WebNovelHalf Bros30.56%

Funny Therapy

Lee House, Living Room

(Thomas, Timmy, Mark, and Freddie watching a karate movie)

Mark: These fight screens are so unrealistic.

Timmy: You say that to every martial art movie.

Mark: Because I know I can do it better.

Freddie: Theirs the ego again.

Thomas: Yay, you pillows must be the biggest in the world to support your head(laughs).

Mark: Come on I don't brag that much.

Thomas: Really. (Thomas mimics Mark's voice) I'm Mark the greatest martial artist in the world and anything else I do.

(All of them shocked)

Thomas: What?

Freddie: What the heck was that!

Timmy: You copied Mark's voice perfectly.

Mark: Well I wouldn't say perfectly.

Thomas: Well when I was kindergarten I use to make fun of the bullies by copying the voices and I guess I got pretty good at it.

Timmy: That's grossly underestimated. What other voices can you copy.

Thomas: (Thomas in Timmy voice) Well based on the number of people I know and the number of mannerisms they can copy is a big number.

Timmy: Impressive.

Mark: Do Freddie.

Thomas: (Thomas in Freddie voice) Sup ladies I am a cool guy who is good with repairing cars.

Freddie: I'm not wrong.

Thomas: I can even do dad. (Thomas in Kevin voice) I'm Kevin Lee the always serious dad with no funny bone.

(Timmy, Mark, and Freddie looking behind Thomas to see Kevin and Isabelle)

Thomas: (Thomas in Kevin voice) His right behind isn't he.

Kevin: Thomas do you remember the things I asked you to do today.

Thomas: Do the grass and wash the clothes.

Kevin: Did you do them?

Thomas: I forgot to do the grass but I washed the clothes.

Kevin: Did set the washing machine as I told you.

Thomas: No, but what's wrong with that?

(All of them hearing the washing breaking)

Timmy: That's probably the reason.

(a hour later minutes later)

(Lee family sitting in the living room)

(Kevin ending his phone call)

Isabelle: What did insurance's company say?

Kevin: They say we are not insured because it says on instructions to be careful with the settings and it will cost $250 to get another washing machine.

Thomas: Looks like we all washed out(laughs).

Kevin: This isn't funny Thomas is your fault for not following my instructions.

Thomas: Sorry dad I made mistakes.

Kevin: You will be 15 in a couple weeks Thomas, you can't keep making excuses. You have to act like a man and be responsible.

Thomas: Like when you cheated with my mom.

(All of them shocked)

Timmy: Thomas.

Kevin: Thomas I didn't mean to…

Thomas: I'll be in my room.

(Thomas walking up the stairs and Timmy following him)

Isabelle: He's just frustrated, Kevin.

Kevin: He's still not wrong.

(Timmy walking into Thomas room)

Timmy: Are your emotions in check?

Thomas: You can just "are you cool".

Timmy: Are you?

Thomas: I don't know , it just popped out

Timmy: Thomas you can't keep fighting like this, his father.

Thomas: Tell him that.

(Timmy coming up with a idea)

Family Group Building 

(Thomas and Timmy walking in)

Thomas: Timmy you said we were going somewhere cool.

Timmy: I did but I may have missed used the definition of cool.

(Kevin and Isabelle walking inside)

Thomas: Dad what are you doing here?

Kevin: Isabelle told me we were going to lunch.

Dr. Sam: I'm sorry they misled you.

(Dr. Sam walking in front if them)

Thomas: I'm guessing you are the waiter in fine restaurant.

Dr. Sam: It sounds as humorous as these two say. I'm Dr. Sam, a family therapist. Your brother and step mom contacted me to have a session.

Thomas: What?

Kevin: How could you two trick us?

Isabelle: I'm sorry dear but me and Timmy talked. We thought this helped with your problems.

Thomas: I think you mean his problems.

Timmy: Thomas is either this or keep arguing with dad until you are both old men.

Thomas: It depends on what noise technology they create in the future.

Timmy: Thomas.

Thomas: Fine I agree with some therapy.

Kevin: Me too.

Dr. Sam: This session will last a couple hours so you two go home if you want.

Isabelle: Get along you two.

Timmy: For all our sakes.

Session Room

(Dr. Sam sitting down in front of Thomas and Kevin)

Dr. Sam: Parent and child disagreement is perfectly normal for this type of circumstances.

Thomas: Looks like he hasn't met our family.

Kevin: Can you not make everything a joke?

Thomas: Sorry I'm  of a killjoy like you.

Dr. Sam: Let's just calm down and understand each other's perspective.

Kevin: How would we do that?

Dr. Sam: By using this pen and paper.

(Dr. Sam giving pen and paper to Kevin and Thomas)

Dr. Sam: Now draw how you view each other, let your imagination go free.

Thomas: One of reasons we here is because of my imagination (laughs)

Kevin: Do I even have to tell you that's not funny.

(Both of drawing)

Dr. Sam: Ok let's see them.

(Kevin showing his drawing as a clown)

Thomas: Well you are not first in one to tell me I'm a clown.

Kevin: That's a problem if you keep playing a clown people will think you are one.

Dr. Sam: Interesting view of your humor antics. Thomas you turn.

(Thomas showing his drawing of his dad as a two headed dragon)

Dr. Sam: It's seem you have unique art style.

Kevin: You think I'm a monster.

Thomas: No, it's a dragon.

Kevin: What's the difference?

Thomas: Well one head is you bossy me around and second one is one being calm.

Kevin: Why is the first head bigger than other one.

Thomas: Because you rarely cool, dad.

(Both of them arguing)

Dr. Sam: Well this will take a different step.

(Outside the building)

(Thomas left leg tied to Kevin's right leg)

Kevin: What is this?

Dr. Sam: This exercise will help you two work together in a difficult situation. You both have to move at the same time and walk over to me.

Kevin: Ok let's hop every time I say go.

Thomas: Let's hop and roll.

Kevin: Just say ok.

Thomas: Ok.

(Both of them getting ready)

Kevin: Go.

(Both of them falling to the ground)

Kevin: What happened to move on go?

Thomas: I thought you met 1,2,3 go.

Kevin: If that's what I meant I would have said that.

Thomas: Well if you give clearer instructions we wouldn't be here and we still have a washing machine.

(Both of them arguing on the ground)

Dr. Sam: Oh dear.

(Few hours later)

(Timmy walking in family group building)

(Dr. Sam walking in front of Timmy)

Timmy: Hello Dr. Sam, I'm checking in on my half brother and father.

Dr. Sam: We hit a stopping point.

(Thomas and Kevin walking out with messing clothes)

Timmy: What happened?

Dr. Sam: I tried to make them work together by making them help eat soup. It didn't go well.

Kevin: Do you like making me look like a fool?

Thomas: You don't need to help me do that old man.

Kevin: Old man!

(Both them arguing)

Dr. Sam: I never seen this before, I can't tell if they hate each other or just crazy.

Timmy: Ok that this is enough.

(Both of them stop arguing)

Timmy: I'm very disappointed that my father and older half brother would act so immature. Dad I know Thomas can be a lot to handle but he's your son and you should be able too understand him more. And Thomas I know you hate dad for cheating with your mom but you should know he still cares for you.

Thomas: I don't hate dad, I hate myself for almost hating him.

Kevin: What?

Thomas: Dad you're a great man with a good heart but there's a part of me that will never forgive you for cheating on mom and because of that feeling I blamed you for her getting sick.

Kevin: Thomas…

Thomas: I know what you're going to say. I'm a horrible person and son for thinking that.

Kevin: You're not a bad son, you're a good one and I always care about your mother. 

Thomas: Then why are you always getting mad when I mess up?

Kevin: Is because I know you can do better. You can be the best at anything you can try. I know that when I heard you first laugh when you were born.

Timmy: Like mimic the voices for an example.

Kevin: I love you son.

Thomas: I love you too dad.

(Both of them hugging)

Thomas: Come on, get in here.

Timmy: I am doing this so you two don't argue.

(Timmy joins the hug)

Dr. Sam: I know you both work this out for your own but you own for the hours I spend on you.

(Dr. Sam gives Kevin the bill)

Kevin: Looks like I'm going to break the bank for this one or totally destroy it.

Thomas: I get my jokes from dad.

Timmy: Of course he's our father.