Volume 31, Unedited Chapter 1:

Volume 31.

S334. Paralysis inducement.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Mizuki HIMEJI. Enemies: corrupted Hudhud  – messenger to prophets. These were very fast and attack quickly. Chris gave the power of paralysis inducement to his people to stop the enemies from moving, even for just a while.


(407 rating)

Emperor Chris, known for his kindness and wisdom, had a wife named Mizuki Himeji. Mizuki was renowned for her beauty and intelligence, and the people of the kingdom adored her. However, their peaceful existence was soon threatened by the corrupted Hudhud, messengers to prophets who had turned to the dark side.

These corrupted creatures were known for their speed and quick attacks, making them a formidable enemy. Emperor Chris knew that he needed to come up with a plan to protect his kingdom and his beloved wife. He decided to bestow upon his people the power of paralysis inducement, allowing them to temporarily immobilize their enemies.

When the corrupted Hudhud launched their first attack on the kingdom, the people sprung into action. Using the power given to them by Emperor Chris, they were able to stop the enemies in their tracks, even if just for a few moments. This gave them the opportunity to strategize and come up with a plan to defeat the corrupted messengers.

As the battle raged on, Mizuki stood by her husband's side, offering her support and encouragement. She had always been a strong and fierce woman, and her presence on the battlefield gave the people hope and courage. With her guidance, they were able to outsmart the corrupted messengers and ultimately emerge victorious.

After the battle was won, Emperor Chris and Mizuki Himeji celebrated with a grand feast in the palace. The people of the kingdom cheered and sang in honor of their brave leaders. The couple danced together, their laughter ringing throughout the halls.

As they looked out at the kingdom they had fought so hard to protect, Mizuki turned to her husband with a mischievous glint in her eye. "I suppose we should thank those corrupted Hudhud for giving us a challenge," she said with a smirk.

Emperor Chris chuckled, his eyes sparkling with love and admiration for his wife. "Yes, they certainly put up a good fight.

But in the end, love conquers all, doesn't it, my dear?"And so, the kingdom of Emperor Chris and Mizuki Himeji lived on in peace and prosperity, their love shining brightly for all to see. The people never forgot the battle they had fought together, and they always remembered the day when their enemies were stopped in their tracks by the power of paralysis inducement. It was a story that would be told for generations to come, a tale of bravery, love, and the triumph of good over evil.

Aw 261. By


S335. Peak human characteristics

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Laura BODEWIG. Enemies: Huginn and Muninn – leaders of ravens that serve as messengers. They were extremely dangerous to humans and can sense powerful beings. So, Chris temporarily made his humans without powers but with peak human characteristics. Feats: Broke several things made of metal, Picked up hundreds of kilograms, Ran a few times faster than normal athletes, Ran fast enough to outrun bikes or wild animals, Attacked so fast that normal humans can't even react, Can still fight even when stabbed in fatal areas.

Alternate realm with no overpowered humans:

(564 rating)

Emperor Chris, the mighty ruler of the land, was known for his incredible strength and power. His wife, Laura Bodewig, was equally strong and fearless, standing by his side through thick and thin. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with.

However, their peaceful reign was soon disrupted by the arrival of their enemies, Huginn and Muninn, the leaders of the ravens that served as messengers of doom. These cunning creatures were extremely dangerous to humans, with the ability to sense powerful beings from afar.

Fearing for the safety of his beloved wife, Chris took a drastic step to protect her. He temporarily stripped both himself and Laura of their powers, leaving them with only their peak human characteristics. Despite this setback, they were determined to face their enemies head-on.

As they prepared for battle, Laura couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, this is certainly a new challenge," she said with a grin.

"But I think we can handle a couple of pesky ravens, don't you think, dear?"Chris nodded, a playful glint in his eye. "Of course, my love.

After all, what's a little bird compared to the two of us?"With that, they set out to confront Huginn and Muninn, armed with nothing but their wits and their natural abilities. As they entered the battlefield, the ravens swooped down from the skies, their sharp talons gleaming in the sunlight.

But Chris and Laura were ready for them. With a swift movement, Chris broke several metal objects with his bare hands, using them as makeshift weapons against the feathered foes. Laura, on the other hand, effortlessly picked up hundreds of kilograms of debris, hurling them at the oncoming attackers with precision.

The battle raged on, with Huginn and Muninn trying to outmaneuver the formidable duo. But Chris and Laura were faster than they had ever been before, running circles around their enemies with ease. They sprinted at lightning speed, leaving trails of dust in their wake as they dodged the sharp beaks and talons of the ravens.

At one point, a raven managed to land a direct hit on Chris, stabbing him in a fatal area. But to everyone's surprise, Chris barely flinched. With a grim smile, he continued to fight on, his adrenaline pumping as he unleashed a barrage of attacks on his feathered foe.

Laura, too, showed no signs of slowing down. She danced around the battlefield like a whirlwind, her movements fluid and graceful as she struck down every raven that dared to come near her. Despite being outnumbered, the two of them fought side by side, their trust in each other unwavering.

As the sun began to set, the battlefield was littered with fallen ravens, their defeated cries echoing in the air. Chris and Laura stood victorious, their chests heaving with exhaustion but their spirits high.

"Well, that was certainly one for the history books," Laura said with a laugh, wiping sweat from her brow.

"Who knew we could be such formidable warriors without our powers?"Chris grinned and pulled her into a tight embrace. "My dear Laura, when it comes to protecting you, I would move mountains if I had to.

Powers or no powers, we make a pretty unbeatable team, don't you think?"And with that, the Emperor and his wife walked off into the sunset, their love stronger than ever and their bond unbreakable, ready to face whatever challenges the future may bring.

Aw 262. Prometheus


S336. Perception manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the mature Enju AIHARA. Enemies: Itsumade – monstrous birds with a human face. They were powerful creatures hunting Chris' army because they were jealous that Chris had many wives. Chris gave his people perception manipulation to confuse or stop the enemies.


(467 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his charismatic charm, his strategic brilliance, and his impressive harem of wives. Among his many wives was the elegant and mature Enju Aihara, a woman of great wisdom and grace.

The land was constantly under threat from the monstrous birds known as Itsumade, creatures with human faces who were bent on conquering Chris's kingdom out of jealousy for his many wives. These birds were powerful and relentless in their pursuit, causing fear and panic among the inhabitants of the kingdom.

But Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. With his army at his side, he devised a clever plan to outwit the Itsumade and protect his beloved wives. He gave his people the power of perception manipulation, a magical ability that allowed them to confuse and deceive the enemy.

As the Itsumade swooped down upon the kingdom, the people unleashed their newfound powers, creating illusions and mirages that left the birds disoriented and befuddled. The Itsumade, with their human faces contorted in confusion, found themselves flying in circles and crashing into each other, unable to distinguish friend from foe.

Emperor Chris watched from his throne with a grin, knowing that his kingdom was safe thanks to the quick thinking and resourcefulness of his people. Enju Aihara stood by his side, with a knowing smile on her face, her wisdom shining through in the face of danger.

But the laughter and merriment didn't end there. As the Itsumade fled in defeat, Emperor Chris turned to his wives and proclaimed a grand feast to celebrate their victory. The kingdom was filled with music, dance, and the sound of joyous laughter as the people came together to revel in their success.

Enju Aihara, ever the voice of reason, urged caution and moderation in their celebrations. But Emperor Chris, ever the indulgent ruler, insisted on a night of revelry and excess. The feast lasted long into the night, with food and drink flowing freely and the people dancing and singing with abandon.

As the sun began to rise on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the kingdom, Emperor Chris looked out at his people with pride and gratitude. The threat of the Itsumade had been vanquished, thanks to their unity and ingenuity.

And as for Enju Aihara, she remained at his side, her calm presence a soothing balm to his sometimes reckless nature. Together, they ruled the kingdom with wisdom and compassion, their love for each other and their people guiding their every decision.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his mature wife, Enju Aihara, became a legend that would be told for generations to come. A story of bravery, humor, and love that would inspire all who heard it to be their best selves and face whatever challenges came their way with grace and determination.

Aw 263. Prometheus


S337. Perception manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Eris BOREAS. Enemies: Jingwei – birds who are determined to fill up the Undverses. Chris gave perception manipulation to his people to confuse the birds. Proprioception Manipulation: manipulates the birds' own comprehension of their body and their location. Balance Manipulation. He also increased the perception of his people to detect the birds.


(462 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Galactic Empire was known for his quick wit and sense of humor. He ruled over his vast empire with a light heart and a keen eye for detail. But his most beloved possession was his wife, Eris Boreas. Eris was not only beautiful, but also clever and resourceful, making her the perfect companion for Chris in both love and ruling the empire.

However, their peaceful existence was threatened by the Jingwei – a flock of birds determined to fill up the Universe with their incessant chirping and squawking. These birds were relentless in their pursuit, and Emperor Chris knew he had to come up with a plan to protect his empire and his people from their noisy intrusions.

With a twinkle in his eye, Chris decided to use his powers of perception manipulation to confuse the Jingwei. He knew that if he could manipulate their proprioception – their sense of their own bodies and their surroundings – he could throw them off course and prevent them from invading his empire.

So, he set to work, using his powers to make the birds feel as though they were flying in circles, falling out of the sky, and bumping into each other. The Jingwei were baffled by these strange sensations and soon gave up their quest to fill up the Universe with their cacophony.

But Chris didn't stop there. He also decided to use his powers to increase the perception of his people to detect the Jingwei before they could cause any trouble. With their enhanced senses, the people of the Galactic Empire were able to spot the birds from miles away and take the necessary precautions to keep them at bay.

As the Jingwei retreated in defeat, Emperor Chris and Eris Boreas celebrated their victory with a grand feast and a night of dancing under the stars. The people of the empire rejoiced, grateful for their ruler's quick thinking and clever strategies.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, Eris Boreas, lived on in the annals of history as a tale of wit, humor, and visionary creativity. Their love for each other and their dedication to their people were unmatched, making them the most beloved rulers the Galactic Empire had ever known.

As they stood side by side, watching the sun set over their kingdom, Chris turned to Eris with a twinkle in his eye and said, "My dear, we may have defeated the Jingwei today, but who knows what challenges tomorrow may bring? But as long as we face them together, with humor and creativity, there is nothing we cannot overcome.

"And so, Emperor Chris and Eris Boreas faced the future with courage and laughter, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could conquer any obstacle that came their way.

Aw 264. And


S338. Petrification.

Original: Emperor Chris wife is Tsubaki SAWABE. Allies: Lamassu – goddesses with a human head, the body of a bull or a lion, and bird wings. Chris and his people fought powerful but jelly like entities. Chris gave his people the ability to petrify enemies. Enemies turned to stone.


(450 rating)

Emperor Chris was a great ruler, known for his ability to lead his people with courage and wisdom. He had a loyal wife, Tsubaki Sawabe, who was not only beautiful but also incredibly intelligent. Together, they ruled over their kingdom with grace and strength.

One day, a powerful army of jelly-like entities, known as the Gelatians, invaded the kingdom. These creatures were slippery and hard to defeat, as they could slip through any cracks or crevices in the defense. The people of the kingdom were terrified, unsure of how to protect themselves from this strange and formidable enemy.

Emperor Chris knew that he had to come up with a plan to defeat the Gelatians. He summoned his closest advisors, including the Lamassu goddesses, who were known for their wisdom and foresight. The Lamassu goddesses had the body of a bull or lion, the head of a human, and wings of a bird. They were powerful beings that could see into the future and guide the Emperor in times of need.

After much deliberation, the Lamassu goddesses revealed to Emperor Chris a secret weapon that would help his people in their fight against the Gelatians. They bestowed upon Chris and his people the ability to turn their enemies to stone with just a touch. This new power gave them a fighting chance against the slippery foes, as the stone form immobilized the Gelatians and made them an easy target.

Emperor Chris and his wife, Tsubaki Sawabe, led the charge against the Gelatians with great determination. Tsubaki, in particular, showed great skill and prowess in battle, using her wit and intelligence to outsmart the enemy at every turn. With the Lamassu goddesses guiding them, the people of the kingdom fought bravely, turning the Gelatians to stone one by one.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris and Tsubaki Sawabe found themselves face to face with the leader of the Gelatians, a massive jelly-like creature that seemed impervious to their attacks. But with a clever maneuver and a swift touch, they were able to turn the leader to stone as well, effectively putting an end to the invasion.

The people of the kingdom cheered as the Gelatians lay defeated at their feet, frozen in stone form for all eternity. Emperor Chris and his wife, Tsubaki Sawabe, were hailed as heroes, their names forever etched in the annals of history for their great victory.

And so, the kingdom was saved from the clutches of the Gelatians, thanks to the wisdom and courage of Emperor Chris, his loyal wife Tsubaki Sawabe, and the guidance of the powerful Lamassu goddesses. The people lived in peace once more, secure in the knowledge that they were protected by their fearless leaders and their mystical allies.

Aw 265. Epimetheus


S339. Photographic memory

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Izumi AKAZAWA. Enemies: Luan  – birds which carries a shield and tramples on snakes while wearing one on its breast. Their real names were very long and sometimes appear on their bodies as a curse. Their realm forbids technological devices. Chris granted photographic memory to his people so they can write the names and defeat the creatures.

(431 rating)

Emperor Chris of the land of Magoria was a kind and wise ruler, beloved by all his subjects. He was known for his quirky sense of humor and his love for all creatures, big and small. His wife, Izumi Akazawa, was a beautiful and intelligent woman who captured his heart from the moment they met.

One day, a new enemy appeared on the horizon – the fearsome Luan. These bizarre creatures were half-bird, half-snake, with the ability to trample on snakes while wearing shields on their breasts. Their real names were so long and convoluted that they would appear as curses on their bodies. The people of Magoria were taken aback by these strange creatures and their mysterious abilities.

Emperor Chris knew that his people needed help in defeating the Luan. So, he granted them all the gift of photographic memory. With this newfound ability, the citizens of Magoria were able to remember the long and complex names of the Luan, enabling them to write them down and speak them aloud to vanquish the creatures.

The people of Magoria quickly got to work, studying the names of the Luan and practicing saying them out loud. It wasn't long before they were able to confidently confront the creatures and drive them away from their land. The Luan were no match for the clever and resourceful people of Magoria, thanks to the Emperor's unique gift.

Throughout the battle, Emperor Chris and Izumi Akazawa stood by their people, offering words of encouragement and support. Despite the challenging circumstances, they never lost their sense of humor. Chris would crack jokes to keep everyone's spirits high, while Izumi would sing lighthearted songs to lift their moods.

As the last of the Luan fled from Magoria, the people cheered and celebrated their victory. Emperor Chris and Izumi Akazawa held a grand feast in honor of the brave citizens who had defeated the fearsome creatures. The banquet was filled with laughter, music, and delicious food, as everyone came together to rejoice in their triumph.

From that day on, the people of Magoria were known far and wide for their incredible memory and their ability to overcome any obstacle that came their way. Emperor Chris and Izumi Akazawa were hailed as heroes, revered for their leadership and unwavering support of their people.

And so, with humor, creativity, and a touch of visionary thinking, Emperor Chris and his wife Izumi Akazawa led their kingdom to victory, proving that with courage and determination, anything is possible. The people of Magoria would never forget the day they defeated the Luan and emerged stronger and more united than ever before.

Aw 266. Were


S340. Physics manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Yuuki KONNO. Minokawa – Giant, Dragon-like birds. These birds were numerous and scattered in various Undverses. They have the physics manipulation ability and been changing the laws randomly. To counter this, Chris gave his people physics manipulation too, and immunity from the changes that the birds did. The people then fixed the mess.


Emperor Chris of the Universe had a wife named Yuuki KONNO, who was known for her beauty, intelligence, and quick wit. Together, they ruled over their vast empire with a fair and just hand, always mindful of the needs and desires of their people.

One day, they received troubling news that the Minokawa - giant, dragon-like birds that possessed the power of physics manipulation - were causing chaos in various Undverses. These creatures had been changing the laws of physics randomly, leaving destruction and confusion in their wake.

Determined to put an end to this madness, Emperor Chris called upon his people for help. He bestowed upon them the gift of physics manipulation as well, ensuring that they would be immune to the changes wrought by the Minokawa. With their newfound abilities, the people set out to fix the mess created by the giant birds.

As they traveled through the various Undverses, they encountered all manner of strange and bizarre phenomena. Gravity would suddenly reverse direction, causing objects to float off into space. Time would warp and bend, leading to comical misunderstandings and mishaps. And the very fabric of reality itself seemed to be in flux, as new laws of physics were created and discarded with alarming frequency.

Despite the chaos and confusion, Emperor Chris and his people approached the task at hand with a lighthearted sense of humor. They joked and laughed their way through the impossible challenges presented by the Minokawa, using their creativity and quick thinking to outsmart the giant birds at every turn.

One particularly memorable encounter involved a Minokawa that had created a maze of twisted dimensions, where the laws of physics were constantly shifting and changing. As Emperor Chris and his people navigated the maze, they found themselves walking on walls, floating in mid-air, and even shrinking and growing in size at random intervals.

Through it all, Yuuki KONNO remained a steadfast and unflappable presence by Emperor Chris' side. Her sharp mind and quick wit proved invaluable in navigating the treacherous terrain created by the Minokawa, and her humor and optimism kept their spirits high even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

In the end, after countless challenges and trials, Emperor Chris and his people emerged victorious. They had outsmarted the Minokawa and restored order to the Undverses, setting things right once more. And as they returned home triumphantly, they did so with a newfound appreciation for the power of humor, creativity, and visionary thinking in the face of adversity.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Yuuki KONNO ruled over their empire with a renewed sense of purpose and resolve, confident in the knowledge that no challenge was too great to overcome with a little laughter and a lot of heart. The Minokawa may have been giants, but Emperor Chris and his people were giants in their own right, rising to the occasion with courage, wit, and a healthy dose of humor.


(495 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his wisdom, his witty sense of humor, and his beautiful wife, Yuuki KONNO. The two of them ruled over a kingdom filled with diversity and innovation, but they faced a unique challenge: the Minokawa, giant, dragon-like birds that had a penchant for messing with the laws of physics in various Universes.

The Minokawa were a mischievous bunch, causing chaos and confusion wherever they went. They would twist the laws of nature, turning gravity upside down, making time run backwards, and rearranging space in strange and unexpected ways. It was a headache for everyone involved, but Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge.

With his clever wit and quick thinking, Chris came up with a solution to combat the chaos caused by the Minokawa. He decided to give his people the power of physics manipulation, allowing them to counteract the changes made by the mischievous birds. With this newfound ability, the people of the kingdom were able to restore order and fix the messes left behind by the Minokawa.

But Emperor Chris didn't stop there. He also granted his people immunity from the random changes made by the Minokawa, ensuring that they would not be affected by the chaos that the birds brought with them. With this newfound security, the kingdom was able to thrive and prosper, despite the ongoing antics of the Minokawa.

Yuuki KONNO, the Empress, played a key role in this venture. With her sharp mind and quick reflexes, she was able to outsmart the Minokawa at every turn. Whether it was reversing time to undo their mischief or creating pockets of stable space to protect the kingdom, Yuuki was always one step ahead of the game.

As the years went by, the Minokawa grew tired of their pranks being foiled by Emperor Chris and his people. They eventually decided to move on to other Universes, leaving the kingdom in peace once more. And while they may have been a nuisance at times, the Minokawa were always remembered fondly for the excitement and humor they brought to the kingdom.

Emperor Chris and Yuuki KONNO ruled over their kingdom with grace, humor, and a touch of whimsy. They were beloved by their people for their clever solutions to challenging problems and their ability to see the humor in even the most chaotic situations. And as they sat on their thrones, watching the sunset over their peaceful kingdom, they knew that they were truly meant for each other, a perfect balance of wit and wisdom, laughter and love.

The tale of Emperor Chris and Yuuki KONNO and their battle against the mischievous Minokawa was told for generations to come, a story of humor, creativity, and the power of love to conquer even the most daunting of challenges. And as the kingdom continued to flourish under their reign, the people knew that they were truly blessed to have such wise and witty rulers guiding them into a bright and prosperous future.

Aw 267. Spared


S341. Plant manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Momo HINAMORI. Enemies: Nachtkrapp  – The Night Ravens. They controlled plants all over the Undverses, see and feel through them, move through them, be camouflaged by plants. These ravens can also make plants act like golems.  Chris countered by giving his people the same abilities.


(424 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide as a powerful and wise ruler. He had conquered many enemies and brought peace and prosperity to his kingdom. But there was one foe that had always eluded him - the Night Ravens of Nachtkrapp.

These sneaky birds had the ability to control plants all over the Undverses. They could see and feel through them, move through them, and even camouflage themselves with plants. To make matters worse, they could make plants act like golems, creating powerful soldiers to do their bidding.

But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He knew that he had to come up with a creative solution to defeat the Night Ravens once and for all. So he turned to his wife, Momo HINAMORI, for help.

Momo was known for her incredible talent with plants. She could make them grow and flourish like no one else. With her guidance, Emperor Chris's people were able to harness the same abilities as the Night Ravens. They learned to see and feel through plants, move through them effortlessly, and even control them to do their bidding.

The Night Ravens were taken by surprise when they realized that Emperor Chris's army had the same powers as they did. They tried to use the plants against them, but Chris's army was ready. They had trained hard and learned to anticipate their every move.

In a fierce battle that lasted for days, Emperor Chris and his people fought against the Night Ravens with wit and humor. They used their newfound abilities to outsmart the enemy at every turn. Momo HINAMORI's creativity in using plants in ways no one had ever thought possible gave them the edge they needed to emerge victorious.

Finally, the Night Ravens were defeated. They had underestimated Emperor Chris and his people, thinking that their powers were unbeatable. But they had not counted on the visionary thinking and humor of Chris and Momo.

With the Night Ravens banished from the Undverses, Emperor Chris and his people could finally breathe a sigh of relief. They celebrated their victory with a great feast, regaling in stories of their battles and laughing at the clever tricks they had used to defeat their enemies.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, Momo HINAMORI, lived happily ever after, their kingdom safe and secure once more. They knew that as long as they had each other and their creativity, they could overcome any enemy that dared to challenge them. And so they ruled with humor and wisdom, ensuring peace and prosperity for generations to come.

Aw 268. Imprisonment


S342. Plasma manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Ryouko OOKAMI. Enemies: Nine-headed Birds – a totem creature. They shoot magical plasma and make force fields with them. Chris countered by giving his people the same ability.


(522 rating)

Emperor Chris of the fantastical kingdom of Euphoria was known far and wide for his quirky sense of humor and his love for unusual pets. So it came as no surprise to his subjects when he announced that he had married the beautiful Ryouko OOKAMI, a fierce warrior princess from a neighboring land. What did surprise everyone, however, was the unusual enemy that the couple now faced: the Nine-headed Birds.

These mythical creatures, with their fearsome plumage and razor-sharp talons, were known for their ability to shoot magical plasma and create force fields with them. They were a formidable foe, and the people of Euphoria were in a panic. But Chris, ever the clever emperor, had a plan.

He gathered his advisors and announced his intention to give his people the same abilities as the Nine-headed Birds. "We will fight fire with fire, or in this case, plasma with plasma," he declared with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

And so, under Chris's guidance, the people of Euphoria began to train in the mystical arts of plasma manipulation. They practiced day and night, honing their skills and perfecting their abilities. Some could shoot bolts of plasma from their fingertips, while others could create intricate force fields to protect themselves from harm. It was a sight to behold, the once peaceful kingdom now buzzing with the crackle of magical energy.

As the Nine-headed Birds descended upon Euphoria with a deafening screech, the people rose to meet them, their faces set in determined expressions. The battle was fierce and chaotic, with plasma bolts flying back and forth, and force fields shimmering in the air. It was a sight that would have been terrifying if it weren't so absurdly hilarious.

Chris, with Ryouko by his side, led the charge, his own plasma abilities on full display. He shot bolts of energy at the Nine-headed Birds, causing them to squawk in surprise and fury. Ryouko, with her expert swordsmanship, sliced through the creatures with precision, her blade glinting in the sunlight.

But just when it seemed like victory was within their grasp, the Nine-headed Birds unleashed their secret weapon: a colossal force field that enveloped the entire kingdom. The people of Euphoria gasped in horror, unsure of how to penetrate the impenetrable barrier.

Chris, undaunted, grinned mischievously and stepped forward. He raised his hands to the sky, his eyes glowing with determination. And then, in a flash of light, he unleashed a massive burst of plasma energy that shattered the force field into a million shimmering shards.

The people cheered and danced in jubilation, hoisting Chris and Ryouko onto their shoulders in celebration. The Nine-headed Birds, defeated and humiliated, flew away into the distance, their squawks echoing into the night.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Ryouko OOKAMI had saved the kingdom of Euphoria from certain doom, using their wit, bravery, and a healthy dose of humor. From that day on, the people of Euphoria looked at their emperor with newfound respect and admiration, knowing that no matter what strange challenges came their way, they had a ruler who could always find a way to triumph in the most creative and unexpected of ways.

Aw 269. In


S343. Platform creation.

(487 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical kingdom of Fantasia, there lived Emperor Chris, a young and courageous ruler beloved by all his subjects. He was known for his charm, wit, and exceptional leadership skills. But what truly set him apart was his stunning wife, the mature and wise Tomonori.

Tomonori was not your typical Empress. She had a sharp tongue, a quick wit, and a knack for handling the most challenging situations with grace and dignity. Her beauty was legendary throughout the realm, but it was her intelligence and strength of character that truly captured the hearts of the people.

The kingdom of Fantasia was a place of magic and wonder, where mystical creatures and fantastical beasts roamed freely. One such creature was the dreaded Oozlum birds, the mortal enemies of Emperor Chris and his people. These birds had a unique ability to fly, soaring high above the clouds and causing havoc wherever they went.

But Emperor Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He knew that in order to defeat the Oozlum birds, he would have to think outside the box. And so, he came up with a brilliant plan. He would give his soldiers the ability to create platforms out of thin air, allowing them to reach the heights where the birds dwelled.

At first, the soldiers were skeptical. How could they possibly create platforms out of nothing? But Emperor Chris reassured them that with a little bit of magic and a whole lot of determination, anything was possible. And so, the soldiers set out to battle the Oozlum birds armed with their newfound platform creation skills.

The first time they encountered the birds, chaos ensued. The soldiers scrambled to create platforms, stumbling and fumbling in their attempts to reach the elusive creatures. But as they grew more confident in their abilities, they began to work together as a cohesive unit, seamlessly creating platforms and outsmarting the birds at every turn.

Emperor Chris and Tomonori watched from the safety of their palace, cheering on their soldiers with proud smiles. They knew that with teamwork and determination, the Oozlum birds stood no chance against the might of Fantasia.

As the battle raged on, the soldiers grew more and more skilled at platform creation. They danced through the air with grace and precision, outmaneuvering the birds at every turn. And soon enough, the once dreaded Oozlum birds were no match for the ingenuity of Emperor Chris and his people.

The kingdom of Fantasia was safe once more, thanks to the bravery and creativity of its ruler and his loyal subjects. Emperor Chris and Tomonori celebrated their victory with a grand feast, where they regaled their guests with tales of the epic battle against the Oozlum birds.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his mature wife Tomonori lived on in the hearts of the people of Fantasia, a testament to the power of humor, creativity, and a little bit of magic.

Aw 270. Tartarus
