Volume 31, Unedited Chapter 3:

S354. Power modification.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Ritsu. Enemies: Qingniao – blue or green messenger birds of the Queen Mother of the West. Chris empowered his people with Power Modification: is ability to alter, interfere with, or modify other powers. They changed the bird's super speed into "super eating," which is useless in battle; super durability into super softness; super strength into super swimming; and magic usage into "drinking more fluids than before."


(434 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his sense of humor and his visionary creativity. His wife, Ritsu, was equally beloved by the people, known for her kindness and compassion. Together, they ruled over their kingdom with a fair and just hand, always thinking of new ways to improve the lives of their subjects.

One day, a group of Qingniao – blue or green messenger birds of the Queen Mother of the West – started causing trouble in the kingdom. These birds were known for their super speed, super durability, super strength, and magical abilities, making them a formidable enemy. Emperor Chris knew that he needed to come up with a plan to defeat them, and fast.

Using his Power Modification ability, Chris gathered his people and together they brainstormed ways to alter the birds' powers in a humorous and non-violent way. They came up with a plan to change the birds' super speed into "super eating," their super durability into super softness, their super strength into super swimming, and their magic usage into "drinking more fluids than before.

"With the plan in place, Emperor Chris and his people set out to put it into action. The birds, expecting a fierce battle, were taken by surprise when they found themselves suddenly overwhelmed by a sudden urge to eat everything in sight. Their super eating abilities left them bloated and sluggish, unable to fly or fight back.

Next, the birds found that their super durability had turned into super softness, making them as squishy as marshmallows. Their super strength had become super swimming, leaving them floundering in puddles and ponds. And their magic usage now resulted in them needing to drink copious amounts of water, leaving them constantly running back and forth to quench their thirst.

The people of the kingdom watched in amazement as the once fearsome birds were reduced to comical, bumbling creatures. Emperor Chris and his wife Ritsu could barely contain their laughter as they watched the birds struggle with their new, ridiculous abilities.

In the end, the Queen Mother of the West's messenger birds were defeated not by force, but by the power of humor and creativity. The people of the kingdom cheered as Emperor Chris and Ritsu celebrated their victory, secure in the knowledge that their kingdom was safe once again.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Ritsu continued to rule over their kingdom with kindness, compassion, and a healthy dose of humor. Their enemies may have underestimated them, but they knew that as long as they had each other and their people by their side, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

Aw 281. The


S355. Power nullification.

Original: Emperor Chris wife is Hikari HANAZONO. Ally: Ra (Ancient Egyptian) – Deity. Chris fought enemies that were extremely powerful in magic. Therefore, Chris gave his people the ability of non-physical power nullification: this ability negates/cancels or grants the user immunity to anything except physical attacks (punches, kicks, weapons are allowed). The range of the power nullification can be the entire Undverses.


(510 rating)

In the majestic kingdom of Entropia, Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his bravery, wisdom, and sense of humor. He ruled with a fair yet firm hand, always putting his people's well-being above all else. However, what truly set him apart from other rulers was his unique ability to nullify non-physical powers.

Emperor Chris had discovered this power during a fierce battle against enemies who wielded dark and powerful magic. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, Chris refused to back down. In a moment of desperation, he tapped into an ancient source of energy and suddenly found himself able to render his enemies' magic useless.

Upon returning triumphantly to his kingdom, Chris knew he had to share this miraculous gift with his people. He called for a grand festival, where he announced that every citizen of Entropia would be granted the ability of non-physical power nullification. The news spread like wildfire, and the entire kingdom rejoiced at the prospect of being able to stand against any foe, no matter how powerful.

Among the crowds celebrating this newfound power was Chris' beloved wife, Hikari HANAZONO. Hikari was not only stunningly beautiful but also incredibly intelligent and resourceful. She had always stood by Chris' side, offering him advice and support in times of need. Together, they were the perfect balance of strength and grace.

As the festivities continued into the night, a sudden commotion broke out at the edge of the crowd. A group of mischievous imps had snuck into the celebration and started causing chaos with their illusions and trickery. The citizens of Entropia panicked, not knowing how to defend themselves against such devious foes.

But Emperor Chris and his wife remained calm. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Chris raised his hand and activated his power nullification ability. The imps' illusions instantly fizzled out, leaving them exposed and vulnerable to attack. The citizens cheered as they watched the Emperor effortlessly thwart the creatures' mischief.

Seeing her husband's success, Hikari decided to join in on the fun. She too raised her hand and channeled her own power nullification ability. In a burst of light, the remaining imps lost their ability to create illusions, much to their dismay. Hikari laughed gleefully as she outsmarted the mischievous creatures, proving that she was just as skilled in the art of nullifying non-physical powers as her husband.

The citizens of Entropia marveled at the sight before them. Never before had they seen such a display of power and wit. Emperor Chris and his wife had not only protected their kingdom from harm but had also shown their people that humor and creativity were just as important as strength and bravery.

As the night ended and the celebrations drew to a close, Emperor Chris and Hikari stood side by side, basking in the adoration of their people. Together, they had proven that love, laughter, and a touch of magic could conquer any obstacle that came their way. And with their newfound ability of non-physical power nullification, the kingdom of Entropia would forever be safe from harm, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

Aw 288. War


S356. Power nullification.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Rea SANKA. Enemies: Rain Birds – birds who brought rain to planets. They have become rogue and attack beings physically. Chris countered by granting his people the ability to negate or be immune to non magical abilities.


(543 rating)

Emperor Chris awoke to the sound of rain pounding against the windows of his palace. Groaning, he rolled over to see his wife, Rea SANKA, still sound asleep beside him.

"Another day, another rain storm courtesy of those pesky Rain Birds," he muttered to himself. The Rain Birds were once a peaceful species that brought much-needed rain to planets in need. However, they had become rogue and now attacked beings physically, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went.

Chris knew something had to be done about the Rain Birds before they caused any more trouble. So, using his powers as emperor, he granted his people the ability to negate or be immune to non-magical abilities - a skill that would come in handy when facing off against the troublesome Rain Birds.

As he got dressed and prepared to face the day, Chris couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of his situation. Here he was, a powerful emperor with a wife named Rea SANKA, facing off against rogue Rain Birds. It sounded like the plot of a bad sci-fi movie, but it was his reality.

Heading out to the courtyard, Chris called upon his advisors to come up with a plan to deal with the Rain Birds once and for all. Rea SANKA joined him, her sharp wit and quick thinking always a welcome addition to any discussion.

As they sat brainstorming ideas, Chris couldn't help but admire his wife's intelligence and beauty. Rea SANKA was not only a great partner, but also a fierce warrior when the situation called for it.

After much deliberation, they came up with a plan to lure the Rain Birds into a trap using a fake rainstorm. Chris would create a magical barrier to protect their people, while Rea SANKA and her team would take on the Rain Birds head-on.

The plan was risky, but they knew they had to do something to stop the Rain Birds from wreaking havoc on their planet. With Rea SANKA leading the charge, they set their trap and waited for the inevitable attack.

Sure enough, the Rain Birds swooped down from the sky, their feathers glistening in the artificial rain. Chris activated his magical barrier, protecting their people from harm as Rea SANKA and her team sprang into action.

The battle was intense, but with Rea SANKA's leadership and quick thinking, they were able to defeat the Rain Birds and send them fleeing back into the skies. As the last bird disappeared into the distance, Chris let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, that was certainly an adventure," he said, wiping the sweat from his brow. Rea SANKA smiled, her eyes sparkling with triumph.

"Indeed, my dear emperor. But we make quite the team, don't we?" she said, wrapping her arm around Chris's waist.

As they walked back to the palace, Chris couldn't help but feel grateful for his wife, Rea SANKA, and the incredible strength and humor she brought to their lives. Together, they were unstoppable - even in the face of rogue Rain Birds and other absurd challenges that came their way.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Rea SANKA lived happily ever after, their bond growing stronger with each passing day as they faced whatever challenges the universe threw at them with humor, creativity, and a touch of visionary flair.

Aw 289. With


S357. Resistance negation

Emperor Chris' wife is Yui KOTEGAWA. Enemies: Raróg  – fiery demon falcon. They have a resistance to almost anything. Chris gave the ability of resistance negation to his people. Thus, they can remove resistance from beings with lower power levels than them.


(419 rating)

Emperor Chris was renowned throughout the land for his wisdom, kindness, and slightly eccentric sense of humor. He ruled with a fair hand, always looking out for the well-being of his people. But there was one thing that truly set him apart from other rulers - his wife, Yui Kotegawa.

Yui was not your typical empress. She was spirited, fiercely independent, and had a sharp tongue that could cut through even the toughest armor. But beneath her tough exterior, she was fiercely loyal to Chris and the kingdom. The two of them made an odd pair, but their love was undeniable.

One day, as Chris was strolling through the palace gardens, he came across a strange creature perched on a branch. It was Raróg, the fiery demon falcon, known for its resistance to almost anything. Chris knew he had to tread carefully, as Raróg was a formidable enemy.

But Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. He called upon his people and bestowed upon them the ability of resistance negation. With this newfound power, they were able to remove resistance from beings with lower power levels than them. They were ready to face Raróg head-on.

As the battle ensued, Raróg unleashed its fiery wrath upon the kingdom, sending flames soaring through the air. But Chris and his people stood firm, their determination unwavering. Yui, with her quick wit and sharp tongue, devised a plan to outsmart Raróg. She taunted the demon falcon, challenging it to a battle of wits.

Raróg, never one to back down from a challenge, accepted Yui's challenge. The two engaged in a battle of words, each trying to outsmart the other. Yui's sharp tongue proved to be a formidable weapon, and Raróg found itself struggling to keep up.

In the end, it was Yui who emerged victorious. With a quick-witted remark, she was able to outsmart Raróg and strip away its resistance. The fiery demon falcon was left powerless, its flames extinguished.

The kingdom erupted in cheers as Chris and Yui stood victorious. They had overcome a formidable enemy, not with brute force, but with creativity and humor. From that day on, Raróg's defeat became a legendary tale, passed down through the generations.

Emperor Chris and his wife, Yui Kotegawa, continued to rule the kingdom with compassion and humor, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. And though their love may have been unconventional, it was undeniably strong. They were a match made in the heavens, a true power couple that could overcome any obstacle that came their way.

Aw 290. The


S358. Precognition.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Yuuko KANOE. Roc – enormous legendary bird of prey. Their actions were usually unpredictable and Chris' people had to know when and where these creatures will attack next. Chris granted his people the ability of precognition or Divination, which may mean Extrasensory Perception and/or Clairvoyance.

(426 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, contemplating the latest news from the kingdom. His wife Yuuko KANOE sat next to him, her gentle smile offering him comfort. They were a formidable pair, ruling over their land with wisdom and grace.

One of the biggest challenges they faced were the Roc, enormous legendary birds of prey that would swoop down on the kingdom without warning. Their actions were unpredictable, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. Chris knew he had to find a way to protect his people from these dangerous creatures.

One day, Chris had a brilliant idea. He gathered his advisors and announced that he would grant his people the ability of precognition. His people would be able to see into the future and predict the movements of the Roc before they struck. It was a bold plan, but Chris was confident in his decision.

The people of the kingdom were amazed by the gift they had been given. They quickly set up a network of seers and mystics who could tap into the power of Divination. Some had the gift of Extrasensory Perception, allowing them to sense the movements of the Roc from far away. Others had the power of Clairvoyance, giving them visions of the future where they could see the exact location and time of the Roc's attacks.

With their newfound abilities, the people of the kingdom were able to stay one step ahead of the Roc. They would warn their fellow citizens of impending attacks, allowing them to take cover and protect themselves. The Roc soon found themselves outsmarted at every turn, unable to catch the kingdom off guard.

Emperor Chris and his wife Yuuko KANOE were delighted by the success of their plan. They could see the relief in their people's eyes, knowing that they were safe from the threat of the Roc. It was a victory for humor and creativity, a testament to the power of thinking outside the box.

As time went on, the kingdom flourished under the protection of their precognition. The people felt safe and secure, knowing that they had the ability to foresee any danger that may come their way. Emperor Chris and his wife Yuuko KANOE were hailed as heroes, their clever solution to the Roc problem earning them the admiration of all.

And so, the kingdom continued to thrive, thanks to the visionary thinking of Emperor Chris and the support of his beloved wife Yuuko KANOE. Together, they had overcome a formidable enemy using humor and creativity, proving that sometimes the most powerful solutions come from the most unexpected places.

Aw 291. Olympians


S359. Information analysis.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Chizuru MIZUHARA. Enemies: Shangyang  – toxic rainbirds. They are not affected by divination. However, their actions can be predicted by information analysis. Chris then granted the ability of enhanced information analysis to his people.

Aw 292. They


S360. Pressure points.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is MaoMao. Enemies: Piasa were creatures that alternate between Thunderbirds, or Underwater Panthers. They normally live in realms where only physical attacks are allowed, but no use of chakra nor ki. These realms only permit peak human strength. In this case, Chris gave his people the ability and knowledge of pressure points or acupuncture, which worked.


(409 rating)

Emperor Chris was a man of great wisdom and power, ruling over a vast empire with a fair and just hand. But despite his prowess in battle and diplomacy, his heart belonged to one woman - his beloved wife MaoMao.

MaoMao was known for her beauty, grace, and sharp wit. She could hold her own in any courtly debate and was a formidable adversary in any game of strategy. But what endeared her most to Chris was her sense of humor. She had a way of making him laugh even in the darkest of times, a quality that he cherished above all others.

Their marriage was a happy one, filled with love, laughter, and mutual respect. Together, they ruled the empire with wisdom and compassion, earning the admiration and loyalty of their subjects.

But not everyone was pleased with their reign. The Piasa, ancient creatures of great power and mischief, had long harbored a grudge against Chris and MaoMao. They saw the couple as a threat to their own influence and sought to undermine their rule at every turn.

But Chris was not one to be easily swayed by threats or tricks. He knew that the Piasa were creatures of illusion and deceit, and he had a few tricks up his own sleeve.

One day, while attending a grand banquet in honor of his wife, Chris noticed a strange figure lurking in the shadows. It was one of the Piasa in disguise, trying to sow chaos and discord among the guests.

But Chris was not about to let that happen. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he whispered a few words to MaoMao, who nodded in understanding. Together, they launched into a series of elaborate and ridiculous tales, each one more outlandish than the last.

The guests were soon laughing so hard that tears streamed down their faces. The Piasa, unable to resist the infectious joy of the moment, shed their disguises and joined in the revelry.

From that day on, the Piasa were no longer enemies of the empire. They had been won over by the humor and creativity of Chris and MaoMao, who had shown them that laughter and joy were far more powerful than fear and hatred.

And so, the empire of Chris and MaoMao flourished, not just in wealth and power, but in happiness and friendship. The couple ruled with a light touch and a ready smile, knowing that sometimes the best way to defeat an enemy was simply to make them laugh.

Aw 293. Were


S361. Probability Manipulation.

(475 rating)

Once upon a time in the whimsical land of Empiria, there lived Emperor Chris, a kind and wise ruler known for his quirky sense of humor and love for all things magical. He was married to the mature and elegant Tomoyo DAIDOUJI, a woman of great beauty and intelligence who had the ability to see through time and space.

Emperor Chris and Tomoyo DAIDOUJI lived in a magnificent palace surrounded by lush gardens and mystical creatures. One day, a group of powerful and accurate creatures attacked the empire, threatening to destroy everything in their path. In a moment of desperation, Emperor Chris decided to bestow the gift of probability manipulation upon his people, allowing them to alter the likelihood of hits to a mere 1 percent.

With this newfound power, the citizens of Empiria were able to fend off the creatures with ease, sending them fleeing back to their dark realm. Konrul and Toghrul, two loyal allies of Emperor Chris, played a crucial role in the battle, using their wit and cunning to outsmart the enemy at every turn.

As the dust settled and peace once again reigned over the empire, Emperor Chris and Tomoyo DAIDOUJI decided to throw a grand feast to celebrate their victory. The banquet hall was filled with laughter and merriment as the guests indulged in a sumptuous feast fit for royalty.

Emperor Chris, always the entertainer, regaled the crowd with tales of his daring adventures and narrow escapes, much to the delight of his adoring subjects. Tomoyo DAIDOUJI, with her ever-watchful eyes, observed the festivities with a serene smile, her wisdom guiding her every move.

As the night wore on, Emperor Chris and Tomoyo DAIDOUJI retired to their chambers, content in the knowledge that their kingdom was safe once more. They lay entwined in each other's arms, basking in the warm glow of the moonlight streaming through the window.

"Isn't it amazing how everything turned out perfectly in the end?" Emperor Chris mused, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Tomoyo DAIDOUJI gazed at him lovingly, her voice tinged with affection. "Indeed, my dear. It just goes to show that with a little bit of magic and a whole lot of courage, anything is possible.

"And so, Emperor Chris and Tomoyo DAIDOUJI's love shone brighter than ever, a beacon of hope and joy in a world filled with uncertainty. As they drifted off to sleep, their minds filled with dreams of endless possibilities and endless love, they knew that together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

And so, in the land of Empiria, where magic and laughter intertwined, Emperor Chris and his mature wife Tomoyo DAIDOUJI reigned supreme, their hearts forever bound by a love that transcended time and space. And as the sun rose on a new day, they embarked on yet another adventure, eager to face whatever the future held with unwavering courage and unwavering love.

Aw 294. Given


S362. Psychometry

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is the adult Yoshino HIMEKAWA. Enemies: Shedu  – male counterparts to Lamassu. Chris found numerous weapons that could defeat the enemies but most people don't know how to use them. Chris granted the gift of psychometry, so the people can touch new weapons and learn how to use them.


(464 rating)

Emperor Chris had always been a proud and noble ruler, known for his bravery on the battlefield and his wisdom in governing his kingdom. But there was one area of his life where he was not so confident - his relationship with his wife, the enigmatic Yoshino Himekawa.

Yoshino was unlike any other woman in the kingdom. She was strong-willed and independent, with a sharp wit and a keen sense of humor. She was also a gifted warrior in her own right, often besting Chris in combat with her quick reflexes and cunning tactics. Despite their differences, Chris loved Yoshino fiercely and would do anything to protect her.

One day, a new threat emerged in the kingdom - the Shedu, male counterparts to the powerful Lamassu. These creatures were formidable opponents, with strength and speed that matched even Yoshino's own. Chris knew that he would need all the help he could get to defeat them, so he set out to find a way to arm his people with the weapons they needed to fight back.

After months of searching, Chris finally discovered a cache of ancient weapons that had been hidden away for centuries. These weapons were powerful beyond imagination, but they were also complex and difficult to wield. Chris knew that his people would struggle to master them on their own, so he came up with a bold plan.

Using his gift of psychometry - the ability to sense the history of an object by touching it - Chris imbued the weapons with a special energy. Now, when his people touched the weapons, they would be granted the knowledge and skill they needed to use them effectively. It was a risky strategy, but Chris was confident that it would give his people the edge they needed to defeat the Shedu once and for all.

As the battle with the Shedu raged on, Chris and Yoshino fought side by side, their bond stronger than ever. With the help of the enchanted weapons, the people of the kingdom were able to hold their own against the fearsome creatures, turning the tide of the battle in their favor.

In the end, it was Yoshino who delivered the final blow to the leader of the Shedu, a powerful warrior known as Zephyr. With a flick of her wrist and a sly smile, she cleaved his weapon in two, sending him reeling to the ground in defeat.

As the people of the kingdom cheered and celebrated their victory, Chris and Yoshino stood together, looking out over the battlefield with pride. Despite their differences and the challenges they had faced, they knew that together, they were unstoppable.

And so, Emperor Chris and Yoshino Himekawa ruled the kingdom with wisdom and humor, protecting their people from all threats and ensuring peace and prosperity for generations to come.

Aw 295. The


S363. Purification.

(457 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his ability to purify the world around him. He had the power to cleanse any corruption or impurity, a gift he shared with his people. And among all his blessings, his greatest treasure was his wife, Rika Minami.

Rika was as radiant and pure as the morning sun, her kindness and grace captivating all who met her. She stood by Chris's side through every challenge, her unwavering support and love guiding him in his role as emperor. Together, they were a beacon of hope and inspiration for their kingdom.

But their peaceful existence was soon threatened by a rogue Simurgh. These majestic creatures had once been guardians of the land, but something had gone terribly wrong. They had become corrupted by contaminants, turning them into dangerous enemies of the kingdom.

Chris knew he had to act quickly to protect his people and his beloved wife. Gathering his most trusted advisors, he devised a plan to confront the rogue Simurgh. But this time, it would be different. Instead of fighting fire with fire, Chris decided to use a different approach.

He called upon his people to harness the power of purification that he had bestowed upon them. They would not engage in battle, but rather seek to cleanse the corrupted Simurgh of their impurities. It was a risky strategy, but Chris believed in the potential for redemption and transformation.

As the kingdom prepared for the confrontation, tensions ran high. Rika stood by her husband's side, her unwavering faith in his abilities bolstering his resolve. Together, they watched as the rogue Simurgh approached, their once-glorious wings now tainted with darkness.

With a deep breath, Chris stepped forward and extended his hand towards the creatures. A gentle glow emanated from his fingertips, enveloping the Simurgh in a warm light. The purification process had begun.

At first, the rogue Simurgh resisted, their corrupted essence pushing back against Chris's efforts. But slowly, the darkness began to recede, revealing the true beauty and purity that lay beneath.

As the last trace of contamination vanished, a miraculous transformation occurred. The Simurgh's once-deadly gaze softened, and they bowed their heads in gratitude. They had been cleansed of their impurities, restored to their rightful place as guardians of the land.

The kingdom erupted into cheers and applause, their fears and doubts dispelled by the power of purification. Chris and Rika smiled, their hearts overflowing with joy and relief. The rogue Simurgh had been redeemed, their threat neutralized without the need for violence.

And so, peace was restored to the land, thanks to the visionary leadership of Emperor Chris and the unwavering support of his wife, Rika Minami. Together, they had proven that even the most formidable enemies could be overcome with compassion, understanding, and a touch of humor.

Aw 296. Task
