Emergency update, Chapter 7:



(473 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his great power and wisdom. He ruled over his kingdom with a fair and just hand, always putting the needs of his people above his own. But despite all of his accomplishments, there was one thing he still desired - a wife to share his life and his throne.

One day, while walking through the woods near his castle, Emperor Chris stumbled upon a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and piercing red eyes. She introduced herself as Fate Testarossa, a powerful sorceress who had been wandering the land in search of a worthy partner.

Emperor Chris was immediately smitten with Fate Testarossa and asked her to become his wife. Fate, intrigued by the offer, agreed on one condition - that Emperor Chris prove his worthiness by facing her enemies in battle.

Emperor Chris accepted the challenge without hesitation, eager to prove himself to his future bride. Fate Testarossa cast a spell that prevented Apparition within the range of an area, a power she often used to keep unwanted visitors away. And so, the stage was set for a showdown between Emperor Chris, Fate Testarossa, and their enemies - the one above fools and Yogiri, and their army of apparitions.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris and Fate Testarossa fought side by side, using their powers to fend off the enemy forces. Emperor Chris summoned bolts of lightning from the sky, while Fate Testarossa created barriers of energy to protect them from harm.

But as the battle wore on, Emperor Chris began to doubt his abilities. The one above fools and Yogiri seemed to have an endless supply of apparitions at their disposal, and Emperor Chris wondered if he would ever be able to defeat them.

Fate Testarossa, seeing her husband's doubt, took his hand and whispered words of encouragement. She reminded him of all the times he had overcome great challenges in the past and urged him to tap into his inner strength.

With renewed determination, Emperor Chris squared his shoulders and unleashed a powerful blast of energy that decimated the enemy forces. The one above fools and Yogiri were taken aback by the sudden turn of events, and their apparitions began to retreat.

Emperor Chris and Fate Testarossa stood victorious on the battlefield, their enemies defeated and their love for each other stronger than ever. As they returned to the castle, the people of the kingdom cheered their names, forever grateful for their bravery and heroism.

And so, Emperor Chris and Fate Testarossa ruled the kingdom together, their bond unbreakable and their love enduring for all eternity. They were a true power couple, using their humor and creativity to navigate the challenges that came their way with grace and determination. And as they gazed out over their kingdom, they knew that together, they could face anything that life threw at them.

Elre: 335,544,826.86954 x 1.08 = 362,388,413.01910. would

Αποτρέπει την εμφάνιση εντός εμβέλειας μιας περιοχής. Συχνά χρησιμοποιείται για να κρατήσει μακριά τους ανεπιθύμητους επισκέπτες από μια περιοχή.



(507 rating)

Once upon a time in the mystical land of Taltoria, Emperor Chris ruled with a firm hand and a hearty laugh. His wife, Empress Hinako Inui, was known throughout the kingdom for her beauty, wit, and most importantly, her powerful spell that prevented Disapparation within a certain area. This spell came in handy many times to trap enemies who dared to challenge the Emperor's rule.

One day, as Emperor Chris and Empress Hinako were enjoying a peaceful stroll through the royal gardens, a dark cloud appeared on the horizon. The couple looked up to see the infamous villain, One Above All, and his army of seals with sailor hats approaching.

"By the tentacles of Neptune!" exclaimed the Emperor, "It's One Above All and his army of nautical villains! Quick, Hinako, use your spell to prevent their Disapparation within our kingdom!"Empress Hinako nodded solemnly and raised her hands in the air, casting her powerful spell. As the enemy army tried to Disapparate away, they found themselves trapped within the boundaries of the spell, unable to escape.

The seals with sailor hats honked in confusion as they realized they were stuck, much to the delight of Emperor Chris and Empress Hinako. The couple watched from a safe distance as the enemy army floundered about, unable to break free from the Empress's spell.

"Ha! Take that, One Above All!" laughed Emperor Chris, as Empress Hinako smirked in satisfaction.

But just as they were enjoying their victory, One Above All unleashed a brilliant plan. He sent his seals with sailor hats to distract the royal couple while he snuck up behind them.

"Quick, Hinako, look out!" shouted the Emperor, as he pushed the Empress out of harm's way. But it was too late. One Above All had cast a spell of his own, trapping Emperor Chris in a giant bubble.

"Ha! Now you shall be at my mercy, Emperor!" cackled One Above All, as he prepared to deliver the final blow.

But Empress Hinako was not one to be defeated so easily. She summoned all her magical strength and cast a powerful spell that caused the bubble to shrink, trapping One Above All inside.

"Looks like the tables have turned, One Above All!" she declared triumphantly, as the villain squirmed inside the shrinking bubble.

With a flourish of her hand, Empress Hinako banished the bubble and sent One Above All and his army of seals with sailor hats back to where they came from. The kingdom of Taltoria was safe once again, thanks to the quick thinking and magical powers of Emperor Chris and Empress Hinako.

As the royal couple embraced, Emperor Chris turned to his wife with a twinkle in his eye.

"My dear Hinako, I don't know what I would do without you and your amazing spell. You truly are the Empress of my heart.

"And so, Emperor Chris and Empress Hinako basked in the glow of their victory, secure in the knowledge that no enemy could overcome their love and their powerful magic. For in the kingdom of Taltoria, humor, creativity, and a bit of magic always prevailed in the end.

Elre: 362,388,413.01910 x 1.10 = 398,627,254.32101. dethrone

Αποτρέπει την εξαφάνιση σε μια περιοχή. Συχνά χρησιμοποιείται για να παγιδεύσει έναν εχθρό σε μια περιοχή.



(481 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his wisdom, strength, and leadership. But behind every great emperor is a great empress, and in this case, that empress was none other than Fitoria. Fitoria was not only known for her incredible beauty, but also for her fierce intelligence and quick wit.

Despite her fit body and stunning looks, Fitoria had a unique power that set her apart from all others - a spell that prevented intruders from entering any area she chose to protect. This spell was similar to the Anti-Apparition Charm, making it nearly impossible for anyone to cross the threshold without her permission.

One day, word reached the emperor that a new enemy had arrived on their doorstep - The One Above All and his army of soldiers in high school uniforms with outrageous hairstyles and spiky hair. This army was causing chaos and mayhem wherever they went, and Emperor Chris knew he needed to do something to stop them.

Turning to his wife, Fitoria, for advice, Emperor Chris asked her to use her spell to protect their kingdom from The One Above All and his army. Fitoria agreed, knowing that her spell would give them a fighting chance against the powerful enemy.

As The One Above All and his soldiers approached the kingdom, they found themselves unable to enter. Try as they might, they simply could not cross the invisible barrier that Fitoria had created. Frustrated and angry, The One Above All vowed to find a way to penetrate the barrier and defeat Emperor Chris once and for all.

But Fitoria's spell was strong, and no matter how hard The One Above All and his soldiers tried, they could not break through. Emperor Chris and Fitoria watched from the safety of their castle as the enemy struggled in vain, their ridiculous hairstyles bobbing up and down as they raged against the invisible wall.

Seeing the enemy's futile attempts, Emperor Chris couldn't help but chuckle. "It seems that our enemy is no match for your powers, my dear Fitoria," he said with a smile.

Fitoria glanced at her husband, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Indeed, it seems they are finding themselves in quite a hairy situation," she replied, a playful grin on her face.

The emperor and empress watched as The One Above All and his soldiers eventually gave up and retreated, defeated by Fitoria's powerful spell. The kingdom was safe once more, thanks to the quick thinking and clever strategy of Emperor Chris and his fit-bodied wife.

From that day on, The One Above All and his army of soldiers in high school uniforms with forms formed and spiky hair became the laughingstock of the land, their failed attempt at conquering the kingdom a topic of much amusement and hilarity. And as for Emperor Chris and Fitoria, they ruled their kingdom with strength, wisdom, and a healthy dose of humor, knowing that together, they were unstoppable.

Elre: 398,627,254.32101 x 1.08 = 430,517,434.66669. him.

Εμποδίζει τους εισβολείς να εισέλθουν σε μια περιοχή. Μάλλον μοιάζει σχετικά με το...



(514 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wise and fair rule. He was a beloved ruler, loved by all his subjects. But what many didn't know was that behind every great man, there's a great woman. And in Emperor Chris's case, that woman was his wife, the beautiful and mysterious Hakuei REN.

Hakuei was not like any other woman in the kingdom. She possessed a powerful and dangerous curse – an unknown spell that could cause injuries capable of killing with enough power. But Hakuei was not one to use her powers for evil. She was a kind-hearted and gentle soul, always looking out for the well-being of others.

Despite her curse, Hakuei had a love for fish. She would often go down to the Shallow River to catch fish for a feast, much to the dismay of the fishes who called the river their home. They would swim away as fast as they could whenever they saw Hakuei approaching with her net, fearing for their lives.

One day, Emperor Chris received a message from his enemies – a group of fools who thought they could overthrow him and take over his kingdom. Little did they know that Emperor Chris and his wife were not to be messed with.

As the fools made their way towards the palace, Emperor Chris called upon his wife to help him deal with the threat. Hakuei, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, agreed to help. She knew just what to do.

As the fools approached the palace gates, they were met with a strange sight. The ground beneath them began to tremble, and out of the river emerged a mighty army of fish, led by none other than Hakuei herself. The fools were taken aback – they had never seen anything like it.

The fish swarmed around the fools, slapping them with their fins and splashing water in their faces. The fools tried to run, but they were no match for the powerful fish army. In the end, they were defeated and sent running back to where they came from, tails between their legs.

Emperor Chris and Hakuei laughed as they watched the fools retreat. The threat had been neutralized, thanks to the unlikely alliance between humans and fish.

From that day on, Emperor Chris and Hakuei were known as the rulers who had conquered the fools with the help of a fish army. They were beloved even more by their subjects, who saw them as a strong and fearless couple who would do whatever it took to protect their kingdom.

And so, Emperor Chris and Hakuei REN ruled their kingdom with wisdom and compassion, always willing to go to great lengths to ensure the safety and happiness of their people. And the fishes of the Shallow River? Well, they learned to live in harmony with their fish-loving queen, knowing that she would always protect them from any harm that came their way.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and Hakuei REN lived on, a tale of love, loyalty, and the power of a woman with a dangerous curse and a heart of gold.

Elre: 430,517,434.66669 x 1.10 = 473,569,178.13335. Zeus.

Η Χακουέι δεν ήταν σαν καμία άλλη γυναίκα στο βασίλειο. Είχε μια ισχυρή και επικίνδυνη κατάρα - ένα άγνωστο ξόρκι που θα μπορούσε να προκαλέσει τραυματισμούς ικανούς να σκοτώσουν με αρκετή δύναμη. Αλλά η Χακουέι δεν χρησιμοποιούσε τις δυνάμεις της για κακό. Ήταν μια καλόκαρδη και ευγενική ψυχή, που πάντα φρόντιζε για την ευημερία των άλλων.


Christine paused typing for a while. She then sent a message to her group chat.

Christine: Is it a good idea if I add long spells or runes to the story?

Rose: maybe. But it might turn off some readers if it's too long or complicated.

Christine posted the latest screenshot of a very long rune.

Rose: it sounds interesting. Long runes can make readers feel a mystery or some hidden message. I guess that rune is just long enough.

Christine: Well it's a fragment from a history book. I will add later to the story that the readers of the future can use the excerpt to cast a spell.

Rose: that's a good idea.

Christine: it will also make sense since the stories are the fantasies of the girls and they're nigh omnipotent so Chris had no choice but to follow...so basically, history revolves around the fantasies of the girls.

They talked for about thirty minutes or so before Christine resumed with her work.



(646 rating)

Emperor Chris of the Kingdom of Everbright was known far and wide for his wisdom, strength, and sharp wit. But one thing that many didn't know about the great Emperor was his lovely wife, Hotaru Shidare. Hotaru was not only stunningly beautiful, but she possessed a unique and powerful magical ability that made her a force to be reckoned with.

Hotaru's spell allowed her to reveal secret messages written in invisible ink or any other hidden markings. This made her invaluable to Emperor Chris, as she was able to uncover plots and schemes that others thought were kept hidden. Her powers also worked against concealing charms, making her a thorn in the side of those who tried to deceive the Emperor.

One of Emperor Chris' greatest enemies was the one above all fools, a mischievous and cunning sorcerer who was constantly trying to overthrow the Emperor and take control of the kingdom. The one above all fools had an army of magical sentient paper at his disposal, which he used to spread lies and misinformation throughout the land.

But whenever the one above all fools sent his paper minions to deliver secret messages or hidden instructions, Hotaru was always there to foil his plans. With a simple wave of her hand, she would reveal the hidden messages, putting the one above all fools and his army under Emperor Chris' control.

Despite the constant threat of the one above all fools, Emperor Chris and Hotaru lived a happy and peaceful life in the palace of Everbright. Hotaru's powers were not only useful in protecting the kingdom, but they also brought a sense of humor and joy to their daily lives.

One day, as Emperor Chris was preparing for a grand feast to celebrate the anniversary of his coronation, a mysterious message arrived at the palace. The message was written in an ancient language that no one in the kingdom could decipher, not even Hotaru. The Emperor knew that this was the work of the one above all fools, and he feared that it might be a plot to overthrow him once and for all.

But Hotaru was not one to be deterred by a simple message. She took the parchment in hand and examined it closely, her keen eyes searching for any hidden markings or clues. Suddenly, a smirk crossed her lips as she uncovered a hidden message written in invisible ink.

"Ah-ha!" she exclaimed, holding the parchment up for Emperor Chris to see. "It seems the one above all fools is up to his old tricks again. But fear not, my love, for I have revealed his secrets once more.

"Emperor Chris was impressed by his wife's quick thinking and skillful use of her powers. With the hidden message exposed, he was able to thwart the one above all fools' plot and ensure the safety of the kingdom once more.

The grand feast went on as planned, with the people of Everbright celebrating their beloved Emperor and his clever wife. Hotaru's powers had saved the day once again, and the kingdom was safe from the devious schemes of their enemies.

As they sat together at the head of the banquet table, Emperor Chris looked lovingly at Hotaru and whispered, "You truly are the light of my life, my dear. Your powers never cease to amaze me, and I am grateful to have you by my side.

"Hotaru smiled back at her husband, her eyes sparkling with mischief and warmth. "And you, my Emperor, are the strongest and most honorable ruler in all the land. Together, we will always triumph over our enemies, no matter how cunning or powerful they may be.

"And so, with Hotaru Shidare's unique abilities and Emperor Chris' fearless leadership, the Kingdom of Everbright flourished and remained a beacon of hope and joy for all who dwelt within its borders. And they lived happily ever after, with laughter and love filling their days for eternity.

Elre: 473,569,178.13335 x 1.12 = 530,397,479.50936. had

Το ξόρκι της Χοτάρου της επέτρεψε να αποκαλύψει μυστικά μηνύματα γραμμένα με αόρατο μελάνι ή οποιαδήποτε άλλα κρυφά σημάδια. Αυτό την έκανε ανεκτίμητη για τον αυτοκράτορα Κρις, καθώς ήταν σε θέση να αποκαλύψει οικόπεδα και σχέδια που άλλοι πίστευαν ότι κρατούνταν κρυμμένα.



(477 rating)

Emperor Chris of the enchanted land of Fluffington was known far and wide for his powerful magic and benevolent rule. However, his greatest treasure was his wife, the beautiful and cunning Rima MASHIRO. Rima was not only a stunning beauty, but also a powerful sorceress in her own right. Her spells were legendary, especially her ability to reveal traces of magic, including footprints and track marks left behind by those who tried to deceive or harm the royal family.

One day, a new enemy emerged in the form of the one above all fools, a mischievous and devious wizard who sought to steal the throne of Fluffington for himself. He had assembled an army of powerful sentient shoes, each with its own unique abilities and magic. The sight of an army of flying sneakers and stomping boots was both comical and terrifying to the citizens of Fluffington.

Emperor Chris and Rima were not ones to back down from a challenge, however. They immediately set out to confront the one above all fools and his army of magical footwear. As they journeyed through the enchanted forest, Rima cast her spells, revealing the footprints and track marks left by the enemy, leading them closer to their foe.

As they approached the one above all fools' hidden lair, they were met with a barrage of attacks from the sentient shoes. Boots flew through the air, high-heels clicked ominously, and sandals stomped the ground in a menacing rhythm. But Emperor Chris and Rima were undaunted, using their own powerful magic to counter the attacks and protect themselves.

In a stroke of genius, Rima cast a spell that caused the shoes to become entangled in their own laces, tripping over each other in a comedic tangle of leather and fabric. As they struggled to free themselves, Emperor Chris swooped in with his own magic, banishing the shoes back to wherever they had come from.

The one above all fools, seeing his army defeated, tried to flee, but Rima was quick to reveal his own magical footprints, leading them straight to him. With a flick of her wrist, she cast a spell that bound the wizard in invisible chains, rendering him powerless to escape.

The citizens of Fluffington cheered as Emperor Chris and Rima returned victorious, the threat of the one above all fools and his army of sentient shoes vanquished. The royal couple shared a knowing smile, their bond stronger than ever in the face of danger.

And so, Emperor Chris and Rima MASHIRO continued to rule over the enchanted land of Fluffington, their love and magic protecting the kingdom from any who dared to threaten its prosperity. And though the tale of the one above all fools and his army of powerful shoes became a humorous legend in the land, none could deny the bravery and cunning of Emperor Chris and his wife, the enchanting sorceress Rima MASHIRO.

Elre: 530,397,479.50936 x 1.08 = 572,829,277.87010. his

Τα ξόρκια της ήταν θρυλικά, ειδικά η ικανότητά της να αποκαλύπτει ίχνη μαγείας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των πατημάτων και των σημαδιών που άφησαν πίσω τους όσοι προσπάθησαν να εξαπατήσουν ή να βλάψουν τη βασιλική οικογένεια.



(582 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wisdom, his kindness, and his love for his people. But it was his wife, Kotoko, who held a special place in his heart. Kotoko was a powerful sorceress, with a spell that allowed her to teleport anyone to any location they had seen or been to before. This spell had proven to be invaluable in times of need, allowing Emperor Chris and his allies to travel quickly and efficiently across the kingdom.

But their peace was soon shattered by the arrival of a new enemy - the one above all. This mysterious figure had amassed an army of teleporters, each one more powerful than the last. They sought to conquer the land and destroy everything in their path. Emperor Chris knew that he would need Kotoko's help more than ever to defeat this new threat.

As the one above all's army approached, Emperor Chris called upon Kotoko to use her teleportation spell to gather their allies to form a united front. With a wave of her hand, Kotoko teleported their friends and allies to their side, ready to face the oncoming storm.

The battle was fierce, with teleporters appearing and disappearing in a flurry of motion. But Kotoko's spell proved to be invaluable, allowing their allies to move quickly and strike at their enemies from unexpected angles. With each teleportation, the tide of the battle turned in their favor.

Emperor Chris fought bravely alongside Kotoko, using his sword to fend off their enemies and protect his wife. Kotoko, in turn, used her powers to teleport herself and her husband to safety whenever they were in danger. It was a sight to behold - a dance of steel and sorcery, with Emperor Chris and Kotoko leading the charge against the one above all's forces.

But just when it seemed like victory was within their grasp, the one above all unleashed his most powerful teleporter yet. This teleporter had the ability to warp reality itself, creating portals to unknown dimensions and unleashing chaos upon the battlefield. Emperor Chris and Kotoko found themselves on the defensive, struggling to survive against this new threat.

In a moment of desperation, Kotoko summoned all of her power and cast her teleportation spell one last time. With a burst of energy, she teleported herself, Emperor Chris, and their allies to the heart of the enemy's stronghold. It was a risky move, but Kotoko knew that they needed to strike at the one above all before he could unleash any more havoc.

As they appeared in the enemy's fortress, Emperor Chris and Kotoko faced off against the one above all himself. The battle that followed was fierce, with teleporters flashing in and out of existence all around them. But with Kotoko's spell and Emperor Chris's skill, they were able to defeat the one above all and his army of teleporters once and for all.

As the dust settled and the sun rose on a new day, Emperor Chris and Kotoko stood victorious. Their kingdom was safe once more, thanks to their courage and determination. And though there would always be new challenges to face, they knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome anything that came their way.

And so, Emperor Chris and Kotoko returned to their palace, hand in hand, ready to face whatever the future held for them. For they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any obstacle with humor, love, and the power of teleportation at their side.

Elre: 572,829,277.87010 x 1.10 = 630,112,205.65711. servants.

Η Κοτόκο ήταν μια πανίσχυρη μάγισσα, με ένα ξόρκι που της επέτρεπε να τηλεμεταφέρει οποιονδήποτε σε οποιαδήποτε τοποθεσία είχε δει ή είχε πάει πριν. Αυτό το ξόρκι είχε αποδειχθεί ανεκτίμητο σε στιγμές ανάγκης, επιτρέποντας στον αυτοκράτορα Κρις και τους συμμάχους του να ταξιδέψουν γρήγορα και αποτελεσματικά σε όλο το βασίλειο.



(625 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his wisdom, bravery, and love for his people. However, there was one person who held his heart above all others - his wife, Haruka OUMA. Haruka was not only the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, but she was also a powerful sorceress with a spell that could create and control a jet of clear water from the tip of her wand.

Haruka's enemies, however, were many. The one above all fools, a rival sorcerer who sought to overthrow Emperor Chris and rule the kingdom himself, had gathered an army of Yogiris and dry golems to aid him in his quest for power. But Haruka was not one to be trifled with. With her wit, charm, and powerful water spell, she was more than a match for the one above all fools and his cronies.

One day, as Emperor Chris and Haruka walked through the palace gardens, they were ambushed by a group of Yogiris. The creatures snarled and hissed as they advanced, their dry, brittle bodies crackling with malevolent energy. But Haruka merely smiled and raised her wand, calling forth a powerful jet of water that sent the Yogiris flying through the air, their cries of surprise fading into the distance.

Emperor Chris chuckled as he watched his wife dispatch their attackers with ease. "My dear Haruka," he said, "you never cease to amaze me with your skill and cunning.

"Haruka grinned and gave him a playful wink. "It's all in a day's work, my love," she replied. "But we mustn't let our guard down. The one above all fools is still out there, plotting his next move.

"Indeed, the one above all fools was not one to give up easily. As Emperor Chris and Haruka prepared for the coming battle, they knew that they would need all their wits and magic to defeat their enemy once and for all. But Haruka was not one to back down from a challenge. With a twinkle in her eye and a mischievous grin on her face, she set out to outsmart the one above all fools and his army of Yogiris and dry golems.

Using her visionary creativity, Haruka devised a plan to lure the enemy into a trap. She created an illusion of a magnificent feast in the palace courtyard, complete with delicious food, fine wine, and music playing in the background. The one above all fools and his minions, always hungry for power and riches, could not resist the temptation of such a lavish display.

As the enemy approached, their eyes wide with greed, Haruka made her move. With a flick of her wand, she sent a torrent of water crashing down upon them, drenching them from head to toe and washing them away in a tide of liquid force. The Yogiris screeched and flailed as they were swept away, while the dry golems crumbled to dust in the deluge.

Emperor Chris cheered as he watched the spectacle unfold, his heart filled with pride for his clever and resourceful wife. "Well done, my love," he said, clapping Haruka on the back. "You have once again proven that you are the true master of magic in this realm.

"Haruka smiled and bowed gracefully, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "It was nothing, my dear," she replied. "Just a little trick I picked up along the way. But we mustn't rest on our laurels. The one above all fools may be defeated for now, but who knows what other challenges lie ahead.

"And so, Emperor Chris and Haruka OUMA continued to reign over their kingdom with wisdom, bravery, and a healthy dose of humor. Together, they faced each new day with courage and determination, knowing that as long as they had each other, there was nothing they couldn't overcome.

Elre: 630,112,205.65711 x 1.12 = 705,725,670.33596. Force.

Η Χαρούκα δεν ήταν μόνο η πιο όμορφη γυναίκα στο βασίλειο, αλλά ήταν επίσης μια ισχυρή μάγισσα με ένα ξόρκι που μπορούσε να δημιουργήσει και να ελέγξει έναν πίδακα καθαρού νερού από την άκρη του ραβδιού της.



(494 rating)

Emperor Chris was known far and wide for his wisdom, kindness, and fair rule over his kingdom. However, little did the people know that behind every great man is an even greater woman - his wife, Kei KARUIZAWA.

Kei was not your average empress. She possessed a special gift that set her apart from the rest - the ability to drive away spiders with just a flick of her wrist. And we're not talking about your ordinary household spiders here. Kei's spells were so powerful that they could banish even the largest of arachnids, ones larger than Ungoliant herself.

But little did Kei know that her powers would soon be put to the test when a formidable enemy emerged from the shadows - the one above all, Altair, and her army of spiders. Altair was a dark and sinister sorceress who had long harbored a grudge against Emperor Chris. And now, she saw an opportunity to strike back by unleashing her arachnid minions upon the kingdom.

As the skies darkened with swarms of spiders, Emperor Chris knew that it was time to call upon the one person who could save them all - his beloved wife, Kei. With a determined look in her eyes, Kei stepped forward and raised her hands, unleashing a wave of energy that sent the spiders scuttling back into the shadows.

But Altair was not so easily defeated. She sent wave after wave of spiders at the kingdom, each one larger and more terrifying than the last. Kei's powers were put to the test as she battled against the horde, her spells weaving a protective barrier around the kingdom.

As the battle raged on, Emperor Chris could only watch in awe as his wife fought valiantly against their monstrous foes. With each flick of her wrist, spiders were banished into oblivion, their eight legs flailing as they disappeared in a puff of smoke.

But just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Kei unleashed her ultimate spell - a blinding light that engulfed the entire battlefield. When the light faded, Altair and her army of spiders were nowhere to be seen, driven away by the sheer power of Kei's magic.

The kingdom erupted into cheers as Kei emerged victorious, her face beaming with pride. Emperor Chris rushed to her side, enveloping her in a tight embrace. "You are truly the savior of our kingdom, my love," he said, his eyes shining with admiration.

And so, Kei KARUIZAWA became a legend in her own right, known throughout the land as the Empress of Spiders. Her spells were passed down through the generations, ensuring that the kingdom would always be protected from the creatures of the shadows.

As for Altair, she never dared to set foot in the kingdom again, knowing that Kei's powers were unmatched. And so, peace reigned once more in the kingdom, thanks to the bravery and strength of Emperor Chris' wife, Kei KARUIZAWA. And they all lived happily ever after, with not a spider in sight.

Elre: x 1.08 = 762,183,723.96284. and

Η Κέι δεν ήταν η μέση αυτοκράτειρά σου. Διέθετε ένα ιδιαίτερο δώρο που την ξεχώριζε από τις υπόλοιπες - την ικανότητα να διώχνει τις αράχνες μόνο με μια κίνηση του καρπού της. Και δεν μιλάμε για τις συνηθισμένες οικιακές σας αράχνες εδώ. Τα ξόρκια του Kei ήταν τόσο ισχυρά που μπορούσαν να διώξουν ακόμη και τα μεγαλύτερα αραχνοειδή, αυτά που ήταν μεγαλύτερα από την ίδια την ...



(534 rating)

Emperor Chris, ruler of the vast kingdom of Avalon, was known far and wide for his love of grandiosity and extravagance. However, for all his power and wealth, there was one thing that eluded him - a suitable wife to share his throne with. After years of searching, he finally found his match in the form of the beautiful and enigmatic Mako Reizei.

Mako was not your typical princess. She was a powerful sorceress with a spell that could decrease the velocity of a moving target. It was a rare and highly sought-after ability, one that Emperor Chris knew would be invaluable in times of war. And war was on the horizon, for their enemies, the notorious duo known as the one above all and Yogiri, were gathering their forces for an attack on Avalon.

The one above all and Yogiri were known for their army of fast-moving creatures, creatures that seemed to blur past their enemies in the blink of an eye. It was a formidable force, one that had struck fear into the hearts of many kingdoms before Avalon. But Emperor Chris was not one to cower in fear. With Mako by his side, he knew they had a chance at victory.

As the enemy forces drew closer to Avalon, Emperor Chris called upon Mako to use her spell to slow down their advance. Mako stood at the gates of the kingdom, her hands raised high as she chanted the incantation. And just like that, the fast-moving creatures began to slow down, their movements becoming sluggish and clumsy. The one above all and Yogiri looked on in horror as their army faltered, their speed no longer an advantage.

But the battle was far from over. The enemy forces may have been slowed down, but they were still a formidable foe. Emperor Chris knew they needed a plan, and fast. He called upon his most trusted advisors and together they devised a cunning strategy to outmaneuver the enemy.

As the enemy forces closed in on Avalon, Emperor Chris and his army lay in wait, hidden in the shadows of the forest. When the time was right, they struck with precision and skill, catching the enemy off guard. Mako used her spell to slow down multiple targets at once, creating chaos and confusion in the enemy ranks.

The battle raged on, with both sides fighting fiercely for victory. But Emperor Chris and Mako's quick thinking and strategic prowess ultimately won the day. The one above all and Yogiri were defeated, their army scattered and broken.

As Avalon celebrated their hard-fought victory, Emperor Chris took Mako's hand in his and thanked her for her bravery and skill. Together, they had faced down a formidable enemy and emerged victorious. And from that day on, Mako Reizei was known throughout the kingdom as not only the Emperor's wife, but also as the formidable sorceress who had helped save Avalon from destruction.

And so, with humor and visionary creativity, Emperor Chris and Mako Reizei ruled over Avalon, their love and unity symbolizing the strength and resilience of their kingdom. And though their enemies may try to strike again, they knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

Elre: 762,183,723.96284 x 1.05 = 800,292,910.16098.  Violence.