks, their minds twisting and turning in an attempt to break through the hive mind. Emperor Chris and his soldiers fought back with all their might, pushing the Zorgons back with their quick wit and clever banter.

Chiyo Sakura, with her sharp intellect and keen eye for strategy, was instrumental in turning the tide of battle. She directed the soldiers with precision, leading them in a dance of mental combat that left the Zorgons reeling.

As the sun began to set on the battlefield, the Zorgons finally retreated, defeated by the combined mental strength of Emperor Chris and his soldiers. The people of Hilaria cheered, their hearts lightened by the victory that had been won through laughter and camaraderie.

Emperor Chris and Chiyo Sakura stood side by side, their eyes sparkling with pride and relief. They had faced the greatest challenge of their reign and emerged victorious, thanks to their unity and humor.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife, Chiyo Sakura, became legend in the land of Hilaria. They were hailed as heroes, their names whispered in reverence by all who had witnessed their triumph over the mind-controlling Zorgons.

As they rode off into the sunset, their laughter echoing in the wind, Emperor Chris and Chiyo Sakura knew that they would face many more challenges in the future. But as long as they had each other, and their quick wit and humor to guide them, they were confident that they could overcome anything that came their way.

And so, the kingdom of Hilaria lived happily ever after, ruled by a king and queen who knew that laughter was the key to a united and prosperous kingdom.

Aw 168. I


242. Hive mind

(507 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land as a wise and just ruler. He was loved by his people, and his beautiful wife, Tohka Yatogami, was equally beloved. The couple often entertained guests from far-off lands, regaling them with tales of their adventures and conquests.

One day, a massive horde of enemies descended upon the empire. Their numbers were overwhelming, and Chris's soldiers found themselves outnumbered and outmatched. The soldiers fought bravely, but it soon became apparent that they were no match for the agile and numerous foes.

Seeing his men in trouble, Chris knew he had to do something drastic. He called upon his powers of mind control, a gift he had inherited from his ancestors. The soldiers begged Chris to take control of their minds and guide them in battle against the enemy horde.

With a solemn nod, Chris concentrated his powers and reached out to his soldiers' minds. In an instant, a hive mind formed, linking all the soldiers together in a unified force. The soldiers felt a surge of energy and determination as Chris's voice echoed in their minds, guiding them in battle.

As one, the soldiers moved with new-found agility and strength. They fought like never before, their movements synchronized and precise. The enemy horde was taken aback by the sudden change in their opponents, and soon found themselves on the defensive.

Tohka watched in amazement as her husband's army turned the tide of battle. She had always known Chris was a remarkable ruler, but seeing him control an army with his mind was nothing short of extraordinary. She cheered and clapped along with the other onlookers, marveling at the display of power and ingenuity.

The battle raged on, with Chris's soldiers gaining ground with each passing moment. The enemy horde tried to regroup and mount a counterattack, but they were no match for the hive mind that Chris had established. The soldiers moved in perfect harmony, anticipating each other's moves and striking with deadly precision.

Finally, the enemy horde retreated in disarray, their forces decimated by Chris's mind-controlled army. The people of the empire cheered and celebrated their victory, hailing Chris as a hero and a savior. Tohka embraced her husband with tears of pride in her eyes, knowing that he had once again proven himself to be a great leader in the face of danger.

As the sun set on the battlefield, Chris and Tohka stood side by side, looking out over the land they had fought so hard to protect. They knew that more challenges lay ahead, but with Chris's powers of mind control and Tohka's unwavering support, they felt confident that they could overcome anything that came their way.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife Tohka Yatogami became legend in the land. A story of courage, determination, and the power of a united mind in the face of overwhelming odds. They would go on to face many more challenges in the years to come, but as long as they had each other, they knew they could conquer anything that stood in their way.

Aw 169. Was


243. Holy attack.

(423 rating)

Emperor Chris and his wife, Kuroyukihime, were a legendary power couple known throughout the kingdom for their strength, courage, and wit. Chris, with his mighty sword skills, and Kuroyukihime, with her magical prowess, were a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

One day, a horde of unholy enemies descended upon the kingdom - demons, liches, undead, ghosts, and all manner of sinister creatures. The people were terrified, unsure of how they would defend themselves against such malevolent forces.

But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. With a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous grin on his face, he turned to his beloved wife, Kuroyukihime, and devised a plan to empower their soldiers and vanquish their foes once and for all.

Using his knowledge of ancient magic and mystical artifacts, Chris imbued his soldiers with the ability to shoot holy blasts from their weapons. The troops were amazed at this newfound power, feeling a surge of confidence and determination coursing through their veins.

As they marched into battle, the enemies were taken aback by the sheer force and brilliance of the holy blasts. Demons were obliterated in a burst of divine light, liches crumbled to dust at the touch of the sacred energy, and ghosts wailed in agony as they were banished to the netherworld.

Emperor Chris and Kuroyukihime fought side by side, their love and teamwork shining as brightly as the holy blasts themselves. With each swing of Chris's sword and each incantation from Kuroyukihime's lips, the unholy enemies fell before them like wheat before the scythe.

But it wasn't just their power that won the day - it was their unbreakable spirit and unwavering humor in the face of danger. Even as they battled the most fearsome of foes, Chris and Kuroyukihime exchanged witty banter and playful jabs, lightening the mood and lifting the spirits of all who fought alongside them.

In the end, the unholy enemies were no match for the combined might of Emperor Chris and his wife, Kuroyukihime. The kingdom was saved, the people rejoiced, and a grand feast was held in honor of their valiant heroes.

As they sat at the head of the banquet table, laughing and sharing stories of their epic battle, Emperor Chris and Kuroyukihime knew that they were not just rulers of a kingdom - they were partners in love, in laughter, and in endless adventure.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and Kuroyukihime lived on, inspiring generations to come with their bravery, their humor, and their boundless creativity in the face of adversity.

Aw 170. There


244. Exorcism.

Emperor Chris' wife is Yui YUIGAHAMA.

Original: A huge number of ghosts has possessed the unsuspecting population. There was also a shortage of priests. Chris then gave his soldiers the ability to exorcise, and these spread out of the Undverse to cast out possessing spirits.


(438 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical land of Ouroboros, Emperor Chris ruled with a firm but fair hand. His reputation among the people was that of a just and kind ruler, but little did they know that behind the scenes, he was also a bit of a prankster.

Emperor Chris was known for his love of jokes and pranks, much to the amusement of his wife, the beautiful and witty Yui YUIGAHAMA. Yui was not your typical empress - she had a quick wit and a mischievous sense of humor that matched her husband's perfectly. Together, they were the perfect pair, ruling over their kingdom with laughter and joy.

However, one day a terrible tragedy struck the land of Ouroboros. A horde of ghosts had possessed the unsuspecting population, causing chaos and fear among the people. The shortage of priests in the kingdom meant that there was no one to perform exorcisms and rid the land of these malevolent spirits.

Emperor Chris, being the resourceful ruler that he was, came up with a plan. He gathered his most trusted soldiers and bestowed upon them the power to exorcise the ghosts that plagued their land. The soldiers, armed with the ability to cast out possessing spirits, spread out across the Undverse to bring peace and tranquility back to Ouroboros.

As they traveled from village to village, the soldiers used their newfound powers to banish the ghosts and restore order to the kingdom. The people marveled at their bravery and skill, praising Emperor Chris for his quick thinking and ingenuity.

Meanwhile, back at the palace, Yui YUIGAHAMA was busy concocting her own plan to help her husband in his quest to rid the kingdom of ghosts. Using her sharp mind and clever wit, she devised a series of elaborate pranks to trick the spirits into leaving their hosts.

One particularly mischievous ghost had taken up residence in the Undverse, terrorizing the residents with its spooky antics. Yui, dressed in a disguise, approached the ghost and challenged it to a game of wits. The ghost, who was not one to back down from a challenge, accepted Yui's offer.

For hours they matched wits, trading clever insults and outlandish stories. In the end, it was Yui who emerged victorious, tricking the ghost into revealing its true name and banishing it back to the netherworld.

The people of Ouroboros rejoiced as the last of the ghosts were driven out of their land. Emperor Chris and Yui YUIGAHAMA were hailed as heroes, their names forever etched in the annals of history as the saviors of their kingdom.

And so, with laughter and love, they ruled over their kingdom for many more years, their reign remembered for the joy and merriment that they brought to their people. And though the ghosts were gone, the memory of their antics lived on in the hearts of the people, a testament to the power of humor and creativity in the face of darkness.

Aw 171. When


245. Holy manipulation. Weapons.

(469 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical land of Altaria, there lived Emperor Chris, known far and wide for his charming personality and his undeniable love for his people. And by his side was his beautiful wife, Miku NAKANO, with her flowing pink hair and captivating blue eyes.

Emperor Chris was a man of great vision and creativity, always thinking of ways to protect his kingdom from the forces of darkness that lurked in the shadows. One day, he came up with a brilliant plan to replicate the holy relics and weapons that had been passed down through generations, and give them to his soldiers to fight off the evil that threatened their land.

With a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous smile on his face, Emperor Chris set his plan in motion. He enlisted the help of his most skilled craftsmen and mages to create exact replicas of the sacred artifacts, imbued with the same divine power as the originals.

Once the weapons were completed, Emperor Chris called upon his soldiers and presented them with the holy relics. He also gave them special training in holy manipulation, teaching them how to channel the power of the artifacts effectively in battle.

The soldiers were thrilled with their new weapons and training, and they set off to face the darkness with renewed courage and determination. They fought valiantly against the evil forces, wielding their holy relics with skill and precision, thanks to the guidance of Emperor Chris.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers found themselves facing a formidable enemy – a powerful sorcerer who commanded legions of undead warriors. But Emperor Chris had one more trick up his sleeve. With a wave of his hand and a flicker of magic in his eyes, he summoned a giant dragon made of shimmering light to join the fight.

The dragon flew through the sky, breathing bolts of holy fire upon the sorcerer and his minions, scattering them like leaves in the wind. The soldiers cheered as they watched the evil forces crumble before them, defeated by the combined might of their holy relics, their training in holy manipulation, and the magnificent dragon that Emperor Chris had summoned.

In the end, the kingdom of Altaria was saved from the darkness, thanks to the ingenuity and courage of Emperor Chris, his wife Miku NAKANO, and the brave soldiers who fought by their side. And as the people celebrated their victory with feasting and revelry, Emperor Chris and Miku NAKANO shared a tender moment, basking in the glow of their triumph and the love that bound them together.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his valiant warriors became a tale that was told for generations to come, inspiring all who heard it to believe in the power of creativity, courage, and love to overcome even the darkest of obstacles.

Aw 172. The


S246. Holy manipulation. Miracles.

(484 rating)

Emperor Chris and his wife, Nene Yashiro, stood hand in hand on the balcony of their palace, gazing out at the planet's beautiful pinkish sky. The two of them had ruled their world with wisdom and compassion, and now they were ready to spread their message of peace and unity to other planets in the Undverse.

Chris, with his charming smile and warm personality, was convinced that other worlds would be eager to join their cause. He believed that by showing them the power of miracles, they could convince them to come together in harmony.

With a wave of his hand, Chris granted his people the ability to perform miracles. They could heal the sick, bring rain to drought-stricken lands, and even turn water into wine. It was a power unlike anything the Undverse had ever seen before.

Nene, with her grace and maturity, supported her husband's vision wholeheartedly. She would often accompany him on his diplomatic missions, using her own powers of persuasion to win over even the most skeptical of leaders.

Their first stop was the planet of Zephyr, a world known for its fierce warriors and stubborn rulers. Chris and Nene arrived in grand style, their spaceship glittering in the sunlight as they descended upon the planet.

The Zephyrians were wary of the outsiders at first, but Chris quickly won them over with his charm and wit. He performed miracles before their eyes, turning stone into gold and creating rainbows in the sky. The Zephyrians were amazed, and soon they were ready to ally themselves with Emperor Chris and his wife.

Next, they traveled to the planet of Astra, a world known for its advanced technology and cold, logical inhabitants. The Astraians were skeptical of the concept of miracles, but Chris was undeterred. He presented them with feats of impossible proportions, bending time and space to his will.

Nene, with her calm and reassuring presence, helped to ease the fears of the Astraian leaders. She spoke of unity and peace, of the power of love and compassion to transcend even the most rigid barriers.

And slowly but surely, the Astraian people began to believe in the power of miracles. They saw the beauty and wonder that could be achieved through faith and hope, and they too joined Emperor Chris and his wife in their quest for unity.

As they traveled from planet to planet, spreading their message of peace and unity, Chris and Nene became known throughout the Undverse as the ambassadors of miracles. They were hailed as heroes, revered for their wisdom and compassion.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, Nene Yashiro, continued on their journey, bringing light and joy to all the corners of the Undverse. With their powers of miracles and their vision of unity, they were unstoppable. And as they stood once again on the balcony of their palace, hand in hand, watching the pinkish sky above, they knew that their legacy would live on forever.

Aw 173. Heavens


S247. Homing attacks

(427 rating)

Once upon a time in a far-off kingdom, there lived Emperor Chris and his intelligent and witty wife, Rem GALEU. The couple was known for their lavish lifestyle and extravagant tastes, with Chris always looking for ways to outdo himself in grandeur.

One day, Chris decided to build a new palace entirely made of gold. The palace was unlike anything the kingdom had ever seen before, with shimmering walls and floors that reflected the sunlight so brightly that it blinded anyone who dared to stare for too long. The sight of the golden palace left everyone in awe, and Chris basked in the admiration of his subjects.

But Chris's reign was not without its challenges. Agile enemies from neighboring lands frequently attacked the kingdom, evading their defenses with ease. Frustrated by their inability to protect his people, Chris turned to his loyal soldiers for help.

In a stroke of genius, Chris devised a plan to give his soldiers the ability to throw their weapons with homing attacks. These homing attacks were moves that could seek out their targets with uncanny precision, reducing the chance of missing even if the opponent tried to dodge and weave their way out of harm's reach. The soldiers were trained in the art of homing attacks, practicing tirelessly until they could hit a bullseye blindfolded.

The next time the enemies attacked, they were met with an unrelenting barrage of homing attacks that zeroed in on their targets with deadly accuracy. The enemies were left scrambling, unable to evade the onslaught of weapons that sought them out no matter where they tried to hide. In the end, the enemies were defeated, and the kingdom was saved thanks to Chris's innovative idea.

The success of the homing attacks brought about a new era of peace and prosperity for the kingdom. Chris and Rem GALEU were hailed as heroes, their names whispered in awe and admiration by all who knew of their deeds. The golden palace gleamed even brighter in the sun, a symbol of the kingdom's strength and unity.

As the years went by, Chris and Rem GALEU continued to rule with wisdom and compassion, their reign marked by laughter and merriment. The kingdom thrived under their guidance, and the people lived happily ever after, knowing that their emperor and empress would always protect them with their innovative homing attacks and visionary leadership.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife, Rem GALEU, became a legend in the land, a story passed down from generation to generation, a testament to the power of humor, creativity, and most importantly, love.

Aw 174. Were
