Emergency update, Chapter 8:



(482 rating)

Emperor Chris was known throughout the land for his bravery, intelligence, and leadership. But what many didn't know was that behind every great emperor, there was an even greater wife. Shinobu Wakamiya, a beautiful and fierce woman with big boobs, was the true power behind the throne.

Shinobu was not your typical empress. While she was elegant and refined in public, in private she was a force to be reckoned with. She was a skilled warrior, known for her ability to dual wield wands and cast powerful spells. Her specialty was firing arrows from her wand, a skill that had saved the empire on countless occasions.

One such occasion arose when the one above all fools, a notorious warlord with an army of mind-reading magical apes known as Satoris, threatened to invade the empire. Emperor Chris knew that they needed Shinobu's skills to defeat such a formidable enemy.

As the Satoris army approached, Emperor Chris and Shinobu strategized in their war room. Shinobu held her wand tightly, ready to unleash her deadly arrows on the enemy. But just as they were about to launch their attack, a group of Satoris burst through the door, their eyes glowing with malicious intent.

Shinobu wasted no time, casting her spell and sending a flurry of arrows towards the oncoming apes. The arrows hit their mark, causing chaos among the enemy ranks. The Satoris, unable to read Shinobu's mind due to her exceptional control, were caught off guard by her powerful spell.

Emperor Chris, with his own skill in swordsmanship, joined the fray, cutting down Satoris left and right. Shinobu fought alongside him, her arrows raining down on the enemy. The tide of battle quickly turned in the empire's favor, as the Satoris were no match for the combined might of Emperor Chris and Shinobu.

As the last of the Satoris fell, Emperor Chris and Shinobu stood victorious, their enemies defeated and their empire safe once more. The people cheered for their heroes, Emperor Chris taking the credit as the great leader he was known to be. But Shinobu knew the truth - it was her spells and her skills that had saved the day.

From that day on, Shinobu's reputation as a powerful and fearless empress spread far and wide. She became known as the Big Boobed Warrior Empress, feared by enemies and respected by allies. And Emperor Chris, grateful for his wife's strength and courage, knew that he was blessed to have such a formidable partner by his side.

And so, the empire prospered under the rule of Emperor Chris and Shinobu Wakamiya, a true power couple that would go down in history as legends of humor and heroism. Their story was told and retold throughout the land, inspiring generations to come with their tales of bravery and love. And though they faced many challenges in the years to come, they knew that together, they could conquer anything that came their way.

Elre: 800,292,910.16098 x 1.08 = 864,316,342.97385. seize.

Η ...δεν ήταν η τυπική σου αυτοκράτειρα. Ενώ ήταν κομψή και εκλεπτυσμένη στο κοινό, στον ιδιωτικό ήταν μια υπολογίσιμη δύναμη. Ήταν μια ικανή πολεμίστρια, γνωστή για την ικανότητά της να χειρίζεται δύο ραβδιά και να κάνει ισχυρά ξόρκια. Η ειδικότητά της ήταν να εκτοξεύει βέλη από το ραβδί της, μια ικανότητα που είχε σώσει την αυτοκρατορία σε αμέτρητες περιπτώσεις.



(510 rating)

Emperor Chris was a kind and gentle ruler of the mystical land of Auroria. He was loved by his people for his fair and just rule... After a long time of searching, he finally met the beautiful and powerful sorceress Goemon HACHISUKA.

Goemon was not your typical sorceress. She had a mischievous twinkle in her eye and a penchant for causing trouble wherever she went. But Emperor Chris was captivated by her charm and beauty, and he knew that she was the one for him.

The day of their wedding was a grand affair, with the entire kingdom coming together to celebrate the union of Emperor Chris and Goemon. But little did they know that trouble was brewing on the horizon.

The one above all, a powerful sorcerer who had long been jealous of Emperor Chris's rule, had hatched a devious plan to overthrow him. He summoned his army of Shōjō - anthropomorphic spirits with the bodies of orangutans and the minds of troublemakers - to wreak havoc on Auroria.

As Emperor Chris and Goemon danced the night away at their wedding feast, the Shōjō descended upon the kingdom, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. But Goemon was not one to back down from a challenge. She raised her hands and cast a spell that lifted her high into the air, allowing her to survey the battlefield from above.

With a mischievous grin, she began casting spells left and right, sending the Shōjō flying through the air and crashing into each other. The sight of the sorceress floating above the chaos, casting spells with wild abandon, was both terrifying and hilarious.

Emperor Chris watched in awe as his new wife single-handedly defeated the army of Shōjō with her incredible powers. The people of Auroria cheered her on, realizing that they had a true heroine in their midst.

But the one above all was not so easily defeated. He raised his own hands and cast a spell that summoned a powerful storm, threatening to destroy the kingdom once and for all. Emperor Chris knew that they needed to come up with a plan fast if they were going to survive.

Goemon, always quick on her feet, had an idea. She whispered a spell that lifted the storm high into the air, dispersing it harmlessly above the kingdom. The people of Auroria stared in awe at the sorceress and her incredible powers, realizing that they had a true queen in their midst.

With the threat of the one above all vanquished, Emperor Chris and Goemon HACHISUKA ruled over Auroria together, bringing peace and prosperity to the land. And though their lives were never without adventure and excitement, they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything that came their way.

And so, Emperor Chris and his wife Goemon lived happily ever after, their love and laughter echoing throughout the kingdom for generations to come. And the people of Auroria knew that they were truly blessed to have such a visionary and humorous couple ruling over them.

Elre: 864,316,342.97385 x 1.10 = 950,747,977.27124. Prometheus.

Καθώς ο Αυτοκράτορας Κρις και ο Γκόεμον χόρευαν όλη τη νύχτα στη γαμήλια γιορτή τους, οι Shōjō κατέβηκαν στο βασίλειο, προκαλώντας χάος και καταστροφή όπου κι αν πήγαιναν. Αλλά ο Goemon δεν ήταν αυτός που υποχώρησε από μια πρόκληση. Σήκωσε τα χέρια της και έκανε ένα ξόρκι που την σήκωσε ψηλά στον αέρα, επιτρέποντάς της να ερευνήσει το πεδίο της μάχης από ψηλά.



(519 rating)

In the ancient land of Jandoria, Emperor Chris ruled with a fair and just hand. His kingdom prospered under his wise leadership, and his people adored him. But behind the scenes, there lurked a dark force that threatened to overturn the peace and harmony of the realm.

Emperor Chris' wife, Mikan Tsumiki, was a mysterious and enigmatic figure. She was known for her beauty and grace, but also for her strange and powerful abilities. Mikan possessed a spell that could cause instantaneous death, leaving no physical injury to the victim's body or any trace of violence. This deadly power earned her the title of the "Silent Reaper" among the people of Jandoria.

But Mikan used her abilities sparingly, only when necessary to protect her loved ones and her kingdom. She stood by Emperor Chris' side, a silent but formidable presence that complemented his rule.

However, their peaceful existence was threatened by the one above all fools, a powerful sorcerer who sought to overthrow Emperor Chris and rule Jandoria with an iron fist. The sorcerer had amassed an army of fake immortals known as the Shug Monkeys – dog/monkeys with the ability to shape-shift and deceive.

The Shug Monkeys were a cunning and ruthless foe, using their deceptive powers to sow chaos and confusion throughout the kingdom. They posed a formidable challenge to Emperor Chris and his forces, who struggled to combat the deceitful creatures.

But Emperor Chris and Mikan Tsumiki were not ones to back down from a fight. They knew that the fate of Jandoria rested in their hands, and they were determined to protect their people at all costs.

Emperor Chris called upon his most skilled warriors to join him in battle against the Shug Monkeys. The air crackled with magic as spells were cast, swords clashed, and arrows flew through the sky. Mikan stood at the forefront, her powers unleashed with deadly precision as she struck down the enemy with a single glance.

The battle raged on for days, with no clear victor in sight. The Shug Monkeys proved to be a formidable foe, their deception and trickery testing the resolve of Emperor Chris and his forces.

But Mikan Tsumiki's deadly spell turned the tide of the battle. With a wave of her hand, she struck down the sorcerer and his minions, leaving no trace of violence or injury. The Shug Monkeys fell one by one, their illusions shattered by the Silent Reaper's power.

In the aftermath of the battle, Emperor Chris and Mikan Tsumiki stood victorious. The kingdom of Jandoria was safe once more, thanks to their courage and sacrifice. The people hailed them as heroes, their names forever etched in the annals of history.

Emperor Chris and Mikan Tsumiki ruled over Jandoria for many years to come, their bond stronger than ever. The people of the kingdom lived in peace and prosperity, knowing that their leaders would always stand by their side in times of need.

And so, the legend of Emperor Chris and his wife, Mikan Tsumiki, lived on in the hearts of the people of Jandoria, a testament to the power of love, loyalty, and sacrifice in the face of darkness and adversity.

Elre: 950,747,977.27124 x 1.10 = 1,045,822,774.998. take.

Η σύζυγος του αυτοκράτορα Chris, Mikan Tsumiki, ήταν μια μυστηριώδης και αινιγματική φιγούρα. Ήταν γνωστή για την ομορφιά και τη χάρη της, αλλά και για τις παράξενες και δυνατές ικανότητές της. Ο Mikan διέθετε ένα ξόρκι που θα μπορούσε να προκαλέσει ακαριαίο θάνατο, χωρίς να αφήνει κανένα σωματικό τραυματισμό στο σώμα του θύματος ή κανένα ίχνος βίας. Αυτή η θανατηφόρα δύναμη της χάρισε τον τίτλο του «Σιωπηλού Θεριστή» μεταξύ των κατοίκων της Τζαντόρια.