Unedited Chapter 4:

S364. Purification.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Narumi MOMOSE. Enemies: Stymphalian birds  – man-eating birds. These were possessed by evil spirits. Chris empowered his people by giving them the ability of Spiritual Healing - cleansing the body and mind of evil spirits. Curses and dark energy were also removed.


(502 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his kindness and generosity. He ruled his kingdom with a fair and just hand, always putting the needs of his people above his own. But there was one thing that troubled him - his wife, Narumi MOMOSE, had been feeling unwell for quite some time.

Narumi was a gentle and kind woman, loved by all who knew her. But lately, she had been plagued by a mysterious illness that no healer could cure. She was weak and listless, and no amount of rest or medicine seemed to help. Chris was beside himself with worry, desperate to find a way to heal his beloved wife.

One day, as he was pondering his next move, a flock of Stymphalian birds swooped down from the sky, screeching and flapping their wings menacingly. These were no ordinary birds - they were man-eaters, possessed by evil spirits that made them doubly dangerous. Chris knew he had to act fast to protect his kingdom from this new threat.

But how could he defeat such powerful and malevolent creatures? Then, a thought occurred to him - perhaps he could use his gift of Spiritual Healing to cleanse the birds of their evil spirits. It was a risky plan, but Chris was willing to do anything to save his people.

With a determined gleam in his eye, Chris set out to find the Stymphalian birds. He tracked them to their lair high in the mountains, where they had been terrorizing the local villagers. Taking a deep breath, he called upon his powers of Spiritual Healing and focused all his energy on the birds.

To his surprise, the birds seemed to respond to his touch. As he gently laid his hands on their feathers, a warm glow enveloped them, and their screeches turned into soft coos. Chris could feel the dark energy draining away, replaced by a sense of peace and serenity.

As the last bird was cleansed of its evil spirit, Chris breathed a sigh of relief. The Stymphalian birds had been vanquished, their threat to the kingdom eliminated. But more importantly, he had discovered a new use for his gift of Spiritual Healing - not just for people, but for all creatures great and small.

Returning to the palace, Chris found Narumi waiting for him with a smile on her face. To his amazement, she looked healthier and more radiant than she had in weeks. It seemed that his encounter with the Stymphalian birds had somehow lifted the curse that had been plaguing her.

Overjoyed, Chris embraced his wife, grateful for her recovery. Together, they looked out over their kingdom, envisioning a future filled with peace and prosperity. The people cheered their names, grateful for their wise and compassionate rulers.

And so, Emperor Chris and Narumi MOMOSE lived happily ever after, their bond stronger than ever thanks to the power of love and Spiritual Healing. And whenever a new threat arose, they faced it together, united in their determination to protect their kingdom and all who dwelled within its borders.

Aw 297. Of


S365. Purification.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Kurome. Potential allies: Tengu – has human and bird characteristics. They have been afflicted with poisons and paralysis. Chris gave his people the ability to purify or remove status effects to help themselves and these creatures.


(578 Rating)

Emperor Chris was a man of great wisdom and compassion. He ruled over his kingdom with a fair and just hand, always looking out for the well-being of his people. His wife, Kurome, was a woman of beauty and grace, with a fiery spirit that matched the emperor's own.

One day, Emperor Chris received a visit from a group of Tengu, beings with both human and bird characteristics. The Tengu had long been afflicted with poisons and paralysis, and they sought the emperor's help in finding a cure for their ailments.

Chris, being a man of vision and creativity, saw an opportunity to not only help the Tengu but also to strengthen the bond between his kingdom and these magical creatures. He called upon his people, teaching them how to purify and remove status effects, so they could help themselves and the Tengu.

The Tengu were amazed at the emperor's kindness and generosity. They vowed to ally themselves with Chris and his kingdom, offering their unique abilities and skills in return for his aid. With the Tengu by his side, Emperor Chris knew that no enemy could stand against him.

As the days passed, Chris and Kurome grew closer to the Tengu, learning more about their ways and customs. The Tengu were a proud and noble race, with a deep respect for nature and the world around them. Chris found himself admiring their strength and resilience, as well as their sense of humor and love of life.

One day, the Tengu invited Chris and Kurome to a grand feast in their honor. The emperor and his wife were treated to a lavish spread of exotic foods and drinks, as well as music and dancing that filled the air with joy and merriment. Chris and Kurome laughed and sang with the Tengu, feeling a sense of camaraderie and friendship that they had never experienced before.

As the night wore on, the Tengu revealed a special gift for the emperor and his wife. They presented them with a set of magical masks, each one imbued with the power to grant its wearer extraordinary abilities. Chris and Kurome were delighted by the gift, feeling a sense of wonder and excitement at the possibilities that lay before them.

With their newfound powers, Chris and Kurome embarked on a series of adventures with the Tengu, exploring the far reaches of the kingdom and beyond. They fought off fierce monsters and dark sorcerers, using their masks to overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.

Through their adventures, Chris and Kurome came to see the world in a new light. They saw the beauty and wonder of nature, the strength and resilience of the Tengu, and the power of love and friendship that bound them all together. They knew that they were truly blessed to have such amazing allies by their side.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Kurome continued to rule their kingdom with wisdom and compassion, with the Tengu standing by their side as loyal allies and friends. Together, they faced whatever challenges came their way, knowing that with their combined strength and courage, they could overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious.

And so, the tale of Emperor Chris and his wife Kurome, and their alliance with the Tengu, became a legend in the land. A tale of humor and friendship, of love and courage, of magic and wonder. And they lived happily ever after, in a kingdom filled with peace and harmony, where all were welcome and all were loved.

Aw 298. Creating


S366. Quantum manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Himiko. Potential allies: Three-legged birds. These birds are strong with quantum manipulation. They wished to join Chris army to defend them against possible threats. They worked with Chris and he was then able to give his people the powers of quantum manipulation in other Undverses.


(501 rating)

Once upon a time in the land of Nagayama, there lived a mighty Emperor named Chris. He was known far and wide for his exceptional leadership skills and his ability to unite his people against any threat. But behind every great Emperor, there is always a strong and wise woman by his side. And in Chris' case, that woman was none other than the renowned Queen Himiko.

Queen Himiko was not your average Queen. She was not only beautiful and elegant, but she also possessed a sharp mind and a quick wit. She was the perfect companion for Emperor Chris, balancing out his seriousness with her humorous nature. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with, ruling over their kingdom with love and wisdom.

One day, as Emperor Chris was surveying his kingdom, he received word that there were potential allies who wished to join his army. These allies were none other than the legendary three-legged birds, creatures known for their strength and their mastery of quantum manipulation. Excited by the prospect of having such powerful allies, Emperor Chris immediately set out to meet with them.

Upon meeting the three-legged birds, Emperor Chris was impressed by their intelligence and their willingness to help defend his kingdom against any threats. They explained to him that they had observed his leadership and his commitment to his people, and they believed that together, they could form an unstoppable force.

Emperor Chris saw the potential in this alliance and agreed to work with the three-legged birds. With their help, he was able to give his people the powers of quantum manipulation in other universes, expanding their abilities beyond what they had ever imagined. The people were thrilled with their newfound powers and quickly began training with the three-legged birds to master them.

As they continued to train and strengthen their abilities, Emperor Chris and Queen Himiko led their people in defending their kingdom against any potential threats. With the help of the three-legged birds, they were able to repel enemy attacks and maintain peace and harmony throughout the land.

But it wasn't just battles and wars that the three-legged birds helped with. They also brought a sense of humor and lightheartedness to the kingdom, often cracking jokes and playing pranks on the other members of the army. Their presence brought a sense of joy and camaraderie to the people, lifting their spirits in times of hardship.

Emperor Chris and Queen Himiko were grateful for the three-legged birds' assistance and knew that they would always be considered valuable members of their army. With their help, they were able to protect their kingdom and ensure a bright future for their people.

And so, with the help of the three-legged birds, Emperor Chris and Queen Himiko continued to rule their kingdom with love, wisdom, and a healthy dose of humor. They were a true power couple, admired and respected by all who knew them. And as long as they had each other and the three-legged birds by their side, there was nothing they couldn't accomplish.

Aw 299. Man


S367. Radiation manipulation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Miia in human form. Enemies: Thunderbirds. They can manipulate sound waves and gravity in the Undverse but they are weak against electromagnetic radiation and particle radiation. Chris gave his people the ability to manipulate electromagnetic and particle radiation.


(363 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the Undverse as a wise and powerful leader. He had conquered many planets and had united various species under his rule. But what many didn't know was the secret weapon that gave Chris the edge in battles against his enemies - his wife, Miia, in human form.

Miia was not just any ordinary human. She was a being of immense power, capable of harnessing the energy of the universe itself. When Chris met Miia, he knew she was the one for him. And when he revealed his true identity as Emperor, Miia had accepted him wholeheartedly.

Together, Chris and Miia made an unstoppable team. Miia's powers complemented Chris' own abilities to manipulate electromagnetic and particle radiation. With their combined strength, they were able to defeat any enemy that stood in their way.

One such enemy were the Thunderbirds, a race of beings who could manipulate sound waves and gravity. They had been a thorn in Chris' side for quite some time, constantly trying to thwart his plans for galactic domination.

But Chris and Miia were not ones to back down from a challenge. They studied the Thunderbirds' weaknesses and devised a plan to defeat them once and for all. They knew that the Thunderbirds were weak against electromagnetic and particle radiation, so they hatched a plan to use this to their advantage.

As the Thunderbirds launched their attack, Chris and Miia unleashed a barrage of radiation that overwhelmed their enemies. The Thunderbirds tried to fight back, but they were no match for the combined powers of Chris and Miia.

In the end, the Thunderbirds were defeated and forced to retreat. Chris and Miia emerged victorious, with their bond stronger than ever. They knew that as long as they stood together, no enemy could ever hope to defeat them.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife, Miia, continued their quest to conquer the Undverse, their love and laughter echoing throughout the galaxies. Together, they were a force to be reckoned with, inspiring awe and fear in all who dared to challenge them.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and Miia, the formidable duo, was born, their story destined to be passed down for generations to come.

Aw 300. Prometheus


S368. Radiation manipulation. Sound.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Nemu KUROTSUCHI. Ally: Thoth (Ancient Egyptian) – deity. Chris faced enemies who were weak against acoustic radiation, especially due to their sensitivity to sounds. With the help of magic, Chris' sound waves can travel even in space or a vacuum. He gave this ability to his people to fight the enemies.


(434 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Galactic Empire was a man of great power and wisdom. He ruled his people with a fair hand, always looking out for their best interests. But there was one person who held his heart above all others - his wife, the beautiful and talented Nemu Kurotsuchi.

Nemu was not just any ordinary woman. She was a skilled scientist and inventor, with a knack for creating amazing gadgets and gizmos. One day, she invented a device that could harness the power of sound waves and turn them into a powerful weapon. When Chris saw what she had made, he was amazed.

"My dear wife, this is truly incredible," he said, admiring her invention. "With this device, we could defeat our enemies with ease.

"And so, Nemu's invention was put to good use. Chris and his army used the weapon to create powerful sound waves that could travel through space and even in a vacuum. They unleashed these waves on their enemies, who were unable to withstand the force of the sonic attacks.

But it wasn't just the enemy who felt the effects of Nemu's invention. The people of the Galactic Empire were also treated to impromptu concerts and performances, as the sound waves created by the device filled the air with music. Even Thoth, the ancient Egyptian deity of wisdom, was impressed by the creativity and ingenuity of Nemu's invention.

As the battles raged on, Chris and Nemu fought side by side, using their combined powers to protect their people and defeat their enemies. They laughed and joked together, finding humor in even the most dire situations. Chris would often tease Nemu about her latest inventions, while she would playfully swat him away with a smile.

One day, as they stood victorious on the battlefield, Chris wrapped his arms around Nemu and held her close. "My dear wife, you never cease to amaze me with your brilliance," he said, kissing her forehead. "I am truly fortunate to have you by my side.

"Nemu smiled up at him, her eyes shining with love and pride. "And I am fortunate to have a husband as strong and courageous as you," she replied.

Together, Chris and Nemu ruled the Galactic Empire with love, laughter, and a touch of whimsy. Their bond was unbreakable, their love unshakable. And as they looked out over their people, they knew that as long as they had each other, nothing could stand in their way.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, Nemu Kurotsuchi, lived on for eternity, a testament to the power of love, humor, and creativity in the face of any challenge.

Aw 301. Shaped


S369. Gravitational radiation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Ultear MILKOVICH. Turul – bird of prey. They are extremely powerful and can travel instantly through portals and teleportation. However, they are very weak with Gravitational radiation as these affect their physiology. Chris granted the ability of gravitational radiation to his people, which they used to fight the creatures.


(473 rating)

Emperor Chris sat upon his golden throne, his crown gleaming in the sunlight filtering through the grand palace windows. His people looked up to him with awe and admiration, knowing that he was the one who had granted them the power of gravitational radiation to fight against the fearsome creatures that threatened their land.

One particular Turul named Ultear Milkovich caught his eye. She was a fierce and determined warrior, never shying away from a battle. Her feathers shone like silver in the sunlight, and her eyes sparkled with intelligence and wit. Chris found himself drawn to her, and before long, they were inseparable.

Despite their differences in species, Chris and Ultear shared a deep connection that transcended any boundaries. They spent countless hours together, discussing battle strategies and sharing stories of their respective worlds. Ultear's quick wit and sharp tongue never failed to amuse Chris, and he found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with her.

One day, Chris decided to surprise Ultear with a lavish feast in her honor. The palace was adorned with flowers and candles, and the most delicious foods from all corners of the kingdom were laid out on the banquet table. Ultear was speechless as she entered the grand hall, her eyes widening in delight at the sight before her.

As they dined together, Chris couldn't help but gaze at Ultear with adoration. Her graceful movements and elegant manners captivated him, and he knew in that moment that she was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

After the feast, Chris took Ultear by the hand and led her to the palace gardens, where a full moon bathed everything in its soft glow. He knelt before her, his heart pounding with nervousness, and declared his love for her.

"Ultear Milkovich, brave and beautiful Turul warrior, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Chris asked, his voice trembling with emotion.

Ultear's eyes filled with tears of joy, and she nodded eagerly. "Yes, my emperor, I will be your wife," she replied, her voice filled with love.

And so, Emperor Chris and his beloved Ultear were married in a grand ceremony that brought joy to all the inhabitants of the kingdom. Their love knew no bounds, and together, they ruled the land with wisdom and kindness.

As the years passed, Chris and Ultear's love only grew stronger, and their bond became a symbol of hope and unity for all who knew them. They faced many challenges and battles together, but with their love and determination, they overcame every obstacle that came their way.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Ultear Milkovich lived happily ever after, ruling their kingdom with laughter, love, and a touch of gravitational radiation. Their story became legend, told for generations to come, of a love that transcended all boundaries and united two worlds in harmony.

Aw 302. Man


S370. Radiation manipulation. Ionizing radiation.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is a mysterious woman with the code name Rock shooter. Enemies: Veðrfölnir - hawks that sit atop eagles that rest atop the Undverses. They can manipulate the following: Light Manipulation, electromagnetic radiation, Particles, Sound, Gravity, and cause massive explosions. But, they are weak to ionizing radiation. Chris gave his people the ability to manipulate ionizing radiation.

(556 rating)

Emperor Chris of the magnificent kingdom of Veritas was a beloved ruler, known for his wisdom and fair decisions. But little did his subjects know that behind every great man, there stands an even greater woman. Chris' wife, the mysterious lady with the code name Rock Shooter, was a force to be reckoned with.

Rock Shooter was not your average empress. She was fierce, intelligent, and had a quirky sense of humor that kept Chris on his toes. Many believed that she was just a figurehead, a decorative addition to the royal family, but they couldn't be more wrong. Rock Shooter was the brains behind many of Chris' successful policies and strategies, using her wit and cunning to outsmart their enemies.

Speaking of enemies, the kingdom of Veritas was facing a formidable threat from the Veðrfölnir - hawks that sat atop eagles that rested atop the Undverses. These powerful creatures had the ability to manipulate light, electromagnetic radiation, particles, sound, gravity, and cause massive explosions. They were a force to be reckoned with, but they had one weakness - ionizing radiation.

Luckily, Emperor Chris had given his people the ability to manipulate ionizing radiation, thanks to Rock Shooter's clever suggestion. This unique power allowed the citizens of Veritas to harness the energy of the sun and use it to create powerful weapons and defenses against their enemies. It was a game-changer in the ongoing battle against the Veðrfölnir.

One day, as the Veðrfölnir launched yet another attack on Veritas, Rock Shooter sprang into action. She donned her signature black armor, complete with glowing green accents, and grabbed her trusty ionizing radiation blaster. With a mischievous smile, she set out to face the hawks head-on.

The battle was fierce and chaotic, with explosions rocking the skies and the ground trembling beneath their feet. But Rock Shooter was a force to be reckoned with. She used her wit and creativity to outsmart the Veðrfölnir, leading them into a cleverly laid trap that utilized their weakness to ionizing radiation.

As the hawks screeched in pain and confusion, Rock Shooter unleashed a powerful blast of ionizing radiation, enveloping them in a blinding green light. The hawks' powers were rendered useless, and they fell from the sky like broken toys.

The citizens of Veritas cheered as Rock Shooter emerged victorious, her black armor glistening in the sunlight. With a sly wink to her husband, she returned to the palace, where she was met with applause and admiration from the people.

From that day on, Rock Shooter became a legend in the kingdom of Veritas. Her name was whispered in awe and fear by their enemies, who knew better than to mess with the mysterious empress with the code name Rock Shooter.

And as for Emperor Chris, he knew that he was truly lucky to have such a remarkable woman by his side. Rock Shooter was not just a figurehead or a decorative addition to the royal family - she was the true power behind the throne, a visionary leader with a heart of gold and a spark of humor that kept their kingdom thriving.

As the sun set over the kingdom of Veritas, Emperor Chris and his mysterious wife Rock Shooter stood together on the balcony, watching over their people with pride and gratitude. Together, they were unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with, and nothing could stand in their way.

Aw 303. Out


S371. Rage power.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Ranmao. Enemies: Vucub Caquix – bird demon. These were extremely powerful, agile and durable creatures from another reality. Chris gave his people the "Rage power" ability, which can activate upon intrusion of a powerful enemy from another realm or reality or an anime verse. Rage power gives each user greater power levels than the intruder.


(514 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Kingdom of Lunaris was known throughout the land for his charm, wit, and unmatched skills in battle. He was loved by his people and feared by his enemies, of which he had many. But there was one enemy that had always eluded him - the bird demon Vucub Caquix.

Vucub Caquix was a creature of immense power and cunning, with the ability to traverse between realms and realities at will. He had long been a thorn in Chris's side, constantly causing trouble and chaos wherever he went. But Chris was determined to finally put an end to his reign of terror.

One day, while strategizing with his most trusted advisors, Chris came up with a daring plan. He would unleash the power of the Rage power ability, a gift he had bestowed upon his people in times of great need. This ability allowed each user to tap into a deep well of power and strength, surpassing even the most formidable of foes.

As the kingdom prepared for battle, Chris's wife Ranmao, a skilled warrior in her own right, stood by his side. She was his equal in every way, both in beauty and in battle prowess. Together, they formed a formidable team, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The day of reckoning finally arrived, and Vucub Caquix descended upon the kingdom with a fury unlike anything they had ever seen. The sky darkened as he unleashed his army of minions, each one more fearsome than the last. But Chris and Ranmao were undaunted, their determination unwavering.

With a cry of defiance, Chris activated the Rage power ability, his eyes glowing with an inner fire. Ranmao followed suit, her sword gleaming in the sunlight. Together, they charged into battle, cutting a path of destruction through the demon's forces.

As they fought, Chris and Ranmao displayed a level of skill and coordination that left their enemies in awe. They moved as one, anticipating each other's moves with uncanny precision. It was as if they were connected on a deep, spiritual level, their hearts beating as one.

With each strike, Vucub Caquix's forces dwindled, until only the bird demon himself remained. Chris and Ranmao faced him head-on, their determination unwavering. The battle was fierce, with Vucub Caquix unleashing all of his power in a desperate bid for victory.

But Chris and Ranmao were unyielding, their bond as husband and wife strengthening their resolve. With a final, devastating blow, they vanquished the bird demon once and for all. The kingdom erupted in cheers, their heroes victorious.

As they stood amidst the rubble of the battlefield, Chris and Ranmao shared a smile of triumph. They had faced their greatest enemy and emerged victorious, their love and strength propelling them to victory.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Ranmao returned to their kingdom, their bond stronger than ever. Together, they had faced the ultimate challenge and emerged victorious, a testament to the power of love and unity in the face of adversity. And as the sun set on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the land, they knew that they were truly unstoppable.

Aw 304. Of


S372. Reactive evolution.

Original: Emperor Chris' wife is Rose THOMAS with big boobs. Enemies: Wampum Birds - Giant heron with shell armor instead of feathers. These birds survive in a very hostile realm. To fight these birds, Chris gave the ability "reactive evolution" to his people. So, they can adapt and survive in the environment. 


(511 rating)

Emperor Chris sat on his throne, his mind preoccupied with the ever-growing threat of the Wampum Birds. These giant herons with shell armor instead of feathers had been causing chaos in the realm, terrorizing the citizens and wreaking havoc wherever they went. But Chris was not one to back down from a challenge. With his trusted advisers by his side, he devised a plan to defeat these formidable foes.

One day, while brainstorming ideas with his council, Chris had a brilliant epiphany. He remembered a legend of a mythical power known as "reactive evolution" that had been passed down through the ages. This power allowed individuals to adapt and evolve in real-time to survive in any environment or situation. With this newfound knowledge, Chris decided to bestow this ability upon his people in the hopes that they could finally defeat the Wampum Birds.

As the news spread throughout the kingdom, the citizens were both terrified and exhilarated at the prospect of gaining such a powerful ability. They trained tirelessly, honing their skills and preparing for the ultimate showdown with the Wampum Birds. And finally, the day arrived.

The Wampum Birds descended upon the kingdom in a flurry of feathers and shells, screeching and squawking as they laid waste to everything in their path. But Chris and his people were ready. As the battle raged on, the citizens began to exhibit incredible feats of reactive evolution. Some grew wings to match the birds in flight, others developed tough shells to protect themselves from the sharp beaks and talons.

But the most remarkable transformation of all came from Chris' wife, Rose Thomas. Known for her big heart and even bigger.assets, Rose had always been underestimated for her intelligence and strength. But when faced with the Wampum Birds, she tapped into her deepest reserves of power and underwent a miraculous evolution.

In a flash of light, Rose's chest expanded to massive proportions, her once modest bosom now rivaling the size of the Wampum Birds themselves. But it wasn't just for show - her newfound "big boobs" were actually powerful weapons, capable of emitting a sonic blast that stunned the birds and sent them reeling.

As the citizens watched in awe, Rose led the charge against the Wampum Birds, her massive breasts pulsating with energy as she unleashed a barrage of sonic blasts that decimated their ranks. The birds screeched in agony, their armor cracking under the force of her attacks.

In the end, the Wampum Birds were defeated, their reign of terror finally brought to an end thanks to the incredible power of reactive evolution. And as the kingdom celebrated their victory, Emperor Chris couldn't help but marvel at the strength and resilience of his people - especially his wife, Rose Thomas, with her big boobs and even bigger heart.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, Rose Thomas, became known throughout the realm as a tale of humor, creativity, and visionary thinking. And they lived happily ever after, secure in the knowledge that no enemy could ever stand in their way as long as they had each other.

Aw 305. Mud


S373. Reactive evolution.


Emperor Chris' wife is the mature Hayase NAGATORO.

Enemies: Yatagarasu – three-legged crows. Extremely powerful attacks that can destroy Undverses. Their power grows overtime while they use it. They also become more durable when attacked.

Chris empowered his people with reactive evolution. The people grew more and more durable as they tanked attacks from the crows. The people's strength and speed also increased as they attacked the crows.

The limit of this ability is the maximum energy of the current Undverse.


(443 rating)

Emperor Chris, ruler of the vast Undverse, was known for his strategic brilliance and incredible power. However, despite his intimidating presence, there was one person who could always bring out his softer side - his wife, the mature and elegant Hayase Nagatoro.

Hayase Nagatoro was not only incredibly beautiful, but she also possessed a sharp wit and a playful sense of humor that always managed to lighten Chris' mood. While he may have been feared by many, she was the one person who could always make him smile.

One day, as Emperor Chris and Hayase Nagatoro were enjoying a leisurely stroll through the palace gardens, they were suddenly attacked by the fearsome Yatagarasu - three-legged crows with the power to destroy entire Undverses. As the crows swooped down, ready to unleash their devastating attacks, Chris knew that he would have to act quickly to protect his beloved wife.

Using his powers of reactive evolution, Chris empowered himself and his people to withstand the powerful attacks of the Yatagarasu. As they fought back against the crows, their strength and speed increased exponentially, turning the tide of the battle in their favor.

However, as the battle raged on, Chris knew that they were reaching the limits of their abilities. The energy of the current Undverse could only sustain them for so long, and the crows seemed to only grow stronger with each passing moment.

As Chris and his people continued to fight valiantly, Hayase Nagatoro remained by his side, offering words of encouragement and support. Her quick thinking and clever strategies helped to turn the tide of the battle, allowing them to gain the upper hand against the fearsome Yatagarasu.

In the end, it was Hayase Nagatoro's wisdom and humor that saved the day, as she devised a plan to outsmart the crows and finally defeat them once and for all. With the threat of the Yatagarasu vanquished, Emperor Chris and his beloved wife could finally relax and enjoy a peaceful evening together, knowing that they had overcome yet another challenge in their eternal quest for peace and harmony in the Undverse.

As they sat together in the palace gardens, basking in the glow of their victory, Hayase Nagatoro turned to Chris with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Well, my dear Emperor," she said with a smile, "it seems that even the most powerful of foes are no match for the power of love and laughter.

"And with that, Emperor Chris knew that no matter what challenges may come their way, as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything that stood in their path. For in the Undverse, love and humor were truly the most powerful forces of all.

Aw 306. And
