Unedited Chapter 7

S331. Organic manipulation.

(480 rating)

Emperor Chris was a powerful leader of the ancient empire of Thaloria. He was known for his intelligence, wisdom, and his sharp wit. But what most people didn't know about Chris was that he had a mischievous side to him, especially when it came to dealing with his enemies.

One of Chris' biggest enemies were the Gamayun, prophetic birds with women's heads that lived in the neighboring kingdom of Avolonia. These birds were known for their powerful abilities to see into the future and predict events that would unfold in the realm. They were feared and respected by many because of their abilities, but they also had a weakness – they were heavily dependent on organic food to maintain their powers.

Chris saw an opportunity to take advantage of this weakness and came up with a clever plan. He gathered his best soldiers and gave them the gift of organic manipulation – the ability to manipulate organic matter at will. With this newfound power, Chris' soldiers were able to manipulate the food supply of the Gamayun, greatly weakening their abilities and leaving them vulnerable to attack.

One day, Emperor Chris received news that the Gamayun were planning to unleash a devastating prophecy that would cripple Thaloria's economy. Chris knew that he had to act fast if he wanted to protect his empire from destruction. He called upon his wife, Misaki NAKAHARA, a skilled strategist and diplomat, to help him come up with a plan to outwit the Gamayun.

Misaki was known for her keen intellect and her ability to think outside the box. She listened to Chris' plan and immediately saw the potential for a hilarious twist. Together, they came up with a plan to use the Gamayun's own powers against them.

Misaki proposed that they create a fake prophecy that would predict the downfall of the Gamayun unless they surrendered to the Thalorians. With the help of the soldiers who had the gift of organic manipulation, they fabricated a prophecy that was so convincing, the Gamayun believed every word of it.

As the days passed, the Gamayun grew more and more desperate as they saw the fake prophecy coming true before their very eyes. They knew that they had no choice but to surrender to Emperor Chris and his forces. The Thalorians emerged victorious, and the Gamayun were left humiliated and defeated.

The people of Thaloria celebrated their Emperor's victory, but it was Misaki's quick thinking and humor that had saved the day. The Gamayun never dared to challenge Emperor Chris again, knowing that he and his wife were not to be underestimated.

And so, Emperor Chris and Misaki NAKAHARA ruled over Thaloria with wit, humor, and a touch of visionary creativity, ensuring that their empire remained safe and prosperous for years to come. Their enemies learned the hard way that you should never underestimate the power of a clever mind and a good sense of humor.

Aw 258. Creation


S332. Pain manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Origami TOBIICHI. Allies: Garuda  – known as the primordial birds and the progenitor of some cosmic birds; vehicle of some gods. Chris faced enemies that caused great pain to the birds. Chris gave his people the gift of pain manipulation. They prevented themselves from getting hurt, and they caused pain to the agile enemies too.


(493 rating)

Emperor Chris, the ruler of the mythical kingdom of Aviania, was known far and wide for his incredible ability to manipulate pain. His people possessed a unique gift - the power to prevent themselves from getting hurt, and to cause pain to their enemies instead. This gift had helped them defend their kingdom from countless attacks, but there was one enemy who seemed to always slip through their defenses - the mischievous Garuda.

Garuda, known as the primordial bird and the progenitor of some cosmic birds, was a thorn in Chris' side. Despite his best efforts, the wily bird always seemed to outsmart him and wreak havoc on Aviania. But Chris was determined to put an end to Garuda's antics once and for all.

One day, Chris received word that Garuda was planning a daring raid on the kingdom. Determined to stop him, Chris called upon his allies - the cosmic birds who owed their existence to Garuda but now stood with Aviania. Together, they hatched a plan to finally capture the elusive bird.

As they prepared for the attack, Chris' wife, Origami Tobichi, joined the fray. Known for her unparalleled skill in the ancient art of origami, she crafted intricate designs that would help trap Garuda once and for all. With her by his side, Chris felt confident that this time, they would be able to outsmart the mischievous bird.

When Garuda finally descended upon Aviania, he was met with a surprise. As he swooped down to attack, he was suddenly ensnared in a web of origami birds crafted by Origami Tobichi. Unable to break free, Garuda squawked in frustration as Chris and his people surrounded him, ready to unleash their pain manipulation powers.

But instead of causing harm, Chris and his people decided to play a little prank on Garuda. Using their powers, they tickled the bird relentlessly until he was gasping for breath, unable to do anything but laugh. Garuda, known for his fierce demeanor, found himself incapacitated by laughter, much to the amusement of the people of Aviania.

As Garuda finally calmed down, Chris approached him with a smile. "Now, Garuda," he said, "I hope you've learned your lesson. We may have the power to cause pain, but sometimes, a little laughter is the best remedy for a mischievous bird like yourself.

"Garuda, still chuckling, nodded in agreement. He had underestimated the people of Aviania, but now he knew that they were not only powerful but also clever and kind-hearted. With a newfound respect for his enemies turned friends, Garuda promised to never cause trouble for Aviania again.

And so, peace was restored to the kingdom of Aviania, thanks to the combined efforts of Emperor Chris, Origami Tobichi, and their allies. The birds continued to soar through the skies, knowing that they had the power to protect their home and defend it against any threat, no matter how mischievous. And as for Garuda, he became an honorary member of Aviania, welcomed with open wings and good-natured laughter.

Aw 259. Of


S333. Paper manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the mature and big breasted Haruna. Enemies: Hakawai – bird that were sometimes heard but not usually seen. However, Thet had a weakness to paper and their invisibility fails upon contact with paper. They seem to have been creations from drawings in some powerful entity's paper/canvass. Chris gave his people the The ability to create and/or manipulate paper in various ways.


(491 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wit, charm, and most of all, his love for his wife, Haruna. The two had been married for many years, and their love only seemed to grow stronger with each passing day. Haruna, in particular, was beloved by the people not only for her beauty and grace but also for her quick wit and sharp tongue.

One day, as Emperor Chris was meeting with his advisors in the royal chamber, a strange and peculiar sound could be heard outside the palace walls. It was the sound of Hakawai, the mysterious birds that were said to have a weakness for paper. The advisors all looked at each other in confusion, for the birds were rarely seen and even more rarely heard.

Emperor Chris, ever the curious one, decided to investigate the source of the noise. As he stepped outside the palace gates, he was greeted by a sight that took his breath away. Hakawai birds, with their brightly colored feathers and sharp beaks, were flying overhead, their wings rustling against the breeze. Chris knew that these birds were not to be trifled with, for their invisibility failed upon contact with paper.

Thinking quickly, Chris called upon his people to bring him the finest paper in the land. With a wave of his hand, he began to manipulate the paper in various ways, creating intricate shapes and designs that seemed to dance in the air. The Hakawai birds, sensing the paper's presence, swooped down to investigate, their invisibility disappearing as soon as they made contact.

The birds, now visible to all, let out a cacophony of squawks and screeches, startled by their sudden visibility. Chris, always the showman, decided to make a game of it. With a mischievous grin, he challenged the birds to a contest of wit and creativity, using the paper to create increasingly elaborate designs that the birds had to mimic.

Haruna, watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but laugh at her husband's antics. With her mature demeanor and big, nurturing heart, she couldn't imagine a more perfect match for the irreverent Emperor. Together, they watched as the Hakawai birds struggled to keep up with Chris's ever-changing creations, their colorful feathers ruffled in frustration.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the palace grounds, Chris finally relented, declaring the birds the winners of the contest. With a final flourish, he sent them on their way, their mysterious calls fading into the distance. The people cheered and applauded, grateful for their Emperor's quick thinking and boundless creativity.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Haruna continued to rule over their kingdom with love and laughter, always ready to face whatever challenges came their way, whether they be Hakawai birds or any other mysterious creatures that crossed their path. And as long as they had each other, they knew that they could overcome anything with a smile on their faces and a twinkle in their eyes.

Aw 260. Man
